Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 197 The most difficult student in the capital

Chapter 197 The most difficult student in the capital
Zhu Xiaobin is about to enter the junior high school exam. At the critical moment of study, his father will not take him to travel during the holidays.

But he can still relax for a while, so that he can continue his favorite martial arts practice.

Mainly, Yan Changqing happened to have some time on May [-]st, so he was still ready to give him some advice.

In the end, I went to ask for the key to the school activity room, and when I opened the door, a large group of people came—the students who used to participate in the activity performances, some of whom were already in junior high school, and now it was the holiday, and they all came to join in the fun and learn.

Yan Changqing happens to have teaching skills, so it doesn't matter how many people come.

Junior high school students, in the future the senior high school entrance examination will take the physical education test. These guys don't necessarily listen to the teacher in physical education class, but they especially listen to him here.

In fact, it is quite easy to teach, and those who come here are those who love martial arts and can persevere.

Why do teachers like good students, because good students save energy and give people a sense of accomplishment.

These students have good and bad studies in culture, but in Yan Changqing's place, they are all good students.

The physical education teacher in the middle who is fairly familiar with Yan Changqing also came. Li Dongning looked at it for a while, then wondered: "Why do I feel that the movements you instructed are not up to standard, but the effect is quite good. If you continue to practice like this, it won't affect you. Until they develop??"

The physical education teacher is also a professional, and he knows whether the standard of movement is standard or not. Anyway, the two of them are not strangers, so if you have any questions, just ask.

Yan Changqing reassured him: "No problem, the possible movements I pointed out are not as standard as those in the textbook, but they are definitely beneficial and not harmful."

"Everyone's body has slight differences. I teach students according to their aptitude. I not only learn martial arts, but also medicine. I know the human body better than you. I will definitely not teach them badly."

Li Dongning didn't believe it: "Are you still studying medicine?"

He knew that Yan Changqing got into the oil field by relying on the erhu, and then went on to run a market, run a winery and practice martial arts. He was so busy, how could he still have time to study medicine?

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Come and let me give you a pulse, maybe you doubt it."

After a while, he said with a smile: "Ms. Li, have you been anxious recently?"

Hearing a few more casual remarks about his status, Li Dongning pondered for a moment: "It seems a little bit, but I'm usually busy, so I don't have time to think about other things. Is this not a disease?"

Yan Changqing haha: "It's time to find a wife! It's not good to hold back for a long time."

The face of Li Dongning's young man was red at that time: "Go, go, there is no such reason as you said, what do you know, kid, that, I have something else to do, let's talk about it later..."

run away.


Yan Changqing worked as a teacher for a day during the day, and at night, he went to the capital with his second uncle who rushed over.

Now the train is so inconvenient, there are few trains, just like the train from Xiyang City to the capital, there are only two trains, one takes nearly a day at night, and the other ghost knows where it goes, and it takes 24 hours a day to get to the capital not enough.

When they got into the car, Yan Changqing saw his second uncle looking around, and couldn't help whispering, "Don't worry, the money is under my feet, no one can take it away from me."

Yan Erhe took out a book from his pocket: "What do you know, I'm learning it!"


Uncle, don't scare me, okay?

Yan Changqing was startled, saying that he was reborn, it is inevitable that sometimes he will have such thoughts, maybe I am not the only one who is reborn.

So when he heard his second uncle talk about studying, he thought about it and asked tentatively, "Second uncle, do you know who sang the first snow in 2002?"

Yan Erhe glanced at him: "I don't like listening to songs, how would I know who sang them, I've never heard the name of the song!"

Well, it's confirmed, he hasn't heard it yet, but he used to like this song very much - to the point where he could sing it.

Yan Changqing was surprised when he heard his second uncle sing this song.Because apart from repairing cars, this person doesn't have any special hobbies, or he doesn't have any hobbies that he has persisted for a long time. Sometimes he would rather stand on the side of the road and watch people than do anything else.

As for learning, Yan Changqing was very skeptical. This might be the first time he heard this word from his second uncle in two lifetimes.

In Yan Changqing's doubtful life, Yan Erhe opened his book: "Look, what is written here, the characteristics of car bandits and road tyrants are firstly young men, secondly, they form gangs, and thirdly, they don't wear For large luggage, the fourth is that they don’t sit together after getting on the bus, and they like to be in the door or compartment opening, and the fifth is that they look around after getting on the bus..."

