Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 198 The culture is less than 1 million

Chapter 198
24 solar terms, Xiaoman.

Good for traveling, opening, breaking ground.

This day was May 21, and the stock prices in Shanghai were completely released and began to soar.

When Yan Changqing set off from home in the morning, he saw that Erwa was not running and playing, but was putting on a shelf on the threshing floor to draw the scene of the village.

At that time, I felt very refreshed.

The child didn't show any talent before, and the parents at home didn't know how to train the child. The second child drew a picture at home and school from time to time. Do not show it to the family.

Or Yan Changqing, seeing that he really likes it, and seeing his current level, he should consider using some professional tools, such as drawing boards and larger drawing papers, to let him practice—and then provide him with these things.

Seeing that Erwa didn't waste the things he asked to buy for him, Yan Changqing praised him before continuing to set off.

But when he got on the train, he felt that the style of painting was a bit unexpected.

The second uncle should have finished studying the driver's re-education manual recently, and this time changed to a new book called "Cultural Journey".

Pirated books have large and thin handwriting, and the quality of the paper is not good, but it looks like a thick book. Probably the pirates think that this will make the book buyers think that the book is thick, and they can sell it for an extra [-] cents.

But Yan Changqing didn't pay attention to these, he was shouting in his heart.

Family members, who knows?
My second uncle actually watched Cultural Journey!

My second uncle, who didn't finish the second grade of primary school, is actually watching Cultural Journey!
Yan Changqing endured it for a long time, looked at the second uncle who was looking up the dictionary and reading, and finally couldn't help asking him: "Does it look good?"

"It's pretty!" Yan Erhe replied without raising his head. "It's very interesting. In this article, a Taoist priest enters a monk's temple and sells the contents cheaply. They are all cultural relics or something."

Yan Changqing waited for a long time, thinking that the second uncle would express some emotion, but the second uncle lowered his head and went to look through the dictionary again.

As a nephew, Yan Changqing knew the second uncle very well. He remembered this article, and doubted that the second uncle couldn't even write the word Dunhuang, even though he now marked it in pinyin.

He also wanted to hear his second uncle's impressions after reading it, but there was no more text. Now that his second uncle is as stable as Mount Tai, he was very uneasy: "What do you think of this kingly Taoist after reading it?"

"It's okay!" The second uncle said again, and continued to look up the dictionary.


Yan Changqing gave up. He understood that the second uncle probably read this book as a storybook and didn't think much about it.

He remembers the book starting to catch on at his high school when he was in high school.

Of course, they are all pirated copies, five yuan a copy, which is still a bit high in township high schools. Only a few students bought them, and they were circulated among the literature-loving students in several classes.

Yan Changqing read it because he really didn't want to listen to the lecture in class. At that time, he also felt that the writing was like a story, which was very good-looking.

I still remember this article "Taoist Tower", because this article will be remembered inexplicably, and it can be used to brag.

Now, it should be the reason of the market. Although most of the sports car owners are big and rough, everyone is improving, so this book, which was originally popular in Taoshu Township after a few years, came here ahead of time.

It should be a good thing!

Although many people, including most of the teachers in the school, should think that this is an idle book, it is always good to let people read more books.

Thinking about Erwa's learning to paint, and his mother thought it was doodles, Yan Changqing fell into deep thought.


What's more, the train went from dawn to dusk, stopping and going all the way, going and stopping.

When they arrived in Shanghai, the three of them took a rest before coming to the stock exchange. They were dumbfounded at the time.

It was so hot, it was just like Yan Changqing's memory of the grand occasion when eggs were on sale in the supermarket, everyone was shouting, crowding, waving banknotes or stocks, wanting to trade quickly.

This is the third day of letting go of the price, and it is also a day for the three of them to be dumbfounded.

Chen Youliang scratched his head and cursed in a low voice: "Is this thing a bit too hot? The price has risen so high, will it rise to the point where it can't go up, and it will fall so quickly?"

