Chapter 204 Excavator Drought
In the evening, a cool wind blows across the fields and villages, bringing a touch of coolness to people.

At the entrance of the village of Dayan Village, a big light bulb illuminates half of the threshing field.

Li Xiuni is leading the members of the Dayan Village Bagua Team, some members of the Gossip Team in Yatouwa, Etouwan, and even a few from Xiao Liwan, who are practicing Tai Chi together.

It’s okay if the movements are not standard, anyway, the music in the big tape recorder in front is pretty good, as long as everyone is happy.

This is what Yan Changqing saw when he returned home after celebrating with everyone in the market.

In the past, he couldn't say he liked or disliked square dancing. Sometimes he felt that the elderly were good at exercising. When he was disturbed to sleep, he immediately hated it.

But when he saw that the people in his own village had time to come out after dinner, he expressed his relief. At least he had never seen this kind of scene in the village in his previous life.

After all, it is also considered a major achievement of his rebirth, isn't it?

Li Xiuni was a little surprised when she saw her son's car coming back: "Son, why are you back? Isn't it the promised tomorrow? We are going to buy firecrackers tomorrow!"

Yan Changqing said in his heart that I lied to you just because I didn't want you to torment, otherwise the firecrackers would be going off again now, making people uneasy.

But what he said was: "I went out for a few days and took a car and ran away. I want to come back early to eat the noodles you made!"

Li Xiuni was distressed, excited and happy at the time: "Then just wait, I'll go home and do it for you."

"My uncle and the others won't let me go at the market, so I have to eat there. Tomorrow at noon, I'll eat the lo noodles made by my mother!" Yan Changqing pressed the pot hard on his uncle.

Li Xiuni felt a little regretful: "I still have leftovers from the garlic juice I made at noon. If you don't eat it, it will go bad after the night..."

"Ah..." Yan Changqing always felt that this sentence was very familiar, but he didn't want to think about it carefully, so he changed the subject. "Mom, is there anything going on in our house these days?"

"What's the matter? It's not always like that." Li Xiuni had been looking at him through the light all the time, and now she saw that her son hadn't lost weight, so it wasn't a big problem, so she waved her hand. "It's just right that you are back. We are practicing together. Would you like to see if there is any problem?"

There is a big problem, there is no regular one, even my mother taught it by herself, and the current movements don't know how out of shape.

It's not as good as the action standards of the grandparents over the house!

Just opened his mouth: "I think you are all very good, especially your movements, I feel that you are very like a great master now, you are very stylish!"

"Aha..." Li Xiuni grinned. "You are the only one who can speak well. Come on, come on, tell mom quickly, what show are you performing again, so you can go to the Spring Festival Gala again?"

Yan Changqing looked around, and suddenly felt that his hairs were standing on end!
Now there are too many people threshing wheat, and they all gather around after just saying a few words.

Under the dim light, all of them stared at each other eagerly for gossip, staring at themselves, if they don't leave, they won't be able to leave!
Have you ever seen the power of gossip with the aunts and aunts in the countryside, as well as those big girls and daughter-in-laws?
A gossip team in one village is good enough, not to mention the fact that several villages are together now, Yan Changqing dares to say that he said that it will rain now, and tomorrow morning the whole town will send money from the sky!

It is said that there will definitely be people standing outside with sacks waiting to pick up money!

Surrounded by so many dozens of people, Yan Changqing felt more nervous than going to the Spring Festival Gala. He was quick to think: "Mom, I just came back by train in the afternoon! I was dragged by Boss Shi to talk for a long time in the city. I was exhausted when I came back..."

Li Xiuni thought so too, and immediately changed her tone: "Then don't run away as soon as you come back, and go to bed early if you want to stay, if there is anything wrong, we will talk about it tomorrow..."

Amid the disappointed sighs of a group of aunts, aunts and daughters-in-law, Yan Changqing immediately drove away.

The driving skills were fully activated, and the bun floated out with a swish.

So scary!

Although it is inevitable to have a few words with people when going to the winery, compared to the threshing floor, the people here are so easy to talk to.

After a good night's sleep, Yan Changqing started walking around the winery early in the morning.

The factory director and manager followed him to report various situations, and after breakfast, workers replaced him and followed him on standby, and the brewing continued.

It's like this every time. I just came back after going out for a few days, and I have to be busy for two days.

