Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 207 Lack of talent balloon

Chapter 207 Lack of talent balloon
Yan Changqing slept in her new house at night.

It feels quite good, the house that comes for free is good, the new housing area is completely empty, and it is very quiet at night.

He woke up at dawn and felt that there was nothing to do. The house was not connected to water and electricity, and he hadn't installed electrical water pipes, and he needed to wait a few days to come and clean it up.

Walking around in a circle, the air in the morning is very fresh and the environment is very good.

There are holly trees in the flower beds on both sides of the cement road, and there are many small trees, and there is a small empty garden at the door, which will be full and grow, and the greening will be very good.

The external environment is also quite good, there is a vegetable market nearby, and it is not far from the city center.

There is a ventilation center across the road from the community.It is not open yet, and it will open when people move in. It is only for employees in the system. Each family will issue a ticket at that time, and they can buy two cans of low-cost liquefied gas every month, which is regarded as a unit benefit.

The hospital is nearby, and with the internal school, the nearby facilities are quite complete.

It was a bit early, except for the people at the vegetable market, other shops were not open, so Yan Changqing walked around and drove home!


When passing by the county seat, I found a place to drink two bowls of Hu spicy soup, and a pound of fried dough sticks, just half full.

Hu spicy soup in Tongshu County is made of chicken soup, and the spoon for serving the rice is a thick wooden spoon—in this way, only a few vermicelli can be filled, and most of them slip into the pot because the wooden spoon is too thick.

Moreover, Yan Changqing also knew that the chicken soup was actually a chicken frame soup. The braised chicken in the cafeteria tore off the meat for cooking, and the skeleton was sold to those who made spicy soup.

There are only a few peanuts and two day lilies in the soup, and nothing else, so the price is relatively cheap.

There is also beef offal soup, but the offal is only cheap, such as beef blood lung slices and intestines, and the quantity is still very small, most of which are soybean sprouts.

But because of the meat, the price is comparable to two and a half bowls of Hu spicy soup, and people who are not in business will not eat it.

After eating, I saw the cooked beef and beef tendon sold next to it. I felt pretty good. The beef tendon was quite chewy, so I bought it.

Look at the beef again, and it is divided into large pieces of beef and deboned meat.

Because the image of deboned meat is not good, and the deboning is done too hard, some bone scum, it is now cheap meat.

Yan Changqing didn't dislike it, he thought this kind of meat was actually delicious for cooking, so he also bought some.


He brought two big bags of beef and ran to the market. At this time, those who needed to get out of the car left early in the morning. Yan Changqing saw that Chen Youliang was free now, so he went to chat with him for a while.

Now Chen Youliang is more motivated, and when he saw Yan Changqing, he told him about his new achievements: "At present, the line to Shanghai has been completed, and the two logistics parks on the way have good relations with the local area, and Chang'an there……"

You don't need to ask the word logistics park. You must have learned it from Director Yang who came here during the summer vacation.

But the construction of the logistics park is not the biggest achievement. Chen Youliang is proud of: "I also persuaded a few students to help us promote it. We provide employment for those students who are willing to work and study during the winter and summer vacations. Chance."

Yan Changqing was a little regretful: "It's a pity, college students are so precious now, and they can be allocated after graduation. It will not be easy for us to recruit some talented students here."

"Take your time, if it doesn't work, just throw money at it." Chen Youliang had an idea. "You won't get money right away when you assign work. There are always some families who need money urgently. I will definitely find a few who are willing to work. Later, I will go to a few universities to see if I can find a suitable person to help us. The school is watching out for..."

Yan Changqing strongly supported this: "Yes, yes, remember to help my winery and pay attention to a few people, as long as they understand management. My requirements for people are simpler than yours, and people are easier to manage than yours here. Remember to help I'll watch."

Chen Youliang was speechless: "It's not so easy to meet, don't work now and dare to go to sea, either because you think big in your heart, or you really encounter difficult things, we can't afford the former ones, and always go to meet them." When it comes to difficult things, it feels like taking advantage of the fire..."

"What do you mean by taking advantage of the fire to rob? It's a matter of urgency." Yan Changqing thought such a good thing, how did it change in your mouth, Mr. Chen?Is this still the same Mr. Chen who sang tears behind bars?

