Chapter 226
Yan Changqing cupped his fists: "Please!"

"Please!" Cheng Shilong opened his posture. "bring it on!"

Huang Peishan sat upright on the side, couldn't help but took a grape from the table, and became a grape-eating crowd.

Yan Changqing made a hollow punch, Cheng Shilong blocked it smoothly, and then punched back.

Yan Changqing blocked it, raised his leg, slightly touched Cheng Shilong's blocking leg, and then raised his hand to block the opposite punch.

Next, Yan Changqing began to keep one word: block!

Both hands block left and right, and occasionally raise your legs to block the opponent's sneak attack, and do not fight back.

After a few seconds, Cheng Shilong came to his senses, and his speed and strength gradually increased.

Huang Peishan's eyes widened at that time, before she could swallow the grapes she had just stuffed into her mouth, she watched Cheng Shilong's punches like wind and legs like lightning, and couldn't help shouting: "Hello, Uncle Cheng!" Great, come on Uncle Cheng."


Cheng Shilong usually wears loose clothes like exercise shirts at home, but now he moves quickly, and the clothes are full of wind, which makes Huang Peishan stare intently and his eyes shine.

Especially as Jackie Chan moved more and faster, she felt that it was more exciting than what she saw in the movie.

Because there are often slow motions in movies, it looks exciting, but not as intense as this one!

The sound of fists and feet colliding made the grapes in her mouth almost fall out and she couldn't care less about eating them.

The action is crisp and neat, and it looks so handsome.

It's not like my little boss, standing there like a wooden stake, blocking it with both hands, by the way, occasionally lifting his foot, this is also considered skill, ha ha!
Thinking of this, she couldn't help shouting again: "Uncle Cheng is awesome, come on!"

As expected, he is a rebellious person by nature. He started his first job from home and refused to give his own record company any music.

Now I've been working for less than a week, and I'm starting to cheer others up and beat my boss again.

This girl probably has two hundred and five bones from head to toe...


It's good that Huang Peishan didn't yell. After she finished yelling, Cheng Shilong stopped beating.

If you want to stop, you can stop, and if you step back, it's over. There is no situation where you can't stop: "Don't play, don't play, how do you practice, why are you so good at kung fu!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "I have practiced since I was a child, from the age of six to now, without interruption every day."

It’s okay to brag, in fact, he’s not that diligent, and he’s not the kind of person who can persevere. When his proficiency increases very slowly in the middle, he only spends three days fishing and two days drying the net, although he shouts every day He wanted to keep his fists in his hands, but in fact he was too lazy.

Cheng Shilong was somewhat frustrated: "What level are you now? How do you feel compared to Bruce Lee?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I have no chance to try with him, but I think he is better than him. Huang Peishan, take out a grape, yes, just hold it like that, lift it up, and make it higher..."

"What are you doing!" Huang Peishan asked in a fit of anger, raising her hand high. "Boss, don't you want to perform some magical skills, just take the one in my hand... ah"

With a bang, the grapes fell.

The bang was not the sound of grapes falling, but came from the pillar behind Huang Peishan.

She looked at the two halves of the grapes on the ground in surprise, before realizing what happened, she was stunned for a while, then turned her head to look back, and saw a yellow thing showing a little color from above the pillar.

If you look closely, it looks like a coin.

Huang Peishan was completely surprised. She felt that something was wrong, and then she yelled at the boss: "Boss, are you going to kill me because I didn't cheer you up?"

Although she doesn't know much about kung fu, but if a coin can accurately cut the grapes and drive them into the pillar, she feels that if the coin hits her head, her head must not be as strong as the pillar.

Yan Changqing was very happy in his heart, who told you not to cheer me up just now.

But what he said was: "Don't worry, I'm sure. That's fifty cents. If you can take it out, it's yours."

Then I felt something was wrong: "Uncle Cheng, I'm sorry, I broke the pillar."