Yan Changqing saw that there were a lot of pinyin marks on it, and stretched out his hand to take the book speechlessly, and turned to the cover.

"Motor Vehicle Driver Traffic Safety Re-education Manual"

Turning over again, the catalog above contains various forms of car bandits and road tyrants, how to prevent and stop them, how to deal with car bandits and road tyrants, and so on.

It was even proposed that drivers on passenger cars must be equipped with safety equipment such as knives, guns, sticks, ropes and lime bags, otherwise they would not be allowed to go on the road.

A book that is quite contemporary.

Although it seems a bit outrageous.


Yan Changqing returned the book: "Second Uncle, just study as long as you study, don't look around, or you will be the object of suspicion."

Yan Erhe refused to accept: "It's not the doorway at both ends of the carriage that we sit in. Besides, it's only for the drivers. We have it in the cars in the market, but it's not for other people who don't drive."

Yan Changqing didn't argue with him, and encouraged him to study hard: "Then read carefully, and ask me if there are any words you don't know."

At any rate, this would allow him to know a few more words. It is said that he is also a genius. Some cars that come to the market from other places can be repaired even if he has never touched them before, but there are still a lot of words that he does not understand in the manual!
After hearing what his nephew had said, Yan Erhe stopped talking and continued to study with his head down.

I studied it with a flashlight, and I was very serious.

Yan Changqing hurriedly took pictures.


Actually nothing happened along the way.

When they arrived in the capital, Yan Changqing and his second uncle booked a hotel near Houhai, and then called Panghong, which roughly meant to ask him to help with the repair of the house.

Then he took his second uncle into his old house. Yan Erhe walked around the house and commented: "It's big enough. In the future, the whole family can come to play and live there. You can also build a small vegetable garden. Yes. But this house is too dilapidated..."

Then he thought about it and assured Yan Changqing: "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it a secret for you this time. When the house is repaired, you are willing to tell your family members and tell it yourself!"

His idea is quite simple. It is normal for a nephew to buy a house to settle in a place where his nephew may come frequently.

It’s okay to be bigger, there are more people to live in, and you can grow vegetables.

The house is a bit dilapidated for the time being, so I don't tell the family that it will be kept secret.

Very reasonable.

Others, Yan Erhe's opinion is: "It's pretty good, there are many restaurants nearby, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking."

As for Houhai after walking a few steps, in his eyes, it is a basic operation. They are all people who grew up by the small river in Dayanzhuang. It is not normal to buy a house close to the river, the river, and the sea. It is not worth mentioning. .


When Fat Hong arrived, he began to introduce Yan Changqing and the two: "This kind of house repair requires a professional engineering team. I can introduce it to you. You don't have to worry about the price and quality. Those in this line of work talk about Word of mouth, the capital is only this big, if the word of mouth is damaged, who will look for them in the future..."

Yan Changqing didn't want to talk about it by himself: "Brother Fat Hong, I really don't have time. Otherwise, you can help me get in touch and report to me later. I plan to build a yard first this year, so that it can live in. Do you think there is still time?"

"As long as there is only one yard, it must be in time, but I don't do this business! Or..."

"Don't, Brother Fat Hong, I'll just believe you. I really can't trust others, so you can just do me a favor. Anyway, you said, this business is word-of-mouth. If you have nothing to do, just come and take a look. I won't let you do it in vain." Busy, anyway, you often bring people to look at the house nearby, just by the way!"

Fat Hong hesitated for a moment, and then laughed: "Okay, brother, trust me, I have to give you face. Just wait a moment, I will contact you today to see, and when the time comes, I will first evaluate how much money is needed. You pay in advance Come on, leave the rest to me."

When Yan Changqing bought a house, he just said "I believe in you", and bought the house without saying anything.

Now I believe you once again, Fat Hong is a bit over the top, and he doesn't even say polite words.

But Yan Changqing didn't lie, he did trust this person more.

In addition to the fact that these intermediaries in the capital now rely on word of mouth, whether it's real estate or referrals, once something goes wrong, basically no one will dare to approach them.

Of course pure liars are the exception.

Another reason is that the person introduced by a small director at the TV station said at the time that this family is not simple, but he doesn't like to mix the system, so he came out to do this, and he wouldn't do it for a small profit. ruined the family's reputation.


In the evening, Fat Hong was in a hurry to find someone, and he didn't even stay to eat.