He didn't say any more: "Anyway, I don't care about these things. In fact, I think I should go to high school. There are students who fail the college entrance examination. They just go to the winery. There are too few cultural people there, so it's very troublesome."

Chen Youliang was even more melancholy than him: "I want to go to junior high school to find out who we are, alas!"

The two were speechless.


The shortage of educated people is terrible!
Yan Changqing regretted it a bit, if he didn't give advice to the steel mill and the electric fan factory, they would almost have no work, and he could recruit people...

Seems kind of immoral to think so.

However, the tide of laid-offs should be coming soon, and then students will no longer be assigned, and the good days are not too far away!
Yan Changqing was thinking, and suddenly saw someone running over with something, and hurriedly called out: "Da Kui Da Kui."

He and his uncle met Wang Dakui when they first started doing business. At that time, Chen Youliang often asked Wang Dakui to run errands to deliver letters to him.

This guy has only been in junior high school for a few days, and he is younger than Niu Laifu's gang. He caught up with Chen Youliang to do business before he had time to walk in the street, and now he works as an errand runner in the market.

Hearing Yan Changqing's shout, he trotted around a corner and came: "Mr. Yan, what's the matter?"

"Put your things there first and sit down." Yan Changqing said. "Are all your current classmates in high school? Do you still have many contacts?"

"Not too many, they are all good students, and they don't know me very well." Wang Dakui was a little confused, not knowing what Yan Changqing meant by asking this.

Yan Changqing: "You don't need to be familiar, as long as you can mix with the student group. In the future, if you have nothing to do, you can stop doing errands and go to high school to hang out with your classmates, and see those who are not bad in their studies but failed the college entrance examination. Please contact me more..."

Wang Dakui immediately understood: "Do you want to recruit people?"

"Yes! You also know that our market and the winery are short of educated people, and high school students are not bad. As long as they are honest and willing to do it, you can discuss it with them. I With special approval, you can go to the warehouse to get two cases of wine every week, so it’s no problem to win over a few people, right?”

"It shouldn't be a problem, right?" Wang Dakui was a little unconfident. He has only been in junior high school for a few days!
"Why are you hesitating, it's not that we don't give money." Chen Youliang said beside him. "You kid is a little stupid now. Do you think that these people in the market are rich and powerful, and it's not enough for you to get a few hundred yuan a month? Give you a week off, go out and play for a few days, go! "

Wang Dakui was a little hesitant. At this time, Yan Erhe's voice came faintly from a distance: "Da Kui, Da Kui, I want you to find me a wrench. I fell asleep under the car!"

Chen Youliang smiled: "Go, go, your salary will not be deducted during the holiday, go out and play!"

Turning around and explaining to Yan Changqing: "This kid's family is not very good, and he doesn't go out very much except sending money home. I think he is a bit stupid!"

Yan Changqing was about to leave: "If you feel that he really wants him to do more work, then you can take him out to have a look, and it won't work if he is always freed. Why didn't my aunt come?"

"She went to play in the county with your second aunt, and said she was going to see the Water Curtain Cave with the Ming family. Do you have something to do?"

"It's okay to ask. I have nothing else to do. I'll go back first."

After chatting a few more words, I took some yak meat jerky from the market and went home.


When I got home, I started to unload the goods. As usual, the oil field needs to distribute oil and rice noodles. These things are left at home. The main purpose is to provide my mother with gossip. She can show off the benefits of her son's unit.

Beef tendon and yak jerky are not used, and she doesn’t like to eat them, so she doesn’t cook them, just save some beef.

When he finished his busy work, a group of friends had already arrived, waiting to take the car to the winery to play.

Go to the winery and put these things in the kitchen. This is his stuff, and the kitchen will make it for him later.

Strolling around the winery, there is nothing particularly important for the time being, so let's practice drums!

The tools are in place, and it is a waste not to practice.

Drums are usually practiced in small woods, try not to affect people, but it will inevitably affect cats and dogs. The two cats should hate the big drum. When they beat it loudly, the soil under the drum stand is shaking. It's too loud.

Although flying tigers and flying bears are not very disgusted, they will not get too close. They will find a place far away to lie down and watch.