This is a villa, who knows what kind of wood that wood is, of course, even if it's not expensive, it's a bit rude to do it yourself, and it's not appropriate for a guest to destroy other people's things.


But Cheng Shilong doesn't care about this, what he cares more about is: "You are a hidden weapon, this is comparable to bullets, right?"

Yan Changqing is very modest: "It can only be better than a pistol, but it is still not as good as a rifle."

"Bragging!" Huang Peishan, who had just been frightened, murmured in a low voice. She was very small. After all, she was a well-bred college student, so she would definitely not do something like laugh at the boss face to face.

But Yan Changqing heard it, and raised his hand at her, scaring her to jump up and hide behind the sofa.

Just now she didn't see how the hidden weapon came out at all, but at least she knew that it was more likely to use her hands.

It's a pity that everyone hid, only to find that the boss was scaring himself, and no coins flew over at all.

Immediately she became even angrier, but she didn't dare to say it, for fear of being "retaliated".

Cheng Shilong didn't care about their playfulness, and he didn't care about his own pillar. He reached out to the chair next to him to signal Yan Changqing to sit down, poured himself a cup of tea and drank it down.

Then he said, "Do you only know this? Is there anything else?"

"The stick technique is not bad, it's better than punching." Because the brats prefer to wield sticks, and he's still just a kid!
"It's a loss to the entertainment industry if you don't enter the entertainment industry!" Cheng Shilong said. "You know erhu, kung fu, and hidden weapons. By the way, you can also make wine. As an action actor, you don't even need a double."

"Everyone has their own hobbies!" Yan Changqing thought about entering the entertainment industry, but now his mind is calm, and he can't make any unspoken rules.

Who wants to go to the entertainment industry that doesn't even engage in unspoken rules!

After drinking a few cups of tea, Cheng Shilong felt that his heart was stable.

It is inevitable to be hit, but a successful person must have a strong psychological quality. If you find that you are not as good as others in some aspects, you will be depressed, and then you don’t have to do anything.

He was about to say something when he heard Huang Peishan yelling, "Boss, you can't get out your fifty cents!"

Cheng Shilong turned his head to look, and saw Huang Peishan was busy working on the pillar on tiptoe, it was impossible to take it out, the coin only showed a little edge, and it was difficult to use tools even if it was inside the wood.

At this moment, Yan Changqing stood up and said, "Forget it, you're stupid, let me do it!"

He stepped forward and pinched the little edge of the coin, and the coin slowly came out of the wood.

Then I was a little embarrassed: "That place needs to be repaired, otherwise there will still be a hole, which is quite obvious."

Although the coin is not very thick, the pillar is smooth and shiny, and there is an extra blemish, which is really unsightly.

Cheng Shilong waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, things here are often bumped!"

Yan Changqing didn't say much, and I'll bring some wine over later.

There will be more cars heading here in the future, and it will be much more convenient to come here.

He took the coin and said to Cheng Shilong: "Actually, my kung fu practice has surpassed the general kung fu. It's not easy to tell you the details. Let me demonstrate it to you!"

Then he stood up the coin, clamped it between two fingers, and slowly applied force.

As Cheng Shilong and Huang Peishan's eyes widened, the coin also slowly bent down.

When the two people's eyes widened, the coin also bent into a half-moon shape.

Huang Peishan was a little disbelieving: "How did you do it, boss? Is this magic?"

"You can do it with all your strength together." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "But most people can't do it."

Cheng Shilong let out a long breath: "It's not that ordinary people can't do it. I haven't seen anyone who can do it. Today is the first time I've seen it."

He doesn't have to worry about the failure of the competition just now. When the gap is only a little, people will feel unwilling.

When the gap reaches a certain level, there is no need to compare—so it is one of human nature to say that it is bad. If you can see a strong person saying "he can replace him", then it is not an ordinary strong person.


Just when the two of them were still feeling unbelievable, the phone rang.

