Chapter 208

From the cold dew to the frost, Zhong Mai is not in a panic.

On the upturned and leveled yellow land, Yan Changqing chugs and chugs on the field with a tractor, thinking in his heart that the increased planting experience seems to be invisible after turning around!
Now the whole process of wheat planting is done by machinery, and it is impossible for me to find an old cow and slowly push the columbine cart to cultivate.

There is too little land, and they are not planted. They are all planted by tractors. The efficiency is a bit high. It only takes a few days. This farm work that originally took many days is completely over.

It means that the countryside has completely entered the slack season.

Then it was weaving time, the old men began to prepare straw, sorghum stalks, etc., and began their annual routine work.

The women got together and began to study the work of knitting sweaters. If the daughter-in-law was skillful, she would learn from a large group of women.

Yan Changqing's vodka tastes almost the same, but it has not been put into production yet. The winery is now busy producing the highest priced wine and stocking up in large quantities.

The sales of mid-to-low-end alcoholic beverages have been pretty good, and the money earned can already satisfy Yan Changqing's usual ideas, whether it is expanding the winery, or repairing roads, etc., he does not need to spend the money he earned from the stock market.

Except for a period of decline after the Chinese New Year, the sales of wine began to grow steadily afterwards.

It can be seen from this that as long as the product is good, the market does not have to worry about it. Yan Changqing didn't even continue to advertise in other provinces. Now the products that are produced and not shipped are used as inventory. Anyway, they will be sold sooner or later.


When it came time to attend the wedding, Yan Changqing cleaned up and drove straight to the town.

Xiong Qishan's wedding this time is quite simple. The pick-up is to pick up the bride from the house of Manager Mao of the labor service company, and then go to a small house opposite the police station——Xiong Qishan's home is also in the countryside, and it is a bit remote. He will hold a wedding here temporarily. There should be more when I go back.

There was no ceremony, Manager Mao, who was also the bride's family and the witness of the wedding, went up to speak, and then the new couple saluted Xiong Qishan and the two elders, and then Yan Changqing was dragged by President Mao, and also received a salute, which was inexplicable.

Then the bride entered the wedding room.

Yan Changqing still wanted to go in and see the bridal chamber, but Manager Mao pulled him: "Mr. Yan, we are the family of the natal family or the witnesses, is it right for you to go in?"

So, does the witness have anything to do with me?Am I not the right age?Even if you don't pay attention to this as a witness, then...

"Why do I belong to my mother's family?" Yan Changqing refused to accept, it was such a lively thing, why not let him go, he had a lot of ideas in his mind, and he was about to give Old Xiong a try!
Manager Mao laughed: "When the bride comes to us, you are the first person she knows, and you are the most trustworthy person. We will arrange the seats for the bride's family to see her off, so there must be a formality! You just Don't go in and get busy, wait for others to toast!"

What's the point of that? Besides, we only make wine and don't drink, so we come here for a meal?
Manager Mao smiled gloatingly: "Is that why you want to have a bridal chamber?"

Yan Changqing hehe: "Look at the excitement!"

"Then just wait, I guess you won't have too many opportunities in the future." Manager Mao was very cheerful. "Unless someone who grew up with you is very close, and other people get married, once you go in, I'm afraid that others won't be able to make a fuss."

Yan Changqing's face was expressionless, as if he really was, now in the village, no one treats him as a child for a long time, and more and more people call Yan Boss... Sure enough, if there is gain, there will be loss. Isn't this a lot of fun lost?

Manager Mao whispered: "Hey, you said you are so capable now, what kind of wife do you plan to find in the future? Tell me, I will give you a staff in advance?"

Sure enough, women gossip.

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "The basic requirement is to be able to go to the living room and go to the kitchen, to be diligent and capable of raising children, to be good-looking and able to dress up, to be able to live with passion, and to be able to help me manage the family business..."

Manager Mao's eyes widened: "Your request is not low! There are so many requirements, are you afraid that you won't find them?"

"If you can't find it, then look for it separately!" Yan Changqing smiled.

Manager Mao thought for a long time before he understood, his eyes widened, and he was speechless for a long time: "You think so much... How many are you going to find?"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "It's fine to live well now, what do you want to do with things that are so far away in the future."

