Chapter 195 Sealing Fee

After having another meal, when Lao Bai left the market, he took a roadside bus.

He drove the fake jeep, the brand was taken off, and now there is only the car.

While leaving the car, he still had something to say: "After all, Mr. Yan has done a great job this time, so everyone thinks that this trophy should be handed over to Mr. Yan."

Hush money?
Yan Changqing was amused, it seems that everyone is going to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, and it is estimated that the remaining two liars will not be able to fall.

He didn't have any complaints about it, he bought such a jeep that looked good for one yuan and fifty cents, and made a profit!
Although there is no formality, but if you want to list, you will definitely be able to hang up.

But this car consumes too much gas, even if it is in good condition, it simply drinks gas.

And if you drive it, it feels similar to driving a tractor!
It should be said that Jeep is very popular now, and in people's eyes, Jeep's status is not comparable to that of ordinary cars.It's just that compared with the van, it's really a bit inferior.

In fact, the van is really good, small and exquisite, it can carry goods and people, and it can go anywhere.

And it has many advantages such as small blind area of ​​vision and low price.

So Yan Changqing drove home with a bun.

As for the jeep, he just inspected it, and the condition of the jeep is really good. Since it drives like a tractor, he should give it to Dad to drive.

Who made him reluctant to buy a motorcycle!


Li Xiuni has also been quite busy recently, and has no time to organize her gossip team at the entrance of the village.

There are too many chickens on the chicken farm. Although she asked someone to help, she was worried and stayed there all the time.

It was a little strange to see my son running over: "What are you doing here?"

Yan Changqing triumphantly announced: "Mom, I bought you a jeep. It's not a new car. It's very cheap. It's in the market now. It's fine if you don't know how to drive it. Let my dad drive it when he's free and put up a license plate. Let him drive you for fun in the future!"

"Where can we go for a run!" Li Xiuni said with a smile on her face. "The son is still filial, unlike your father, who only knows how to deal with his chickens. I guess I have forgotten where the house is!"

Yan Changqing took the opportunity to encourage her: "Why don't you learn how to drive, but if you want to learn, first use this van to learn..."

"I don't want to learn. If you give me a car, I can't drive it. I can't drive..." Although she was happy in her heart, Li Xiuni still didn't have much confidence in driving. Anyway, even if she went out, she would probably be accompanied by her son or husband, and she didn't need to drive by herself.

Yan Changqing persuaded her a few words, but continued to urge her baby: "Changpo is about to go to school, and it won't be fun when he grows up. Mom, when will you give me a younger brother?"

After finishing speaking, I drove in the car and ran, no matter what my mother said behind.


After returning to the winery, I started to put out the candles I brought back from the market.

One after another, in a long row.

That's right, he is planning to perform a unique skill at the May Day party: blowing out candles.

But it is definitely not the only program, the main reason is that I play the erhu too many times, so I plan to add a program at the end this time.

The erhu must still be performed. Just after the Spring Festival Gala, everyone’s voice is relatively loud, and they all want to listen to the erhu!


Yan Changqing felt at ease preparing for the show, but Yan Dahai's life was not easy.

Now when the chicken farm is busy, he can't go out, but his wife whispers in his ear again and again, which annoys him.

Not only muttering during the day, but also chanting at night.

He kept nagging for two days, so early in the morning, Yan Haihai didn't plan to let his son see him off, so he got on his bicycle, took his wife with a depressed face, and set off for the car.

When we arrived at the market, we chatted with people for a while.

The main reason is that these two people don't come out very often, and they don't leave the village at all if there is no major event, let alone go to the market.

It wasn't until Li Xiuni looked around her car and began to urge Yan Haihai that they set off.

On the way, Yan Haihai was still nagging: "Your son is too unreliable in his work. This car doesn't even have a formality, so let me go and list it."

Anyone who dares to talk about her son, Li Xiuni is in a hurry with anyone, even her son's father: "My son is much more reliable than you, and he will be fine if he says it. Besides, didn't Erhe and the others say it's okay just now? What are you afraid of? I'm not happy to let you drive there!"

Yan Dahai was depressed: "I'm not thinking that people can't have a little money, so they start to do things through connections and go through the back door, and you don't care about him. What will you do if you fail in the future?"

Li Xiuni refused to accept it: "He also knows how to give me a car to drive. Who in the village doesn't say that our son is filial. How bad can such a filial son be even if he learns badly?"

Yan Haihai was very speechless, so he stopped the topic in time to stop his loss, and if he continued, he probably wouldn't want to be quiet along the way.

Now he knows a lot, so he knows how to change the subject: "I'm going to the county to finish my work in a while, so go and make your hair look better! It's so popular now, curly hair..."

