Chapter 212

Chen Youliang felt that he and Yan Erhe had nothing to say.

This person caught up with the demolition of several houses, and now he feels that the house that can be demolished is the best.

From the oldest and most dilapidated house to a new one all of a sudden, it's like a pie in the sky, and every day I think about it, I'm so happy from ear to ear.

Seeing that he was still thinking wildly, Chen Youliang stopped a figure running over: "Da Kui, are there beds in the houses over there?"

"Okay, there are so many houses, there are too many people who can live there." Dakui said with envy. "Mr. Yan is really good. Buying such a big house is quite close to Tiananmen Square. If you want to see it, you can go and see it. It's very exciting."

Chen Youliang smiled: "Then work hard and save some money yourself in the future. Don't always send the money home. You will also come to buy a house in the future. If you want to see it, you can see it. By the way, is there anything missing? , would you like to take a look?"

"Erhe, let's go, let's go and have a look. Changqing is here to stay, and he will prepare everything he needs. When he comes, he will prepare for the show. How can he have time to take care of these things?"

Just entering a room, Chen Youliang shuddered: "Have you tried the air conditioner? Why is it so cold?"

Wang Dakui frowned: "I tried it, I tried it just now. I wanted to try to see if it can be cold, so I will transfer it back..."

Yan Erhe admired from behind: "This thing is really good. It doesn't emit smoke or suffocate people. It can be warm if you want it to be warm and cool if you want it to be cool. It's so comfortable to put it in our home later!"

"People will definitely enjoy it more and more." Chen Youliang is no longer the young man in a small town. "You can tell by working hard all day long that the sales of products in our market, such as electronic products, have been increasing all the time. What does this mean?"

"What do you mean?" Yan Erhe looked confused.

"It shows that people's life is getting better and better, at least the people in the city, life is better than before." Chen Youliang mentioned a sentence without further explanation. "Have you bought everything in the kitchen?"

"Okay, okay." Da Kui, who had just adjusted the air conditioner, turned around and replied. "Almost all the things you told me are ready, and I can't think of the others for a while. Let's wait here for a few days and see what we need before buying."

"Well, then let's not cook for the next few days, and wait for Changqing to come and let him burn the bottom of the pot." Chen Youliang thought about it and confessed. "There are a lot of restaurants nearby. It's not easy for us to come here. Just these few days, we can try what people in the capital eat all day long."


When Yan Changqing arrived, Chen Youliang, Yan Erhe and the others had been staying for several days, and they had indeed tasted all the delicacies around them.

But there was no time left. After the simple ceremony of 'burning the bottom of the pot', Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang went straight to CCTV to talk about commercials.

Yan Changqing is quite familiar with this place, and has already inquired about the person in charge of the advertising department.

So the two of them went straight there, relying on Yan Changqing's identity as he was going to participate in the Spring Festival Gala, they met him smoothly.

At first, I was looking for a director, surnamed Chen.

Yan Changqing didn't know him, but he still had an impression of Yan Changqing.

After hearing Yan Changqing's request, Director Chen was a little dazed: "I'm afraid I can't make the decision. I'll take you to Director Tan, she can make the decision now."

Yan Changqing was worried: "Director Chen, do you think this matter can be done?"

"It should be possible!" Director Chen stopped and thought for a while. "Now the business of the advertising department... Let's see what Director Tan has to say, I guess it's not a big problem."

The current business of CCTV's advertising department is actually a bit more complicated than Yan Changqing thought.

It's not that no one is doing it, how can there be no one on CCTV to advertise, there are many people who want to come!
However, most of these advertisements come from approved notes, which is commonly known as coming through the back door.First of all, the price of people who come in this way is not very good. The advertising revenue of the dignified CCTV is very mediocre, which is very uncomfortable.

That's why there was the later bid king competition. No matter who came, they should get some real money first, so that CCTV's advertising revenue would not continue to increase.


Director Tan is a very capable woman.

