Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 223 Recording a Small Performance

Chapter 223 Recording a Small Performance

When Yan Changqing's voice came out, the rhythm of the band's performance was obviously messed up.

Everyone has read the sheet music and knew that there would be such a voice, but they never thought that this voice could be so amazing.

In an instant, everyone's reaction was no different from that of layman Zhu Changsheng, goosebumps arose.

What kind of voice was that? It was obviously just one person, but it felt like a chorus of hundreds of people and thousands of people sang in a chorus, which instantly raised the rhythm of the whole song to a higher level.

It is no longer possible to measure Yan Changqing by the standards of normal people. No one can dive for hours at a time, and no one can make a sound far beyond ordinary people like him, making people feel their hairs stand on end. There is also a feeling of wanting to charge.

Leng was alone, and with his voice, he suppressed a large group of people who were playing with musical instruments.

When the sound stopped, the musical instruments regained the upper hand, and the suppressed people tried their best to display their skills, playing the already exciting rhythm even more vigorously.

Just when Zhu Changsheng thought the climax was over, he didn't expect that it was just the beginning, and there was suona in the end.

In an instant, he felt the pores of his body open again, as if he saw countless sharp arrows flying over against the roar of thousands of troops...


When the performance was over, Zhu Changsheng came back to his senses and started clapping quickly.

Not only he clapped his hands, but everyone who cooperated with the performance couldn't help clapping their hands too.

In fact, the performance was not perfect, it was only the first time, and there were many small problems among everyone, but everyone has already felt the majesty and grandeur of this piece.

It's like coming to the coast, as far as the eye can see, you can only see the sea by the sea, but the surging waves are enough for people to imagine what is behind the waves.

Guzheng player Liu Wenjing said with some regret: "I always feel that our hands are too thin, and we can't play that kind of vigorous feeling at all. And with so many instruments, he still can't suppress his voice. Changqing, your voice is Is it hard?"

Yan Changqing smiled, he still kept it, otherwise he was afraid that he would reduce the number of band members who were already few.

Then a group of people began to summarize the advantages and disadvantages, and discussed how to play the song more perfectly. At this moment, Zhu Changsheng, who had been silent after applauding, said, "Do you think that Changqing's voice is comparable to that of a suona?" Feeling okay?"

Everyone was silent for a while, flute player Xiao Fu agreed: "I think it's a little bit, when he sings, it gives people the feeling that it's more atmospheric and ethereal, that kind of feeling, it's like, in short, it's a special It's ethereal and majestic, but the suona has been replaced, but the taste is a little less..."

Yan Changqing was very ashamed: "It's because my suona level is not good enough. In fact, I should wait for a while to play again, but now I am in a hurry and want to put out the advertisement first..."

"Wait." Liu Wenjing, who was familiar with him, couldn't help asking. "Advertisement? Are you?"

"The distillery has just released vodka, and it plans to export it. This music was made for advertising purposes. Didn't you realize that the rhythm of this song has a more Western feel?"

"Did you make a song like this for advertising?" Liu Wenjing wasn't the only one who asked this question, several people spoke at the same time.

They simply can't imagine, artist, how can you defile for the sake of copper stink... It seems wrong, how can you create such a thing for the sake of copper stink...

Still not right.

For a moment, they were all speechless, and their thoughts were a little confused.

Are all geniuses so capricious?
Sure enough, the world of geniuses is beyond the imagination of us mortals.


Seeing that they had stopped discussing, Zhu Changsheng continued, "Leave the commercials alone. Anyway, this song is good. I think when the song is over, our work music can be played in turn with the current one. I think this is quite appropriate. .”

"Don't discuss other things now, the important thing is to think about what shortcomings and difficulties we have in these few people. Let's brainstorm how to play the song more perfectly."

"There is also the question just now. I suggest that everyone come back later to see which one is better, the suona or the voice... Changqing, is your voice okay? Can you do it?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "No problem, it's okay to shout for a few more hours."

"You really think of yourself as an iron voice. Since you have the talent in this area, you must pay more attention to protecting your voice..." Director Zhu now looks at Yan Changqing as if he is looking at a treasure, and can't help but start mother-in-law .

When I first met on the street, I recruited a big oil field for my unit!
There are surprises every year, just like new mines are put into use in oil fields every year, not only oil, but also natural gas!

Moreover, it is an inexhaustible oil field, maybe even more precious resources can be dug out in the next second...


The second time, the effect was better than the first time. This time everyone finally confirmed that the human singing is better than suona!

Because the voice yelled out with more momentum, Suona was still a little bit worse.

Yan Changqing is a little ashamed, he has been busy making wine recently, and his musical instrument skills are not enough!

In fact, it's not too low. Since the second level of several skills, his own quality has improved, and the speed of practicing other skills is obviously much faster.

Because the difficulty of the skill remains the same, it is like driving a tractor on the same road, but now changing to a car, the speed must be different.

Now everyone has confirmed that this is a piece for a large ensemble, and only relying on the people from the Literature and Art Department, the performance is still a bit poor, and they need foreign assistance.

