Chapter 214
Yan Changqing was still quite puzzled, why hadn't he heard anyone say that his wine had the effect of helping sleep?
People who drink their own wine and get drunk will definitely have a good night's sleep. Yan Changqing knows it, but no one has ever mentioned it to him that only one or two sips can improve sleep.

Could it be the bonus effect of the second level skill?

Or is it just those few people, purely a psychological reaction?
If it is an effect, what is this effect?

After that, change the name of your wine, to soothe the nerves and invigorate the brain?
After thinking about it for a while, I think it's better to investigate, after all, I can't figure it out just by thinking about it.

But he is relieved now.

The advertising effect is good, and my goal has been achieved. As for the winery, there are not many goods, so sell as much as you have!
Now the Chinese New Year is relatively hot, and the dealers have to slowly digest those goods. After the New Year, there will be a buffer period. Even if the advertisements are louder, it is impossible to compare the sales volume of liquor during the Chinese New Year. bigger.


After Yan Changqing finished the call, breakfast was ready.

There are also eggs specially prepared for him. Now he has formed a habit. He must eat eggs on his birthday, even if his life is better, it will be the same every year.

After eating, the family packs up their things and goes home.

They embarked on the return journey and galloped all the way. At night, they had already entered the boundary of Yudong Province.

Yan Changqing felt that if it was a Chinese New Year celebration, there should be no problem on the road, because the New Year's atmosphere is too strong now, and everyone is going to celebrate the New Year, and they can't find a restaurant on the road.

Those car bandit road tyrants should also be celebrating the New Year, so he simply drove by himself and drove home overnight.

After running around all the way, I simply made some food when I got home, and went to bed quickly.


Early the next morning, Yan Changqing woke up feeling relaxed.

When you wake up in the morning, you can hear the sound of firecrackers near and far, which is the sound of Chinese New Year.

After going out for a while, I felt like I forgot something.

It wasn't until his grandfather and father came that he remembered that it was time to go to the grave.

The original rules of going to the grave on the first day of the new year, because he participated in the Spring Festival Gala, was changed to the second year of the new year again.

Yesterday, my grandfather had removed the withered grass and added soil to the ancestral graves. They only need to pay respects this time when they come here.


After visiting the grave, he said hello to the people in the village who hadn't set off to visit their relatives. After chatting for a while, Yan Changqing went to the winery.

After entering the gate, he originally wanted to go straight, but seeing the burning incense in the incense burner in front of the statue, he went to add some more incense.

The winery has increased wages this year, and those who want to earn money can stay and continue to work, so most of the workers are still busy in the winery - last year's cotton production reduction was not a small event for most people disaster.

It also made many people realize the reality that relying on the sky is worse than relying on people.

Therefore, the workers have become more serious about working in the winery. For the boss, this must be a good thing.

The factory manager brought a group of people who had prepared for a long time. When the boss came back, he immediately began to report the production and sales situation during this period.

After they finished their report, Yan Changqing changed his clothes and went into the wine room.

Currently, he is the only one who can do the work of blending wine, especially high-end wine.

However, as his proficiency improves, he doesn't need to spend too much time on these things. He only needs to taste a little bit and give him some pointers. Naturally, workers will cooperate with the work.

I had lunch at noon, and there was no delay in eating, and people kept coming to report various tasks.

He was busy until dark, and he didn't even care about some people from the village coming to him.


In the middle of the night, the people around Yan Changqing changed several times, and finally finished the work he needed to do.

He took a shower, lay on the bed, and was about to go to sleep, when he suddenly felt as if he had forgotten something.

After thinking for a while, the next moment, he called out the little jade plate.

Then directly found the sleep skills.

Look carefully, look again, look again.

That's right, no proficiency, not at all.

Because the original proficiency is full, the skill has been upgraded!

At this moment, he forgot about any advertisements or sales volume.

Those are not important anymore.

