Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 224 Consecutive Promotion to Level 3 Judge Assistant

Chapter 224 Consecutively Promoted to the Third Level Judge Assistant
What Yan Changqing was thinking about was whether to shoot a blockbuster produced by a winery with background music, so that the effect of publicity might be better.

But after thinking about it, he gave up the idea.

The main reason is that if you want to take good pictures, you should use a helicopter, which is too troublesome.

Moreover, my own factory is a bit broken, and the effect of shooting may not be good. Post-production is a big project, so it is better to have someone make a short commercial.

So far, things in the capital are considered complete, and they can go home.

I wish Changsheng was very happy when he came back in the evening: "Everyone is ready, we are going to use this performance to participate in the Spring Festival Gala election. If it is successful, we will meet here again at the end of the year. I hope everyone will go back. Don’t forget to practice again, just in case you get selected!”

This is a scene talk, and when the two met alone, Zhu Changsheng said, "Changqing, you are planning to advertise abroad, what about domestic ones?"

"Do whatever you want in China." Yan Changqing didn't care, the main reason was that there was no awareness of copyright in China, and the estimated songs would be used by others.

At this stage, the orchestras that can use this kind of music are basically organized, and the organization is not low.

So what can be done?When you see someone playing it, tell them that you have the copyright?No one else is allowed to play?What about suing?
What are you doing with that effort? Given the current economic situation, even if you win the company, you won't be able to pay enough for a lawyer.


As soon as Zhu Changsheng heard that he said it was casual, he tentatively asked: "Say, what if the name was changed to Song of the Oil Workers?"

"Okay!" Yan Changqing really didn't care, he felt that as long as the advertisement was published and the wine sold, everything else would be fine. "Just call Victory Vodka outside."

"Why don't I give you a proper examination first?" Zhu Changsheng asked again.

"Me? Zhengke?" Yan Changqing wondered. "You don't see me every day..."

"Level, level." Zhu Changsheng reminded. "Only the rank, the salary is higher, you don't need to worry about the rest, as long as you don't resign. Boss Shi was very happy for a long time. This time, he finally left a good impression on the new boss. He is afraid that you will leave."

"I won't go." Yan Changqing was very firm. "I'm done with the science, what should I go for?"

Because of his age, he had always been rewarded by the house and the car. He had never raised his rank, and he had always been regarded as an ordinary worker.Now Boss Shi felt that it was impossible not to mention it, but he went straight to Zhengke in one step, and he was not only promoted to three levels.

Although I am rich, but the establishment is also a regret in my previous life.

This life is to make up for it, which is not bad, anyway, I will not resign, I must come to receive salary and benefits every month, even if I miss one time.

Besides, the unit has basically no restrictions on him, and he can't really be an otaku, just stay in the winery to do research, and it is necessary to come out to relax at the right time.

Seeing this, Zhu Changsheng was relieved: "That's good. In fact, this song has a different name, that is, borrowed a name, and we don't care what it is called in private, including you picking up a foreign country for advertising, which is still spreading our reputation. , is a good thing."


After returning to the distillery, Yan Changqing was happy to focus on his wine-making skills. The labels of the bottles of Victory Vodka were all ready, as long as they were poured in, they could be sold.

At least there is no big problem with Xiangjiang. Yan Changqing plans to put his Victory Vodka song in there first, and the slogan is only one sentence, just shout out Victory Vodka in English.

He remembered that there would be many commercials of this kind of songs in the future, all of which were very famous.

For example, Jay Chou's "Dragon Fist" is actually a commercial song, there is also a song with a strange title "I Had a Cold in That Corner", and "di da di", "Xiang Piao Piao", "Deep Breath", etc. .

Later, some of the advertised products disappeared, but the songs were still being sung.

It has been said that the advertising competition in the past few years is still quite fierce, and I have to prepare more.

Anyway, we don't need to hire a composer, and we're not afraid that we won't be able to beat those advertisements.


While Yan Changqing was busy, he was still thinking of getting an assistant for himself, otherwise, the old factory manager and manager in the factory would not be able to help him with these things at all.

Wait and wait, tons of vodka have been produced, and the assistant hasn't come yet.

However, someone he couldn't think of called him.

Yan Changqing was quite puzzled when he received the call, but he still greeted him warmly: "Mr. Xu, hello, hello!"

It was the erhu master, the one who helped Yan Changqing speak a word for him to play alone when he attended the Spring Festival Gala for the first time.

He has spent the New Year in the capital for the past two years. Although he has no chance to meet again, he still calls every year to wish him a New Year.

Xu Lao laughed: "I listened to your song...Victory Vodka, or the song of the oil workers? It feels very good. I thought you were young and only had a relatively high attainment in the erhu, and you may not be able to take care of other aspects , now rest assured."

"I have an invitation here. I would like to invite you to be the judge of the erhu exam. Do you have time?"

Ah this?

Yan Changqing thought about it, and it seems that it is not a bad thing. Although others are not as good as himself, they may not have something to learn from.

Threesome must have my teacher!

But he still asked: "Mr. Xu, when was this rating?"

