Chapter 220

Xu Yibo looked at the tens of thousands of watches in his hand, and suddenly felt that it didn't smell good!

This kid is really not a good person, no wonder when we met for the first time, seeing how dark his shots were, I was simply attracted by his brilliance at the Spring Festival Gala, and almost forgot about it.

It's not that he almost forgot, it's that he didn't want to think about it, otherwise he would look like a waste.

In short, he is in a complicated mood now, looking at the figure walking with his hands waving in front of him, he wants to smash his watch on it and knock a bag on his head.

Yan Changqing was very happy in his heart, this little comrade, you have to hit the muzzle of the gun, and I can't help it.

Xu Yibo struggled for a long time before asking: "I forgot, you go to the Spring Festival Gala, but you can meet many celebrities."

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing saw that the winery was also finished, so he took him and the assistant to his office. "Actors in reality are different from those on stage. I even took a lot of photos."

Although most of the actors are just acquainted with each other, the group photo doesn't tell if the relationship is good or bad.

So Mr. Xu was taken aback when he entered Yan Changqing's somewhat shabby office: "So many?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing smiled and let him see for himself.

President Xiao Xu opened his mouth again and again, seeing several familiar faces, he almost couldn't help but ask something.

But he held back!

Now he has discovered that it seems that what his father said is correct, his xinxing still needs to be exercised, so why can't he help but come here?

I've already given him an advertisement to repay him, so there's no need to make this trip...


Although Yan Changqing doesn't look as old as Mr. Xu now, he still has a lot of life experience as a worker, so he can somewhat understand Mr. Xu's mentality.

Get up wherever you fall!

Repaying kindness is repaying kindness, but such a shameful thing, if you don't find some scene to come back, just thinking about it will make you feel uncomfortable!

However, Yan Changqing also knew that according to Mr. Xiao Xu's words, the family background of the old Xu's family is now stronger than his own - if it is not counted as his own skills, skills cannot be measured by things in reality.

The coal bosses are quite a famous group of people.

Mr. Xu looked at it, and suddenly asked: "Why is there no Su Rui, but the Wanwan singer who sings with the feeling?"

"Are you still chasing stars?" Yan Changqing asked curiously, and then explained to him. "They are connected to the show, and they didn't come to the show in Beijing."

"I really like her songs." Mr. Xu said with a trace of nostalgia. "When I first entered college, her songs were very popular in our school. Have you heard her new album Hand in Hand recently? It's very nice..."

Looking at his expression, Yan Changqing felt that he must be thinking wrong.

Mainly in the wind reviews of coal bosses, when they ask which celebrities, most of them have not very serious ideas.

But now the one in front of me is just the second generation of coal, a student who has just graduated, not so 'bold and uninhibited', it should just like other people's songs, and I am curious to see what a big singer looks like in normal times.

After all, there is an age gap here, and the difference between the two is estimated to be 20 years.

Yan Changqing was very ashamed when he understood: "I have been busy for a while, and then I went to Xiangjiang, and I just came back not long ago. I don't have time to listen to any songs recently, but I seem to have listened to holding hands. It's really good."

I haven't heard it in this life, but I've heard it in my previous life.

The album "Holding Hands" is very popular, and it was still popular until Yan Changqing went to high school, and it has been popular for a long time.

"Su Rui is in Xiangjiang now, have you seen her when you go?" Mr. Xu asked.

"No, I don't know her well. When I went to Xiangjiang, I only met Boss Cheng. I saw him make a movie once, and I met a few celebrities, but they didn't know me." Yan Changqing was modest.

After all, he has been to the Spring Festival Gala twice, and his reputation is not as small as he said, at least Ajian can recognize him at a glance.

Mr. Xu has some regrets: "It's a pity that I want to do business with my dad now, and I come here every time I find time. If I want to go to Xiangjiang, I can only wait for the opportunity in the future."

Yan Changqing admired his perseverance: "You can invite her to participate in some activities, otherwise, you ask her to advertise for my winery, making new wine vodka, then if she comes here to talk, you Don't you see it?"

"That's really..." Mr. Xu had just muttered halfway before he came to his senses. "Why should I spend money to advertise for you, or come here to talk with you, I can only watch from the sidelines."