Although they are rich, the winery is a business that can continue to make money.Workers like to earn this kind of money. They have income every month, so they can feel stable, otherwise they always feel that something is wrong.

Moreover, the work of brewing wine is not only a skill of brewing wine, but also various skills such as breathing are also exercised in the work.

After a few busy days, the weather is getting hotter and hotter, the school is on holiday, the excavator was bought back, a group of teachers and students came to the market to conduct on-site investigations, and the school library started construction...

Everything is moving forward steadily.

When the two excavators drove to the village for the first time, they attracted everyone's attention.

The women would only be amazed, but the brats climbed up and down one by one, so lively.

Yan Erhe was triumphant, driving the excavator around to show off - he finally found a "big toy" that he was more interested in, and he didn't care about the other side of the market, so he came to be the driver.

Yan Changqing was speechless. After all, this person can be considered a rich man now, but he has not changed his original intention!
But the next moment, he also climbed onto an excavator: "Village Chief, are you ready to build the library? I'll dig the foundation for you."

Yan Erhe didn't hear it on the rumbling machine, but when he realized that his nephew was running away with an excavator, he knew something was wrong when he thought about it, and immediately drove to follow.

There is no plan to build a large library in the village, and it is temporarily planned to build a two-story building, and the project volume is very small.

The two excavators grabbed the work together, and it didn't take long to finish the job—it didn't need to dig too deep, and the surface soil was easy to dig, so the speed was really fast.

The children in the village were all restrained by adults to watch, even so, they couldn't stop them from screaming and screaming.

After finishing the work, Yan Changqing and Yan Erhe came down, looked at each other, and saw the unfinished expression on each other's faces.


So the village head Yang and the others who came to see the road construction the next day were a little dumbfounded. How could it be these uncles and nephews who drove the excavator?Looks pretty happy?
The heat was a bit hot, but Yan Erhe felt that he could bear it. A white towel was draped over his bare arms, and some branches and leaves were covered over the cab to keep him cool.

Yan Changqing resisted stubbornly. Anyway, he has skills and is not afraid of heat.

Seeing Township Chief Yang bringing people over, he greeted everyone: "Major Yang, do you want to try this machine? It's very enjoyable!"

Township Chief Yang smiled wryly: "Forget about my body, you will have to send me to the hospital after a while."

Yan Changqing waved his hand and continued to drive the excavator to dig and fill the ditch.

Amidst the rumbling sound, the bucket was inserted into the farmland, brought up a bucket of soil, and then swung to the side to pour the soil into the original ditch.

It looks like a mechanical giant planting seedlings under the scorching sun. It seems understated but full of power.

Because the road is expanded to the farmland, the soil layer above is easy to dig, and there is no possibility of stones and other things. The excavator just digs and doesn't worry about other things at all.

After a while, a section of the ditch moved horizontally, which looked very fulfilling.

There were people standing not far away, all of them watching the excavator—the excavator is still a novelty these days, and seeing the excavator working is even more rare than watching a movie.

Of course, even if excavators become commonplace in the future, there will still be people standing on the construction site watching excavators at work—this kind of large machinery is more attractive to some men than beautiful women.

It is said that there is such a saying: if a man stands by the roadside, he may be in a daze; if three men stand by the roadside, they may be looking at beautiful women; if a group of men stand by the roadside, there must be excavators and other large machinery under construction...

But no matter how enjoyable it is to operate it by hand, Yan Changqing feels that his excavator is comfortable to drive. No wonder the excavator masters he met when he was working in the past did not let others go up and play with it. Don't cherish it!

Yan Erhe worked for a long time, and even ran over to see how much Yan Changqing had done, and measured the number of steps he walked, a little dissatisfied, so he measured it again.

Yan Xingwang next to him understood: "Erhe, you just don't drive as well as Qijin, he does a lot more than you. Don't compare, things that can be seen at a glance will be the same if you drive them ten times!"

Yan Erhe was very depressed. He went to the side and poured water to quench his thirst, and immediately got back on the excavator.

Erwa and Tiedan cheered Yan Changqing on, and despised the second uncle for not being able to do a better job than his nephew: "Uncle Erhe, your ditch is not as straight as brother Qijin! Awow!"

Yan Erhe was so angry that he worked hard, and he had the momentum not to stop digging through the earth...

Yan Changqing was going back to the winery to get ready to try his hand at first, but when he saw that his second uncle was still coming to the competition, he also speeded up.

Can our skilled people be compared to you?
Ha ha!