The sleeping skill should have been upgraded before getting up in the morning, but at that time he thought he forgot to go to the grave.

Secondary sleep?

Sleep better?
not that simple.

He stared at the skill carefully for a while, then happily thought of a keyword, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


He fell asleep almost instantly.

Then it seemed like a blink of an eye, and what seemed like a long time later, he opened his eyes.

After experiencing it carefully, he turned on the light and got up, went to the desk, spread out a piece of paper, and began to write seriously.

One page, two pages, three pages.

For those who don't know calligraphy, his handwriting is just beautiful, and nothing else matters.

But he knew that when he almost picked up the pen, he had a lot of insights, and he felt that he should do so in order to write better.

So he kept writing, trying to turn these insights into his own skill proficiency through 'actual combat'.

When he finally stopped writing, it was already two hours later.

He felt that these two hours of practice were much better than the three or five days he had practiced before.

It feels very obvious, and it is very handy to write, regular script, running script, cursive script, change the font at will, write whatever you want, and write everything at your fingertips.

There is a kind of smoothness and ease like carrying a sandbag on your back for half a day, and then unloading the sandbag.


Putting down his pen, he continued to study.

Have you practiced in your dream?

It doesn't seem to have either.

He felt that he had slept and woke up as full of energy as before.He checked the time before going to bed and when he got up, that is, he slept for about an hour.

It didn't feel like a dream, but he did think about calligraphy before going to bed.

Because of Zhou Xingxing's Sleeping Arhat Fist, he always thought that if his sleep skill reached the second level, he would be the best at practicing in his dreams.

It saves time and resources. For a person like him who counts everything into a skill and is a little greedy to want everything, it is very suitable to be able to improve his skills while sleeping.

It's like opening a skill accelerator.

It can be called the plug-in of plug-ins.

But why don't I feel anything in my dream, and I only feel it after I wake up?

In fact, it was already 05:30, more than his usual time to get up.

But Yan Changqing turned off the lights and went to sleep again!
Still the same, I thought of a key word, then closed my eyes, and fell asleep instantly.

This time he hinted to himself that he would not get up until dawn.

Then when he woke up, looking back, there was indeed no dream, but he had a feeling in his heart again.

Looking at the time again, I slept for two hours, and now at 07:30, the sky is indeed bright.

Very leathery, how long do you want to sleep?

But this is not important, he walked out towards the outside.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw his uncle frowning outside: "What's wrong, uncle?"

"Ah, it's all right." Uncle let out a sigh of relief when he saw him come out, feeling a lot more relaxed. "You usually get up very early. You didn't go to dinner just now. I wonder if you have been out for a few days, tired or something. I want to come and see..."

"It's all right." Yan Changqing laughed. "It's Chinese New Year, I give myself a vacation, I didn't get up when I woke up, and I slept for a while."

"That's good, that's good." Uncle nodded and prepared to leave, but couldn't help but confess. "If you're tired, take a break. There's never enough work in the factory. It's okay to be early or late."

Yan Changqing reassured him: "It's okay, I've already slept well."

"Well, by the way, your aunt left some food for you in the kitchen..."


In fact, Yan Changqing didn't even bother to eat, but since he had reserved food for himself, it wasn't appropriate not to eat.

The workers still hadn't finished their meal. When they saw him coming, they greeted him one after another, and then these people saw how different the boss was.

The man swallowed a big steamed bun in three or two bites, and after a few more bites, the food was gone.

The aunt next to him was so scared that she started to pat him on the back and told him to eat slowly.

Yan Changqing wiped his mouth: "Okay, I'll go over there and have a look."

I ran over to study the koji.


Distiller's yeast is not suitable for making in winter. There are many ways to make distiller's yeast, especially for some distiller's yeast, some of the raw materials that need to be used are wild grasses. , is the most common thing among the people.

But Yan Changqing now has a 'realization', so he has to try it out quickly.