Zhu Changsheng thought about it, and asked Yan Changqing tentatively: "Why don't we go to the capital, and when we register the copyright, we can find the orchestra there?"

Yan Changqing didn't even have to think: "Look for another band, we don't have enough people, don't we still have Changqing? Even if Changqing is not enough, don't we still have Daqing Victory? By the way, victory is not far away from us, at least compared to The capital is near..."

Zhu Changsheng was going to make his expression of 'you are self-willed, I can't help you' again, but after thinking about it, forget it, just pretend to be yourself for a while, it's boring if you always pretend!

Nod simply: "You guys practice first, I'll make a phone call."

Before leaving, he threatened again: "Everyone, work harder. Although it is our unit's song, we will try our best to let everyone participate, but if anyone is much worse than the borrowed person, then I don't need to say it. It's not pretty either."

In fact, there is no need to threaten. Once a piece of music is famous, when people talk about it, they will inevitably mention its source, and maybe the people who participated in it will be mentioned!
So after Lao Zhu left, everyone became more enthusiastic and started discussing with each other again.


Old Zhu's footsteps were very brisk. After he went out, he called Boss Shi and went straight to Boss Shi's office after making sure he was there.

Boss Shi was quite puzzled: "I just made a song, is it as good as you said? Doesn't music need to be accumulated? At his age..."

Old Zhu interrupted him: "I'm practicing, why don't we go and listen?"

"Then go, I'll trust you once. If you let me make this trip for nothing, you can just give me two bottles of the good wine you hid later." Boss Shi stood up and followed him.

Before taking two steps, he shouted to the office next to him: "Xiao Liu, look at the directors who are here now, let's go to the concert hall."

Old Zhu felt hehe, I didn’t believe what I just said, but once I told you to listen to it, I quickly dragged others, for fear that my level is not enough, right?

Yan Changqing felt that playing was not as good as discussing, and suggested that everyone cooperate and practice a few times before discussing slowly.

The main reason is that he doesn't want to waste time. He hasn't brewed much wine yet, so he doesn't want to waste too much time on this matter.

As the vodka skills increase, sorghum liquor skill proficiency will also be affected, and there will be a period of rapid improvement.

When the next step comes, the sake is also produced. He has prepared the music and just waits for the wine to come out.

Already two wine-related skills, and there is another one that is rushing to the third level, and the skills related to wine will definitely be faster and faster.

Time is so tight, what else is there to discuss, let's practice, comrades!

More practice is better than anything.


After Yan Changqing and the others had practiced a few times, Zhu Changsheng came in with a smile: "Everyone stop first, I have a suggestion! Our stage is a bit bad, I suggest everyone go to the capital and find a better one." It will be played in a theater, and the effect of recording will be better in the future.”

The stage in the oil field is just an ordinary hall, which has nothing to do with a concert hall.

At present, the relatively good concert halls are concentrated in Shanghai and Beijing, but in comparison, people in Beijing are more familiar with renting concert halls.

This is not Zhu Changsheng's suggestion at all, but Boss Shi's suggestion. Anyway, he is going to the capital to register the copyright, and by the way, he will bring everyone there and practice there.

The most important thing is that everything in the capital is convenient. If the results of the final practice are good, you can also ask the boss above to listen to it. You must know how to share good things!
Yan Changqing felt that it would not be a big problem to leave for a few days, but he had to go back. There was still something in the fermentation tank of the winery, so he had to go back and deal with it.

Zhu Changsheng is very talkative: "You do your work first, and you can come over when you are done, and you have to give others a time to prepare. Let's find someone from Changqing to come over and try to cooperate. If there are not enough people, we can find others. "


Yan Changqing went back for three days, arranged for the winery, and then set off with everyone.

The people from Changqing had already arrived. I heard that Yan Changqing wanted to play a piece of music with everyone, or he wanted to go to the capital. Everyone came very actively.

After all, he was the one who brought everyone to the Spring Festival Gala last year. Everyone knows his level and wants to see what kind of songs he has made.

After the results came, I looked at them and tried again, all of them were happy and sad.

I am happy to have such a good song, maybe there is still hope to show up at the Spring Festival Gala again; sadly, there is an old saying that is especially suitable for you now-you have lived to the age of a dog.

It's not that the back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, they feel that they can't be called the front wave, even if they barely call it the front wave, the back wave doesn't push them - they just leaped over directly, and the front wave hasn't reacted yet!

So when Yan Changqing didn't come, everyone consciously got together to practice, for fear of being left behind too far, and they wouldn't even have the chance to be an accompanist for others in the future - it was considered to have saved Yan Changqing some time.


Registering copyright is actually very simple, which is equivalent to filing a case.

It's complicated for those who can't find the way, but for the "celebrities" who have attended the Spring Festival Gala twice, they can get some preferential treatment for doing many things now.

A group of people live in Yan Changqing's house. Now the middle courtyard is basically repaired, but the backyard is not good enough. The amount of work to be done in the backyard is relatively large. The most important thing is that an underground garage is needed.

Of course, the underground garage needs to be accompanied by wine storage, etc., and that is what it should be.