Yan Changqing came out with his second uncle, and Yan Erhe was very satisfied: "Not bad, it looks like there are more restaurants in this restaurant tonight, right?"

Over there is a bar!
Yan Changqing directly found an old shop, and the barbecue was served, eat it, don't talk about it.

Even though Yan Changqing felt that as a reborn person, he was considered wealthy now, so he didn't need to care about other people's eyes.

But the second uncle always made surprising remarks from time to time, and even he couldn't stand it.

After dinner, the two arrived at the beach for a walk. The second uncle looked at the signs prohibiting swimming and was puzzled: "Why don't you let it go to such a good place? It's not a waste!"

Yan Erhe didn't even have time to cover his face when an old man next to him answered, "That's right! You guys have eyes. Listen to your accent and you are from Yudong Province. Walk around. I'll take you to a place where they are all there." Playing while playing! There are too many people playing, so I can't control..."

This enthusiasm fully reflects the hospitality of the old capital people.

Yan Changqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry watching the old man and the second uncle walking and chatting, from swimming to fishing, they chatted quite speculatively.

Then there is a place where people are swimming.

This is May in Beijing, and the temperature is less than [-] degrees!
The old man pointed to a few people swimming and said: "This is the place, it's cold now, you can come and play when it's hot. Don't worry, there will be more people at that time, no one can control it."

When the two of them were about to go back to the hotel to sleep, the speculative old man who was chatting with Yan Erhe also left him an address, and told him that he would definitely go to find him next time he came, and that he could be a guide and take them to play.


The next day Yan Changqing went to the TV station again, and gave a few bottles of the Gaosheng wine he had brought to his acquaintances.

I only brought two boxes, so I really can’t give more.

By the way, I inquired about CCTV's current advertising prices, etc., and made a small note.

As for the Spring Festival Gala, the director has changed this year, and Director Yang doesn't care about it.

However, it is recommended that Yan Changqing continue to come in through the selection route, because it is easier to operate. Last year, Chen Tingzhu's identity at the time was to send the show, and the recommended ones were considered to be through selection, not special invitations.

Now the special invitations are all people from Xiangjiang Wanwan and other places. There are not many other people who have such qualifications. Even the nail households of the Spring Festival Gala are reported on the program according to the rules, let alone Yan Changqing who only participated in it. once.

That being the case, Yan Changqing decided to wait and see.

Go back and work on your own house first!
In the afternoon, Fat Hong took people to the house, and a group of people walked around watching and memorizing, and the results were not given until the third day.

Immediately, Yan Changqing quickly prepaid a part of the money, allowing them to start work as soon as possible.

And in the process, regardless of seniority, he tricked the second uncle out and asked him to buy a few newspapers for himself—he tried to suggest that the door be changed into a front room selling wine, which happened to be a big place behind. , can be used as a warehouse.

If it’s really not possible, you can build a small front room there. If you want to live here in the future, you can even put a public phone...

Yan Changqing insisted that this was where he stayed and lived.

You can wait until the next time you bring the money to buy the front house that sells liquor, and the public phone business will not last long, so there is no need to set up a small shop at the door of your own house.

In the future, real plug-in card public phones will be popularized, and then mobile phones will be popularized. Installing a public phone at home will not earn enough money to renovate the canteen!


There is something wrong in the capital, go home.

When I got home, I continued to work on my winery skills.

However, Yan Changqing found himself another difficult task. This time, he must teach his mother how to breathe.

Li Xiuni was still not happy: "Isn't this tormenting yourself? Who is still breathing, right?"

Yan Changqing didn't try to reason with her, and resorted to tricks: "Mom, if you don't learn, I won't eat today."

This trick was quite effective, and when Yan Changqing sat still at noon, expressing that he wanted to 'hunger strike', Li Xiuni gave in: "Okay, okay, you eat first, and I will learn from you after eating."

Yan Changqing won a big victory, and he didn't care about eating more. He only started his teaching after eating three bowls of rice, four servings of vegetables and six steamed buns. The teaching object was the most difficult student in his teaching career. none of them.

Because Li Xiuni always finds all kinds of reasons, she will go out to see the chickens in a while, or she can count the eggs, and she is willing to do other people's work.

Yan Haihai was watching the excitement, and scoffed at his son's suggestion to let him follow suit: "If you don't want to eat, don't eat. If you save it, I can eat two more bites!"