Director Chen stepped forward and introduced with a smile: "Hi Director Tan, this is Yan Changqing. He still has a program this year. But he is not here to talk about the program now. He wants to buy advertising space, which is still a big business."

After he said Yan Changqing's request, Director Tan was stunned for a moment, and then he came over and held out his hand: "Hi, hello, please sit down. Now the advertisements are almost arranged, and it's a bit late for you to come now of……"

"We pay for it!" Yan Changqing was not afraid of appearing rich and powerful because of his young age. "Aunt Tan, can I call you that? I think our advertisement is unfair and fair."

"At such a good time like the Spring Festival Gala, the advertising space should be given out for everyone to participate in the competition. Whoever has the most money will win, fair competition. Is it Aunt Tan?"

"Ah?" Director Tan was taken aback for a moment, she was only worried about the income from the advertising business at the moment, and she hadn't thought of the idea of ​​competing for the bid king!

Yan Changqing continued cheerfully: "Aunt Tan, I think the best thing is to hold an auction, where the advertising business of each time period is brought out for everyone to choose. If you choose, you will bid, and whoever is higher will win. Wouldn't that allow the TV station to have more income and achieve better development?"

Director Tan smiled, and stretched out his hand to signal the person next to him to help pour tea.

Yan Changqing had finished talking, and all that was left was to wait.

This director just took office, and she was the only one who came up with the bid king. Now that she has given her idea in advance, she will definitely consider it carefully instead of vetoing it at a glance.

Because the person who can make such a big event as the king of the king, not everyone can do it.


After thinking about it for a long time, Director Tan didn't make a decision on the spot, but just asked, "How much are you going to pay for the advertisements you want to do?"

Yan Changqing stretched out three fingers, thought for a while and then bent half of them: "How about 500 million?"

Director Tan smiled: "You go back and wait for the news. We have to think about this kind of thing."

There is nothing to consider about this. In the future, the Confucian mansion that you will personally run will only give you 3000 million.

Yan Changqing thought to himself, stood up and said goodbye.


On the way back, Chen Youliang was a little worried: "Do you think it will work? Will the effect of two or 3000 million advertisements be as expected?"

Yan Changqing thinks the problem is not big: "I am worried that the production capacity of our winery is not enough."

Basically, all brands will face this problem. The gap between what they thought before advertising and the reality is too great, so that they have to come up with various "solutions". As a result, the sales volume has reached, and the brand has also collapsed.

Others are too daring to think, the advertising fee is out, and the sales volume does not meet expectations.

Chen Youliang doesn't worry about this. The winery's current sales profit can easily earn back 3000 to [-] million a year, plus this advertisement, it must only make money.

The reason why he asked was because Yan Changqing said at the beginning that it would cost several billion a year, and he felt that goal was a bit too big.

But now that Yan Changqing is still confident, he doesn't say anything more.

Anyway, that little money is not much.


Next, Yan Changqing continued to rehearse with the members of the troupe, while Chen Youliang continued with his original plan.

It was still Yan Changqing's original plan, to find a way to transfer the money out, buy foreign stocks, and earn foreign exchange.

At the current stage, it is a bit difficult to operate like this, and some methods are not very legal. Chen Youliang doesn't want to take risks, and has been inquiring about it, trying to find a more legal method.

After all, my own money is earned in an upright manner, and it is also upright to go out to earn foreign exchange, so why use some illegal means?

He has experience behind bars, and he attaches great importance to this aspect.

Judging from his relationship with the county's tax authorities, he has always been quite strict with himself, paying taxes on time and never cheating.


Within a few days, someone from the station came to inform them to go again.

Director Tan didn't say any more this time, and said very directly: "If you can reach 800 million, this time the matter will be settled."

Yan Changqing regretted that he had said too much at the beginning, and should have said less.

He understood it, and estimated that no matter how much he said, the other party might add more.

But in order to satisfy one's "little wish", it doesn't matter if it is a few million, although it may represent ten sets of eight small courtyard houses.

Rebirth has been working for so long, so what's wrong with being self-willed once, isn't it just money!
"Okay!" Yan Changqing agreed without hesitation. "When the contract is signed, we will ship the money directly from here."

