Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 215 Departure Branch Factory

Chapter 215 Departure Branch Factory
The weather changes silently, but there are already many digging wild vegetables in the wheat fields.

On a row of willow trees by the river, if you look carefully, there are already buds emerging, and the river water has begun to become cheerful.

Somewhat different from previous years, the small bridge by the river was busy with cars coming and going.

Because of the demand for a large increase in the production of the winery, the number of workers has increased a lot, and the shift system has been completely started. After the increase in people, various living needs have driven people in all the surrounding villages to become busy.

At this time, the shortcomings of low productivity were completely exposed. The most basic thing is that the winery can solve the livelihood problems of many nearby villagers just by feeding them.

Yanhai's chicken farm, and nearby pig-raising and vegetable growers, including the noodle and oil press shop in the village, can eat enough by relying on the winery.

The winery paid to widen the road across the river to the east again to solve the basic transportation problem.

It was the slack time for farming, and there was no shortage of people building roads. Even the brick kiln owners made some money. Lay it out.

For Yan Changqing, these are trivial matters. He is now addicted to "playing" skills, and he will let others do it while he continues to work on himself.

Until Zhu Changsheng called him and told him to "hard work" to go to the unit to receive the reward.

In particular, if you pass by yourself, don't drive.

Yan Changqing understood that his unit was really uninspiring. He gave him a house last year, but this year he thought about it. Finally, he planned to give himself a car.


Of course, most cars nowadays are much more expensive than houses.

There are no commercial houses in Xiyang City, most of them are houses in the work unit, and they are distributed to employees without a penny. It gives people the impression that the houses are not worth much at all.

But the car is different.

Even the unit reward car is very careful, afraid of attracting attention and gossiping.

Zhu Changsheng expressed his apology to Yan Changqing on behalf of his unit: "I originally wanted to hold a commendation conference, but let's talk about benefits, and those ceremonies will be avoided. It depends on your thoughts. If you want, we..."

"I don't want to." Yan Changqing thought it would be good. "What car can I choose?"

"This purchase also changed Boss Shi's car and bought him an Audi. Others include Jetta, Cherokee, Golf, Fiat, Passat, Santana, etc. Let's take a look and drive whichever one you like. Walk."

"Santana!" Yan Changqing chose the most popular one. "You don't need to look at anything else. This car has the most cars and has seen many people."

At first I wanted to say that this car is relatively low-key, but on second thought, it’s a low-key thing. In the future, I will be the person who is said to be "sitting on a building with my butt", so why should I be low-key.

That is to say, now that Taoshu Township has developed, if you change to other places, you can't keep a low profile by driving a tractor, let alone a car.

Zhu Changsheng was a little surprised: "Santana is the most purchased, and there were more Santanas in previous years. Don't you think about other things?"

Yan Changqing understood that he wanted to choose a car that was more 'special' and different from others.

However, Yan Changqing thinks that the most in the market is the best.

Because if there is a problem, spare parts can be found anywhere, which is convenient and practical-in fact, he has seen that when buying a car, he must buy a 'chic' one, but a part is broken, and he has to wait for a few days for the part to be repaired.

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Zhu Changsheng asked again: "Then what color do you want? The ones you bought this time are all black. There are also other colors, red, white and blue. We can change them at any time." of……"

"Black and black." Yan Changqing doesn't need to choose at all, of course choose the one with the most colors now, it's easy to touch up the paint!

The color of the current car is no less than that of the future, but Yan Changqing still firmly believes in his own way, there is no need to have special features, just a follow-up convenience.

He doesn't think that if he has driving skills, he can guarantee that the car will not be bumped. If you leave it there, you will be bumped by others, and it has nothing to do with driving skills.


After confirming, all that was left was to go to the logistics side to get the keys, and then Yan Changqing drove into his new car.

It's really unremarkable, black Santana.

But Yan Changqing is very satisfied, how comfortable it is to drive a car that doesn't cost money!