It's a pity that the topic change was unsuccessful, Li Xiuni sneered at what he said: "You should drive your car well! I'm worried about riding in your car."

Yan Haihai stopped talking, his driving skills were really average, that is, he only learned to drive at the request of his wife, and ended up taking his wife around the threshing field twice, and his wife thought he was not good at driving, so she stopped taking his car.

Later, he just went to the town, and only when the weather was bad would he open his son's buns.


Slowly, the small bread arrived at the place where the certificate was issued, and Yan Haihai was worried: "There is no formality, what should I say?"

"Didn't they explain everything to you at the market? Just say it's a car from the market, and just let you bring your ID card to go there..."

"This one……"

Li Xiuni was unhappy: "Then I'll go, anyway, my son said it was for my car, so I'll take my ID card."

Then he walked in with arrogance and arrogance.

Yan Haihai became even more depressed in the back.

You already thought so, right?Then you still let me get my ID card?

In fact, Li Xiuni wanted to use her own ID card from the beginning, after all, her son said she would give it to her.

It's just that she has never done this before, and she thinks it must be very troublesome to do this kind of thing, and she has to deal with many people, so she wants to let her husband do it.

But at the market at that time, everyone told the two of them that as long as they had their ID cards, she immediately felt that she could do it again!

Yan Haihai watched his wife walk in aggressively at first with her chest up and her head up, but as she walked, her pace became slower and slower, and she couldn't help laughing to herself, this is a powerful family...

He deliberately didn't go forward, he just waited for his wife to dare not ask him later, and when he came back to look for him, he would go out on his own.

Seeing Li Xiuni hesitantly looking here and there a few times, it seemed that he couldn't go up and ask, Yan Haihai was even happier, and he even stepped back on purpose.

In this way, when my wife turns her head to see that she is far away, according to her temperament, she will not call herself directly, but can only run back...

In the end, he didn't expect that Li Xiuni's determination was firmer today.

The main reason is that her son gave her the car. If she had registered her own name, after she went back, wouldn’t she be able to hold this certificate and tell everyone how filial her son is?
Just as she was looking around, a female worker over there just got up to pour water, and greeted her by the way: "Hey, what are you here for?"

When Li Xiuni was questioned, she could only bite the bullet and gestured with her ID card: "My son gave me the car, let me apply for the ID card and put a license plate on it."

The female worker was stunned, mainly because Li Xiuni had stopped doing farm work a long time ago, she had been pampered and respected for so long, and she had a good background, so she looked really young now.

Now the curious staff member didn't even bother to serve the tea, and leaned over here: "The car your son gave you? Is it a car? Do you have the procedures?"

Li Xiuni, who accidentally said what was in her heart, realized that what she should have said was not what she just said, and quickly explained: "It's a car from Taoshu Township Market, a jeep. They said that they can put a license plate on it when they come here."

"Taoshu Township Market? Jeep?" The female staff member was stunned for a moment, but then she came to her senses and put the tea aside without taking a second look. "You are Mr. Yan's mother? This way, this way!"

The enthusiastic attitude made Li Xiuni stunned.


Yan Haihai behind was dumbfounded, watching his wife being invited in - he was standing too far away, they ignored him.

Then he watched the staff serving tea and water, the service attitude was beyond words.

Not only that, but the female staff member handed over her wife's ID card to someone else, but she stayed behind and talked with her wife.

It is estimated that what he said was very interesting. After a while, Li Xiuni said that she was not nervous at all, and she laughed happily.

Then it was probably the female staff who asked, and Li Xiuni pointed in this direction.

The staff stood up and were about to come over, but Li Xiuni said a few more words and asked her to sit down again.

Not long after, someone over there brought over another document bag with the ID card on it.

The female staff gave Li Xiuni her ID card, and then began to take out the things in the file bag, explaining to them what kind of documents they were.

Yan Haihai was dumbfounded, and then realized that his son must have been involved again!

In fact, he was wrong, this time it really wasn't Yan Changqing's relationship, but after the two of them left, Chen Youliang called and said that it was Yan Changqing's parents who handled the permit.

When the female staff first saw Li Xiuni, she didn't expect that she was President Yan's mother, because although she knew that Yan was always a child prodigy, Li Xiuni looked a little too young.

Because of the origin of this car, the procedures are all prepared directly, just wait for an ID card to fill in the name.

The people in charge of applying for the license were all errands. Their boss's boss had just left the market and had witnessed Mr. Yan's prestige with his own eyes.

Unexpectedly, they called and said that it was Mr. Yan's parents who came, so they told him again.

Although these staff members don't know what happened, but their boss's boss attaches great importance to it. Can they have a bad attitude towards something that they specifically ordered?
(End of this chapter)

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