Chapter 200 Too Much Planning
There were three people when we went, and two cars came back.

When he arrived at the market in Taoshu Township, Yan Changqing did one thing. He found a piece of rice paper and wrote the words 'Study House', and he planned to leave the rest to his second uncle.

For example, find a small warehouse, make a few wooden shelves, put books on them, put the words "reading house" on a plaque, hang it on the door, and so on.

When Yan Changqing drove to the village, he turned a corner and found the village head Yang.

Without beating around the bush, he said directly: "Major Yang, I have two things to ask for your help. One is to apply for the operation of a bus. This bus is going to take the route from Dayanzhuang to Taoshu Township Market in the future."

Township head Yang nodded: "That's simple. The county has no plan to open buses to the countryside. You are doing this for everyone's convenience. It's very easy to handle. In fact, it's okay if you don't approve it. Who cares about the internal use of your company's cars?" Got it. What about the second one?"

"Build the road, from the winery to the town. It may be difficult to repair it immediately. There is a lot of work in the field now, so it can't occupy the road. What I mean is to expand it first, and expand it to a width that can accommodate two large cars side by side. Roads. Those villages along the way need to be relocated, or occupy part of the farmland, and I hope the township will come forward.”

Township Chief Yang thought about it for a while: "It's not difficult, it's just a matter of sending more people. But you know the situation in the township, your taxes are said to go to the township, and we didn't pay a few cents!"

"You come forward, and I will pay. Let my people do the work, and you are responsible for solving all the troubles on the way."

Township Chief Yang nodded: "Okay! I'll make a report first, and then hold a mobilization meeting. You are here to wait for my news. Don't show up for the early stage."

"Okay!" Yan Changqing also meant the same thing.

Road construction is a very troublesome thing, and the most troublesome thing is expansion.

From Dayanzhuang to the town, there are several villages passing through along the way, and two of them, the road basically comes directly from the village.

If you want to expand the road, you need to occupy the land of these villages, and you have to demolish some buildings close to the road, such as small toilets and melon sheds, etc. All of these need to deal with various villages.

If you go to Dayanzhuang, will you meet the kind of people who say that you build roads for the convenience of everyone and have nothing to do with me. Anyway, you have money, you occupy my land and destroy my fields, and I will not do it without tens of thousands... .

Call them one by one?

It's obviously a good thing, why do you act like you are domineering!
It only takes a few people from the village to come forward. They went to pick up the person in charge of the village and pointed out: "The village needs to build roads. Your village is responsible for transplanting the trees on these two sides to here and here, and then filling the ditches. Take care of the meal next time, come out and work!"

No matter how reluctant you are, you have to do it.

This is called apportionment.


There is no such thing as occupying some land, or demolishing a few small broken houses, and then you have to pay compensation-you can continue to build on the new roadside, anyway, just finish the tasks entrusted to you within the deadline.

Apportionment can make people change their faces, but sometimes it is used to do good deeds, and someone will supervise it. As long as the process is not so rough, it can also become a good deed.

And there are no people who still think about how much money you have to pay me, they only think about how many meals this time, and whether there can be meat in the meal.

After all, for so many years, it is normal to share work, and it is very good to manage meals. Of course, meat is even better.

That's the way things are these days, and you can save yourself a lot of trouble if you don't give people the chance to have certain ideas.

As for the aftermath, according to the situation, how much farmland is occupied, and then the final compensation will be unified.

This compensation will not be paid, and the villagers can directly register the occupied land for their affairs. At that time, the public grain that needs to be paid for this part of the land can be reserved at that time, so that people have no worries.

Including some demolished buildings, etc., depending on the situation, one or several years of public grain withdrawal will be exempted at that time, which is compensation.

As for the lack of harvest in the township, whether the township will embezzle part of it from other places to make up for it, or whether Yan Changqing is willing to pay part of the money to make up for it, it doesn't matter, and the township head Yang himself doesn't care.

It's a bit complicated to say, but it's mainly about the affairs of the village. Sometimes "good business and good quantity" can't be done well.