Lao Hu, the logistics director, was a little puzzled: "I thought you would choose a special car, but I didn't expect you to like this kind of old-fashioned..."

Yan Changqing said a witty remark: "Doesn't this show that I am mature?"

These words immediately made the audience around laugh, that is, they don't check the car at all these days, otherwise at his age, his parents would have been arrested long ago.

But they didn't know what Yan Changqing was complaining about.

That’s because you didn’t buy a new car today. After half a month to go for maintenance, you found that the Siace store was closed, and there is no car shop of that crappy brand in the whole area. If you want to enjoy free maintenance, the customer service tells you that you can only To go to the provincial capital, you only need to drive [-] kilometers...

In fact, there are quite a lot of similar things. The store that applied for the card is gone, and the computer that I just bought is found to be out of sale...

People who have experienced it once, or those who are hard-headed have experienced it several times, gradually, naturally they will not dare to "boldly try".


Yan Changqing gave the key to the second uncle when he went out - he didn't drive, but asked the second uncle to drive him.

Yan Erhe was very cheerful: "There is a new car again! Let me try it first?"

"Try it!" Yan Changqing took out the van key. "Do you want a van? I'll leave it for you in the market later if you want it?"

"I don't need it." Yan Erhe was not polite, he really didn't need it.

Usually he doesn't go anywhere else in the market, even if he needs to use it occasionally, there is no shortage of cars in the market.The main reason is that now that I have passed the stage of being enthusiastic about cars, sometimes I am too lazy to drive, and I always take the bus when I go back.

Yan Changqing didn't persuade much: "Then stop the bread at the market for a while, and you can go back and drive it back later."

"Okay!" Yan Erhe opened Santana's car door. "I'll try this car first."

There was one car when we came, but there were two when we went back.


Yan Changqing was caught by Chen Youliang when he arrived at the market: "When are you going to Xiangjiang?"

"Just these few days." Yan Changqing looked at his skill progress bar, and felt a little pity. Although he could continue to improve other skills when he went out, he couldn't help with skills such as brewing.

Seeing that he was not in a hurry to leave, Chen Youliang greeted him to enter the room: "Actually, I can handle this matter. I found that you are a little too careful?"

Yan Changqing retorted casually: "Safety comes first!"

Chen Youliang hehe: "Think about it for yourself, I found out before that you are more careful than anyone else when you go out, you are always worried about what will happen to you if you are far away from home, and you don't feel at ease if you don't follow yourself. You also said that you were not careful over?"

Yan Changqing reminded: "Have you forgotten what happened to us before?"

"It's been a few years, how many times have we encountered trouble? Later this time, it was to help others, otherwise we could have just driven away." Chen Youliang said. "Now we are not the same as before. If you don't go, I will definitely bring a few more people with you. Choose a suitable route. It's not a big deal at all."

Yan Changqing hehe: "You still think it's too little?"

He also felt that sometimes he was too careful, probably because of his rebirth, he was always afraid that there would be one less person around him, even if it wasn't because of his rebirth, he would not want to.

But he felt that such caution was necessary.

Cars in the market go out, and there are actually many things encountered. When going out, I met people who wanted to pick up cars from the car, and people who directly blocked the road and robbed them.

Even if there are escorts, those who block the road are betting that you dare not shoot, and injuries happen every year.

Fortunately, after all, having a car as a cover has an advantage compared to blocking the road. At least it can be considered lucky to ensure that no fatal incidents occur.

Just think of the slogan "It's illegal to rob a police car."

Even the trains have been robbed in recent years. It is more famous that seven robbery gangs boarded a domestic train at a time, and three gangs boarded an international train. They robbed for several days and nights, and dozens of them were arrested and shot. For the rest, it took 30 years to bring all these criminals to justice.

Yan Changqing felt that no matter how much he paid attention to the issue of public security, he was not overly cautious. Anyway, he didn't think he was at fault.