Township Chief Yang turned around in a hurry, he was here on business, who knew Boss Yan still had this hobby, so he couldn't get off the excavator anymore.

Yan Changqing had a hard time getting enough of his addiction. Last night’s little job was not enough, but he still enjoyed it. Look at this ditch, it’s straight and straight, drink your saliva and wait until you do it. It must be dug so that people can see it from this side , I feel that this ditch has a feeling of going straight to the sky...

Township Chief Yang didn't give him this chance, so he came over and pulled him: "Changqing, do I have something to discuss with you?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Didn't you notice that the weather this year is not right? Since the beginning of summer, the rain in our township has not been enough. Many cotton seedlings in the farmland can't hold it anymore and need to be watered."

"Oh?" Yan Changqing thought for a while, and seemed to see that many villages were watering. "Then water it! What's the matter?"

Township head Yang explained: "The tractors in your village are enough, but not in other places! I don't want to ask you to discuss whether the tractors can go to other places to help with watering. Don't worry, when the time comes The master will give some of the money, and our village will also subsidize some of the gas money."

Irrigation in rural areas is basically powered by tractors. Now, in some villages like Dayanzhuang Xiaoliwan, after trucks replaced the transportation function of tractors, there is no shortage of tractors.

So it doesn't matter about the drought. It's not a big deal to just drive the tractor to pull the tools and water the ground.

But the villages without tractors are miserable. Although the cotton plants are not small, their drought resistance is not enough, and it is very likely that they will not wait for rain if they do not water them.

And cotton is a mandatory task from above. If the collection of cotton in the village is not enough, criticism is a trivial matter, and there will be punishment-these punishments will eventually fall on the farmers. Whoever produces less cotton will be fined.

Township head Yang was more willing to do things, and it happened that the township could coordinate this matter, so he came to discuss with Yan Changqing.

No need to discuss it, a few villages with tractors are too lazy to water others-and they don’t lack the money, so why bother to squat by the river with no shade on a hot day!
What Yan Changqing could do, he could only say: "Then I will turn around and ask some village chiefs if they can organize some people to go out for a run."

Although there are other reasons for becoming lazy and afraid of being tired if you have money, those villages that don’t even have the ability to water with a tractor are like Dayan Village in the past. .

But if the mayor is willing to organize, that's the best. It doesn't matter how much money you make, as long as it doesn't cause too much trouble.

Mayor Yang is very grateful, even though he is the mayor, but now there are some village chiefs in the village, except for the mandatory tasks above, the others don't listen to him at all - he doesn't want to name the specific ones. If you don't listen to yourself, it's useless to call names.

Anyway, you can find someone who can talk to you.

At this moment, there is a village chief surnamed Yan who is not very obedient next to him. He took the initiative to take the job: "Then I will tell Lao Cao and the others later that the village can still gather a few people. If it is impossible, let the engineering team It's fine for a few people to go, and we can't delay the important events in the village..."

Village Chief Yang said with a smile on his face, "Then I would like to thank Village Chief Yan!"

Yan Changqing didn't care, as long as someone was willing to pass on the message, he continued to climb onto the excavator.

The second uncle even took advantage of his speaking time to dig a little longer, and he couldn't lose to him.


Yan Changqing dug for a long time, and handed over the excavator to the master who had been waiting anxiously.

The two masters were also very depressed. The excavator was snatched by the uncles and nephews. They came back from training, and they haven't had the opportunity to drive it to work in person.

Yan Changqing pulled a group of friends and started running around in the van.

He wanted to see how serious the drought the mayor said was.

When I didn't observe carefully, the cotton seedlings were swaying in the wind in the farmland, but when I looked closely, I found that it was indeed a bit dry now.

In addition to the cotton drought, other crops in the field are also showing signs of water shortage, such as soybeans, sesame, and sweet potatoes, which are not as drought-resistant as cotton, but such as sorghum corn, which are slightly more drought-resistant than cotton.

Sorghum, which Yan Changqing is more concerned about, has the strongest ability to resist drought.

There are quite a lot of sorghum planted in the village now, except that cotton must be planted to fulfill the tasks, sorghum planting has become the main cash crop in the village - because there are wineries to harvest, and the money is free, it goes without saying that everyone chooses it.

With more sorghum planted, it is natural to reduce the area of ​​other crops. In this way, Yan Changqing felt that he had done another good deed.

(End of this chapter)

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