"Anytime." Director Tan said with a smile. "The contract can be signed at any time, did you bring the money directly?"

"When I find a car, I'll send the money right away." Yan Changqing was sharper than her.

"Hey, there's no need to be in such a hurry, just wait, I have to find the accountant." Director Tan laughed. "Why not in the afternoon! I'll prepare here. You don't have to look for a car. I'll find a car later. It's such a large sum of money, and there are some security measures."

When it was time to sign the contract, Yan Changqing found out that the station here was quite interesting, and he even gave away the middle advertisement and some follow-up small advertisements, which seemed to be the extra millions in compensation.

But it doesn't matter.

Yan Changqing's main focus is on his own advertising slogan, "Don't drink and drive, don't drink, don't drink, and it will continue to play in the future."

He was also afraid that this slogan was too advanced and there would be some changes. Now it seems that this sentence is destined to be tied to the Backgammon Winery, and it will always be tied to it in the future.

When the time comes, everyone will have to remember that this sentence was brought up by Wang Yan Changqing, the first bidder of CCTV.


In the afternoon, I started to move the banknotes.

Two to thirty million is still quite a lot, and it has been locked in Yan Changqing's house all the time, which is quite worrying these days.

Now that they heard that they were going to move out, everyone was very happy, and they carried it to the car.

Next, pay some money and sign the contract.

There are also a few boxes of wine with the car, so I have a share.

Yan Changqing said: "This is not a bribe. We have signed a contract. This is for all uncles and aunts to inspect the quality of the product."

Take people directly to the restaurant for on-site inspection!


There is nothing to say about the quality of the wine, at least let them realize that this advertisement will not ruin the reputation of the station.

When they were full of wine and food and sent them away, Chen Youliang looked at Yan Changqing who let out a sigh of relief, and couldn't help being happy: "You have been thinking about the advertisement for so long, are you satisfied now?"

"Satisfied!" Yan Changqing took the contract from his bag, and looked at it happily. "She must have memorized the word 'Biao Wang' I told Director Tan just now. I'm afraid she will have the title of 'Biao Wang' every year from now on!"

"We are the first one. No matter how many bidders there are in the future, as long as we mention it, we can't avoid our first one, right?" Chen Youliang immediately understood.

"Yes!" Yan Changqing walked very easily. "Even if the winery closes down, even in another 30 years, when people mention CCTV Biaowang, they will remember that the first Biaowang was a winery called Backgammon."

"Awesome!" Chen Youliang drank some wine and walked on the street with Yan Changqing without feeling cold in the cold wind. "Then our place, is it also famous this time?"


"Your wine is now in place. This year's Chinese New Year, I'm afraid not all the people at the logistics point will be able to come back for the Chinese New Year."

"Giving more money, it's the same when you come back after changing shifts after the Chinese New Year. Earning money is the most important thing. It's not a big problem to give those on duty for the Spring Festival a few more days off after the Chinese New Year."

"Well, it's not a big problem. We have a car to go back and forth, and we don't have to worry about not being able to buy a ticket. It's also convenient."

Yan Changqing looked up at the sky: "Let's go! Go back."

"Then we should go back." Chen Youliang also looked at the sky. "We don't have anything to do here. Let's go back early, and the market will be busy for two days."

Yan Changqing was stunned: "This is the Spring Festival Gala, why don't you stay and watch? Let the others go back first, you and Second Uncle are here..."

"It's still early!" Chen Youliang stared at him. "You are so happy and confused, there are still some days! Can I just wait here without doing anything? We will come again in a few days, and then bring your parents with us. We have more places for them. Come and see."


Yan Changqing was blown in the cold wind for a while after seeing off his uncle and second uncle in the early morning.

In fact, to him, these can only be regarded as the willow wind that is not cold on the face, who made him feel a little cold and hot now!

Go back and continue to rehearse with everyone. The chef brought by Zhu Changsheng will prepare meals for everyone, trying not to affect everyone.