Chen Youliang only mentioned it. He also knew that if Yan Changqing didn't go, he would have to be careful along the way with a few more people.

But if you are with Yan Changqing, you can basically lie flat all the way, and at least sleep peacefully.


The two discussed the departure time, so they stopped talking about safety issues.

It is very easy to handle things like formalities. Now the border defense certificates and passports that are difficult for ordinary people are not considered a problem here.Anyway, he is also a well-known entrepreneur in the city, especially now that one station is still broadcasting the advertisement of the winery every day.

Yan Changqing calculated the time and decided to increase his proficiency in hidden weapon skills in the last few days.

The five-cent coin dart works very well, and I will use this hidden weapon in the future.Because it is the most reasonable and legal to bring this, and there is no mobile payment these days, who doesn't have a few cents in their pockets when they go out?
I had a good night's sleep at night, got up in the morning, carried a few hundred dollars and went to the small forest behind, hung a few wooden boards, and started practicing 'calligraphy' on them.

The sleep acceleration skill is easy to use.

Since the skill has reached the second level, he no longer insists on hard training, but only pays attention to perseverance, practicing for a while every day, trying to be uninterrupted.

After one day of practice now, it is equivalent to the training volume of more than half a month in the past, plus the acceleration function of sleep, the actual training effect is equivalent to more than three months in the past.

After a few days in a row, the proficiency of the second-level hidden weapon skill has increased quite gratifyingly. This kind of skill that requires physical fitness is the easiest for him now, easier than brewing wine.

The most intuitive effect is that the distance of 90 meters is not difficult for him at all. Coins fly out one by one and land on the wooden board. Whatever word he wants to 'write' is whatever word he wants. It is very simple.

The accuracy at a distance of 100 meters is still not bad, but the distance is too far, and the lethality is slightly insufficient.But if the target is a creature, it is still quite deadly. After all, as long as it is a creature, it has weaknesses.

In fact, this distance is already beyond the range of a pistol, and although other weapons have a long enough range, it is difficult for most people with insufficient training to achieve accurate shooting at a distance of 100 meters.

Moreover, Yan Changqing further strengthened his hidden weapon turning skills to deal with emergencies in different situations.

However, he felt that it was not safe enough, so he practiced the "snap finger magic power" using small steel balls as hidden weapons, so that he had good lethality within 30 to [-] meters.

This made him feel that his safety was further assured.


Three large trucks were driving on the national highway, all the way south.

Chen Youliang sighed while driving: "I haven't driven a big car for a while, and now I'm a bit unfamiliar."

Yan Changqing smiled and said, "Are you still addicted? Why don't you try driving all the way?"

"Immortals can't drive all the way." Li Mingfa, who was half lying and half lying in the back row, said with his head. "Cousin Changqing, take me to the Spring Festival Gala next time! I want to get an autographed photo of the Four Heavenly Kings, but I missed the chance this year..."

Fu Chengtou is very popular, Li Ming found out that this hairstyle is now.

Yan Changqing turned around: "What's wrong with your business not being busy enough, and you still chasing stars?"

Now the big trucks are getting better and better. Unlike when they first started their business, the cabs of the big trucks can seat people. Now there are small beds in the back, which is convenient for the driver to rest.

"My girlfriend likes it." Li Mingfa smiled shyly.

Yan Changqing was even more curious: "We're talking about a girlfriend, wasn't it introduced by my family?"

"No." Li Mingfa began to show that kind of smirk that Yan Changqing was very familiar with, which hurt single dogs. "Ni'er from a big city, her family is also in business, and she followed her parents to buy goods for me to see. They only dared to look at them, but I dared to go up and chat."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Well, if you have a girlfriend, you can take care of it, don't find a second one."

There is already some unhealthy trend now, but Yan Changqing can't control this aspect. Anyway, there hasn't been such a thing as a wolf who wants to abandon the wife of the village, so he doesn't know about it.

In fact, restaurants with special service industries have begun to appear on the side of the road, but everyone turns a blind eye.

