Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 222 The Birth of Victory Vodka

Chapter 222 The Birth of Victory Vodka
It was already May when the vodka was shipped to Xiangjiang.

After Cheng Shilong received the goods, he also held a small tasting meeting.

Some things are better experienced than others say.

He is usually filming, and it is common for him to be injured. It is normal for him to be injured during the day and not sleep well at night.

But the not-for-sale wine from Backgammon Winery can help him and help him sleep.

So much so that after enjoying it for a while, he even began to have doubts, wondering if there was something added to the wine, which made him feel that he couldn't live without it.

Xiangjiang is not the mainland, certain drugs are rampant, and the situation in the entertainment circle is quite chaotic, so it is normal for him to have this suspicion.

So he asked the testing agency to test the wine.

The report that came out immediately proved that wine is wine, and the composition of the test showed that it was definitely wine, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Of course, Boss Cheng didn't tell Yan Changqing about this, but he just felt that he didn't trust the little brothers in the mainland, which was not enough loyalty.

This person just likes to talk about loyalty in the world. When the family-making class was disbanded, it was because he felt that everyone was not loyal enough.

Because he feels that he usually treats them as brothers, and gives away tens of thousands of Rolexes, but the brothers don’t treat him as brothers, and ask him for an extra salary of 500 yuan when they work overtime in a place with poor conditions. If you are not happy, you will dismiss the old team.

The same is true for this tasting meeting, he felt that he had to show his loyalty so that he could make up for what he had done to others.

Although the other party does not know.


After the tasting meeting, he called Yan Changqing: "The wine is very good. I have asked many people to taste it, and they all think it is very good. It is better than the three hundred vodka on the market."

Yan Changqing thought for a while and asked: "I don't know much about the market in Xiangjiang, do you think I should blend the wine again and sell cheap vodka, or keep the quality and sell it for three or four hundred yuan? "

Cheng Shilong thought for a while: "I don't know much about your business, let me ask someone to help you!"

After a long time, I called again: "If you can make good wine, you must make good wine. The value of the brand is more important. If the wine is good from the beginning and the brand value is high, the price will become higher and higher in the future. If To make cheap drinks, it can only be cheap drinks..."

"Good wine is easy to sell, just like your current Gaosheng wine, which is also very popular in Xiangjiang. The price of several hundred yuan is not high in the wine market at all."


Yan Changqing was sure, and immediately began to organize manpower, preparing to push vodka to Xiangjiang to test the water first.

He felt that he was still not generous enough. Anyway, he had also experienced the era of information explosion, although he was only a part-time job at that time.

It must be that I have lived in this era for too long, and I am a little too used to everything around me, forgetting how exciting the outside world is.

Two, 300 yuan wine is placed at the top price in the developing mainland, but it is placed in Xiangjiang, where the average monthly income exceeds [-].

Think about it, if you earn more than 300 yuan a month, it shouldn't be too expensive to drink [-] yuan or [-] yuan of wine.

If you switch to other countries, such as some countries in Europe and the United States, the two or 300 yuan you own will only be a few yuan if you calculate it according to the exchange rate at other people's places, which is too cheap.

No, you have to increase the price.

But it doesn't seem too good to just increase the price so directly.

By the way, change the label.

The winery wants to produce high-quality wine exclusively for foreign friends, and the price must also meet the social status of foreign friends. If you don’t sell it for hundreds of dollars, you will look down on them.

The label of this wine must be printed in English, and the address must be in pinyin, without Chinese characters. We must respect the habits of foreign friends.

The quality of the label should also be good, and one should be worth at least five cents.I can't take the original bottle, I can change it to a more expensive one, at least fifty cents more, to be worthy of the price of this wine...


Yan Changqing made a clear plan in his mind, and immediately started the meeting for a short while.

First and foremost, get someone to redesign the label...

The meeting couldn't go on here. Factory Manager Wan raised his hand and said, "Boss, you haven't mentioned the name of the wine yet!"