Yan Changqing also tried to call a few people who participated in the show this year, and wanted to ask if anyone would come to rehearse together, after all, the more people there are, the more lively it is!

But people have already arranged it. They think they came early, but compared to others, they are almost ashamed. There are many people who came earlier than them from other places, and they have arranged their accommodation early. The rehearsal location did not give him a chance to help others.


Soon it was time for the big rehearsal.

Zhu Changsheng will mobilize before departure as usual: "Everyone these days...Mr. Shi? Why are you here?"

Not only is President Shi here, but the boss from Changqing is also here.

Mr. Shi smiled and said, "Last time you were preparing here, and I was actually there too, but I was waiting every day, so I couldn't come. This time I came earlier, and Mr. Li did the same. I didn't bother you a few days ago , it will be too late if you don’t come today.”

Then there is mobilization: "Those who have not been allocated a house this year will have it next year. Wait for other benefits, and they will be prepared for you when you go back. Everyone just perform well, and we will firmly support you."

This mobilization is too convincing. Although some people who have not been allocated a house this year have already guessed, but now they have the promise from the boss, and they are still very happy.

The mobilization of Changqing over there is the same, anyway, it is to give benefits, so that everyone can rest assured that they only need to concentrate on performing a good show, and they will definitely not let everyone have any worries.

Yan Changqing began to think, what should I give myself this year?

The house will definitely not be given repeatedly, is it a car?
It is said that the big jeep is just a facade in the market, and it is indeed time to change my own small bread.

Otherwise, I'm a little sorry for my status, anyway, the first bid king of the Spring Festival Gala!


The rehearsal actually gave everyone the opportunity to watch the Spring Festival Gala in advance.

For Yan Changqing, he already had quite a few 'acquaintances', and he was very active when he arrived at the scene: "Uncle Feng, Uncle Niu, Uncle Zhao, they are all here!"

Men are all old uncles, but women are different: "Sister Peng, we meet again!"

After a round of greetings, I turned around and saw a very familiar person: "Uncle Cheng, hello, hello. I'm Yan Changqing, an Erhu performer..."

In fact, what I want to see is Zhou Xingxing, because he remembers Zhou Xingxing's movies the most clearly. He thinks that there should be many people like himself. It is rare to watch Zhou Xingxing's movies in the days of working and depressing. Moments of laughter.

But Zhou Xingxing didn't know that he hadn't received the invitation or that he was too busy, so he never participated in the Spring Festival Gala.

There is also the Huang Feihong series, which Yan Changqing also likes to watch. I have watched it countless times, but the actors do not come.

However, a series of movies such as the Police Project, some funny, bloody, and fighting, are also his favorites, and it's good to see one.

not bad.

Yan Changqing doesn't care what other people talk about whether actors are good or bad.

Anyway, he knew that the movies of these people used to make him very happy to watch.And I still rent pirated discs to watch, or I learned something new by reviewing the past on the Internet later, or I never donated movie tickets to others.

I don’t know if it’s star chasing or not, but Yan Changqing was very enthusiastic anyway, and even took out a small notebook and said, “Sign me an autograph, Uncle Cheng, I’ll take it back to show off.”

At this time, Uncle Cheng was still very arrogant, just like when he came over two years ago and was told, he bought a bunch of dilapidated courtyard houses.

He probably didn't understand why such an actor he didn't know was so enthusiastic about him. He didn't even know that although this actor had never bought a movie ticket for him, he had watched the movie countless times.

But he is also very happy, because this new friend is very familiar with his movies, and even remembers clearly his early Drunken Fist.

So when he was happy, he took a watch from his wrist and said, "I don't have anything to give away when we meet for the first time. An autograph is nothing. This watch is a gift for meeting. It's not worth much, so keep it..."

Yan Changqing lowered his head and took a look: Sure enough, he is a big guy who gives away watches whenever he sees anyone. He just gives away cheap Rolexes!

 Thanks for the reward from book friend 08a, thank you for your support!
  Two more, [-] words!complete!
(End of this chapter)

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