Then Yan Changqing returned to the village and talked with the village chief Yan Xingwang: "Both the school and the village need to build a library, and the house should be spacious and bright, especially in the school. At least one to two classes of students should be guaranteed to go in. Not crowded when reading books."

Yan Xingwang waved his hand: "The small matter of building a few houses must be done well during the summer vacation."

Yan Changqing had a request: "I'll discuss it with Principal Shen later, and let's do it directly, without going into approval or anything."

Yan Xingwang expressed his understanding: "Then don't go, I just want to discuss with Principal Shen to see where the cover is suitable, just talk to him directly."

This brings up another issue. Donating to schools is a good thing, but building construction in schools requires approval and supervision, and a series of complicated procedures—it cannot be approved by the township, and you need to go to the county.

Although the winery is not afraid of trouble, Yan Changqing is not used to some things in the county, and he doesn't want to give them the opportunity to reach out and be interrupted again-up to now, the teachers' salaries in primary schools are still paid by the village Woolen cloth!
To put it more bluntly, there may be people who are tempted. Shenmiao Primary School is a small rural school, and it was built so that others can't see it.Anyway, you donate money to help students, build everywhere, why don't you give it to some elementary schools in the county?
Yan Changqing was too lazy to deal with these people, especially some people, even if they were beaten, their hands would be dirty.

The taxes paid by the market and the winery in the past two years are enough to build as many primary schools as many teachers, but the teachers of Shenmiao Primary School, if the head of the village did not take care of this 'nosy', they still have to rely on love to generate electricity .

To put it bluntly, with so many official cars in the county, buying one less car can solve many problems.

Just do it directly, whoever wants to do more later, it's really a fight.You can say that everyone's legal awareness is not strong enough. In short, everyone still has simple values. Things like building bridges, paving roads and building schools are naturally on the side of reason.

At that time, there is no need to give them face. Whoever wants to criticize, it is reasonable to go directly to the gate of his unit and beat them. Why bother with them in advance.

Choose the easiest way and do it well.


There are still many things that need to be done.

For example, Yan Changqing plans to subsidize the Shenmiao Clinic to expand Dr. Shen's family clinic.

I also want to do some greening for the winery, and consider starting to implement my own sculpture plan.

There are too many ideas, all have to be taken step by step.

So after Yan Changqing finished moving his mouth, he took his grandparents to sit by the woods in the threshing field, taught them how to breathe, and supervised his parents by the way.

With so many things to do, of course they all have to be handed over to others, how can I be so busy by myself.

Really busy, grandparents felt embarrassed: "Qijin, if you have something to do, you can go first, and we are not in a hurry."

"Things are endless." Yan Changqing waved his hand and told the village chief to leave quickly. "It's all small things. Our village chief just likes to say a few more words, so it's nothing serious."

The old man Yan Xingwang really came to report on big and small things, which was very annoying. Do we still need to discuss the location of a library in the village?Just find any land that is not in the way, even if it takes up a few acres of land, go back and report it to the village, and the village will not refuse to approve it.

As a result, not long after Yan Xingwang left, Principal Shen ran over: "Student Yan Changqing, thank you..."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Don't thank me, Principal Shen, please work hard, go to the winery's financial department to get 2 yuan, and see what to add to the school. If you don't have anything to add, just buy homework books and pencil erasers. Send it out when school starts."

Principal Shen couldn't care less about being reserved: "Don't worry, I'm sure every penny will be spent wisely, and the account book will be handed over to you after the money is spent."

Yan Changqing was very happy, the money was given to Principal Shen to reassure him, anyway, the old man has never been ambiguous about his school affairs.


I never engaged in road construction and student aid before, not because I didn't have enough money at that time.

Now a lot of things, the cost is not high.The reason why I didn't do it was because I was afraid of trouble.

The big tree attracts the wind, and there are always people who eat the bear's heart and leopard's courage, and want to "beat the autumn wind" everywhere.

Don’t underestimate those who fight the autumn wind. Those who have experienced it all know it. It is not uncommon to see people who are struggling with all kinds of autumn winds and cannot continue to operate. It is not uncommon nowadays.

