Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 227 Changes in Scholarships

Chapter 227 Changes in Scholarships
With a fork in her left hand and a Coke in her right, Huang Peishan held the phone with her neck crooked, happily announcing the good news to her boss: "Boss, you are really popular!"

After saying a word, he took the opportunity to point the fork at the red-coated and white char-siew meat on the plate in front of him, one fork at a time, stuffed it into his mouth, and continued to talk: "Now the streets and alleys are full of the sound of victory vodka, our The wine is sold out, and the goods are in demand... woohoo!"

Yan Changqing was very surprised: "If the wine is sold, you won't cry with excitement, right?"

"No, boss." Huang Peishan stretched her neck and swallowed the meat in her mouth. "I'm so excited! I'm so excited, this is my first job."

"Now that Polygram has said, I want you to continue composing music. If you're willing to play the erhu, I'll give you an album... Goo..."

He drank a big gulp of Coke, and because he tilted his head, all the Coke flowed out, and dripped down a large piece of white grease along the corner of his mouth. The whiteness against the brown liquid was even more thrilling.

This girl is at home, wearing a very fabric-saving vest and shorts. Her youthful and beautiful image doesn't match her bold behavior at all, but she doesn't care: "Boss, making albums is more profitable than selling alcohol." , think about it!"

Yan Changqing thought for a moment: "Are you eating?"

"Huh?" Huang Peishan hurriedly put the fork on the plate. "Boss, I haven't eaten for work. I even spent my sleep time at night working. When will you give me a bonus?"

"You have to work for a month, right?" Yan Changqing was speechless. It's okay for this anti-bone assistant to call the boss after eating, and he still has the face to ask for a bonus.

"Hey, that's true." Huang Peishan pouted, without even looking at the plate, she accurately picked up the fork she had just thrown away, and picked up the last piece of meat. "Boss, don't you think about making an album? It's really profitable. It's very simple for you. You just need to play a few random songs and make enough for an album."

"Music is my hobby, the vodka is sold out, what about other wine?" Yan Changqing asked.

"There's no more wine!" Huang Peishan said very confidently. "The payment for the goods is settled in cash, and it has already been deposited into the company's account. Boss, when are you going to sell the high-priced wine, when will it be delivered?"

Yan Changqing suddenly became depressed, the packaging of the VIP wine he had planned hadn't been delivered yet, so he couldn't do anything about it.

Mainly because of the packaging, the quality he requires is relatively high.

Because he didn't plan to improve the quality of VIP wine to be higher than Gaosheng wine, so as a conscientious businessman, he could only make the packaging more expensive, otherwise he would have the nerve to double or triple the price.

But he asked for a label that was too beautifully printed. The small dilapidated factory that had been printing labels for the winery was not very good. They couldn't print it, and they couldn't do business with them.

But this is not important, as long as you are sure that the wine is easy to sell: "Then you can continue to contact the agent of vodka abroad, and you can discuss the conditions. Remember, I will release similar songs every year, and the name is Victory Vodka. Based on the name of this wine, you have to negotiate a good deal with me."

"Don't worry, boss!" Huang Peishan lay on the sofa holding the landline, her bare feet swinging in the air. "You don't have to worry about my work, but the vodka should be delivered as soon as possible. I'm out of stock, and I'm also very embarrassing, boss!"

"Okay, okay, do you have anything to do? If not, I'll hang up."

"Boss, do you really not think about releasing an album? There are still people who want to ask you to compose music, and the price is very high."

"I don't need to talk about such things in the future, at least until the production of vodka is higher, I will consider releasing other songs."

"Okay then!" Huang Peishan felt a little regretful, and was about to say goodbye when she suddenly said again. "Boss, boss, when will you let me visit the winery? As your number one general, I can't even see the production of wine!"

"We'll talk about it when you're not busy." Yan Changqing said casually. "See you later!"

"Okay then, goodbye." Huang Peishan hung up the phone depressed, and couldn't help complaining. "I was urged to hang up the phone when I reported a job, and it really didn't make sense for me to work for someone else."

Immediately, she made another call: "Manager Lin, I have already called the boss, he has no intention of releasing an album at all, you should give up on it!"


At the same time, Cheng Shilong came out of the movie theater with a group of people, and said to the people next to him with a smile: "It seems that the box office of the movie is not bad, maybe it can surpass City Hunter."

"It's definitely possible." A Jian from behind immediately shouted. "This movie is much more enjoyable than City Hunter. You can see that the audience is still commenting after watching it. The box office will definitely skyrocket..."

Cheng Shilong is very satisfied with this answer. He is now full of confidence. The serious crime team has spent a lot of thought on this movie, and the investment is also relatively large. The grand explosion scene is also quite explosive in the current Xiangjiang film industry. .

He was about to continue talking when he heard a voice from the store at the entrance of the cinema. After listening carefully, it was indeed the song Victory Vodka, but now it was the full version.

So what I originally wanted to say became: "If I can go to Haolaiwu to make a movie in the future, no matter how much I pay, I must ask Yan Changqing to compose the music for me. This song sounds too passionate!"

"Brother Long has a good vision, and you can meet such a talented young man when you go to the mainland." Jian complimented. "Now this song is very popular. My younger brother in junior high school likes it very much. He even asked me to buy him a record. Where can I buy it! The insiders at Polygram can't get it. We have to wait for the next one." It’s on the market in batches.”

Cheng Shilong laughed: "Then when he comes next time, you should hurry up to pick him up. If he releases a new song in the future, you will definitely be able to get it earlier."