"It is estimated to be the end of the year, because we have not yet determined the number of judges." Teacher Xu explained. "This is the first time. We have no experience, and we have no experience to learn from. We are just groping. We are afraid that no one will sign up, and we are too busy to sign up, so we can only prepare as much as possible."

"Can I go? My age?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Your level is recognized by at least a few of us, and you have participated in the Spring Festival Gala twice, who would think you are young! Why are you humble, just come here." Teacher Xu said with a smile.

"That's fine." Yan Changqing said. "If you need any help, just ask Mr. Xu."

"Nothing else, you still have to go to school, school is important." Teacher Xu said. "It's great that you can come to be a judge, otherwise I'm afraid that after the grading exam is announced, you will sign up for the grading."

"Now we are doing amateur ratings. Even if you are a professional, I don't think anyone can give you a rating, so I have to invite you to be a judge."

Yan Changqing still modestly said a few words, and then wrote down the address Mr. Xu said, and was going to mail his information and photos, and then he would make a work certificate for himself as a rating teacher.

After hanging up the phone, he thought about it and thought it was quite interesting.

It's something I haven't done yet.

To be precise, this is not a pity, because he had never thought about it before.

The judges of the National Amateur Erhu Ratings sound like a good listener. After all, he has never even touched an erhu in his previous life.

Then treat it as a new life experience!


A few days later, when the village was preparing to harvest wheat, Yan Changqing received a call, saying that the assistant he was looking for had been found, and asked him if he wanted to meet.

Yan Changqing thought for a while and decided to take a trip in person.

It's not because Cheng Shilong said that the new assistant he found for him is the daughter of a friend of his, or she is a beautiful woman or something.The main reason is that he has to escort the wine and send the advertisement tape by the way.

At the same time, I have to go to Jiangcheng, tell Lao Feng, send him an advertisement tape, and ask him to try it in the Italian market.

When he arrived in Jiangcheng, Lao Feng was full of energy as soon as he heard the song: "With this song, the sales will definitely be hot. How many goods do you have? Get ready, and I will contact you now."

That's all right here, let's move on.


Traveling all the way to Xiangjiang, Yan Changqing met his new assistant.

Well, not yet, we need to talk about it.

When the two sides met, they were not very satisfied.

Although he knew the situation of both parties before, Yan Changqing smiled: "I didn't expect Miss Huang to be so young, she looks younger than what Uncle Cheng introduced to me."

Her name is Huang Peishan, she looks less than 1.6 meters tall, she is not as tall as Yan Changqing, she wears a simple ponytail, her bangs are small, her face is big, her eyes are big, she has a small pointed chin, she looks a bit like Li Qihong, But the chin is pointed again, making it look more naughty and cute.

Although she tried her best to dress up to be more mature, wearing a light green suit with wide-leg pants, she didn't look more mature at all, instead she looked like a little girl wearing adult clothes.

What Yan Changqing wanted was someone who had work experience and could help him deal with some things as soon as possible, but he didn't expect to be a little girl at first glance, and disappointment was inevitable.

Huang Peishan was also a little disappointed. When Uncle Cheng introduced her, he said that she was an erhu master who had attended the Spring Festival Gala twice, a brewing master, and a big boss, but he didn't mention her age.And she was in school, and she hadn't paid attention to things in the mainland, so she didn't know that Yan Changqing looked like a teenager.

Hearing that Yan Changqing said that she was young, she was a little dissatisfied. Although she thought that she planned to go out into the society by herself and suppress her temper, she still couldn't help but retorted: "You are not too old to be ambitious, and you are not too old!"

Yan Changqing didn't worry about this anymore, and asked directly: "What I need to handle is international affairs, and the temporary business is also simple. I need to print out my advertisement. No matter which country it is, I have to find a local dealer after the advertisement. You say it's an assistant, but it's actually the manager of the company, are you competent?"

"That's the general manager of a multinational company!" Huang Peishan's eyes lit up. "I majored in international trade. I graduated from Xiangjiang University. You can trust my ability."

I'm not too convinced.

Yan Changqing complained in his heart: "Well, let's try it out first. My company here in Xiangjiang is run by a few temporary employees. You take care of it first, and you have to make a call on the TV station here. Advertisement, the kind with good effect, do you know which channel is good and what is the advertising price?"

"You haven't talked about salary yet!" Huang Peishan's eyes widened. "And you didn't say what kind of ad, and how long?"

"How much salary are you going to ask for?" Yan Changqing asked back.

"[-] Hong Kong dollars." Huang Peishan said confidently. "Although I have just graduated, my family is also in business. It is no problem to manage a small trading company."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "That's fine, that's it. Here is the commercial video, you can watch it first, and then we can talk about other things."


When she stood up, Huang Peishan was a little depressed, her nose moved, and when she turned to leave, she couldn't help muttering: Boss Stingy.

The place where the two met was a coffee shop, and Yan Changqing was only thinking about getting the business back and working on skills, so he didn't think of this detail.

Until I heard my new manager muttering, although the voice was very small, but what kind of ears were his ears, he could hear clearly.

After being stunned for a moment, he remembered that although he didn't have many similar experiences, he had seen pigs running before eating pork, so he reacted and said, "Well, why don't you sit down and have a cup of coffee!"