These two guys waited for a purpose. When it was almost noon, a group of people ran towards the river. They immediately regained their energy and ran ahead of everyone.

From being splashed with water by the brats at the beginning and fleeing everywhere, now I learned to turn around in the water, absorb the water with the fur on my body, run to the brats to shake it up, and have a dog job to rain, They 'progress' fairly quickly.


After a few days of busy and happy days, Yan Changqing received a wedding invitation.

Old Xiong from the police station was planning to get married, and the young couple came to invite him together, and gave Yan Changqing a huge gift box with "Only No. [-]" written on it.

Yan Changqing was a little startled: "Has all this stuff reached us?"

Xiong Qishan smiled embarrassedly: "You don't lack anything here, and we don't know what to buy. I heard that this is very popular in big cities."

Yan Changqing's astonishment was not because the two of them spent so much money to buy this thing, but because of the name of this thing, which is also called health care products.

Now that Angli No. [-] has become popular, it means that soon, a series of money-making things such as Biejing and Sanzhu will be launched, and they can make more money than their own winery.

However, there is nothing to think about. I have already thought about it, some money can be earned, and some money is unnecessary.

Yan Changqing came back to his senses, and said to Xiong Qishan and Mei Lele: "The effect of this thing is average, where did you buy it, take it back!"

Xiong Qishan became anxious: "You rescued Lele back then, and she has been thinking about it all the time! Do you want to accept it..."

"This is not practical, really, Brother Xiong, tell me, when did I tell you the truth? I refunded it, why waste this money. You might as well ask my sister-in-law to give me a few pairs of insoles with this! Remember, sister-in-law, you owe me five pairs, at least ten pairs of insoles, and pay me back later!"

Mei Lele was very happy when she called sister-in-law a few times, this girl is like this, she is not very shy, if she likes it, she likes it, she can be regarded as daring to love and hate.

But it's useless to call sister-in-law, the two of them sincerely thanked him for inviting him, how could they take back the gift they brought.

Yan Changqing had no choice but to accept it, and promised to attend the wedding in time.

Before Xiong Qishan left, he pulled Yan Changqing and begged him: "Boss Yan, can you come earlier, Lele's family members can't come, she trusts you the most here. You go early, she will feel at ease."

This request was easy, and Yan Changqing readily agreed.

No wonder she was so happy to be called sister-in-law by Yan Changqing, and she had a high degree of affection in her heart.


Because it feels good to be trusted, Yan Changqing is in a good mood and plans to go to see the situation in the school library.

Principal Shen is quite reliable. He used to organize students to go to the reading room. However, there were only a small number of books donated by the oil field in the reading room. After going there a few times, everyone started to play instead of reading, and then they stopped going.

Now that there are more books, Principal Shen picked up this activity again and continued to organize students to engage in extracurricular reading activities.

When Yan Changqing arrived, he found that there were quite a lot of students inside. The students in rural primary schools had difficulty accessing so many books. They wanted to read and study everything, and the atmosphere inside was quite good.

Principal Shen likes this kind of scene the most, and he often has a gentle face, and Yan Changqing said with emotion: "There are not so many students here who go to higher education, and it is good to read more books, I still want to thank you very much. "

He said this all the time, and often said that Yan Changqing was too lazy to be polite: "I just came to see, is there anything lacking in the school now?"

"Lack of teachers." Principal Shen was melancholy. "No one came! You know the level of our teachers. It's not that we don't work hard, but we don't know how to work hard. It would be great if we could have a few good teachers."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I still want to find some educated people to work in the winery. What can I do if I don't have a teacher? You didn't apply, go to the middle school to have a look?"

"Is it useful to go?" Principal Shen asked.

"Yes, you said that our wages are timely, so someone must be willing to come." Yan Changqing thought hard. He remembered that not long after he went to junior high school, the school suddenly allocated a group of young teachers. It should be from then on. , the assigned students are gradually not as good as the places assigned before.

Now two years in advance, it should be no problem, as long as you take the initiative to go, maybe you can trick them into coming!

Principal Shen was a little moved: "Then I'll go talk to Mayor Yang, do you want to give it a try?"

