Chapter 201 Let's rise up

The performing arts hall was empty, except for a few big fans whistling, everyone was quite quiet.

Zhu Changsheng walked in with a gray-haired old man and introduced to everyone: "This is Mr. Bai invited from our teacher's academy. He is proficient in many musical instruments and has a deep research on ethnic musical instruments. Everyone welcomes Mr. Bai's guidance. "

Although there were few people, everyone's applause was quite intense.

Yan Changqing discovered that, in fact, everyone has a strong sense of honor and mission. In order to make the name of their oil field appear in front of hundreds of millions of viewers, everyone is now full of fighting spirit and fighting spirit.

Teacher Bai raised his hand, but he didn't have any pretensions to be a professor when he opened his mouth. He said with a smile: "The director dare not say, at most I have more experience. In terms of level, I have never heard other people's performances, but the erhu of the Spring Festival Gala is my favorite." I have heard that saying that you are ashamed is definitely not modesty.”

"We want to form a band and participate in the program. The first task now is to choose a piece of music. Can everyone play a part first, and then let me enjoy it before deciding which piece to choose?"

This is simple, can be selected, the level may not be as good as a real professional master, but it is definitely better than an amateur.

Everyone is worthy of playing, and following Teacher Bai's guidance, they played one by one.

After everyone finished playing, Teacher Bai thought for a while: "Everyone, let's start with a horse racing song! I'll just play tricks and give you some guidance. After all, it's the first time we've worked together. Please forgive me."

Obviously, Teacher Bai's choice is not unexpected, the chosen piece is for Erhu to be the main performer.

Many people's eyes immediately turned to Yan Changqing, and several people already showed disappointed expressions.

We communicated before coming here that there are many people coming, but it is not necessary for everyone to join the orchestra, because more instruments may not necessarily be good.

It wasn't what Yan Changqing thought in advance, so many musical instruments rushed forward.


But Yan Changqing hesitated for a moment and raised his hand.

Teacher Bai was stunned for a moment: "Student Yan Changqing, what suggestion do you have?"

Yan Changqing stood up immediately: "I propose to play the overture of the Knife Club. We have too many instruments, and it is more difficult to cooperate in horse racing. Try it, it will only take a few minutes."

"Please sit down, please sit down." Teacher Bai laughed. "This is not a classroom. Everyone can raise their opinions. Now that Yan Changqing has brought it up, is there anyone who can't know the prelude to the Knife Skill?"

No one raised their hands.

The Prelude to the Little Knife Society has received widespread attention since its birth, and has been praised by the top two leaders.

Teacher Bai laughed when he saw this: "Then, everyone is ready!"

With a wave of his hands, when his eyes fell on Suona Hand, the loud Suona sound immediately rang out.

Then when his eyes fell on someone, a musical instrument joined the performance, one, two, three... Soon the performing arts hall became lively.

It was a bit messy at the beginning, but when the performance reached 2 minutes, the tune suddenly became pleasant to the ears.

As the rhythm changed, the faces of several audience members, including Zhu Changsheng, were also constantly changing.

When the performance was over, Teacher Bai showed a smile on his face: "Have you found the problem?"

Most of the performers showed thoughtful expressions, and looked at Yan Changqing consciously or unconsciously.

Teacher Bai stood in front and saw clearly: "As soon as the erhu sounded, the instruments were slowly integrated. Everyone is learning musical instruments. In this situation, everyone understands what's going on, right?"

Suona Hand's surname is Yang. He is a middle-aged man in his thirties. He is quite bold. When he was introduced just now, he said that it would be fine to call him Lao Yang. Now he is also imitating Yan Changqing and raising his hand.

Teacher Bai laughed: "Everyone, feel free to speak freely, and you don't have to bother to raise your hands."

Lao Yang stretched out his hand and pointed at Yan Changqing: "His level is the highest. He is three or four floors higher than I estimated. I still suggest choosing a piece with the erhu as the main player."

Yan Changqing was modest: "Uncle Yang said a bit too much, how can it be so high. I think this song is good. Why is it important? Everyone knows what this song expresses. At the moment of charging, you must Sort it?"

Others also spoke one after another, some supported the choice of erhu, and some felt that what Yan Changqing said was also reasonable.

