Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 213 Advertising sales take off

Chapter 213 Advertising sales take off

For Yan Changqing, the rehearsal was not difficult at all.

So he is still in the mood to observe the state of other performers. At this time, Guo Statham's hair can already see the signs of the future. The same surname is Guo. Compared with the image of Guo Tianwang from Xiangjiang, the rich city head , the contrast is quite obvious.

By the way, there is also a skit called Zhang Sanqi, which plays the role of Zhang San being wronged. It is probably because of this that Zhang San became a famous extrajudicial lunatic later.

Yan Changqing's favorite is still sketch comics. Needless to say, the characteristics of the era, the actors go up to catch whoever satirizes, highlighting a comic and satirical effect.

It feels like the reviewer is asleep.


Watching the Spring Festival Gala is a nostalgic trip for Yan Changqing.

After the end, he warmly invited Jackie Chan to his home as a guest.

It's good to have your own house, and it's justifiable to invite, and you have wine, the best wine.

Anyone who wants to drink wine has to come here, but Yan Changqing is really not a fan. He still has vodka here, only one box, and it doesn't even have a label. He put it here to find someone to taste it.

Cheng Shilong has filmed Drunken Fist, and it is said that he also likes to drink in life. For Yan Changqing, this is the best wine tester.

If vodka is placed in Yudong Province, everyone is not used to drinking it, and there is no useful suggestion at all.


Yan Changqing didn't drink by himself, so he could only ask Zhu Changsheng and a few staff members to accompany him to drink.

Cheng Shilong was still very curious: "Why is there no brand for this wine?"

Yan Changqing explained: "This is the vodka I brewed. I tried to brew it. I want to sell it to earn foreign exchange. This year's Spring Festival Gala advertised the BBK series of wine, but I'm afraid you won't want to taste it after drinking it. This vodka."

Because the brewing skills listed specifically for vodka are only more than 80.00% so far.The brewed wine was not sold, and he directly mixed it into the good life series wine.

Cheng Shilong tasted it curiously, and then said: "It still feels good, but you should find a wine tasting master, my evaluation is not professional enough."

Yan Changqing thinks it’s okay, as long as others can’t tell the obvious difference from other vodkas, then there is no problem.

Because he already has a second-level brewing skill, he is confident that he can upgrade his vodka skill to the full level within half a year.

Then he took out his own step-by-step promotion—that is, the wine with only a little bit of the word "step by step", and most people would only notice the word "high rise" when they looked at it casually.

The quality of this kind of wine is slightly better than that of the backgammon series. Although there are not many, the price is equivalent to twice that of backgammon.

Originally, Yan Changqing thought that [-] yuan was quite expensive, but now he found out that even if he sells it for [-] yuan, he still can't afford to drink it, and if he wants to drink it, he probably doesn't mind if it is more expensive.

Maybe because the price has been raised, there is a gap, and it can show status and strength, but it is easier for those who are willing to drink to drink.

Cheng Shilong just took a sip and was amazed: "This wine is very good, very good, why can't I buy it in Xiangjiang?"

"Because I'm going to sell it after the advertisement is published, I want to sell it at a higher price, at a price of two or three hundred yuan a bottle."

"Only two or three hundred yuan?" Cheng Shilong was a little surprised.

Yan Changqing: "This price is already considered expensive here, but it's really not expensive to release Xiangjiang."

Two or three hundred is already equivalent to the monthly salary of most people these days, and more people are farming, and they cannot reach this income at all.

But the per capita income in Xiangjiang should be around [-] yuan, which is simply incomparable at this stage.

Cheng Shilong nodded: "If you sell wine in Xiangjiang at this price, it will sell well. Wuliangye Moutai will sell well there."

Yan Changqing is relieved, he can consider sending the wine to Xiangjiang to sell first, and then consider selling vodka there after some sales can be opened there...

Sure enough, having a world window is quite important.


