Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 205 Insect Disaster Recruitment

Chapter 205 Insect Disaster Recruitment
Yan Changqing drove around and went back to the winery.

Driving an excavator can be regarded as a dream come true. It cannot be said to be a waste of time. This day is still very worthwhile.

He took the bear boy to the river to wash it first, and then he found the big drum that he had brought back and hadn't had time to practice.

There are tool people, and when they are asked to practice Kung Fu, I will dub them and play the drums myself.

Boom, boom, boom, boom...

A group of bear children hehehehaha, punching and dancing sticks with the sound of drums, they still look quite imposing.

The main reason is that it feels more like beating dryly to a big drum alone.

The most important thing about drums is the rhythm, which requires arm strength, endurance, control, etc. This is not difficult at all for Yan Changqing, who is now a god-level master of erhu and a second-level martial arts stick, fist, and foot.

A person who can play with a stick, playing a drum is nothing, it's just a child's play.

Yan Changqing didn't even think it was enough to beat with only one end of the drumstick. He needed two longer drumsticks, and he needed to play tricks, and he had to play with the momentum of ten people...

Therefore, Dagu's proficiency in skills is increasing steadily.

Unlike skills such as walking and sleep, where the proficiency is almost 100%, the progress bar now seems to be dead, not moving at all.

It is still a new skill to practice, which makes people feel a sense of accomplishment.

The bear kids were also very happy. Who would have thought that they would have a day with background music, and they would work hard when they punched.

Drumming can also be addictive. Yan Changqing felt that he could not only practice this, but also play Guzheng and Suona Erhu.

As a result, the brats were immediately blown away. Erwa spoke quickly, and when she saw the suona, she asked, "Brother Qijin, are you going to play the sounder in the future?"

"Blower" in the local area does not just refer to blowing the suona, and everyone defaults that the suona team at the funeral is "blower".

So what Erwa means is that you will also go to the funeral to compete with the local suona team for work...

Yan Changqing bang gave him a brainstorm: "There are people who play the suona in the spring evening, who told you that you have to play the sounder?"

Erwa shrank her head, and Tie Dan asked enviously, "Brother Qijin, when can you take us to the Spring Festival Gala?"

This, seems a bit difficult?
Thinking about it again, it seems that it is not impossible to think about?

Yan Changqing felt that if he wanted to take these brats there, he would have to 'plagiarize'. After all, he still had a lot of good shows in his memory.

It's just that I think it's immoral to do this. After all, those good programs that people can remember are created by the creators who have lost a lot of hair...

But if you change it a bit, maybe it’s okay to create a stitch monster?

Thinking of this, he said to Erwa: "Then you guys continue to practice kung fu. If you have a chance in the future, maybe you can really try it."

A group of brats were excited at the time, and Yan Changqing laughed straight: "It's still early, there is no hope for this year, and it's hard to say next year. It depends on your level. Don't forget to practice martial arts when you have time. By the way , Tie Dan, how is your hidden weapon practice now?"

"I've already hit the dangling board." Tie Dan said excitedly, and took out a handful of coins from his pocket to show Yan Changqing. "Sometimes it can even be nailed to a board."

Yan Changqing saw that it was getting late, and he didn't plan to continue practicing Suona and Guzheng, which made the bear children angry.

He thought about the rotten board that Tie Dan was looking for, and felt that although it was a bit rotten, it could be nailed on, and it was considered serious practice: "Tie Dan, stretch your arm over, and I will show you."

Don't hurt your arm, this kid sometimes has a bit of solid eyes, so don't be careful.

I checked it and found it to be ok. Tiedan doesn't have much 'free time' every day, and most of it is playing with everyone. The daily practice time is not too long, and the child recovers quickly, so there is no problem.

After the inspection, Yan Changqing pulled him aside again and gave him some pointers again, mainly to correct his movements and try not to hurt his body.

As for the level of practice, don't worry.

After pointing out, he did not forget to confess: "Remember, if you want to practice hidden weapons, you must have something that can be used as a hidden weapon in your pocket at any time. This coin is good, and it can be used in critical moments."

Tie Dan nodded seriously: "Don't worry, Brother Qijin, I won't spend these few dollars, and I will spend other money if I want to."


Time flies and a few days pass by, and the hot sun in the sky still comes every day.

Yan Changqing felt a little worried, so he went to the east bank of the river to have a look, and found that the situation here was not a little bit worse than Taoshu Township.

No one seems to organize watering. The side by the river bank, because they can often go to the winery to do business, and some smart people know to go to the market to 'purchase', and bring them back to sell in various villages. There was tractor, too.

But walking around, there are many farmers who are carrying water to irrigate the fields-to be honest, it is almost the same as a drop in the bucket. This is the hottest season, and pouring a load of water into the fields can't water a few trees at all. There is no trace in the blink of an eye.