"Go!" Yan Changqing supported him, anyway, he didn't go by himself. "Go early, this group of graduates will start internships after the Chinese New Year next year, you can contact us in advance now. Just tell us that our school has good conditions, timely salary, and a basketball court and library..."

"Wait, look for a sports book and see what the size of the ping-pong table is. I'll find someone to install some ping-pong tables on the playground in a while. It seems that our school is not that bad. It should be able to trick the two teachers into coming."

Principal Shen was overjoyed: "What is cheating, please."

The basketball stand and the house in the school were all repaired during the summer vacation when the house was built. In addition, there is a library and a cafeteria. This condition is already more decent than the school in the town.

Although the canteen is only responsible for boiling water, in order for the students to drink hot water.

Principal Shen was told by Yan Changqing that he also felt that the school had great promise this year, and he had already begun to plan: "If the teacher comes from outside, we have to provide a place to live. There is a house, but it is not convenient to eat, or in the future Should I cook at school? With just a few teachers, cooking shouldn't be difficult..."

Yan Changqing's head was sweating: "Have you ever cooked? It's against the law to poison people to death."

This old man boiled the water for other teachers. He had never been in the kitchen before, so he had a whimsical idea of ​​being a chef by himself?

The teacher who was finally invited said that poisoning is a bit exaggerated, but if you let him have diarrhea for a few days, he will run away!
Principal Shen was depressed for a long time: "Then I will look back and ask my family to cook. I can't make the new teacher hungry."

"Let's invite the teacher first!" Yan Changqing didn't want to hit him anymore, are you planning to make the new teacher as thin as you?

In a blink of an eye, it was time for get out of class to end. Except for a few students who love to read, the others immediately began to look at the principal.

Principal Shen waved his hand: "get out of class is over!"

Most of the students immediately ran out like a flock of ducks out of the cage.

Some students after class saw Yan Changqing, and immediately ran over with friends and companions, some shouted his name, Brother Qijin, and some called Teacher Yan, it was very lively.

But Yan Changqing's eyes were a little hard to use, he pulled a familiar student: "Xiao Li, where did you buy this 'balloon' of yours?"

"It's sold at school!" Xiao Li happily held up his balloon for Yan Changqing to see. "This balloon can blow up really big."

It is a milky white balloon that can be blown bigger than a watermelon, and has a small bulge on its head. It must have been packaged when you bought it. After taking it apart, the balloon is rolled up, and you have to unwrap it to blow it...

In fact, it's quite popular, stronger than a balloon, and Erwa and a group of people over there are running around holding it and playing with it.

By the way, it also has a standard name: condoms!
Yan Changqing turned to look at Principal Shen: "You sell this stuff at school?"

Principal Shen said confidently: "I saw someone selling it in the elementary school in the town. It was from the Family Planning Office. It was supposed to be distributed to people. They didn't distribute it, so I asked the village to ask for it. No one took it from the village. It was used as a pawn." Balloons are pretty good! You see how much the students like them, anyway, I don’t take any money I earn, I want to make a reward column for the school..."

"Didn't I give you money to buy something?"

"You said that the money was distributed to students by buying things."

"Are you finished?"


"Then you can use that money to get it. We'll talk about the rest later. Don't sell this one."

Principal Shen was not happy: "Obviously I can earn money myself, why spend your money. No one will claim this thing, and it will be thrown away after it expires."

"You might as well raise pigs!" Yan Changqing felt that what he said made sense when he said it, but he still felt a little uncomfortable with the name of the balloon.

Principal Shen was stunned: "Is it okay to raise pigs? It's not easy to get too much feed...Can I go to your winery to buy distiller's grains? It's also a way."

"If you want to raise pigs, the distiller's grains will be free for you." Yan Changqing said casually.

Distiller's grains are not worth a lot of money, but outsiders still have to spend money to buy them, even a bag of a few cents is fine, anyway, it's not free-the habit of taking advantage of it cannot be cultivated.

But Principal Shen, judging by the way he is struggling now, he knows that this person can be trusted - the free lees are also money if they are resold, but he is frowning and thinking about it now, and he definitely won't think of such an opportunistic way.

Yan Changqing didn't care what he thought, he was only responsible for providing the way, and he didn't care how to do it.

(End of this chapter)

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