In the following days, Yan Changqing rehearsed several times with everyone on time every day, and then went to the Forbidden City to continue studying.

After making two sculptures with his own hands, he felt that he had gained a lot of insights, and it was the best choice to take advantage of this opportunity to study again.

After the three rehearsals, the next step is the preparation and recording.

After the recording was over, Yan Changqing met his family members in the capital.

Because the number of people is limited, and grandma is still motion sick and unable to come, so this time, grandparents did not come, which is a little regret for Yan Changqing.

I guess if I want grandma to come, I can either drive slowly and only walk a certain distance every day, which will take a little longer, or wait for the high-speed rail to be opened in the future, but that is a bit too far away...

This time, Chen Youliang specially transferred a large cart and brought a lot of wine over.

Yan Changqing gave it away to people everywhere, anyway, he gave some to everyone he knew, firstly, to establish some relationships, and secondly, let people help promote it.

After the advertisement, the sales must have increased greatly, but these people who are attending the party now have a lot of influence. If they all drink their own wine, it will be easier to form word of mouth.

But his more important job is to be a master of taking pictures, taking his family around the capital.

Li Xiuni was the happiest. She went to Tiananmen Square and asked her son to help her take many photos.

Yan Changqing felt that taking pictures of his mother was a special way to improve his shooting skills, and he saw that his skills were all over [-].

When taking pictures during the day, my mother was dissatisfied in various ways, and when the photos were developed the next day, she was also satisfied in various ways, yelling for her son to take more pictures for her.

It's a pity that there is still so much time, the party is about to begin.


This year was a memorable Spring Festival for Yan Changqing's family.

The whole family wanted to watch the Spring Festival Gala live, and visited the capital, took photos in front of Tiananmen Square, and walked around the Forbidden City. Although the weather was a bit cold and we hadn't been to the Great Wall yet, the whole family was very happy.

After all, a few years ago, they were still doing the work of pulling plows, planting a few acres of their own fields in a primitive way, worrying about raising public grain, and not even daring to think about eating meat in ordinary days, and thousands of years The farmers who came were no different.

But in a blink of an eye, they actually wore new clothes and walked into the studio of the Spring Festival Gala to watch live.

It's really like a dream.


At this moment, in a family watching the Spring Festival Gala, the old Xu father and son are watching the Spring Festival Gala talking, such a wonderful program, the two of them deliberately lowered their voices to talk.

Old Xu asked: "That young man, he's too young to save you? It's amazing. It's been two years since he went to the Spring Festival Gala."

"Yes!" Xiao Xu felt very frustrated. "At first, I didn't believe it. A young genius who can play the erhu, why is he so good at throwing hidden weapons? I don't even think about it now."

"From such a long distance, he swished like a martial arts master while running, even more powerful than what was shown on TV. I felt like he ran in front of me in the blink of an eye."

In fact, when he was rescued at the beginning, Comrade Xiao Xu didn’t notice swish swish at all. He was so frightened that he was dumbfounded. All the details were actually made up by his brain based on the scene before he left after he returned home. of.

"Aren't you proud? Do you know now? It doesn't mean you're good enough to go to university. Look at him, he's much younger than you. This is the second time he's going to a party." Old Xu said lightly.

In fact, he was also quite surprised. Except for the fact that Yan Changqing went to the last year's Spring Festival Gala, they were able to confirm the news that people inquired about. Most of the other news was circulated by the people. , and even slaughtered a few human traffickers and so on.

The two didn't go there in person, and the people they sent were all inquiring everywhere. Even if the news made it to the media, Yan Changqing's name was hidden, and others didn't even know the role he played in it.

Until now, I see the other party on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, and even the advertisement for telling the time on the hour is also from the Backgammon Winery.

They are in business and are relatively more sensitive to this aspect.So it was confirmed, it seemed that the rumors were true, even though they felt that they had already looked up to him, but he was far more powerful than they imagined.

