Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 221 The Statue with a Big Brain

Chapter 221 The Statue with a Big Brain

Xu Yibo and his assistant originally planned to only stay with Yan Changqing for two days.

But he felt that even though his purpose of coming here was not achieved, the deviation that occurred was for the better.

Here he talked about the use of coal in a small thermal power station. If it can be achieved, it will not be a small business; he drank a good wine that he had never seen before, and met a Mr. Yan who was somewhat different from what he had imagined in advance... …

So he felt that it was necessary to stay one more day. After all, Mr. Yan discussed with a group of brats that tomorrow was Sunday, and he planned to make another sculpture.

Making a new sculpture was originally in Yan Changqing's plan. When Xu Yibo came, he was 'playing with cement'. Because of this guest, his plan had to be delayed a bit.

He was thinking that Xu Yibo would leave on Sunday, and then start construction with everyone, but he didn't expect that this one would not leave.

But it doesn't matter if there are multiple people watching, just do it.


Xu Yibo has never seen anyone who can play with cement so happily.

A large group of half-sized children do not need to assign work, they can do whatever they like, find their own tools, and join in the labor.

And there is no need to urge, everyone is working hard, fully obeying the command and cooperating with each other.

Yan Changqing had already completed the basic frame of the statue, and the preparation work was done in advance. What needs to be done now is to pour cement into the shape and further process it.

Xu Yibo watched for a long time, although he felt that the scene was a bit more playful than hard work, but it was undeniable that at least everyone was happy, and the efficiency was surprisingly high, it didn't look like a group of children doing things at all.

He finally joined the labor force. Although he didn't look like a working person, his spirit was commendable and he was very exploratory. He kept trying to find out what kind of sculpture Yan Changqing was going to make.

Yan Changqing got impatient when asked, so he had no choice but to tell him: "I'm going to make a statue with a lot of imagination."

"What's so outrageous?" Mr. Xu became even more curious.

"You'll know when you make it." Yan Changqing didn't explain much.

Mr. Xu had no choice but to watch him start to toss.

But when the sculpture took shape, he could probably tell that it was a person sitting on a sofa.

Moreover, he is a Westerner, and the one holding the wine bottle is also a Westerner. Thinking of this, Mr. Xu began to feel a little ominous. He didn't know whether the thing he made was a statue with a big brain, or Mr. Xiaoyan's brain. open?

With the completion of the statue bit by bit, Mr. Xu was sure that it was Mr. Yan who had a big brain.

Although the statue sitting on the sofa has two hands on the armrest of the sofa, it holds a wine glass in one hand and a wine bottle in the other.

Who is this?
Mr. Xu used his brain, and he automatically ignored the wine glasses and bottles, because he has seen the sculpture of the "free female alcoholic" more than once in the past few days, holding the wine box and holding the wine bottle, which is obviously Mr. Yan's brain hole .

Since that statue can hold a wine bottle, the sitting sculpture can naturally hold a wine bottle, and of course it shouldn't be an ordinary unknown person.

When the general shape of the sculpture was made, especially the details such as clothes, Mr. Xu's ominous premonition became stronger.

Isn't this someone, a well-known person who seems to have been learned in history textbooks?

However, he couldn't help shouting: "Mr. Yan, are you planning to be the president who liberated the slaves?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing nodded, concentrating on his creation.

"But what are you doing, isn't the head here fine? Why do you poke a hole out?" Mr. Xu asked, pointing to the statue's head.

"This is a hole made by a gun!" Yan Changqing explained to him this time. "That's why it's called brain opening!"

"But you, aren't you afraid of causing diplomatic disputes?" Mr. Xu was taken aback.

It turns out that both you and the statue are brainstorming!
Yan Changqing hehe: "What is the dispute? My winery made a small statue to see for myself. Who will dispute it?"

"You..." Mr. Xu felt that he had to persuade this person. After all, he now felt that the two were friends. Even if they were not friends, at least they were business partners.