It is important to watch what to learn.

Seeing his son and his wife fighting wits and courage, one of them has to go on a 'hunger strike' every meal, and the other has to count eggs seven or eight times a day... He thinks this is a happy family.

The key came later, Yan Changqing asked to keep breathing like this every day.

It is okay to adjust breathing in a short period of time, but in the long run, it is tantamount to changing the instinctive habits of decades, which is too difficult.

Because we must always pay attention, before forming a new instinct, if we are not careful, we will return to the original habit.

Yan Changqing is patient, but Li Xiuni can't hold on anymore, she can't even go on a 'hunger strike': "Your father is right, if you don't want to eat, don't eat, we can eat more."

Yan Haihai smiled beside him, with a contented expression on his face, as if seeing the chickens in the chicken farm turned into phoenixes.

Yan Changqing still has a trick: "Mom, if you don't learn from me, I will roll on the ground! Roll now..."

Li Xiuni was so angry: "You..."

Yan Changqing has many tricks: "I'll put some pot bottom ash on my face and go out..."

This is even worse, as long as I am not embarrassed, it is someone else who is embarrassed.

The key point is that Li Xiuni brags about her son all day long, and she will not allow her son's "brilliant image" to be damaged.


It took more than half a month, during which Yan Changqing went on a 'hunger strike' [-] times, tried to roll over [-] times, and smeared pot ash on his face nine times.

Three of them have even been put into action and ready to go out...

The result was not bad. In the end, he finally completed the most difficult task in history, and taught his mother a simplified version of his current breathing skills—it was even harder than asking him to earn [-] million now.

There is no way to teach the simplified version. He thought it would be impossible once and for all. People who have not exercised can't learn his current breathing.

If I didn't teach before, it was because the teaching skills were too low and it took more effort.

Now the teaching skills have also improved to 90.00%, and it is more helpful to give pointers.

As for why it is initially completed, it is because the next step is to continue to persist until the learned breathing is completely formed into a new instinct.

If the mother gives up halfway, then Yan Changqing can only continue to think of the trick.


But I taught my mother alone, and the rest are easy to handle.

The one at home who watched the excitement, who had a very comfortable life recently, who was gloating from the sidelines for a whole week, who watched with a cold eye, who had nothing to do with himself, it's your turn!
This time, Yan Changqing didn't need to do it himself. At this moment, there was a person in the family who felt that he was about to achieve great martial arts, and urgently needed to show others the 'qigong' he had learned from his son.

There is an idiom called being a good teacher, which means that the best thing in the world is to be the teacher of others, because it is a very happy thing!

Yan Haihai looked at his son and sighed deeply, and seriously considered the issue of having a second child. It is better to practice a small account, the large account is useless, so I can't have it anymore!

Li Xiuni next to her slapped her and said, "Hurry up, you're so stupid, you can see that I know everything!"

Yan Haihai immediately abandoned other thoughts and concentrated on it—or at least pretended to concentrate on it.

But there was an incendiary person next to him: "Mom, look at my dad, what are you doing with his bulging stomach if you let him inhale, fooling you!"

The former Leziman, the owner of a chicken farm, finally understands a truth, Leziman is certainly happy, but if he becomes Lezi, he will never feel happy again!


Apart from his parents, Yan Changqing also plans to teach his grandparents, who are also difficult students.

But the level of difficulty is also graded, and my mother is at a particularly difficult level. In order to teach my mother, he will at least save a few tons of wine, worth several million.

Fortunately, it finally worked out, albeit temporarily.

Grandparents are different from mothers. They learn slowly because they are old.

The baby grandson is willing to accompany them, saying that he wants to teach them, no matter what it is, they are happy to cooperate.

Although it is difficult to learn, they never get tired of it and enjoy it every day. As long as Yan Changqing tells them, they are willing to learn slowly.

But now Yan Changqing looked at the calendar and found that he could only wait for a while for his teaching plan.

He must immediately prepare to set off with his uncle to Shanghai City - the stock market is about to lift the price limit, and the stocks in their hands can be sold.

 Thanks to the book friend '08a''GJeasby' for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Because I had something to go out yesterday, I will temporarily update [-] words today, please forgive me.If there is enough time in the evening, I will make up enough [-]D words, but it will probably be very late. Let's wait for the update tomorrow and watch it together.

  Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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