"You can go and talk to her!" Yan Changqing immediately changed his words. "I'm selling wine to Xiangjiang now, but I don't know if the people there can see my advertisement. It's better to advertise again in Xiangjiang, the effect will be good. Besides, you can't ask her to advertise for you Bar?"

"Think about that picture, you have a female singer wearing overalls and a hard hat, carrying a shovel, and then shoveling two shovels of coal, say: buy coal, go to the old Xu's trading company! ?"

If this advertisement is broadcast... the effect will be outstanding, and it will definitely be remembered immediately.

President Xiao Xu's eyes widened, he was completely taken aback by the scene Yan Changqing described, is there anyone who ruins a big singer like you?That's my idol.

Yan Changqing thought his expression was pretty good.

At least there is still a bit of clear stupidity in his eyes, it is true that he is a fresh graduate.

He was afraid that he had been in their circle for a long time, and if he liked a star in the future, he waved his hand and greeted the secretary: "This famous star is good, cast her a play, invite her to dinner and ask her if she is willing, if she is willing." Just pay more..."


During dinner, Yan Changqing and Xu Yibo talked about a serious matter: "I want to build a small thermal power station, can you supply the coal?"

It's a little early now, according to Yan Changqing's plan, he plans to build it next year, because the price of coal will be relaxed next year, and it will be much more convenient to buy coal by then.

And there was a price war, coal became less valuable, and it continued for several years.

But now that Mr. Xu has come to his door, he feels that his idea can be implemented in advance.

When Mr. Xu heard that he was talking about coal, he immediately said: "This is definitely no problem. How big a thermal power station are you going to build?"

"It doesn't need to be too big. First, it can supply my own factory, and second, it can supply the surrounding villages. It doesn't need much." Yan Changqing said.

The problem of power supply has always been a big problem. Now that the surrounding villages have become richer, the power consumption has increased greatly, and a solution must be found.

In fact, the electricity used now is regulated by the county, and the generators can no longer support it. The machines in the winery are inconspicuous, and if they add a little every year, they will become a large electricity consumer.

That is to say, his winery pays a lot of taxes, and the county tries its best to satisfy his production, otherwise, relying on generators, the factory will not be able to continue.

But relying on the county is not safe, and sometimes the county can't help.

Besides, after the factory develops, even in the future, there must be backup power, even if it is not used once a year, it must be there. The factory is getting bigger and more mechanized in the future, and power is always a big problem.

Xiao Xu always felt that the problem was not too big: "Then I'll go back and talk to my dad. It's definitely no problem to supply a small power station."

What Yan Changqing is worried about is the last year or so. After this period of time, it will be fine. Besides, it will take some time to build the power station, so the plan is set.


After talking about business cooperation, Mr. Xu let go the next day. After all, he is a college student, so lively!
Finally, he was in the mood to appreciate Mr. Yan's masterpiece: "Who designed this sculpture, isn't it too funny? Replace the Statue of Liberty with a wine bottle?"

"Mine." Yan Changqing was very proud. "I did this last year. If I do it now, I can do it better."

"I'll go, and you will?" Mr. Xiao Xu exaggeratedly shouted, not bothering about saving face, nor putting on airs.

"I know a lot, haven't you heard of my erhu?" Yan Changqing began to calm down again. "And my kung fu, you have seen the hidden weapon with your own eyes."

Xu Yibo's face darkened: "Can't we not mention that? I posted two advertisements for you, and even came to thank you..."

Yan Changqing was happy: "Are you sure you really want to thank me?"

Xu Yibo's face darkened even more: "Of course it's true, I brought hundreds of thousands of ginseng!"

"Then I'll bring you a few cases of good wine when you leave." Yan Changqing changed the subject. "Give it to your dad, don't waste it."

"Is the wine better than last night?" Mr. Xu was curious again.

"That's for sure. You don't know much about wine. If I give you too good wine, you won't be able to drink it." Yan Changqing despised him. "Did you know that you drank two kinds of wine last night? At first you were given the Gaosheng series, but later it was replaced with Backgammon, and you couldn't even drink it."

