Chapter 196

Li Xiuni took the file bag, walked over happily, and rolled her eyes at Yan Haihai by the way: "Why are you so far away from me? You want to see my jokes! Hmph! Do you think I can't do anything without you? Look, everything is done, hmph!"

Two hums in a row made Yan Haihai very depressed: "It's not like your son is getting involved again!"

"That's because my son is amazing." Li Xiuni didn't think it was wrong, she was very proud. "Let's go, practice your driving skills well, don't drive a car faster than other people's bicycles in the future."

"Did you just say that you hated my hair for being ugly? Everyone said my hair was beautiful! They said my hair quality was particularly good. What are you doing? Go away..."

Yan Haihai finally remembered his doubts just now. He only saw the file bag and nothing else: "Where's the license plate? It's not here for listing, you take it here..."

"Everyone has already pressed it!" Li Xiuni tugged at him. "The person who came to handle the card is responsible for pressing it up. You just stand there stupidly. We have already fixed it for us. Go, don't embarrass me here!"

Do you still have this service?

When he came out, he saw that the license plate was pressed, Yan Dahai got into the car, and went home without saying a word.

Anyway, it didn't matter if he said something or not, and it didn't affect the person next to him who was a little excited to say it himself, and he didn't stop talking.

It sounds very comfortable, and it can make people not feel drowsy while driving, and avoid falling asleep while driving.

It's really thirty miles per hour, and the mood is free.

Walking halfway, the two people in the car saw a very familiar van coming from the opposite side.

He parked the car to the side, and the car on the other side also stopped.

Yan Changqing opened the window and asked, "Mom and Dad, why didn't you two call me when you came out? I happened to be going to the city to attend a party today. As a result, you two left early..."

Li Xiuni said angrily: "Your father said you were very busy, and he said that it would be convenient for him to take me by bike, just hang the bike on the back later."

Yan Changqing looked at his father with a stern face, and was secretly happy. It seemed that his father had suffered a lot: "It's good to hang up the card, please drive slowly, I have to leave quickly, or I won't be able to catch up with dinner at noon."

Li Xiuni waved her hand: "Slow down too, don't drive so fast. Go out and eat and drink..."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "I see, by the way, I may play there for two days this time, just call me if there is anything to do. I wish the director's phone number."

Li Xiuni agreed, and when she saw her son driving away, she turned her head and said, "If you leave, you can't drive faster, you won't be able to make time to go home and cook."

Discrimination is undisguised.


Yan Changqing arrived at Zhu Changsheng's house just in time for dinner.

While eating, Zhu Changsheng asked, "Do you think there will be more drama in this year's Spring Festival Gala?"

Yan Changqing didn't know either, and shook his head: "I'm not as well-informed as you. I don't have any news now!"

Zhu Changsheng had a face full of reverie: "I can't find out anything, I heard that our boss is also busy asking, haha, let's just wait for his news!"

In the past, the oil field never thought about being able to participate in the Spring Festival Gala. After all, the oil field's own work has nothing to do with it. The literature and art propaganda department has always only paid attention to publicity, not literature and art. That is to say, Zhu Changsheng has been busy and wants to do both well.

So it was a stroke of luck.

With the beginning of this time, people's ambitions spread like wanton weeds, making everyone start to think more.

Zhu Changsheng was just saying: "It would be great if I could go this year, the more things that show my face, the better!"

Zhu Xiaobin couldn't hold back: "I think the master will definitely go!"

He is more confident than Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing looked at this quite indifferently: this year he plans to be a sponsor of the Spring Festival Gala, and he will be the king of bids and take out advertisements!

The winery is preparing to launch the flagship 'Gaosheng' series of wines this year.

Of course, it can't be called so explicit. In fact, the word "Bubu Gaosheng" is printed, but the word "Bubu" is a little low-key, and the word "Gaosheng" is a little more high-key.

In fact, Yan Changqing does not recommend that ordinary people buy this series of wine, he himself thinks the price is a bit outrageous.

If it was all brewed by him himself, then this price is not a big deal.However, he himself is too busy, and it is too hard, so most of them are brewed under his 'guidance', and it is also mixed with puree wine purchased from other houses...

In short, the quality of the current highest-priced wine is different from that of the winery's mid-range Backgammon series, but it is not as big as he originally planned.

However, he is quite confident at the moment, as long as he can hit it off this time, it will be stable.

He can't tell Zhu Changsheng about this now, except for the fact that he mentioned it to Chen Youliang before, no one else knows about it.

To seize the opportunity, keep it a secret.

And sometimes it depends on the market.

The current economic development is getting better every year, which means that the current market is not yet at the time when Qin Chi's annual sales are one billion, and the situation on CCTV is not even sure.

He was afraid that it would be too early for him to talk about it, and if people found out, he would follow suit and grab his own advertisement.