Although controversial, everyone's attitude made Yan Changqing feel very comfortable. For example, the suggestion to play Liang Zhu by playing the big drum is actually saying that he is willing to sacrifice his own performance opportunities, because the big drum is really not needed for Liang Zhu. Down.

Teacher Bai listened for a while, then raised his hand to press down, and waited for everyone to calm down before saying: "The first time just now, I didn't cooperate well, let's do it again, and then let the audience say how?"

Then he said to the few people sitting under the stage: "Director Zhu, you all sit in the middle, our stage effect is not very good, you can only understand it when you are in the middle."

Then turn around again: "Yan Changqing, come on, you sit here, Suona over there, everyone separate, good! This time the Erhu and Suona start together... Don't be surprised, let's go!"


A few minutes later, when the performance was over, Teacher Bai stood quietly for a while before saying, "Now let's listen to the audience's opinions?"

Director Zhu hit the table: "It was very enjoyable. It was very exciting at the beginning, and there was an indescribable feeling in the middle. It seemed a little bit aggrieved, but in the end, I was cheered up again. Generally speaking... I have a feeling of wanting to rise up. a feeling of."

Teacher Bai smiled at that time: "Please sit down, please sit down, this is enough, it is perfect, quite good."

Then he explained: "The erhu, suona, drums, and these Xiaosheng, etc., can cooperate well. It means that the band has a backbone. Needless to say, everyone feels this. As for the feeling of playing, how do you feel?"


"It feels very refreshing, just run along with the rhythm..."

"I just feel that the performance is very comfortable. The teacher didn't deliberately ask us to cooperate, but we cooperated unconsciously. The effect achieved, I think it should be what Director Zhu said, it is very contagious."

Teacher Bai nodded: "My task is completed. Next, I think everyone just needs to maintain this passion. What Yan Changqing said just now is very good. When charging, there is no need to prioritize. I will I wish you all a smooth ride to the Spring Festival Gala in advance.”


So simple?
Although Zhu Changsheng felt that it sounded really good just now, but the teacher he invited was leaving after a while, so he still felt a little unconfident: "Teacher Bai, isn't this too fast?"

Teacher Bai smiled: "Actually, I don't need to come. I know you are worried that student Yan Changqing is too young to convince the crowd. In fact, you should have more confidence in him and everyone. You should know Stretch out your hand, and you will know if there is one."

"His level is much higher than I originally thought. The last time I heard it was on TV, the effect can't be compared with the scene. He has completely broken through the limitations of musical instruments. No matter how many musical instruments there are, as long as his erhu sounds Come on, the erhu is the main performer, this kind of orchestra doesn't need a guide at all."

"At least at my level, it must be a bit of a trick to guide today."

Zhu Changsheng had no choice but to walk aside with Mr. Bai, whispered for a while, and then Mr. Bai left so gracefully.

When Zhu Changsheng turned around melancholy, he saw a small red envelope on the back of the chair next to him. He was taken aback for a moment, took it over and opened it. Isn't this the reward for inviting Teacher Bai to come?
He glanced at the band waiting here, and smiled: "You guys practice first, this, Mr. Bai forgot all the rewards here!"

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly turned around and chased after him: "Teacher Bai..."


After Yan Changqing saw that Zhu Changsheng had left, everyone stood up silently and said, "Time is running out, let's hurry up and do it again! If there is no command, just follow the teacher's instructions. Let's start?"

Lao Yang raised his suona: "Okay!"


Holding the red envelope, Zhu Changsheng walked back with a complicated mood. When he arrived at the small door of the performing arts hall, he greeted several people outside the door: "Old Hu, why do you have time?"

"You can't forget to rest even at work." Lao Hu said with a smile. "Stop talking, listen first, this song is really exciting!"

Zhu Changsheng listened quietly for a while, and felt that the feeling of wanting to rise up was stronger. After the performance was over, he said: "It's very exciting. The teacher who invited said that he couldn't guide him. He left. Before he left, he gave all the rewards." Let it go."

"What's the matter? I sound fine, why did the teacher leave?" Lao Hu was taken aback.

"I can't guide you!" Zhu Changsheng wondered.

Lao Hu was stunned for a moment: "Is it true? Can't guide? Did something happen?"

Zhu Changsheng couldn't laugh or cry: "It's the truth. The old professor, can he tell us the irony?"