Pouting to express dissatisfaction with the boss, Huang Peishan, who felt that the boss did not tell her the secret, ran over immediately: "This is Cheng Shilong's house, may I ask who are you looking for?"

She didn't know what was said on the phone, but she instantly showed a surprised expression: "Really, they couldn't have directed and acted it themselves, could they?"


After a few words, Huang Peishan hung up the phone with surprise and worry on her face: "Boss, PolyGram messed up this time. Half of their song was released. I don't know how many people are ordering now, but those who are dissatisfied There were more people, and some people went to parade against their company."

"So powerful?" Cheng Shilong was surprised.

"I think they may want to make news, but I heard that rotten eggs were thrown at the door, and there was no time to clean it. Most of them screwed up." Huang Peishan said. "My old man said it. He said it seemed like something that PolyGram did, but throwing so much rubbish in the past probably wasn't planned by them."

Then Huang Peishan cheered up: "No matter what, Boss, your single is going to be popular. There will definitely be media publishing this news in the future. Even if it doesn't, Polygram will let him have it."

This is true. According to the general routine, if the matter becomes too big, then public opinion needs to be suppressed.

If the matter is not big enough, then we need to increase the publicity, in short, to make a big impact, and finally achieve the goal of selling the record.

But it's none of his business, he chatted with Cheng Shilong for a while.

Cheng Shilong wanted to suggest that he should teach his martial artist, but he was in a hurry to go back now, so he could only wait for the next time.

In the end, Cheng Shilong had some regrets: "I have a brother who is also very good at the stick technique. I want you to try it out with him, and let him know that there is a sky beyond the sky, so let's wait for the next time!"

Then he suggested to him: "If you come here often, why don't you buy a house here, and you don't need to live with the company when you come here. It's more comfortable to live here, and the environment is not bad."

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while: "Then ask Peishan to keep an eye on it for me. If there is a suitable house nearby, let me know and buy one."

As for what the house price here is now and what will happen in the future, he doesn't bother to think about it, he mainly focuses on convenience.

Anyway, there will be a lot of money here soon. Judging by the momentum of PolyGram, they must launch Victory Vodka very soon. On the contrary, the wine shipped by themselves is not enough, so they have to continue.


When they returned to Jiangcheng, Yan Changqing had a detailed chat with Feng Yigui about the commercial song.

Feng Yigui was very happy: "Then you will become a world-renowned composer and performer in the future? But the advertisement still needs to be printed, otherwise others will not be able to find our contact information."

"Just publish the contact information." Yan Changqing said cheerfully. "Polygram said that it will print our wine bottle in a suitable place, so that others will know that it is the name of the wine."

"That's even better." Feng Yigui said and led him outside. "Let's go and have a look at our winery. You walked too fast last time. If you don't guide me, I think those workers don't have the strength to work."

This is a bit exaggerated. The workers are also from the winery. Although they have come here for hundreds of miles, they are paid high wages. In fact, quite a lot of them are willing to come.

For most people, earning money is more important, even if the environment here is not as good as that of the old winery, and the food is not as good as that of the old winery.

In fact, it is not much better than the food in the old winery. Except for those rich state-owned enterprises and other private companies, who will prepare such good food, and even the boss will eat with everyone.

Yan Changqing is a bad rule, what will happen to other bosses if it is spread out?

The people at the new winery were very happy to see the boss coming, so Yan Changqing asked a few words and promised: "We are free to come and go, if you can find a good job here, even if you resign, you don't have to." Because some of us are relatives, I feel embarrassed."

"If you don't feel comfortable here, you can go back. It's all a matter of one sentence. The only thing is that we have to improve the quality. No matter what the conditions are, since we are here, we must ensure that we are in our old factory. The wine that comes out wants to drink secretly..."

In some food and beverage factories, workers do not drink or eat their own products when they go out. This is not news.

Therefore, Yan Changqing's request is to ensure his own cleanliness while working, and to observe other people and supervise each other.If someone else turns on the machine, you will lose your appetite when you see him. A factory that makes food and drink can't have such a person at all.