Although we have money, we still need to know how to live. This guy has just graduated and doesn't have that much wine experience. He can't drink similar wine at all, so don't waste good wine.

Mr. Xu didn't blame him for being so unhospitable: "How good can better wine be? My dad said that there is no other such good wine in the market for your Gaosheng wine. It is even better than Gaosheng wine. better?"

"You'll know if you take it home and give him a taste, anyway, you don't understand." Yan Changqing laughed.

The main people took ginseng when they came, and they said it was for the family members, and I couldn't let them go back empty-handed.

It would be boring for people to take home the ones sold in the market, so I might as well give them some good ones. Mr. Xu must know how to drink, so he can drink them in one sip, so as not to make people think that we don’t know how to be polite.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Xu got excited: "Then can I try it now?"

"Then... that's fine." Yan Changqing led him to the wine storehouse.


It was Xu Yibo's first time entering the wine storehouse, and his eyes widened: "So much wine? Why don't you take it out and sell it, now it's on the market..."

"It's all empty jars!" Yan Changqing patted a jar casually and showed him the sound. "Most of them have been taken out for sale, and even the ones that have not been produced have received order payments. Now the ones stored here are not for sale, but I can give you a taste."

Yan Changqing opened a small wine jar, and Mr. Xu's nose twitched immediately: "Xiang, I don't need to drink this taste, I'm already drunk."

Even the part-time bodyguard's assistant, who was silent behind him, couldn't help but twitch his nose, wishing he could pounce on him and smell it, and it would be better if he could taste it.

Yan Changqing gave the two of them wine with a spoon, and introduced: "Actually, I'm not too satisfied, the taste has dissipated. I think the wine that can be brewed, the taste should be coagulated and not dissipated. It should taste better that way."

Xu Yibo didn't understand what that state was at all, and he couldn't care less about thinking about it.

People who first smell the smell of a wine vat usually have a deep memory. The smell of the wine is not comparable to ordinary scents.

Just smelling it makes me feel refreshed, and I feel that if I continue to smell it, I will get drunk without drinking.

Mr. Xu and his assistant each held wine, took a sip, and then stood there with a look of intoxication.

After a while, they drank again...

Just a few times back and forth like this, a small bowl of wine, I drank four or five times, and I drank it for almost 10 minutes.

Then Mr. Xu shouted loudly: "Shu Tan! What do you think of Dafu?"

"Okay!" The taciturn assistant gave a thumbs up. "I feel like I'm going to become a fairy after drinking it. It's really comfortable. It's more comfortable than anything else."

"Yes, it's very comfortable. Mr. Yan, Brother Changqing, come here, come here, and some more." Mr. Xu had the cheek to call out his brother. "You should get me this kind of wine earlier, I'm sure I can tell the difference between good and bad! You profiteer, the two kinds of wine last night are not very different, right?"

Yan Changqing added wine to them and explained: "This is not my profiteer. My backgammon wine is already the top in the market. If the top goes up, it is not easy to be higher, and the price is more expensive, which is normal. You do it Business people don’t even understand this, do they?”

Mr. Xu didn't talk to him, but pursed his lips again, and began to taste the wine.


When Mr. Xu woke up on the bed, he was a little puzzled, and looked to the side: "Dafu, why did we fall asleep here?"

Dafu's smile was uglier than crying: "I'm sorry Mr. Xu, I also drank too much and just woke up. I was supposed to protect you..."

"That's nothing. This is Mr. Yan's territory. What else can he do to us?" Mr. Xu came to his senses, and his face was a little red. After all, he said he was going to taste wine, but he drank too much , what a matter.

But Mr. Yan has seen all the more embarrassing things about him, so that's nothing.

Instead, he boasted for Mr. Yan: "Let's find an opportunity later, and let Mr. Yan show you his skills. His ability is really greater than what I said. Don't believe it. He is really separated by tens of meters. The coin directly bleeds the blood all over the place, it's very powerful!"

Dafu didn't believe it now, and nodded: "At least this wine feels more than listening to his erhu. I don't know how to get drunk."

Mr. Xiao Xu laughed twice, but he didn't know, he just laughed twice to cover up his past.