Old Hu laughed awkwardly: "Isn't this sentence too familiar? Our boss often says this sentence, I can't guide you, I can't control you..."

Zhu Changsheng glanced behind him, then raised his voice and shouted: "Mr. Shi, you are here!"

Lao Hu was taken aback, and just wanted to say that I wish you don't talk nonsense, I thought it was wrong, and when I turned around, it didn't matter, the boss came over with a few people.

Mr. Shi probably didn't hear what he said just now, and said to Zhu Changsheng: "Old Hu is here too! Old Zhu, how is your cooperation going?"

"Very good." Zhu Changsheng repeated what he said just now, and emphasized it a bit. "It's not an irony. Professor Bai also left the reward, and I'll send it over later. It's started again. Would you like to go in and listen to Mr. Shi?"

Boss Shi waved his hand and just stood here and listened.

Until the end of the song, I stood for a while: "Old Zhu, go to the train station to coordinate and see if you can book a carriage, so that our people will not be tired from the journey and go out of order. By the way, this song will be recorded. , from now on, this will be the number we will go to work with, be energetic!"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. When he was far away, Old Hu said sourly, "The last time I sat in a box was when we retired and came back together..."

Zhu Changsheng couldn't help laughing, and instantly recalled the scene where the carriages were all army green.


It's a pity that it's really difficult to book a carriage on the train these days. There are too few trains and the transportation capacity is not enough. If you want to book a carriage, you can, but at least half a month in advance is possible.

In the end, I wish Changsheng could only settle for the next best thing and try to make everyone's journey as comfortable as possible.

Before leaving, Yan Changqing went back to Dayan Village.

Construction has already started on the road, and the time is not very tight, because now we need to be busy with cotton. This thing does not need to be as tense as wheat harvesting and autumn harvesting, but people will not be idle from the beginning of breeding.

It is also impossible for the village to force everyone to give up their work in the farmland to build roads, so they can only do it slowly.

For the time being, there is no need to directly build roads, only on both sides of the road, trees are removed, and ditches are moved outwards.

In the case of shortage of machinery, the amount of labor is not small.

Moreover, the weather is hot, and people sweat even when they sit still. It doesn't take long to start working, and people's bodies seem to be washed with water.

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, and before leaving, he and Yan Xingwang went to the village chief Yang: "Buy two excavators! Now the workers have to keep a clear record of how many jobs have been paid by each family, and I will give some compensation in the end. .”

Township Chief Yang was a little worried: "That's a lot of money."

Whether it is buying an excavator or paying wages, it is not a small sum in his eyes.

But Yan Changqing thought it over clearly, and didn't care about the money: "The excavator belongs to our engineering team. As for the wages, let's see how many workers there are in total!"

You can't tell people in advance about the compensation, otherwise someone will be able to do this job until the last day of the deadline-no limit is even worse, and it may be possible to work until next year's Chinese New Year.


Then at the market, someone took Yan Xingwang to buy an excavator.

This requires a few workers who can drive tractors to train for a few days, otherwise no one will be able to drive the excavator after buying it.

But this is what Yan Xingwang is worried about. Apart from safety issues, Yan Changqing didn't say much, and he hurried to the city to set off.


Before leaving, Boss Shi personally came to the mobilization meeting: "The song you selected is very good, and the theme of this song is very good. Uprising! That's right, although our orchestra was formed temporarily, the rehearsal time together is not too long. See It looks a bit like a grass team."

"However, our level has been reflected. We want to show the flag to those professional orchestras, challenge them, and defeat them. This is to rise to the top! What is the spirit of our oil people? Persistence, fearlessness, and courage to move forward !"

"Finally, I wish you all a successful return. The celebration banquet has been prepared, waiting for everyone to return triumphantly! I also prepared a red envelope for everyone. I hope you go to the capital. Don't forget to bring some gifts to your family when you triumphantly return."

The last sentence is the most truthful. People in the oil field talk about hard work and hard work, and they never talk about falsehoods. They didn't set out, and the bonuses and red envelopes were issued first.

Not much, 500 yuan per person, which is the average salary for two months in Beijing.

And everyone knows in their hearts that if the program can be selected, the 500 yuan is just the beginning.

 Three chapters today, Chapter 1

(End of this chapter)

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