Yan Changqing agreed with his idea: "Find someone, let's start, the stocks have been emptied in the past two days."

Originally, Chen Youliang had suffered huge losses in the stock market, but now that he has several years of experience in the market, he began to feel that this game is very dangerous: "This time I emptied the stock, so don't play this game in the future, let me just watch it." People are not steadfast, there is no thing in the market that only rises but does not fall.”

"Maybe others feel that it's enough to make money now anyway, and run away when it falls." Yan Changqing replied. "Second Uncle, what are you doing?"

Yan Erhe looked at the bustling crowd, thinking about how to squeeze in: "Sell stocks! It's sold out early, and I have to go and see my house."

This time the three of them came and lived in the house bought by Chen Youliang.

He bought a three-bedroom and one living room in a relatively new community, fearing that it would not be enough to live in, so he bought two sets facing each other.

Yan Changqing bought a facade house, while Yan Erhe bought an old and run-down house, Mr. Chen was determined not to live in it—especially the latter, he put a lot of furniture in his house, just to let someone Regret buying old and worn out.

Today, I was in a hurry to get down to business first, came to the stock market, Yan Erhe hasn't visited his house yet!

Finding a manager when selling stocks can be regarded as the benefit of a large investor. Of course, it is inevitable to pay more handling fees and commissions.

After all, the stocks in the hands of the three people are a bit too much, and it is not realistic to squeeze them by themselves. Moreover, the three people don't understand the current situation at all. They don't know whether the large-scale trading will have any impact. Channel to get shot.

Of course, it may be that they are thinking too much, how many stocks do they have!

Look at the manager counting now: "Ten thousand, twenty thousand... forty... 120 million..."

Yan Erhe was a little puzzled: "It says 100 yuan on it, is it worth [-] yuan now?"

"Almost." The manager continued to count without looking up. "The stock price of Yuyuan, because when calculating the stock price before, the land value in the center of Shanghai was not included. Now the price is going up like crazy. You guys are very lucky to buy so much."

Chen Youliang said modestly: "It's not too good. When we bought it, the price had already risen, and no one sold it for 100 yuan."

"That's true." The manager lowered his head and continued to count. "Congratulations, you guys made a lot of money this time!"

In fact, it's not much, Yan Changqing probably earns about the same as buying subscription certificates.


In the next few days, the three of them thoroughly witnessed the madness of the stock market.

The stock in Yuyuan really rose to a price in the early [-]s, and all the stocks were skyrocketing.

The three people who speculated in stocks but had no sense of participation at all stood aside and watched the excitement, unable to do anything except express their emotions.

On the third day, when the price stabilized slightly, both Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang breathed a sigh of relief, and the stocks were sold out.

Seventy-eight million, less than one hundred million.

The three of them walked on the street and felt that their footsteps were floating.

Yan Erhe: "Have you made so much money? How can you make so much money? You didn't do anything, just because you spent some money in advance to buy some stocks and put them away, and now you have made so much money?"

Like a monk chanting scriptures, he kept asking.

Chen Youliang looked at the sky and the busy streets around him: "I don't know either, you ask your nephew."

Yan Changqing had already predicted it many times before, but now he has calmed down: "Anyway, I made money! Second Uncle, if you want to buy a house, how many sets will I give you?"

"That's what, you don't love people without merit." Yan Erhe shook his head after dragging a word. "What do I want to do with so many houses, I just need to live in some."

"You don't get paid for nothing, and you still look through the dictionary all day long!" Chen Youliang shook his head after hearing this. "You can't read it carefully. It's not embarrassing to say it after you remember it."

"Who did I lose!" Yan Erhe was always reasonable. "I'm at the level of the second grade in elementary school. Is it easy to learn a few words? If you can say a few words correctly, it's fine for you to understand. Pay attention to what you do."

Yan Changqing felt that this made sense, and almost gave him a thumbs up.

Chen Youliang was silent for a while, then turned his head: "Changqing, how much money are you going to ask for later? Anyway, I won't agree with you. It's too scary for you to do nothing. You earn tens of millions. My heart can't take it."