"Aren't you still planning to sell wine to foreign countries? If you make this statue, if someone sees it, will people boycott you in the future? Who will drink your wine?"

"There is always someone to drink." Yan Changqing said. "Perhaps there are still people who are not happy to see him free the slaves!"

If it weren't for the declaration of the emancipation of slaves, would the slaves flood everywhere later?It was as rampant as the Black Death in Europe in the fourteenth century.

Mr. Xu was very speechless: "Anyway, if you are so brainy, once someone sees you, you will definitely be in big trouble. Mr. Yan, one more thing is worse than one less thing!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while, grabbed some cement and paste it up, and patched up the hole: "I also bowed my waist for five buckets of rice! Sigh!"

Mr. Xu actually felt that even if the 'brain holes' were added, there might still be disputes over this thing, after all, the wine bottle was too conspicuous.

It's just that he mentioned the brain hole problem just now, and now Yan Changqing has listened to him, so it's a bit inappropriate to continue talking about other things.

What he wanted to say more was: "Isn't it too perfunctory for you to make up this? I don't think you can do this at all. It will definitely break down in a few days..."

"I still want to make the shape of the hair next to it!" Yan Changqing said. "If the hair is done, no one will be able to see it!"

Mr. Xu is a little bit unconvinced, but he can't continue to point and point, he is still a guest, it's too impolite!

The statue can't be done well in one day, and the work of repairing is not so easy to do.

So Yan Changqing did not rest at all at night, and continued to engage in his artistic creation.

Mr. Xu didn't know what time he got it, because he was going home the next day, so he didn't dare to stay up late.

But at dawn the next day, he saw Mr. Yan's work.

There are still some details that are not very good, but generally it is ok.

What he was looking at was the brain hole, and at first glance, it seemed that he really couldn't see it, because of the uneven hair, it seemed that the sunken part was not obvious.

Although there are still, but as long as no one thinks about "brain opening", no one will pay special attention.

Xiao Xu always felt that he was also learning badly, and he actually learned to open up new ideas!
In the end, he concluded: "Although the wine bottle in the statue's hand is quite an eyesore, overall, the statue is still very artistic."

Yan Changqing said: "It seems that your vision is quite good, and you still have a very high level of appreciation."

Anyway, he is a college student, so Mr. Xu still has a good eye.

But Mr. Xu was not very happy with this compliment. It's a pity that he has to leave and has no time to continue talking. The feeling of driving at night.


Yan Changqing sent Mr. Xu away, and while continuing to finish his own statue, he notified the factory manager, using today's Monday, to go to the village as soon as possible to find out what the process would be if he wanted to build a small thermal power station.

After arranging, he felt a little regretful looking at the paint he had prepared. He originally wanted to paint some red on the head of the statue, so that no one could understand it!
But Mr. Xu's reminder is also reasonable, there may be some red paint left.

Unexpectedly, Township Chief Yang came over soon: "Mr. Yan, do you want to build a thermal power station?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing said. "I contacted a coal business here. The coal supply is guaranteed and construction can start at any time. You came here just to ask?"

"This investment is not small!" said Yang Xiangchang. "Now the electricity in the village..."

"It has nothing to do with whether the village provides electricity or not," Yan Changqing said. "You have seen the current situation of the winery. The machines are basically running day and night, and there are still a steady stream of machines coming in. Even if the power supply is sufficient, I still need a backup power supply."

The reason why Township Chief Yang came here is that firstly, building a power station is a big deal for the village; , It's all about electricity.

It doesn't look like it now, so it's much easier to handle!
Township Chief Yang immediately promised: "Then I'll go and ask you what you need to prepare. You are busy first. Your business is important. You can make a phone call later on these matters. We have a lot of people there, so there is nothing wrong with running errands." questionable……"

There is this enterprise in the village, and his current position has become a sought-after position.

In fact, the higher-ups have already proposed that he should be promoted.

If he heard the news before, he would have been too happy to fall asleep, but now, he still can't fall asleep, but it's not happy, it's unhappy.

A poor village can have the current situation, which he never dreamed of before.