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "The meeting is over, I will talk about the name after I think about it. Everyone can say it if they have a name. If you want an English name, you must be catchy."

Director Wan raised his hand again: "Then you have to know the names of other wines in the international market. You can't repeat them, and it's good for publicity. Boss, tell the truth and don't take offense."

"We want to sell the wine here, but I don't think it's easy to sell. If you can't make a big splash, then if you slowly accumulate word of mouth in the future, you don't know how long it will take to meet your expectations, boss."

This is the truth, everything in the market has the name of Shanghai, the capital city, even the clothes of the Taoshu Township Labor Service Company are printed on the label of Made in Shanghai, which is blatantly fake.

But this is the case these days, you have to tell the truth, people may change their minds if they want to buy it when they see that it is made by Taoshu Township Labor Service Company, but they feel different if they change the words "Made in Shanghai and Beijing".

Muqiang is a kind of mentality that many people have, just like people often say that they worship foreign countries, because it is true that many foreign countries are relatively strong nowadays.

When it develops in the future, there will naturally be fewer people who have this kind of thinking—of course, it cannot be avoided. No matter how good their own family is, there are still people who think that the shit of other families smells good, such as those who even treat silent people. That kind of severe osteoporosis cannot be saved.

Nowadays, the domestic economy is not developed and strong enough, so it is really not that easy to sell their own things.

Yan Changqing felt that he had thought of a new idea just now, and he was a little too complacent, so he could only say: "Then let the company over there in Xiangjiang register a trademark."

"Wait, let me think about it, try a name like 'Victory' or 'Victory Song' or 'Victory Fire', register as soon as you can, register everywhere in the world."


Yan Changqing has another idea.

At this stage, the voice of the Chinese people in the world is not loud enough, and it is normal that the goods are not easy to sell.

But Boss Cheng is about to break into the house soon, and he also wants to win the name of Nuoda, so he can't be worse than him.

To be honest, Yan Changqing thinks that in today's era, anyone who can make the Chinese people famous is worthy of admiration, such as Bruce Lee and so on - no matter what they have been in the past or the future, including possible changes in nationality, etc. , but it is undeniable that they did bring some fame out.

As rumors circulated in the future on the Internet, foreigners think that Chinese people know kung fu.

Who dares to say that there is no credit for them?

You have to find a way, at least make your voice louder and let them buy your things.

The name Shengli is very good, because there is such a song, which was once so popular that it is well known by all major video sites. He often watches small videos, and his ears are almost worn out by those famous songs. .

Then learn from it and make a high-end advertisement?
Yan Changqing thinks this idea can work.

If there are more people who have heard this song and know that it is the name of a wine, will they buy wine and taste it?
As long as a small part of those who have heard the song are willing to buy and taste it, the sales of wine will increase!


Yan Changqing waved his hands to keep everyone busy, and turned to study the music score again.

Anyway, he is a master of erhu, he can still understand the score, as for some details, it doesn't matter, he has a master's level of music, he can handle it.

The main reason is that the melody is very familiar, and the lyrics are all made up by myself. As long as the melody is good enough, even if there is only one sentence 'this wine is delicious', there are still people who are willing to listen to it.

Some of the songs in many songs don't even have lyrics, so aren't they still loved by many people?
Music has no national boundaries, so it's normal to borrow some music by yourself - anyway, those are not from China, he has been reborn for so long, except when practicing, he has never plagiarized a single piece of music in public.

It took a whole day to carefully consider and consider the score, and finally felt that it was almost done, and "Victory" was released.

The name is tentatively determined, depending on what the name of the wine is registered to, determine the name of this song.

There is also a female voice singing in this song, so...

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, wondering where the Miss Yutujing who took the advertisement for herself is, she seems to be in Xiangjiang now, right?

Alas, I blame myself for concentrating on skills and not having much time to contact people.