Yan Changqing felt it didn't matter: "You want as much as you like. If you don't need it, you can save it. If you want to buy something, you can buy it. If you don't want to buy it, you can put it away. The winery can't use so much, even if you go to the capital to advertise, you can't use it." .”

I really don't want to think about it anymore, I feel that I have lost a lot of regrets all of a sudden, anyway, the money must be enough now.


Chen Youliang didn't say much, the three of them walked to the bank of the Huangpu River and looked at the rushing water, but they didn't know what to think.

For Chen Youliang, the surprise was too great, and it would still be unacceptable.As far as Yan Erhe is concerned, the money is not mine anyway, as much as he wants.

Yan Changqing felt that he finally breathed a sigh of relief for his hard work in his previous life.

During the college entrance examination, he had bad luck. He didn't have any hope of reporting. He was confused and passed the cut-off line—the cut-off line in Yudong Province was more than 450 points back then.

But I was not lucky, there was no expansion of enrollment at that time, and this score was not a fart, and I didn’t learn.

I went to work to study the Legend of Yang Stock God, but when I got into the stock market, I lost my capital for many years.

No matter how hard I worked, I finally went back to my hometown to buy a house, only to find that I had caught up with a late-night market again, and the price was as high as hell, and the interest rate was even as high as [-]:[-].

It feels like he has been drifting with the tide all his life, but the waves ahead have swept away the fish and shrimps, leaving him with only mud and sand and dirty, fishy-smelling foam.

So he planned ahead to buy stocks and buy subscription certificates.

For money?

Now that the money is in hand, I feel that it is just like that!
Isn't it just 8000 million, that's all...

Well, it seems that there are not many.

On the other side of the river, if you go a little further, you can buy houses worth tens of thousands of dollars, and those that are so dilapidated that the sellers are embarrassed to come to you.


Yan Changqing suggested: "Let's go and buy a few more houses. Anyway, if you are idle, you are idle."

The next lottery date for the subscription certificate is June [-]nd. I have been busy for a few days, and I am free to go over there to see what the area looked like before it developed.

Chen Youliang thinks it is good: "How about I build a market branch here, where the goods are also complete, and build a bigger place. In the future, people will directly prepare the goods here, and the cars from the market will come directly to pull them, which can save a lot of time. .”

"And there's a market, let's try to bring some local products from Qing Province over here. Thousands of miles away, the things there are considered rare here, and maybe they can be sold! Erhe, count How about your [-]%?"

Yan Erhe didn't expect to have his own business: "I won't do it! I'm with us..."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Then it's settled."

Yan Erhe: "??"


The next three people had a lively discussion on the location of the market.

Chen Youliang thinks that it should be built in the west: "As long as it is close to the urban area, we are engaged in wholesale, so it doesn't matter. The west is more convenient for cars to go back and forth. If it is built in the east, it will take a lot of effort to go around the entire urban area."

Yan Erhe; "I think so too."

Yan Changqing: "I don't think it's necessary to do wholesale outside. The opposite side of the river is more suitable. In the future, our market can't just be domestic. It's close to the sea and convenient for shipping. Besides, it's quite cheap and suitable now."

Yan Erhe: "Changqing is right, he has a vision."

Chen Youliang ignored the foolishness, and turned to ask Yan Changqing: "Changqing, do you think our market can still go abroad?"

"There's nothing wrong with that. Others can exchange cans for planes, why can't we." Yan Changqing said. "Look, there are people in our market who have cars and have been running them for several years. Besides, you have money. Let's set a point here and study it later. It shouldn't be that complicated, right? It's nothing more than buying here and that. It's a side sale."

"It seems to be the same." Chen Youliang touched the stubble chins of the two days, his eyes were a little bright, and his mouth was fragrant. "What the hell, if we can also do business abroad, it would be a big deal, and it would be considered a glory for our ancestors!"