The matter of the Spring Festival Gala is uncertain, but the matter of tonight is still very certain.

Yan Changqing's evening show was the finale, because he went to the Spring Festival Gala and made a name for the oil field. He has made the most contribution this year.

In other words, how lucky is the oil field. An ordinary small party can still have a show for the Spring Festival Gala. Who would have any objection to this kind of show as the finale?

But when the show started, everyone was a little surprised when they saw the staff pushing up the shelves one by one with neatly arranged candles.

And the candles were all lit.

Isn't it performing erhu?Here's what to do.

Then I saw the staff put the shelf into a big square frame and circled Yan Changqing inside, and everyone immediately 'understood': this is to create an atmosphere!

If so, after setting up the candles, Yan Changqing was ready to perform.

Just one sound came out, and someone whispered: "There is no upper limit to the level of our little artist. Every time I listen to it, I feel better than before..."

After just saying one sentence, I don't want to say more, so as not to delay listening to the erhu.

It really sounds good.

It is obviously an erhu, but it makes people seem to hear the sound of children playing by the river, on the campus, and at the gate after school;

Then the tune was melodious, and people seemed to hear the cry of cuckoos in the sky, saw the endless harvest of wheat fields below, and heard the laughter of farmers;
Unknowingly, the tune changed again, and everyone seemed to see the workers shouting heartily after a major project breakthrough in the factory...

When the erhu sounds ended, everyone smiled and started applauding in unison.

Highlight a joy, joy of gathering together!
Yan Changqing hadn't finished his performance yet. When everyone's applause died down, he put the erhu aside, smiled and waved to everyone, and pointed to the candle next to him.

The applause gradually stopped, and many people still asked: "Is there still a show? What is the show, so many candles?"

"I don't know, just wait and see!"

"Yes, let's get started!"

Yan Changqing saw that everyone was ready, so he said with a smile: "Next, I will perform another one for everyone, let's blow the air!"

"What? Blow the air?"

"What blows the air?"

Blowing the air means bragging in the local dialect.

But the staff of the oilfield come from all over the country.

Of course, if you have been here for a long time, you will know it naturally. When you hear that there is going to be a performance of blowing air, you can't figure out what the relationship between blowing air and candles is.

As for those who came here for a short time, they didn't know what blowing air was at all, and they were even more confused.

I heard Yan Changqing continue to say: "Everyone is watching, this grand performance is..."

Having said that, he walked towards the row of candles in front of him.

Then I took a deep breath, and then blew on the burning candle in front of me, and blew as I walked, faster and faster, and kept blowing.

The candles went out one after another, and everyone began to be a little surprised,
But looking at the trotting figure blowing out his mouth all the time, he thought of the blowing air he just said...

I couldn't help but smiled, and then someone started laughing out loud...

Because the erhu performance just now made everyone feel very happy, and thinking about it, this little artist who has been to the Spring Festival Gala actually performed this...

When Yan Changqing turned around at the end, the scene became even more joyful.

Although everyone knows that this is not a small difficulty, after all, I have been blowing so many candles non-stop.

But it's just fun, I think it's really fun.

Usually, there are not many novelty programs in the oil field. This playful program somehow made everyone happier than before.

It's probably the kind, the kind when people see Zhou Xingxing's movie for the first time, although they think it's a bit nonsensical, they really can't help laughing.

In fact, after thinking about it, I also felt that it was very connotative, but at the time, I just smiled.

Just like now, everyone ignores the difficulty of this performance, only laughing.

Laughed and started clapping, clapping, applause accompanied by laughter, unprecedented happiness.

The atmosphere has never been better. There are so many evening parties in the oil field, and there are not many programs like this that can make everyone laugh.

Yan Changqing was still on the top, and shouted into the microphone: "This is the end of the blowing performance! Thank you everyone!"

Then he solemnly bowed and called the curtain call, which caused even louder applause and laughter!

The party was over, and many people were still laughing foolishly.

Some had just finished laughing and stopped with difficulty. They clutched their stomachs and just took a breath when they saw Yan Changqing coming out with the erhu in hand, so they couldn't help but want to laugh again.

I think this little program added at the end is really fun!

Even those who are usually serious people can't help but want to laugh.

Yan Changqing was quite satisfied, he didn't feel that he was acting ugly or something, man, what do you think about so much, just be happy.

Still the same sentence, the more sand sculptures, the more fun!
Anyway, he felt that the performance was quite successful.

At this moment, there are still people in the backstage. A group of people are lighting candles, probably trying to see if they can blow them out in one breath.

Soon after blowing their eyes with stars, they will understand that if they want to blow up the atmosphere, they will not be able to do without some strength.


 Thanks to "Book Friends 20220812183836149" and "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Today's three changes are over!

(End of this chapter)

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