After all, there are many ways to make distiller's yeast without weeds.

I have been busy all morning.

The skill has improved a little, and the proficiency progress bar is visible to the naked eye, and the proficiency has indeed increased more than the previous production of distiller's yeast.

Sure enough, sleeping is an accelerator!

Yan Changqing was a little excited.

It's like a child who got a new toy, very fresh.

So after lunch, I went to bed again.

The key word this time is fist and kick.

Because the production of distiller's yeast is small, although the technology of brewing sorghum liquor is at the second level and is still growing, the production of distiller's yeast has always been at the first level, and so is the skill of calligraphy and painting.

So this time he will try the second level skill.


After a two-hour nap, by the small river.

Yan Changqing's fist was blown with wind, and his kicks made a crackling sound, as if sound effects had been added.

This is actually nothing, the important thing is proficiency.

Punching until dark, he proved that sleep is really invincible, and the second-level skills can still enhance the 'sentiment'.

Although he doesn't even dream.

After dinner, I went to bed again.

This time the test is breathing skills.

Breathing is fundamental. He feels that this skill has the best effect on increasing the body, because it is holistic. Although it is slow, it can improve all aspects of the body, which is unmatched by other skills.

Although the third level is still far away, he thinks he can try it.

This time I slept for four hours in one breath, got up, sat cross-legged, and breathed.

Why did he have to sit cross-legged? Because he was a little too excited, and felt that he was about to become an immortal, so he had to get used to it in advance, which was a bit of a ritual.


This time he practiced breathing skills, until someone called him, still a little bit unfinished.

After getting up, he pushed open the door and saw that it was the uncle who was calling for dinner. He thought for a while and said, "I'm researching something these few days and improving my craftsmanship. If I can't catch up with the meal, don't call me. I'll wait." When you're done, go to the kitchen and eat."

While eating, I began to sigh: Sure enough, the mundane world is a big obstacle to practice!

It's no wonder that other people's practice is found in the deep mountains and old forests. In that case... no one will know when they die.

Well, in fact, fireworks in the human world are still very important. If you really go to the deep mountains and old forests, study the cultivation of immortals every day, and ignore everything, it doesn't seem to be very interesting.

Moreover, Yan Changqing is also very self-aware, it really made him go deep into the mountains and old forests, he couldn't bear that kind of loneliness.

Even if you have the skills, it's probably not enough. Besides, after entering the deep mountains and old forests, do you have to cook and wash clothes by yourself?
So he ate and went on to work.


In the next few days, Yan Changqing was completely obsessed with sleeping.

Lie on the bed and think about nothing.

When I woke up, I realized a lot.

This feeling is a cool one.

Then he experimented with music skills such as erhu. Erhu is currently the slowest-growing music-related secondary skill, and the three skills of drum, zither, and suona are currently low in proficiency, but they can grow fast enough. In contrast, it is more convenient for him to study the acceleration effect of sleep on skills.

The harvest is great, sleeping is indeed a magical skill, no wonder so many people like to sleep, and some want to sleep with others...

The only problem is that he doesn't practice in his dream after falling asleep like the Sleeping Arhat Fist in the movie.

Is it because the sleep skill has just been upgraded, so I am actually dreaming, but I can't feel that I am dreaming?

So, if the key word that you hint to yourself before going to bed is sleep!
I use the sleep skill to speed up the sleep skill, can it work?

Waking up in the middle of the night, Yan Changqing habitually looked at his Rolex to confirm the time.

He didn’t even need to turn on the lights. It was a habit before. In fact, he didn’t even need to turn on the lights. The factory lights were on outside the window. Although the light entering the window was not very bright, it was enough for him to see. Time to see.

But then he turned on the light again.

After all, it seems strange to sit in the room with the lights off, but I'm used to turning on the lights.

I slept well, but what about my perception?

I sleep to improve my sleep skills, why don't I have any understanding of sleep when I wake up?