Forget it, or just come by yourself.

Anyway, his voice is definitely fine. Although he doesn't have any singing skills, he has a lot of related skills, so it's not a big problem.

"Cough cough!"

Clearing his throat, Yan Changqing tried to open his voice: "Ahhh..."

After shouting twice, there was a knock on the door, and an uncle's voice: "Changqing Changqing, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm practicing my voice!"

No wonder people say that the music is high and few, there are too many people who don't understand art.


After practicing the voice, I felt that there was no problem, so I began to think about the copyright issue.

There is no problem with domestic copyright, and the copyright of songs is universal.

But how to distribute it abroad, how to do this abroad... I need an assistant to help me with these foreign affairs.

Yan Changqing realized something.

But it's hard to find returnee assistants now, so I'll find Xiangjiang's.

By the way, he has also heard the folk music version of this song, which is also quite good.

Two versions can be recorded, one for folk music to advertise in the East, and one for Western music to advertise in the West—making money is a serious matter, and you must maintain enough respect for money.

As for the domestic market, the price of this wine is in U.S. dollars. If converted into domestic prices, it is a sky-high wine. Whoever buys it is a fool. There are medicines for every disease, and there is no medicine for fools.

He made a call to Xiangjiang and asked him to find a suitable assistant for him, and then he started a new score.

Now that you've done it, let's make a few more songs.

There are only zero and countless times of "referring to" this kind of thing.


When the news came from Xiangjiang that no matter whether it was vodka or liquor, it could be registered as a song of victory, Yan Changqing felt that he was almost ready.

He pulled his musical instrument and drove his own Santana straight to Xiyang City.

Zhu Changsheng felt quite strange: "Mr. Yan, you have been too busy recently. We didn't hold any activities on May Day, and we couldn't even see your people!"

Yan Changqing smiled, and handed over the box in his hand: "There is my latest vodka in it, would you like to taste it? I also made a piece of music, our orchestra is a bit short of people, let's try it first! Return later I need to find a better western musical instrument band, by the way, the song hasn’t been registered for copyright yet, so I need to register..."

Zhu Changsheng was stunned: "How many things have you done recently, why do I feel that if I don't see you for a few days, you are going to make something big?"

With a sigh, he stretched out his finger and pointed at the chair: "If you register the copyright, you have to mail it... Forget it, wait a minute, tell me clearly what you are going to do, and if you need to rush, let's send someone to the capital directly One trip, faster than registered mail."

Yan Changqing made it clear that he had a lot of things to do, and Zhu Changsheng understood: "Register the copyright first, and then find someone to perform this song, right! In fact, there is no need to use our orchestra..."

"That won't work, it must be our orchestra." Yan Changqing insisted.

After this song is released, the name of Yudong Oilfield Literature and Art Department will skyrocket along with the song. I guess I won’t have to come to receive my salary in person in the future. When I don’t come for a year, the unit will have to ask people to send the welfare salary on time. home.

Zhu Changsheng laughed: "You, you..."

The corners of this man's mouth were happy, and his ears were closed, and he looked like 'I can't do anything to you, I can only listen to you'.

In fact, after speaking, he took out the phone: "I'll have someone prepare it first, let's listen to the effect first, don't worry, we are not afraid that someone will steal your copyright."

In fact, he really didn't know if the piece was good or bad. Although it was from the Ministry of Literature and Art, he didn't know any musical instruments, and his music level was not worth mentioning.

But he felt that no matter whether the music was good or bad, Yan Changqing's spirit of not letting the water flow to outsiders was still worthy of encouragement.


It didn't take much effort, all the staff of the literature and art department, including those who usually do soy sauce when they have nothing to do, have arrived.

Yan Changqing is very familiar with these people, at any rate, he has the opportunity to meet a few of them every month - when receiving wages and benefits.