Talk casually when you go out, and only talk about family affairs when you go home, and don't talk much.

Li Mingfa is still relatively honest: "I have never followed them to find a waiter when I went out."

By the way, it is still called a waiter here.

It's only called Miss in the south, and it hasn't become popular here yet.

But it won't be long before good things don't go out and bad things spread thousands of miles.


Chen Youliang drove it for a long time, and Li Mingfa came up to drive it instead.

Yan Changqing lay on the back, very comfortable, and continued to study his skills.

Until Li Mingfa said: "The few over there made their fortunes on the road, but they don't get on our trucks, they only get on buses."

Yan Changqing looked around, and there were a few guys on the side of the road who didn't look good, looking around, pretending to be taxi drivers.

In fact, this kind of person is easy to distinguish, and all drivers on the road know it.

This is a normal phenomenon. These people are small shrimps. They usually only steal. If they are discovered, as long as the threat is effective, they will not hurt people. However, it is difficult to say in special circumstances.

Generally speaking, it is still relatively weak to passers-by.

The more threatening ones are the ones that stop cars as soon as they see them. Li Ming discovered that he has experience now: "There are no women who go out alone these days. When encountering that kind of car, it's fine not to stop. There are still few people who pull things to block the road during the day. Go to those It’s easy to find where there are few people.”

After finishing speaking, I was a little embarrassed: "I even forgot that you two also ran a car."

Chen Youliang couldn't hold back: "At that time, it felt a little less than now, and there were not as many tricks as now!"

Yan Changqing complained: "The car bandits and road tyrants must also keep pace with the times. If you fall behind, you will not be able to grab money and eat."


When the convoy arrived in Jiangcheng, they met with Lao Feng and the people from the logistics point in Jiangcheng, and had dinner together in the evening.

Old Feng was a little envious: "You guys are still going to Xiangjiang! Why didn't you tell me earlier, take me with you!"

Chen Youliang explained: "I prepared it long ago, but he was procrastinating and didn't want to leave. The time has not been set yet."

Lao Feng started to urge the goods after a few words: "Changqing, Mr. Yan, your wine is so popular now, why don't you expand production? There is not enough to sell, and now there is no stock here, and it will be sold if it is not delivered. If you make a reservation in advance, how much less money will you earn if you do this! You can ask other wineries to produce it for you and directly OEM it?"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "You can earn as much money as you want, you just pointed me to a road that won't last long!"

In the past, you just didn't like what you said, but now you want to change your career and become a profiteer?
Lao Feng felt that he had been slandered: "I'm talking about the Good Days series. The wine can actually be produced by other companies. Your factory is only responsible for the good wine. This is the head office, right?"

Yan Changqing still shook his head: "That can't guarantee the quality, but the reliable ones produced by our own winery. In fact, many of them are purchased from other people's puree wines, but I have to deal with them, otherwise I don't feel at ease."

Lao Feng continued to suggest: "Otherwise, you can consider transporting the wine directly in a large tanker and bottling it in another place. Otherwise, it will not be easy to increase production capacity if everyone is concentrated in one place."

Both Chen Youliang and Yan Changqing's eyes lit up, and it seemed that they could do it this way.

After the winery has more people, it will be more difficult to manage. Opening a branch factory is actually a feasible idea.

Recently, Yan Changqing only cared about his skills and didn't think carefully about the development of the factory.

Chen Youliang has already thought of it: "Why don't you open a branch factory, Lao Feng? You have also seen that the biggest concern here at Changqing is quality. We can control the transportation, but we dare not hand over the production without reliable people. Do it for someone else."

"Of course!" Old Feng probably already thought about it. "You can supervise at any time. I promise to only use the wine you brought over. Let's sign a contract. If I fake it, I will be fined ten. If I adulterate, my factory will close down immediately."

Yan Changqing and the others could still trust this person, so they immediately started to discuss some details with him, and they continued to discuss until midnight.

(End of this chapter)

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