Manager Mao looked at him carefully for a while: "I always feel that what you said is serious. In the future, I have to keep the children of my relatives and friends away from you. You have too many tricks!"


The wedding banquet was booked at the hotel, Yan Changqing always felt that Xiong Qishan got married once, and estimated that he would return to the pre-liberation once.

The previous dish Yan Changqing is not rare. Meat is no longer his pursuit, so he waits for the steamed rice—the rice is glutinous rice, with red dates and peanuts, and a large spoonful of white sugar at the end.

Yan Changqing used to like to eat this, but he is not the only one who likes it. I remember going to this kind of wedding banquet with my parents, and I can only get a spoonful every time. I don’t think there is a second spoonful.

But today he sat in a different position, waiting for him to do it first, so he could dig a big spoonful for himself and eat slowly.

After eating, I realized that I shouldn't have gone to a wedding banquet with my mother in the past, and it was more appropriate to sit at a man's table—the group of people were almost drunk by now, and they didn't eat much at all.

Great to eat by itself.

It's not that he is worth hundreds of millions and still lacks this, the atmosphere is different, and the taste is different!


Yan Changqing was satisfied with the meal, and was about to leave when a man came from the township government, he was the office director of the township, and he came to look for Mr. Yan.

Yan Changqing was puzzled: "Is there anything wrong with Yang Xiang?"

"No, the market called you and said there was something urgent." The visitor said.

Yan Changqing was surprised, followed him to the office, and made a phone call. Chen Youliang answered: "Changqing, have you placed advertisements in Anhui Province and Jiangsu Province?"

"No!" Yan Changqing was even more surprised. "Why do you ask this, can I not tell you when I advertise?"

"I think so too, but now the market's phone numbers are about to explode, all of them are asking for wine. I asked, and they said they found it from the advertisement, and they have it from both provinces."

"The TV station is wrong? That's not enough! What kind of advertisement?"

"I don't know, I know there is an advertisement. I asked the people in Jingnan and Shuanghe to watch it on TV, but I haven't called back yet."

"That's weird!" Yan Changqing rubbed his chin in wonder. "I have stock here and I plan to advertise during the Chinese New Year. Now that someone orders it, sell it?"

"Someone must sell it for sure!" Chen Youliang said. "Let's send the goods to the logistics point first, and those who want to order go to the logistics point to pick up the goods themselves. There is no debt for cash transactions. What are we afraid of?"

Yan Changqing was still puzzled: "Then wait, I'll see if I can find someone to ask."


Asking a question, Yan Changqing took out his small phone book, and looked at the phone one by one without giving any hope.

After flipping through it, I really found a Jingnan number.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that this is from the Jingnan Repertory Troupe. They had a program in the Spring Festival Gala last year, and I left phone numbers everywhere, so I left one for them.

This surname is Dong, so he should be the head of the group.

Yan Changqing scratched his head and dialed directly: "Hello, I'm looking for Captain Dong?"

"I am, who are you?"

"Hello, hello, I'm Yan Changqing who we participated in the Spring Festival Gala last year, the one who played the erhu..."

"I know, I know, hello, hello, you have another show this year, congratulations!"

After being polite for a long time, Yan Changqing asked the real thing: "Uncle Dong, do you have any acquaintances on the Suzhou TV station? I want to inquire about something, that is, I have a winery here. I don't know who it is now, run to Put me an ad for Backgammon Liquor, Good Day and Backgammon Liquor."

"Huh?" Director Dong and Yan Changqing felt the same when they heard about it. "Is there such a strange thing?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing said with a smile. "I didn't know until I received a call here. I didn't know what was going on with the advertisements in the two provinces. There were a lot of calls asking for orders. I didn't have any other acquaintances over there. I couldn't find them. people asked."

Head Dong was completely aroused by Yan Changqing's curiosity now, and said with a smile: "Okay, I'll help you ask, I don't guarantee that I can ask you! I'll call you back if I have any news."

"Okay, okay, thank you, Uncle Dong! Just return this call."


After hanging up the phone, Yan Changqing didn't intend to leave. He took the office as his own and called Chen Youliang again: "Uncle, then you can arrange a car to start delivering the goods there! If you call again, let them Go to our logistics point by yourself."

Chen Youliang moved faster than him: "It's all arranged, and now everyone has left, you just need to explain to the factory."