So every time he used a reason that he didn't dare to let Mr. Yan know, to keep his position from being moved: "Mr. Xiaoyan has a bad temper, and we get along well now. If another person comes, it will cause trouble." He, what if he moved the factory to the east and crossed the river?"

These words are a bit like a 'threat', because after crossing the river, the people on the west side of the river have nothing to do with it.

Since it's out of the question, it would be quite reasonable for someone to change the registered address by the way.

Of course, it goes without saying that the tax will definitely not be handed over to the original address.

The winery had a lot of taxes in the first place, but after the advertisement on the Spring Festival Gala, the next tax shocked everyone again.

For the county now, anyone with a clear mind would not be willing to let go.

As for Mr. Xiaoyan's temper, everyone knows it. To put it mildly, it is an artist's temper, which is a bit weird. To be straightforward, it is a child's temper, which is not understandable by ordinary people at all.

Whether he will go or not, no one can say.

And once they leave, they may not only leave the winery, but also the wholesale market in Taoshu Township.

Then they will be in big trouble.

So Township Chief Yang now has a 'tiger skin', and he is fearless after wearing it, so it is understandable that he ran faster than the director of the winery when he heard that something happened to the winery.


In fact, the sales volume of the winery is really not low now. Yan Changqing has estimated that although he can't reach the sales volume of Qin Chi back then, the price of his wine is high, and one bottle of wine can compare to many bottles of Qin Chi.

Even if the sales can't catch up with Qin Chi, it won't be too far behind, and in terms of profit and tax, it shouldn't be a big problem to surpass Qin Chi.

It can only be said that the power of skills is so great, the price of the wine in the winery is several times higher than that of Qin Chi, and even two years in advance, it is still so popular that it is out of stock.

This was [-], when Qin Chi's sales were one billion.

And Tongshu County is a poor county. At this time, there was an enterprise in the county, and now it can be expected that it may contribute several hundred million in taxes this year-that is, Yan Changqing's temper cannot be touched by others, otherwise people in the county would want to Stay here and help him make wine.

Even the people in the city think so, and everyone agrees that what is produced by Backgammon Winery is not a bottle of wine, but a piece of banknotes!
Yan Changqing is actually quite satisfied with his reputation, it doesn't matter whether it is a good reputation or a bad reputation, the important thing is that no one will bother him.

In fact, the city often sends people over, but Yan Changqing can't see him as soon as he can.

With Chen Youliang standing in front, he can save a lot of trouble, and no one else can say anything.

The question is to study wine-making technology, who bothered him, what should I do if the wine cannot be sold in the future?
Hundreds of millions in taxes, now he is the real God of Wealth, no one wants to provoke him, it's too late to please!

So Yan Changqing was busy with the statue and was not afraid of being disturbed by people. After it was finally finished, he took a closer look. Except for the wine bottle, he was not very satisfied with the rest.

Kind of ugly!
If it wasn't too troublesome to make the long streamers for the cement statues, he would have wanted to make a large number of Dunhuang celestial maidens.

That looks so eye-catching, although there is no small video to watch now, I can always make it myself.

With the improvement of his sculpture skills, the sculptures he made now are already hard to find fault with. With a little more proficiency, it is not difficult at all to make a sculpture that can compare to a real person.

It's still the "real person" who has been beautified and retouched [-] times in the short video!
However, sculpture is difficult to make, as if it is not so difficult to draw.

I can draw it myself.

Yan Changqing packed up his things, walked around the winery with great energy, then finished his work, and turned to study painting again.


In fact, the improvement of painting skills is not slow, but now Yan Changqing is a little entangled in whether to divide several nights into painting.

Because when it comes to drawing characters, think about those small waists seen in the video...

Of course, what is more important is those elegant ribbons and the shape of the characters. It is not an easy task to draw people to like it at first glance.

After thinking about it for a long time, when he finally went to sleep, he still thought about vodka.

This skill is about to be upgraded, as soon as possible!