Someone below shouted: "Don't worry, little boss, we won't leave."

Yan Changqing smiled: "I didn't say it hypocritically, you all know me, and what I said is the truth. Maybe some of you have craftsmanship, and other factories lack talents, so they are willing to pay high wages. Just go, it's not polite."

"Everyone comes out to make money. If you have the opportunity to make more money, you must seize it. Everyone in the factory knows that we don't need much technology except for time. I also support those who go to other places to learn new technologies.”

"In short, everyone should remember that as long as the life is good, I will support it. But everyone should also pay attention to that in the future, if you can save your salary, you can deposit it in the bank, or take the car from the market to send it to you. Go home, don't leave too much money outside, or you will be cheated when you go out, then don't say I didn't remind you."

"The one who raised his hand, Liu Laosan, right? What do you want to say?"

Liu Laosan's voice is not as good as his, so he can only answer at the top of his voice: "Little boss, can I work here, and you can send the salary to my family. It doesn't cost money here, let my wife Can I get paid at home?"

Yan Changqing laughed: "Yes, yes, everyone who wants to do this later, please register and make a list. In the future, your salary will be transferred to the old winery for payment. If you want to hide money from your own house, please let me know secretly. Send some at home, or send some to you.”

"Or the salary can be sent to the family, and the bonus and overtime expenses can also be paid here. After everyone thinks about it, it will be troublesome if you want to change it after you decide. The financial side should not be satisfied with the change."

At this time, wages are paid in cash. Firstly, it is not so convenient to come to the bank, and secondly, it is more comfortable to find cash. After working for a month, I received a few bills in my hand and listened to the sound in my hand, which made me more motivated.

Everyone was very happy to hear that.

People who have just come out to work just want to make money, but have not yet found a place to spend it.

At least in Jiangcheng, especially near the factory, there is no barber shop without scissors.


After staying in Jiangcheng for a while, Yan Changqing returned home.

When I arrived at the market, I met Mr. Chen who was studying hard and never put down his books.

Chen Youliang is learning English!
He's a high school student, so he already learned it, but he didn't need it to hang out on the streets after dropping out of school. After all, punks can't fight with restraint.

When he came back from Xiangjiang, he picked up English again, and advised Yan Changqing to learn it as soon as possible: "When you go outside, if you don't know how to speak foreign language, you will lose your share. Let's learn some too. In the future, we will also talk about Gudemao rather than shut up Gudebai Yes, so as not to be called uneducated."

In fact, Yan Changqing is not slow to learn. Although he never failed in the past, when he was in school, he told people all day long that he should not learn ABC and be a Chinese.

When he was in school, one thing was often mentioned.

In the early years, a girl wrote these words on the English paper during the exam, and then committed suicide because of being criticized by the teacher.

Coincidentally, the girl is from the nearby local area.

So when Yan Changqing was in school, there were still people who mentioned this sentence all day long, and they were proud of it.

It's a pity that the arm can't twist the thigh, and the grades in one subject are missing, so it still suffers in the end.

Now Yan Changqing no longer has that idea. After all, you can’t expect the wild horses to speak Chinese on their own initiative. If you want to experience something in the future, it will be inconvenient if you don’t understand the language.

Besides, the same sentence, we must respect foreign exchange.


Yan Changqing still admires his uncle's learning spirit, and has always admired him.

In comparison, the second uncle is simply a negative example. He is not interested in repairing cars and doing machinery at all, and he doesn't learn anything.

So after Yan Changqing went back, he also started his own study, that is, to continue liver skills!

Vodka began to be produced in large quantities, and the old workers were transferred to a batch, and then brought in new workers separately, without delaying production.

Then on this day, he suddenly received a call from his assistant: "Boss, you're on fire, you're on fire, it's only been a week, and you've sold [-] records!"

 Thanks to the book friend "Zhongyong 1044" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Thank you for everyone's support, two updates today, [-] words, it's over!

  thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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