He looked at it for a while, and felt that the problem was not serious, so he took out the score, and was about to speak, Zhu Changsheng had already said: "Changqing made a piece of music, everyone should play it together, and he will determine what instruments are needed. The copyright of this song has not yet been registered, everyone has finished playing, remember not to spread it, do you understand?"


Yan Changqing didn't expect him to directly say that the copyright was not registered, but it didn't matter if he thought about it again. There are really no outsiders here. No matter what happens inside the unit, they are at least consistent with the outside world. Everyone knows this.

He stepped forward and directly took out the music score: "Everyone copy it first and familiarize yourself with it, each memorize what you need to play, and let's rehearse it later. Work harder, I am very confident in the music , everyone will immediately know where my confidence comes from."

"Xiao Wang, remember to return the sheet music after the performance. It's not that you don't trust everyone, lest you accidentally forget it!" Zhu Changsheng added aloud. "Everyone work hard, Changqing is so confident, maybe everyone will have the opportunity to perform at the Spring Festival Gala again."

The few who went last time were all planning to live in a new house, and Yan Changqing came here with a new car. There is a precedent here, and everyone else started to get busy when they heard it.


Only then did Zhu Changsheng have the opportunity to have a detailed discussion with Yan Changqing: "You want to use music as an advertisement to open up the western market? To be honest, I can taste good or bad with Erguotou, and I can drink your other liquors as well. .But I haven’t really drunk this kind of foreign wine.”

Yan Changqing reassured him: "I asked the people from Xiangjiang to taste it first, and they all said it was no problem, it was much better than foreign wine worth three or hundreds of dollars on the market. I am going to sell this directly in foreign exchange, so there is no problem. .”

"As long as you have confidence." Zhu Changsheng felt that there was a problem that needed to be considered in advance. "Well, if you go to the Spring Festival Gala again, we don't have any good rewards here. Why don't we give you a job title, just the kind of salary."

Don't take care of things and only give him benefits. The oil field really has no other benefits to give him, so now he can only continue to give him in this regard.

The main reason is that many things cannot be decided by the oil field. For example, opening a gas station, it is not a big problem to do it once or twice as a poverty alleviation project, but it is impossible to let him run it completely.

But Yan Changqing didn't mean that either. He was brewing wine now, earning money was only incidental, and the important thing was skills.

The effect of the second-grade wine is to soothe the nerves, what about the third-grade wine?What about level four?
Currently, there is only the skill of brewing. With the current winery, he can accumulate it completely by quantity, and other skills are relatively slow.

He was very curious, if his brewing skills reached level three, would the wine he brewed prolong life, or cure all diseases?
Alcohol is food essence!

Trying different wines is beneficial to the improvement of skills.

But the brewed wine can't just be placed at home, and sold to avoid occupying space.


Soon everyone was almost ready, and someone tried to play a section, and thought it was pretty good.

When everyone is ready, those who prepare in advance can't wait. Although the style of this song is not local, but the music, who hasn't heard Katyusha these days?
Yan Changqing hesitated for a few seconds, and stood next to the big drum with the erhu in hand, as well as the erhu and guzheng.

Everyone focused instantly, and then, the rhythm sounded.

At the beginning, with a kind of oppressive music, everyone was shocked and became more focused.

Majestic and shocking.

very good tune.

Zhu Changsheng nodded frequently when he heard it. With this song, maybe he can really go to the Spring Festival Gala again.

If our Yudong Oilfield becomes a professional householder for the Spring Festival Gala, then we will be in awe.

Speaking of which, the boss vaguely wanted to ask the dignitaries here, but Boss Shi resisted it. I don't know if he can stand this music when it comes out.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard a loud "ah", and instantly his hairs stood on end.

So it was just a prelude, this is the soul, okay, okay!
Inexplicably, it gives people a feeling of being on the battlefield with thousands of troops. This song is so good that even a layman like myself thinks it is good. Can't this be on the Spring Festival Gala?
 Two updates of [-] words are completed, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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