However, after experiencing the "cheater inspection" incident, Yan Changqing felt that he could start to do some things he wanted to do.

There is nothing more memorable than the bloody reality.


Others are busy with other things outside, so Yan Changqing can concentrate on his own affairs.

In addition to working in the winery and teaching his family members how to breathe, he also started to teach his parents some ways to strengthen their bodies.

It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to practice kung fu. Now the work of chicken farms in the farmland is hired by people, and there is less pure physical work. It's time to consider keeping in good health.

A simple kung fu similar to Tai Chi, when grandparents practiced it under the shade of the tree next to the threshing field with a smile, some old men and women came to follow and gesture.

On the side of the chicken farm, there was a large group of women and their mothers, laughing and gesticulating.

Anyone who is willing to learn is fine, it is better than idle gossip.

In the past, I was worried every day that I would not be able to deliver the public grain and the remaining cotton and tobacco leaves, but now I don’t worry about it, and the big deal is to pay the money.

As people become more and more lazy, those lands are beginning to be grouped together. Everyone knows how many lands there are in total. It is easy to plant and harvest together, and finally divide the harvested things according to the area of ​​​​the land.

At present, Yan Changqing feels that the biggest problem is the lack of people. If there is a person with management ability, he can set up a small agricultural company and cultivate all the land in the village together.

But at present, if there are such people, it is most suitable to put them in the market, because no matter how well managed the farmland is today, it is unlikely to make money.


In addition, Yan Changqing also sorted out his skills.

Now as long as he can use it, he doesn't mind having multiple skills on his little jade plate, including book classification management, etc., which may not be used often.

It doesn't matter, as long as it can be used now.

After buying so many books, as long as I have relevant skills when I read them, I will click on those who can become skills. It is nothing more than putting aside these "leisure" skills and using them when they can be used.

I don't want to be able to specialize, anyway, it doesn't hinder anything if there are too many.


Considering that there are no restrictions on the small jade plate anyway, Yan Changqing even refined the classification of wine-making skills when brewing wine in the winery.

From grain selection and soaking to steaming, mixing koji and cellaring to distillation, each step forms a small skill, which is uniformly divided into winemaking skills.

Even so, he wasn't satisfied.

He also picked up his planting skills again.

Brewing needs food, and the people in the village keep their own seeds for growing food, and the industry of selling food seeds has not yet emerged.

Even if the food seed industry rises in a few years, he does not intend to consider buying seeds.

It's not about money.

At the beginning, everyone thought that buying seeds was a good thing, after all, it could increase production, but after buying them for a few years, they had to buy them every year.

This model may increase production, but Yan Changqing feels that he has the skills to slowly cultivate seeds by himself, and sooner or later the production will also increase.

As for the changes in farmers’ lives by buying seeds to increase yields, think about what to do, and plant whatever you want. There are too few lands in the surrounding villages, and no one can make a fortune by farming a little bit of their own land.


Just like Yan Changqing said to his grandparents, as long as he wants to find something to do, there will be endless things to do.

The bus from the market to Dayanzhuang is open. It departs from Dayanzhuang every day after breakfast, returns from the market before lunch, takes a rest after lunch, and returns before dinner.

The happiest people are the people in several villages near Yanzhuang. Now the fare is [-] cents to get on the bus, and children are free-everyone, no matter where they get on the bus.

Originally, Yan Changqing considered saying that the people of Dayan Village didn’t charge any fees. In other places, those who do business in the market, those who work in the winery, and their family members don’t charge any fees.

But the old man Yan Xingwang just heard his idea and objected: "The people who rely on the winery in the market to work are not short of a dime. If you do what you do, how much trouble will be caused to the people on the bus!"

Yan Changqing suspected that the old man had an idea: "Do you want your own people to drive?"

The old man is very anxious now: "Do I have that spare time? Now my relatives can't find a spare person to be a driver. You can find whoever you want, anyway, just don't look for me. I'm not talking about you, you don't have a driver." easy to find."