When he got up, he found that there was a basin stand behind the door, there was clear water in the washbasin, and two new towels, and he said with emotion: "Mr. Yan is quite well prepared, wash it up quickly, and wait for him to show his hands, give me a hand." Open your eyes!"


A few minutes later, when the two came out to find Yan Changqing, they were a little dumbfounded.

I saw a group of brats making noise in the open space in the middle of the winery.

A guy with a hooded head was jumping up and down: "I'm Peony, from the capital city. Your big nine is not as far away as mine. If you don't believe me, go home and ask your dad. They know best when they drive."

"The mountain city is farther away, I asked." Another guy with a small split head stuck his neck and shouted. "Brother Qijin, don't you think so?"

"What are you arguing about? I'm Ashima. I'm the farthest. Let me go first. I'll finish filming in one go, and you're still making money." A chubby guy next to her was not happy.

Shouting something, he stretched out his hand to grab something from the two people who were shouting in front, then tossed it in his hand, squatted on the ground and threw it lightly on the ground, then lay down on the ground, with his palms puffed up, and slapped it on the bottom. past.

President Xiao Xu walked over and realized that this group of people were playing with cigarette boxes.

Nowadays, most of the cigarette cases are soft-packed. After the cigarettes are finished, the cigarette cases become the collections of the bear children.

Of course, the most common ones in the local area are not counted. These are all non-local cigarettes, and only those with high prices are valuable for collection.

Now they are betting on winning or losing. They fold the cigarette pack paper into a small rectangle that is three fingers long and one finger wide, and then several people come out together, and the one who goes the farthest will take the picture first.

Put a few stacked pieces together, throw them on the ground, and the one that hits directly wins, and then shoots again, and the one that flips over also wins.

But everyone can only take one shot, no matter how many shots are flipped, it is up to someone else to take the shot.

It doesn't sound interesting, but the brats can walk by the river all day for a day, pick up a stick and play for two days, as long as there is a game they can play.

There are quite a lot of types of cigarette packs, in addition to the three mentioned just now, there are Hongtashan Daqianmen Beijing Jingnan Golden Leaf, Hongmei Jade Spring City and so on.

Thanks to the people running around in the market, the brats in the villages of Dayanzhuang have the most complete collection of cigarette pack paper, and there are many brands that are not famous, but the origin is quite far away.


It's just that Mr. Xu is a little dumbfounded. Is Mr. Yan the referee?

Going to the Spring Festival Gala, opening a winery, doing business in the market, knowing martial arts and hidden weapons, making wine first-class, and building a thermal power station?
How free is he, playing this with a bunch of brats?

Just as he was surprised, Yan Changqing greeted them both: "Come on, let's have a look together! Let's see who loses the most. This guy is called Erwa. He's almost lost without his pants!"

Baogaitou is the second baby, the one who knows that the capital is not as far away as the mountain city, but still messes with others. Most of the brats in the village know this, and they all remember where they go farther from home!
This guy was just playing tricks in a hurry to lose, and only Tie Dan would seriously argue with him, and no one else wanted to play with him.

When Yan Changqing said it, Erwa still refused to accept it: "I have too many cigarette boxes at home! I'll get some when I get home."

Yan Changqing reminded him: "If you throw away the unsmoked cigarettes your father hid, he will beat you to death later."

No need to remind, this guy will definitely be able to do this job, first take out the cigarettes in the cigarette case and find a place to put them, and run out to play with only the cigarette case.

Erwa really wanted to do this. Hearing this, he was a little frustrated, and muttered: "I really have some at home. Why don't you lend me a few, Brother Qijin, and return them to you when I win."

Yan Changqing despised him: "That's all I have, I borrowed all of it from you..."

He won it at the beginning when everyone was not paying attention, and when everyone found out that he was invincible in this game, they collectively voted him to be the referee—to put it bluntly, they didn’t want to play with him.

A plug-in dog, if you say it's just for fun, it's better to grab it directly!
The cigarette case of the elementary school students is really invincible!
That is to say, Mr. Xu and his assistants, the audience still don't know his "brilliant" history, otherwise their jaws would drop in shock!

But now the two of them were already surprised enough, they even began to wonder if they were still drunk...

 Thanks to the book friend "afrashui" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Today's two updates and [-] words are completed!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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