It's so unscientific!
However, he didn't have any regrets, so he called out the little jade plate and studied it by himself.

He even tried to fantasize that he used his 'divine consciousness' to comprehend the little jade plate, but the fantasy turned out to be a fantasy.

Then forget it!
Yan Changqing felt that all the unknowns were because his skills were too low.

If there is a level three or five, it is estimated that something can be realized.


The next moment, he turned off the light casually, lay down on the bed, silently recited a key word, and then closed his eyes to sleep.

After dawn, he continued to be busy with the work of the winery, and continued to study the koji after he was busy. The koji produced would be stored first, so he didn’t need it and didn’t worry about it. Anyway, he couldn’t afford to waste this little thing.

He was so busy all the time, he didn't even go to his favorite Lantern Festival, but only took a look around the village.

There are not as many lanterns hanging in the town as there are in the village, and the winery paid for the nearby lion dance team and martial arts team to perform - and also left the performance of the piggyback team and dry boat team in the town, otherwise there would be no festivals in the town The atmosphere is up.

Yan Changqing thought it was good, and everyone didn't have to run away.

The main reason is to save time for himself. Recently, he has become more enthusiastic about improving his skills than ever before—basically every time. Once his skills change a little, his enthusiasm will be high for a period of time.


After the fifteenth day, Chen Youliang called him: "You are going to sell the wine to Xiangjiang, don't you start preparing now?"

"There's no more wine!" Yan Changqing spread his hands. "The warehouses are basically empty. If there are sealed boxes, there will be a place to transport them. There is no wine to sell."

"Aren't you going to earn foreign exchange? Just squeeze it out." Chen Youliang urged. "It's been planned a long time ago. What are you struggling with recently? Do you want to change the plan?"

OK then!
Yan Changqing felt that although skills were important, other things should not be delayed.

The key thing is that he doesn't need to do these things: "Wait another half a month, let's talk about it when the weather is warmer! I have to save a batch of goods for the winery, otherwise there will be nothing there, and it won't work."

That's about the same, Chen Youliang was satisfied: "Then you remember this matter, you'd better spare some time in a few days, let's go to Xiangjiang together."

The main reason is that I heard that there is a lot of chaos there, and Yan Changqing doesn't want my uncle to go with other people. He always thinks that safety comes first.

He didn't want to cause any regrets because of making money.


After hanging up the phone, Yan Changqing continued to do his own research.

Their plan is to go to Xiangjiang to register a company, and then transfer the funds there, and the money sold outside will also stay outside, so that they will have money to invest outside.

The domestic market is huge, but there is no need to make money here all the time.He felt that to be a conscientious capitalist, it was still necessary to earn foreign exchange.

In fact, he would rather set up a company in some archipelago he had heard about. It is said that there is no tax there, but at this stage he is researching skills, so let's stick to the previous plan for the time being!
There are many things I want to do, but skills are what really belong to me.

As long as he has the skills, even if everything is gone now, he is confident that he can build this winery, or even other factories in a short time.

As time passed day by day, he became more proficient in the use of sleeping skills.

The best effect is still the same as before, sleeping for four hours, so that you can basically keep practicing the same skills within a day, and keep in a state of "sensation".

In other words, as long as you think about a certain skill before going to bed and sleep for four hours, then this skill will be in an accelerated state throughout the day.

If you separate them, the effect is the same. If you sleep for two hours and think about a skill, then this skill can be accelerated for about four or five hours. You don’t have to practice for now, go to sleep, think about another skill before going to bed, and you can still do it during the day. Has an acceleration effect.

But he finds it troublesome. For him, practicing one skill a day is just right.

Just like making wine koji that he has been practicing now.

He felt that raising this skill to level one should reduce his workload a lot, so he focused on improving this skill now.

Sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood!

 Thanks to the book friend "Li Jiangtu" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Today's two updates are over!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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