When the technicians who came to survey the terrain for the construction of the thermal power station arrived, Yan Changqing felt that this matter was very important, so he specially took half a day to listen to the opinions of these people.

Immediately, the address was determined. Although the nearby terrain is not suitable for farming, it will not affect the construction.

It’s actually a pity for the technicians. The nearby river is too small. It was a good thing when the bridge was built. The engineering team came here and built it as if they were on vacation. A bridge was completed.

However, from the perspective of those engaged in power stations, if the river is bigger and the water flow is larger, they should be able to consider building a hydropower station.

Of course, the conditions needed for a hydropower station are not only water flow, but also other comprehensive considerations, and the river near Dayanzhuang does not have the conditions to build a hydropower station at all. Although it is a paradise for bear children every year, it can only be used as a playground. Bear's playground.

Yan Changqing didn't think there was any pity, he had never considered hydropower stations at all.

Because this river has passed for a few years, and after the great flood, it was almost dry for a period of time. The children of the next generation have to find a place with deep water if they want to go down the river, otherwise the water will not be able to cover their butts.


After confirming the construction site of the thermal power station, Yan Changqing doesn't have to worry about the rest.

But the people nearby are very worried. If the winery wants to build a power station, will everyone use electricity as before?
Does that mean I can watch TV casually in the future?Those with less money can consider buying a washing machine, and those with more money can consider buying a refrigerator and air conditioner?

Even Township Chief Yang is very busy. With the development of the market, there are gradually some small processing factories in the village. Although most of them do not need electricity for production, it is definitely inconvenient without electricity.

So everyone is very concerned, after the power station is built, can it supply electricity for all of us?
Township Chief Yang didn't dare to promise them easily. He took the opportunity of looking at the construction site and found a Yan Changqing who seemed to be in a good mood, so he went over and asked.

Yan Changqing thought it was troublesome: "The ones nearby are okay, but farther away, it's too troublesome. I won't use electricity in the future, and they won't be so nervous about electricity usage. There is no need to use this electricity uniformly."

Township Chief Yang complained in his heart, do you think those people can use electricity if you don’t need electricity?
The winery doesn't use electricity, so the county will naturally provide less electricity to Taoshu Township, and whoever cares if others use it or not, they have to stay the same.

If you are not convinced, if you ask people, they will say, you want to be able to pay hundreds of millions of taxes this year, such as electricity supply, if you can't pay, let us pedal bicycles to generate electricity for you...

But Township Chief Yang had no choice but to discuss it with the electric power people, and then show it to Yan Changqing after a plan was made.

Yan Changqing took a look: "Sell the electricity to you?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes," Township Chief Yang spoke from the side. "After the power station is built, if the winery has excess electricity, sell some of it and let the power unit operate it, so as to avoid wasting resources!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while, as if this is not complicated, nodded: "Alright then, you can discuss it directly with the person in charge of the power station later!"

With these words, Township Chief Yang can continue to talk to people with the people from the Electricity Management Office.


Yan Changqing didn't care about the power station, his vodka skills finally upgraded.

The second-grade vodka has unknown special effects. After tasting by some people in the winery, they think it is very good, but it is hard to say what is good about it.

Yan Changqing didn't bother to find other people nearby to taste it, so let's just blend it with the low-quality vodka before, add some distilled water, adjust the degree to a suitable point, and start filling the bottle!

He was going to fill it up first, and transport some to Xiangjiang without labeling it, so he asked Boss Cheng to help him taste it.

Of course, it is beneficial to ask someone for help. Last time he borrowed money, and then sent over the "not for sale" wine from the winery to express his gratitude. As a result, Cheng Shilong called at that time and said that the IOU has been sent to you in Xiangjiang company, can you send some more of this kind of wine that you don't even bother to put on the label?

One hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars to buy wine, which is how generous the current Cheng Boss is.

But he is really not losing money, just like he was fooled into buying a house, he can buy wine that is 'not for sale' with [-], which is a profit.

He couldn't buy such a good wine no matter how much money he took elsewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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