In his previous life, Yan Changqing had no impression of whether the crop production had decreased this year, but now he can feel that the situation is not good.

Village head Yang must be experienced, so he started preparing for watering early.

In fact, watering is not the biggest problem, but the problem is the weather. In the past, there has been a lot of rain, but now there is a sudden drought. Once the weather is abnormal, it will not be a short-term phenomenon.

Because there is a saying that misfortunes never come singly, once the weather changes, many things will change accordingly.

For example, drought is often accompanied by pest infestation.

Now some people have started to catch insects in the field. The cotton trees are carefully inspected, and they are crushed to death when they see insects...


Yan Changqing turned around again and went to find Zeng Shuangxi: "Uncle Zeng, what do you think the crops in the field will be like today?"

Zeng Shuangxi held his cigarette pipe and frowned: "Food is not a big problem, but flowers will suffer. There are a lot of cotton bollworms this year, and it can't be cured."

In this way, Yan Changqing understands that no one who comes from a rural background knows this kind of pest.

An insect that is not afraid of medicine, if you kill it this year, it will not work if you give the same dose of medicine next year, even if you change to a similar medicine.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Is there no medicine for cotton bollworm on the market now?"

He remembered that when he was still in school at home, the shop near the school that sold pesticide seeds often yelled something like killing cotton bollworms from the loudspeaker. At that time, there were many cotton growers, and this kind of medicine was the best seller.

Zeng Shuangxi's answer surprised him a bit: "Phorate doesn't work either. I had someone try it, and the small bugs still had some effect, but the big ones didn't work on me."

That is the pesticide that has not been specifically killed, and it seems that there is no way to recruit it.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I just plan to expand the winery. I thought it would be difficult to live in the field now, and I was busy with road construction. I was afraid that I would not be able to take care of it. Seeing the current situation, we should start construction earlier. How much?" It can make people earn a few wages, so that the family will not be overwhelmed when the time comes."

Zeng Shuangxi nodded: "It's good to start work early. There are too many worms to catch. If you want to catch worms, it's better to make money early. I'll go to the village to stamp you for how much land you plan to use."

As I said, if the amount of cotton is not enough, it is not enough to just pay for the poor cotton, and there is also a fine.

Therefore, if the crops are planted for a year, everyone will be happy if the weather goes well. Once there is a change, some families will start to owe debts, and it may not be able to recover in the next two or three years.

At this time, if there is wages to earn, it is considered an emergency.


Township Chief Yang also supported the expansion of the winery, but he still came here by himself: "Mr. Yan, Changqing, you are recruiting people here, can you send a notice to the whole township, it is now your village There are jobs to do, and those far away will not work!"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I must use people who are close. First, I don't need to worry about accommodation. Second, the closer people can have some relationship with the workers I use now. They will help newcomers. Tell me the rules here, and it will be easy to use."

As time goes by, everyone can see that the reduction in cotton production is a foregone conclusion, and other crops are slightly better, but they are also affected to some extent.

Township Chief Yang is also anxious when encountering this situation, because he can't always mend the holes for those people whose homes are empty.

However, the situation in the village has improved in the past two years. If he does too much of this kind of thing, he is afraid that it will be nothing to have a grandson in the future, so he has been trying his best to avoid this situation.

In fact, the situation in Taoshu Township is already very good now. The farmers don't know it. They only know that the agricultural tax will be collected. In fact, they don't know what is included in the so-called "agricultural tax".

Now that the economic situation in Taoshu Township is improving, the 'agricultural tax' has basically been reduced to normal standards, that is, the part collected by Guojia, and those that were originally collected randomly by the local government have basically been cancelled.

But even so, there is no way to deal with natural disasters.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Then I'll recruit some people to build the wall on the ground first! Let me tell you first, there are a lot of people recruited in the early stage. If I drive people out, I can stay in the factory to work in the end, as long as they are the most capable and willing to work." of those."

Taking this opportunity to recruit a group of the most honest and capable winery workers is also a good idea.


There is no ceremony for starting work. Anyway, when people come, they start working.

Yan Xingwang found a few experienced people to direct, and some of the people who came here knew a little bit about masonry work, and the work they did was simple. Except for hot spots, everyone can do it.

Yan Changqing took a camera and took a few photos from time to time to record every expansion of his winery.

Then I squatted on a high place in the grove, busy making distiller's yeast, while staring at the workers.

These people only know that they can earn money by working, but they don't know that some of them can become winery workers after they finish their work, earning higher wages and eating better food.

Apart from a few commanding masters, there is no one to supervise the scene. Those who can insist on not stealing, raping, and playing tricks all the time can at least guarantee their character.

(End of this chapter)

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