The project is relatively large and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

Zhu Changsheng went to contact about renting the theater, Yan Changqing saw that he was gone, and asked everyone to practice first, but he slipped out.


A few days later, in the theater.

Some spectators sat sparsely below, while Yan Changqing and his team prepared.

When they were ready and there was no announcement, Yan Changqing and everyone saluted the audience, and the performance began.

A tense melody sounded, echoing in the empty theater.

In an instant, people felt the oppression of the battlefield. After a while, Yan Changqing, who was beating the big drum, opened his mouth and sang.

He didn't have time to practice with everyone, but went to the library to learn how to sing.

People with "talent" are just so stupid, they don't need to find teachers or classes, just go to the library directly.

A few days of learning is enough. You only need to learn some singing skills, and the skills are [-]% to [-]%. It all depends on your outstanding physical fitness and strong control.

In fact, even if he doesn't learn any skills, if he shouts directly, there are few people in this world who can shout louder than him.

This is one power down ten meeting.

As a result of this voice, people who have heard it in the audience can still adapt, it's nothing more than raising their hairs.

But some people who have never heard of it, the moment they heard this voice, they only felt a cold air rising from the tailbone and reaching the Tianling Gai.

For a moment, his whole body seemed to be stimulated by ice and snow in winter. Visible to the naked eye, small goose bumps appeared one by one.

As the voice got louder and louder, the excitement and enthusiasm made people feel that it was not enough to sit and listen to it, and they wanted to stand up immediately and save the world.

And Zhu Changsheng, who had heard it, kept shouting in their hearts: Here we come, here we come, that's how it feels!
The original melody was instantly injected into the soul, and the audience seemed to be injected with their souls. Although the sound was not a hysterical roar, it made the audience want to shout and scream from the bottom of their hearts...

The most powerful thing is that the suona originally designed has been abandoned instead of singing, and now it has become an accompaniment.

Anyway, the sound of the suona can't hold back the singing.

It's just the singing of one person.

When the music progressed to the last section and the second singing sounded, all the audience were ready.

When the voice sounded, the feeling that one couldn't help shouting "chong" came again.


When the song ended, everyone stood up unanimously, not only applauding, but some couldn't help but applaud.

And this good word got everyone's approval. The older man sitting in the middle also said with a smile, "Good, good, it's really good!"

Boss Shi next to him introduced: "Although Comrade Yan Changqing is young, he is an out-and-out genius, a child prodigy. He learned erhu from a five-guarantee household in the village at the age of six, and went to perform as a performer because of his poor family."

"He was discovered by Comrade Zhu Changsheng from our former Propaganda Department. After participating in our internal performances, he joined our Yudong Oilfield Propaganda Department. Up to now, he has not only contributed wonderful performances to us every year, but also participated in two consecutive Spring Festival Gala. He also made this piece this time, and I think it's quite good, so I take the liberty to ask you to come and listen to it."

"If you don't invite me, you will miss such a good music." The old man laughed. "Yudong Oilfield has done well in the past two years. Not only has it been able to exceed the schedule on time, but it has also made such outstanding contributions in spiritual and cultural construction, which is worthy of encouragement."

Boss Shi took the opportunity to introduce: "This is the Chinese music version, and there is also a western musical instrument version, you..."

The old man nodded: "Then appreciate it again, sit down, sit down, everyone sit down."


Yan Changqing looked at the band members who were getting ready, feeling a little pity.

It's a pity that there is no screen behind it to play the epic battlefield scenes, without the background, and without the feeling.

But it's not bad, how can I say that this is also a performance with audiences, although there are fewer people, but the level is high!

Boss Shi below came to listen, and he still came to accompany the listen, so the identity of the old man is self-evident.

Oh, and now they're no longer under the Department of Energy, they're replaced by the National Oil and Gas Corporation -- and they'll have to do it again in a few years.

The Ministry of Energy, which was only disbanded in March, is now only in May, a freshly baked company.

No wonder Boss Shi worked so hard, and "enthusiastically" proposed to let everyone come to the capital, eat and drink at public expense and rent such a venue, and also hired a professional sound engineer and a professional photographer from CCTV...

Soon the melody sounded, Yan Changqing didn't care about these things, and began to devote himself to the performance.

His task is to call out those two voices, call out the momentum, call out the soul.


When the performance was over, the audience below applauded again.

Then there was no need for a curtain call, everyone was on stage, watching the audience leave.

After people left, Yan Changqing asked the sound engineer: "How is the effect? ​​Can it meet expectations?"

"Sure." The sound engineer from CCTV was very satisfied. "The effect is very good, don't worry! But you said that you want to add a sentence of advertising later, will it be a little bit?"

"I just made this song for commercials. If I don't have that sentence, why would I still make this song? I might as well make wine at home!" Yan Changqing also worked in CCTV, and he is also an acquaintance with the sound engineer. , It's not that scruples to say it.

The sound engineer felt a little regretful: "I always feel that if I add a sentence of advertisement, the grade of this song will be lowered."

But he just regretted it, he couldn't control Yan Changqing.

People make their own tunes and make their own decisions, who can do what they want!

(End of this chapter)

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