Yan Changqing didn't believe it, but it turned out that it was true.

Of course, you can't find a second knife to do it for a passenger car, but all good drivers have gone to the big bus, and who is willing to go around the countryside all day.

In the end, Yan Erhe came out and finally found two older drivers. After several years of driving, his body was not strong enough to continue running long distances. Let them take turns to go around the village!

It can save trouble by collecting a dime uniformly, so put a coin box on the bus, and the people who get on the bus put a dime in it by themselves. One driver is enough, and there is no need for a special fee.


Just when Yan Changqing had arranged everything and An Xin was brushing up his skills at the winery, a call came from the oil field.

Zhu Changsheng was very happy: "Changqing, there is something good! Great thing."

Yan Changqing was stunned: "What a good thing"

"Then I have to talk about how petty the province is." Zhu Changsheng said with a smile after a few unfriendly words appeared in his tone. "They didn't let us go, but this year's Spring Festival Gala will be reformed, and there must be no shortage of ethnic musical instruments, and this year's program collection has also been relaxed. Assistant Chen called and said, let us just apply."

Yan Changqing was dumbfounded: "Us? The Chinese Orchestra of the Oilfield Literature and Art Propaganda Department?"

"Yes!" Zhu Changsheng was full of confidence. "We have you!"

Yan Changqing carefully calculated the people in the oilfield literature and art department, and felt that the orchestra in this department has rich experience in performing in the family, has excellent teamwork experience and centripetal force, has an extremely luxurious lineup, and is absolutely excellent. team.

Put it in any city park, it is an excellent middle-aged and elderly band that should not be underestimated.

Coupled with his strong strength, as long as he can go to the Spring Festival Gala...

Yan Changqing and Zhu Changsheng didn't come out either, and said directly: "Uncle Zhu, if our team is strong, if we go to the Spring Festival Gala, it won't be a slap in the face to the major orchestras in other big cities, it's a slap in the face to them. Did you wipe the floor down?"

Zhu Changsheng chuckled: "I guess you think so, so we thought about it and planned to gather a few more people from the brother unit Changqing to form a band that can see the past."

The oil fields of Changqing Oilfield are relatively scattered, but the headquarters is in Chang'an City, which is about [-] kilometers away from Yudong Oilfield, so it can be regarded as a neighbor after all.

Yan Changqing was speechless. He thought he was borrowing from other units in the city, but he didn't expect it to be across provinces.

But thinking about the division of mountain tops these days, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

No, as a person from the oil field, of course I have to have a sense of honor as an oil field person, why would I want to borrow an outsider!


So a few days later, Yan Changqing met the people from Changqing Oilfield who were preparing to form a band.

At that time his eyes were straight!
Dagu, suona, huqin, flute, xiao, sheng, cucurbit silk, etc. Most of these are familiar and can be called by name, which is not unusual.

There are also Zhongruan, Dongbula, Dutar, Tanboer, Aijiejie and other ordinary people who can know each other when they meet, but those who are not professional can hardly be called by name.

Coupled with the guzheng from our own literature and art department, it is basically a display of national musical instruments.

Thinking that this show is called ethnic musical instruments performance, as long as you bring your own people, the lineup looks like pure ethnic musical instruments, covering dozens of ethnic musical instruments, who has us to change the name?
The only problem now is that with so many instruments playing together, it's not performance, it's trouble.

Big trouble.

Now I'm going to participate in the election, and I want to compete with various other bands. I haven't started rehearsing for my various instruments, and I don't even know what program to play.

A bunch of stragglers, this is it.

But Yan Changqing felt that his chance to improve his skills had come!

There are so many instruments to cooperate with me, as long as I can integrate all the instruments together and use my erhu to lead the group, then why not improve my skills!
It doesn't matter whether he is selected or not, anyway, he is full of fighting spirit at this moment!

 Let’s postpone the posting until the evening tomorrow too, take it easy for two days, or you won’t be able to keep up with the rhythm!Feel sorry!

  Today's two changes, the [-] words are completed!
  Update at eleven o'clock tomorrow night!
(End of this chapter)

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