Yan Changqing hung up the phone and continued to call the winery: "Director Wan, when there is a car to pick up the goods, you can make arrangements."

When he hung up the phone again, he began to think about it.

I have seen a lot of strange things, but Yan Changqing has experienced such nonsensical things in his rebirth, and he has never seen such things.

Neither he nor Chen Youliang have ever been to the TV stations in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces, and now they don't even have a contact number. I can only hope that the head of the board is more capable and can help to find out.

I was also in a hurry just now, and forgot to ask Director Dong to directly ask for a TV station number.

But it seems that asking yourself is not good enough, just call and ask who made the advertisement, and the TV station can't confirm the identity through the phone, so it's not sure if you say it or not!

The key point is that this matter does not seem like a normal person can do it. There is no news without saying a word, and there is no way to make a wrong advertisement and even make mistakes in two provinces.

Even if the advertising fee is cheap now, the money is worth it!

Just as he was thinking, the phone rang, and Yan Changqing picked it up: "Hi, I'm Yan Changqing."

"Me!" Chen Youliang's voice sounded. "I saw the advertisement, and I heard that it is not very good, so I posted a picture of the wine, and there is a sentence, good life wine, with your life more prosperous, backgammon wine, with you step by step. The phone number left is from the market side Yes, it’s the phone number we left in our first advertisement.”

Why didn't I say 'drink and drive, and drive and don't drink'?

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, then put the thought aside: "Is there anything else?"

"It's gone!" Chen Youliang said. "This advertisement is a bit substandard! There is no artistry at all."

Yan Changqing was amused by the complaint: "How much do you want for free advertising? Wait! I also asked someone to ask. I don't know if I can ask clearly. I didn't hang up beforehand. I will continue to wait for the call."


Time passed by, and the phone rang again, but it was not for Yan Changqing - this is the township government office, and the phone is not just for display.

Township Chief Yang came over to watch the excitement: "Mr. Yan, what are you worrying about?

"I don't know anyone who does things so nonsensically." Yan Changqing said casually.

"What is nonsensical?" Mayor Yang was curious.

"It's just that I don't know how to do things." After Yan Changqing explained, he began to recall.

The director of the office next to him suddenly said: "The head of the township, Mr. Yan, tell me, could it be made at the house of the little girl rescued by Mr. Yan? Didn't Mei Lele get married today? Another, that family is not simple. Not to mention buying a new car for the police station here, it is also a family that takes money for money.”

Mayor Yang frowned and then stretched his eyebrows: "Yes, that family came here in style, and there were two cars. I saw that the little girl's parents were accompanied by people who looked like bodyguards. It’s not uncommon for people to do this kind of thing.”

Yan Changqing thinks it's unlikely: "How long has it been? I haven't done it before. Why do I do it now suddenly? Besides, they are from Jiangcheng, not Anhui Province or Jiangsu Province."

"Maybe his business is doing big!" the office director muttered in a low voice, probably thinking it was impossible.

Yan Changqing remembered a little bit.

As for the rich, he really helped one.

On the way back from Shanghai, that kind-hearted silly good man, the one who was almost robbed by robbers.

It seems that he is not too old. When he saw someone waving on the road, he hurriedly drove there and was robbed. He should have never experienced social beatings. In this way, he can still drive a Santana on the road, and his family conditions will not be bad.

Those who have a private car these days are basically equated with being rich.


Seeing Yan Changqing pondering, Township Chief Yang and the office director couldn't help asking, "Did Mr. Yan remember anything?"

"I have an idea, I don't know if it's right." Yan Changqing didn't elaborate. "The last time I came back from Shanghai to help someone, it was just a matter of convenience. We left without leaving our names. If someone else said it, I really don't know the people there."

"What is easy for Mr. Yan may not be the same for others!" Yang Xiang said with a smile.

The voice fell, and the phone rang.

The old phone didn't even have a caller ID, so Yan Changqing could only pick it up and identify himself first.

Director Dong’s voice came over there: “I have asked. It is an advertisement made by people from Wan Province. It is registered as an old Xu trading company. There is a phone number left. Please write down the phone number and call to ask yourself!”