After all, Lao Xu is an old Jianghu, and he thought he could take the opportunity to educate his son, so that his son would not think that going to college is so great, and his eyes are high and his hands are low all day long.

He was taken aback by what happened last time. When his son came back and said it, he, the father, comforted his son on the surface and said it was okay, but in fact his hands and feet were cold.

Such a good son who was able to get into the university, he almost passed away unexpectedly.

Although the robbers were all over due to various reasons, the rescue was too late, but he still couldn't let go of his anger, but he had nowhere to vent his anger, so he could only look after his son.

It's just right now, hurry up and educate him, he doesn't want his son to encounter such a thing a second time.

In fact, Xiao Xu doesn't need his father's education. He has always felt a sense of frustration. Not only is he being robbed, but being rescued by a young man younger than himself is actually a blow.

Now being told by my dad, his rebellious heart suppressed his frustration: "I was just going to school before, and I didn't care about other things. Dad, I'm going to start a business. What do you have now?" What business can you do for me?"

Old Xu chuckled: "It's just right, you have also rested for a while, and you can start working. When tomorrow starts, you follow me and visit my old friends first!"

Xiao Xu nodded, and then said: "Then let's buy some more wine from Mr. Xiao Yan! This Gao Sheng wine with this advertisement will increase his sales."

"Isn't there already a lot at home?" Old Xu was stunned.

"That's different. It used to be Backgammon, but this time it's called Backgammon. Didn't you notice the bottle? You only saw the word Gaosheng."

"Why did I say something is wrong! Gao Sheng is good, Gao Sheng is good, you can have a good fortune with this."

Under the influence of Old Xu, Xiao Xu has more experience in business and human relations than he has on long-distance roads, and he also laughed when he heard this: "I think just because of this good fortune, his winery's sales this year The amount is not low. This name is really suitable for gift giving."


At the same time, Feng Yigui was showing off to his wife and children: "Did you see the advertisement just now? It was written by Mr. Xiaoyan. What do you think of my discerning eyes? The first time I saw him back then, I thought ..."

His wife listened quietly to his bragging, not wanting to interrupt him.

However, the phone at home rang, interrupting Lao Feng's bragging. He reached out to pick it up, and heard the person on the phone say excitedly: "Mr. Someone called. They want to raise the wine..."

After Feng Yigui said a few words, he hung up the phone, feeling even more proud: "I said earlier that Xiaoyan's ability to choose names is unmatched, and they are all names that feel auspicious at the first hearing, and all of them are lucky ..."

The phone rang again, and when I picked it up, I heard the person on the other side say, "Yigui, the BBK you represent, isn't it the one that advertised just now?"

Feng Yigui complacently said, "Second brother, what's the matter? Do you want wine? Money first, goods later, my brother will settle the score, I told you that you are not happy to let you buy it in advance, but now I think of me, haha..."

The person on the other side of the phone laughed: "Okay, okay, you are right this time. You just took advantage of the money, leave me ten boxes or twenty boxes, and I will give you the money when I go."

When the phone was hung up, Mrs. Feng said with a bit of disgust: "You are really looking for money. My brother wants money, and our brother usually helps us a lot. Your small broken factory didn't close down before, and you thought it was just rely on you..."

"Brother what, it's not my brother, it's your brother." Old Feng said with a smile.

As soon as the words fell, his wife was stunned for a moment, and then she came over with a small fist: "My brother called and asked you for some wine, do you still dare to ask for money? Old Feng, your wings are stiff now, aren't you?"

Old Feng rubbed his fist and said triumphantly: "I didn't intend to take it! I was just angry with him. When I told him before, he still thought the wine was not famous enough and the price was too expensive."

His wife's fist naturally turned into a clap: "Isn't that why there was no advertisement? Besides, didn't you say that there is not much difference between the two wines."