"Okay!" Huang Peishan immediately sat down and raised her hand neatly. "waiter!"

Then he asked, "Boss, what coffee do you want?"

The working state entered quite quickly.

Yan Changqing didn't understand this at all: "Whatever you like, please order me a drink. It would be best if there is Coke."


Huang Peishan was a little embarrassed, but she still made a request to the waiter.

Drinking Coke, Yan Changqing had nothing to say: "You are a fresh graduate, are you sure you can do this job well?"

"Boss, don't worry, I'm definitely qualified for this job." Huang Peishan's eyes widened, as if this would make people believe her words.

"Let me tell you about the specific situation here." Yan Changqing said. "Now the production of several wines I advertise in China cannot keep up with the sales volume, and some of them have been shipped here for the time being. But my plan is to change the packaging and raise the price."

"In addition to traditional liquor, it is vodka, which is what you are going to do right now. I plan to sell the price of wine at around US$[-], which is not too low when converted into Hong Kong dollars. What you need to consider is, How to find a suitable distributor and sell the wine."


After drinking the coffee, the two already had a preliminary understanding.

Then I went to the rented company address in Xiangjiang, and asked the new assistant to look at my wine.

A little girl who knows a lot of wine, it's useless for her to look at it, she can only get acquainted with the appearance of her product.

What Huang Peishan cares about is: "Boss, is the advertisement you want to make produced by your side? Can I take a look first? In fact, advertisement is very important. If it is an advertisement made by an unprofessional company, it is easy to mislead the product." The level of the product is pulled down, making people have no desire to buy the product."

Yan Changqing understood a bit: "You are worried about our poor technology, right? Don't worry, I did the advertisement myself."

You say that, I'm even more worried!
Huang Peishan held back her complaints: "Then can I take a look first?"

"All I have is the tape."

"I can watch it there." Huang Peishan stood up. "After watching it, I can go to the TV station to negotiate."

"That's fine!" Yan Changqing brought the video to her. "Don't lose it to me. Don't think I can't find you if we didn't sign the contract."

Huang Peishan smiled, turned around and ran away.


Yan Changqing took someone to find a car and sent some wine to Cheng Shilong.

When I came here, I knew that I was not at home, and I was out working on film distribution, so I just put my things down.

The important thing is that people helped, and maybe they will continue to help in the future. Those who should be thanked must be thanked—although he thinks this assistant is more suitable as a vase.

Before waiting for him to go back, he saw his little vase assistant waiting for him at the gate of Xiaopo Company.

"What's the matter? Have you seen the ad? How do you feel?"

Huang Peishan's face was a little red: "Is this song of yours going to be an advertisement? Has it been released?"

"It was for you to release it. Have you found a TV station?"

"No, it's not the release advertisement you mentioned. I mean this song can be released as a single. It's only a song, not an advertisement. People come to buy it."

"I want to advertise directly, it's faster that way."

"As long as someone can hear this song and see that there is money to be made, those unscrupulous businessmen may act faster than we can talk about advertising. Believe me, as long as I let me talk, within ten days at most, you will Victory vodka can be heard in the streets."

"So fast?" Yan Changqing doubted.

"There must be. Boss, this is my first job, and I attach great importance to it. Not only Xiangjiang, but also Europe and the United States can release this single first, and then promote our wine." Huang Peishan said very excitedly.

"If we advertise directly, we still have to pay advertising fees, but if we sell singles, we can still make a fortune. This money is enough for the company to operate, although it will be a little slower than direct advertising, but this time , you can prepare more goods."

"Believe me, as long as the single sells well, even if the wine tastes... not very good, it can still be sold."

Yan Changqing was too lazy to complain about her, and asked, "How long will it take if you follow your plan?"

"Soon!" Huang Peishan clenched her fists. "Trust me, boss, I'm sure I can get things done, just wait for my good news!"

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while, and felt that the current order of wine did not seem to be suitable for this song, so he nodded: "Alright then, I will leave the matter here to you, and I will go back and continue brewing wine."

"Don't worry, Boss!" Huang Peishan was about to go out as she said, but then turned back. "Boss, you haven't signed a contract with me yet."

Then sign it!

Although it was introduced by an acquaintance, there are still necessary procedures, and this Ms. Huang obviously attaches great importance to her first job. She struggled with a contract for a long time, and she had to study every sentence carefully, as if Afraid of being sold to Feizhou by the boss.

After the contract was signed, Yan Changqing didn't have to worry about the rest. He waited for two days before he saw Cheng Shilong who was busy back.

Cheng Shilong asked about the situation of his new assistant, and said with a smile: "What kind of single can make her work so hard? Her father is in the record company, so you can entrust her to handle it. "

Yan Changqing suddenly realized, no wonder this little assistant has confidence in selling singles, it turned out to be a family background!

That's fine, even if she doesn't have enough management skills and can't manage the company well, she can only be responsible for promoting her own commercials in the future.

 Thank you book friend "afrashui" for your reward, thank you for your support!

  Thank you so much!

  Thank you for your support, two updates today, [-] words, over!
(End of this chapter)

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