Yan Changqing picked up the notebook and made a phone call, but the head of the group Dong hadn't finished speaking: "Remember to let me know later, it's the first time I've seen such a rare thing, are rich people so self-willed now? "

Yan Changqing agreed, hung up the phone and called again.


"Hi, I'm Yan Changqing from Backgammon Winery, I want to ask, are you Lao Xu Trading Company?"

"Backgammon!" The voice over there spoke in very standard Mandarin. "Do you want to ask about advertising?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Yan Changqing heaved a sigh of relief, and it went well, and he found the right owner in no time. "The main reason is that I don't know anyone in your company. I don't know why I suddenly advertised my winery. We didn't know that the winery's advertisement actually reached your place until an order came."

"Haha!" The other side laughed awkwardly, with a little embarrassment in his voice. "I'm sorry, Mr. Yan, there is a reason for this incident. Our company is in the coal business. The boss's surname is Xu, and he has a son..."


The person explaining should be a secretary or assistant, and the explanation is very clear.

To put it simply, Mr. Xu is always in the coal trade. They have coal locally. Mr. Xu has connections. He can contact wagon customers and so on, and transport the coal to Shanghai and other places. It is quite easy to make money by doing this in the middle.

This man has a lot of energy, and he has a good son, although he is a little headstrong.

Mr. Xu's son is from the University of Mining and Technology, and he is more or less ready to inherit his father's business, but he has not inherited the family business yet, and he just got his graduation certificate this year!

As a student, it's normal to be a little naive and rebellious.

This naive student was the silly good guy Yan Changqing and the others met when they came back from Shanghai.

Young people are passionate and enthusiastic. When they see someone 'died', they can't wait to save them.

Unexpectedly, he was robbed.

He would probably tell his father about the situation at that time, but the assistant didn't know much about it.

Anyway, this silly good man always remembers this matter in his heart - no one will forget the experience of being pointed at by a gun. A person like Chen Youliang can remember it for a lifetime after experiencing it once, let alone a student who doesn't know much about the world.

So when he went back, he asked people to find out who saved him on the way.

It is estimated that the assistant is also very big-headed. Although the goal he said is very clear, driving a big jeep, two adults, and a teenager, but it is not so easy to inquire about the news these days.

It was Mr. Xu who went out and told someone once in Shanghai that someone once helped his son, and he got the news about what kind of person he was.

The rumors in Shanghai are very legendary. It is said that some of them came from Yudong Province. I don’t know how much they made from stock trading. Anyway, there must be some who have exceeded [-] million.

Because another Chen Fuhao is not very low-key, earning 6000 million from 100 subscription certificates, and spent more than [-] million to buy several houses without blinking.

But this unassuming Chen Fuhao is not as good as those from Yudong Province - his original stock was sold for tens of millions, and with the subscription certificate, it was well over [-] million.

In today's era when the annual salary is only a few thousand, earning [-] million, there is no doubt that this is the real stock market legend.

Although Yan Changqing and the others come and go in a hurry, they are not in the Jianghu, and there have always been their legends in the Jianghu.

Of course, these news are only circulated in the circle of real rich people. Most people only know that there is a Yang Wanwan who is very good at making and picking up money in the stock market.

In fact, both sides are a bit of a different level of people. Those with a net worth of several million, those with a family worth over [-] million, and those who can casually talk about things worth over [-] million are still a bit short.

In short, it was this student who, after knowing the exact news, even asked people to go to the market to inquire carefully, confirmed the big jeep, confirmed that they came back from Shanghai those few days, confirmed two adults and a young man...

Especially after confirming Yan Changqing's identity, the young master asked his father for money and put an advertisement for his winery.

Mr. Xu objected to this, saying that if you thank people, just go there aboveboard. Why do you do this? There is a plan for doing business. What if they don’t have such a business plan?Can't you give them the money directly?
But the rebellious son said: They have no plan to save people!I peed my pants next to me, and asked me if I could walk, how can I walk if my legs are weak?I have been looking for them for several months, what face?Spend money to advertise for him, and let him guess for himself...

Yan Changqing was speechless, no wonder you were urged to leave but you refused to leave, so you were peeing your pants!

This way of thanking, the heart is expressed, but this way...

It's just beyond words.

 Today's two changes are over, [-] words.

  Thanks to the book friend "08a" for the reward, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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