"There is a difference even if the difference is not big. The price of a really good product must be higher. Don't think that a higher quality is not a high quality. Backgammon is already the best wine in the market now, and the price of wine that can be higher than it is doubled. I think it's too little. Just look at it, the sales are sure..."

After the voice faded, another call came over: "Mr. Feng, there are a lot of people ordering. The several sellers we originally supplied have called to order more. The quantity in the warehouse is not enough!"

"Not enough is not enough, tell them to wait." Old Feng was very imposing. "Didn't you see Mr. Yan is still performing..."

"I mean call the winery."

"Oh, then you call..."



Li Xiuni came out after the party and asked Yan Dahai: "Dahai, I'm sure I didn't have a dream today, right?"

Yan Dahai replied helplessly: "No, no. Let's go back quickly, my son said he still wants to attend a celebration party..."

"Yes, yes, yes, go back." Li Xiuni immediately became anxious. "hurry up."

Yan Haihai already had a vague sense of what his wife was going to do, and when he drove back, he saw his wife going straight to the room where his son lived - there was a newly installed telephone in it.

Yan Haihai could already imagine that his wife probably wouldn't go to bed before his son came back today.

She should call the winery first, show off with her natal family, and ask if they saw her on TV.

Then she had to make calls to the village, and those households in the village who had installed telephones would probably be harassed by her.

I just don't know if she will feel distressed when she thinks about the phone bill tomorrow.


Yan Changqing was more concerned about the effect of his advertisement, but when he came back, it was already early in the morning of the first day of the new year, so it was not good to call to harass others.

After he rested for two hours and checked the time, he started calling for New Year greetings.

The first call was Feng Yigui's phone number: "Uncle Feng, happy new year!"

Feng Yigui casually replied "Happy New Year", and then said: "We have all seen the advertisement, everyone who watched the Spring Festival Gala saw it, especially the few seconds when the time was announced, regardless of the short time, I believe everyone will forget."

"I started answering the phone as soon as the ad aired. The phone calls for ordering wine continued all night. It was so hot. Your winery doesn't have enough goods. Hurry up and go back to make wine..."

No wonder Feng Yigui was excited. He watched Yan Changqing grow up with his own eyes. From a small winery like a small workshop in the countryside, he gradually developed step by step, and then asked him to help contact the TV station to advertise, and then...

Suddenly, it was the Spring Festival Gala, and the small winery instantly became a well-known well-known wine company.

This gave him a sense of participation, and he felt that he was somewhat responsible for this, after all, he was also a big dealer.

Thinking about how the three met at the door of his small clothing factory that was about to close down, and now that the three of them have become entrepreneurs, it is understandable that he is excited.

After talking for a long time, Feng Yigui calmed down and talked about another matter: "Changqing, there is something. My old man also drank your wine. His habit is to drink two glasses before going to bed. Aids sleep."

"Since he drank your wine, no matter what other people gave him, he stopped drinking it. He said that after drinking backgammon, he fell asleep very soundly. Several elders also said the same, and felt that they slept well after drinking it. .”

"I don't know if it's because of their age or other reasons. I've tried it too, but I don't feel that way. Do you think this can become a selling point?"

Yan Changqing didn't feel it either, because he only tasted it and didn't drink it, and no one talked about the wine he gave to his family, including the people in the village.

He thought it might be a psychological effect, or it could be regarded as a side effect of the second-level skill, so why did only some people respond to this problem?
But he is unwilling to use this as a selling point: "Not everyone feels this way. We sell alcohol, not medicine. Even if there is such an effect, we can't publicize it. We still let customers Find out for yourself!"

Lao Feng felt a little regretful: "It is true that there are fewer people who say it now. After the new year, I will ask the people in the factory to find more people and do a small survey to see if there are many people who feel this way."

Yan Changqing agreed: "Then I'll ask someone to do an after-sales return visit and ask about it. If there is, it's a good thing. Although it can't be advertised, it's okay to say it verbally..."

(End of this chapter)

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