Now the country is short of foreign exchange. For enterprises and companies that can earn foreign exchange, all kinds of support, such as tax rebates, are pediatrics.

If you can do foreign business, that would be awesome.

Yan Changqing looked at his uncle with bright eyes, waiting for him to make a decision.

Then he turned around and left: "Let's go, go and ask what the regulations are for opening a market here. Let's buy land first, and then slowly send people here to lay the foundation first, and then consider going abroad."

After walking a few steps, I couldn't help but say again: "Foreign business, hey!"


Things are quite complicated, but the three of them are rich, and the string of numbers on the account gives them full confidence.

After they explained their purpose clearly, before the staff could speak, a person who seemed to be in charge pointed out, "You guys are taking a big step."

Turning around while speaking, holding a small wooden stick: "Look, from you, Taoshu Township Market, right? From there directly to here, the distance is too long, you must be more aware of the dangers on the road."

"So my suggestion is that you first choose a place to transfer in the middle, and then consider this place. This is Shanghai City, and the land price is not cheap. If you buy land here first, when you find out that you need a transfer point, you will have no money to build it. , that would easily put the entire company in trouble..."

Chen Youliang said: "Don't worry about this for now, we just sold the 300 million shares we bought the year before last."

"The year before last?" The staff next to him said with emotion. "I bought it for so long before selling it!"

"Everyone, this way please." The staff member who was feeling emotional was pulled aside by the manager, and then the manager threw away the wooden stick and made a gesture of invitation.

"My surname is Zhu, Zhu Taichen. Where are the three of you considering establishing this market? Come and see, the price of land here, here, is very cheap..."


By the time the subscription certificate was drawn, the three of them had basically finished the matter.

The rest is to wait for the formalities, and then you can send people here, but what Zhu Taichen said is very reasonable, there are still one or two points missing in the middle.

Two points are the best, because the driver will not be tired, and can completely avoid the last section of the road at night, which is safer.

But there is no rush, on the way back, bring money and just buy it.

The location is easy to choose. Calculate the total distance and divide it into an average point. For example, when you go back, go to Jingnan City first, and then buy a piece of land.

I didn’t think about it at first, but now that I think about it, I should have done this a long time ago. In places far away, transfer stations are set up along the way. Even if they don’t do trade, they only station a group of people to let everyone rest at ease. It is also worth it.


Because of thinking too much and planning too much, the three of them didn't pay much attention to the next lottery.

Although the winning rate this time is almost half.


Just do the math, this trip, the money in the account has a small goal.


Then buy a car, which is the kind of jeep that Li Xiuni thinks is better than the jeep back home.

Bringing money, the three of them set off.

According to the plan, first go to Jingnan City and buy a large piece of land.

Then go ahead and buy again.

The weather was already hot, and the three of them drove an air-conditioned Mitsubishi Pajero, completely ignoring the scorching sun.

Of course, Yan Changqing didn't care at first, mainly because those two people were full of praise for this car worth buying a small piece of land along the way.


Thinking of the big plans for the future, Chen Youliang was full of energy: "I thought the market was coming to an end, but I didn't expect to come out for a trip and change my mind. This prospect is promising!"

"I never felt that the market was coming to an end." Yan Erhe plausibly said that now he likes bickering and finds it very interesting. "Seven pounds of ideas, can there be any bad things?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Chen Youliang didn't want to talk to this person. "Changqing, if we do this, we can't just do one line! At least a few more lines will be built to cover the areas that can now be covered, and the transfer stations will be built. The people who stay behind in each place can dig deep into the local market. ..."

Yan Changqing nodded: "That's right! That's because the market is a bit mature now, so we can do this. If it had been earlier, we wouldn't have been able to allocate manpower."

"And your wine." Chen Youliang smiled triumphantly. "In the future, we can also use this channel to directly sell the goods to the transfer station, and then after a dozen advertisements, we can just wait for the money to be collected!"

It makes sense!
 Thanks to the book friend "Apprentice 1993" for the reward, thank you for your support!

  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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