Ajian nodded and laughed.

A group of people are very relaxed, because the movie of the Serious Crime Squad is very strong now. Although everyone didn't say anything, they were thinking in their hearts that maybe it would not be a problem to win the annual championship. After all, it was a big hit. street movie...


Yan Changqing hung up the assistant's phone and continued to arrange the next work with the factory staff.

His request has always been very simple: "When recruiting workers, you must be down-to-earth and willing to work. When recruiting security personnel, don't be those who usually talk about it, but you must be able to step up at critical moments."

Factory Manager Wan suggested: "Workers are easy to recruit. Do we need to recruit some professional security personnel? Now we also have a few veterans here. Will we focus on veterans next?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and asked, "Is it easy to move now?"

Factory Manager Wan replied: "It's easy to recruit now. When they first changed jobs and came back, they were still waiting for a job assignment. Now there has been no news for more than half a year. Some are still waiting, and some can't wait. They have already started looking for jobs."

"Then recruit now, those who are willing to come now will do so, and those who want to wait will not do so later." Yan Changqing directly made a decision. "The next batch will be recruited when they just change jobs. It's still the same, as long as they are willing to come at that time."

Although the discipline of veterans is stronger, it is not absolute.

Most of those who are able to serve in the army these days are related. When they are in the army, they are affected by the general environment and can still abide by discipline.But once you leave that environment, there are quite a few people who return to their original nature.

At least those who just want to wait for the assignment are unlikely to work with peace of mind when they come.

Then simply let them wait slowly, and wait until they completely give up.


Next, Yan Changqing asked the big and small bosses in the factory to urge the packaging of the new wine as soon as possible, so as not to delay selling high-priced wine.

In fact, there are quite a lot of wine sold now. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no sense of accomplishment.

Originally, I thought it must be a good thing to be the king of CCTV and become famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

But I have participated in the Spring Festival Gala twice, and it really feels good to be a bid king, but now that I think about it, selling wine seems to have no sense of accomplishment at all, because he knows that as long as he can be the bid king, no matter what he sells, he can sell quickly. !
After working for a while, at night, he decided to add some color to his life.

Holding the rice bowl, Yan Changqing stood on the high platform, and then took a small speaker for display. This speaker is the one given by Lao Feng. It is of good quality and has been used for several years.

"Ahem! Everyone pay attention, let's make an announcement!"

The bustling dining hall and the people squatting outside to eat, cheered up and waited quietly for the boss to continue talking.

"The college entrance examination is coming soon, and the winery has been very busy recently, but our bonuses have not been reduced, so the bonus will not be increased. I will talk about a new reward. From now on, all the children of winery employees will take the college entrance examination..."

Yan Changqing paused, and then announced: "Those who are admitted to key undergraduate programs will be rewarded 8000 yuan, 5000 yuan for ordinary undergraduates, 3000 yuan for key specialists, and [-] yuan for general junior colleges. That's it, if you have students at home, let them hurry up Take the test well."

As soon as he put away the trumpet, he was about to go down to eat, and added: "From now on, there will be rewards every year, [-] next year, [-] the next year, and gradually increase."


The employees were talking about it at that time, and some people couldn't help shouting: "Thank you, boss! There are students in my family..."

No need to ask, that said, it must be that the students at home are doing well in their studies, and the parents who are scumbags dare not think that the college entrance examination is not so easy nowadays, let alone here in Yudong Province, the college entrance examination is even more difficult.

Yan Changqing didn't care what they were talking about, he la lala finished a big bowl, and when he went to fill the rice, his aunt Li Xiucai gave him half a bowl of meat, and said angrily: "You child, you really don't take money for money! "

In fact, the face is full of smiles, because this year, Li Mei, the cousin of Yan Changqing's family, is taking the college entrance examination, and this cousin is doing quite well in her studies.

The relatives all felt that this was a benefit that Yan Changqing specially prepared for the family, and they must be very happy.

In fact, this is only part of the reason, and there is another reason. A few days ago, several students came to look for jobs-because of poor grades, the school suggested not to waste the registration fee, so they directly looked for jobs.

This is also due to Wang Dakui at the market. He was ordered to go to the school to attract people.

Although Yan Changqing and Chen Youliang agreed to recruit some educated people for the two companies, Yan Changqing felt that at least the students should try the college entrance examination.

Back then, he was persuaded not to take the college entrance examination. Although he knew that his grades were not good, he was actually not happy about being persuaded.

So this student award is only given to the winery workers.


As a result, the next day, Chen Youliang from the market called: "I'm also rewarded here! You don't discuss it with me. Let's announce it together to make more noise, and maybe we can get some news."

The market is not like a winery, which has been advertising on CCTV continuously. Chen Youliang also needs the market to constantly bubble up in front of people's eyes. Otherwise, after a long time, people will think that the market is gone!

Yan Changqing laughed: "There is no need to announce it together. When the money is distributed to the students, a reporter will come."

Inside the TV station and newspaper, there are people who are afraid of what to do, just make a phone call.

Yan Changqing hung up the phone and received a call from Zhu Changsheng: "Changqing Changqing, the show has been selected."

"Ah?" Yan Changqing didn't even react. "What program... the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Yes!" Zhu Changsheng was overjoyed. "I knew it would pass. The deadline is a few days away. I don't see any news. Today, I called them to ask them when they just got to work. Guess what happened?"

"They said they would notify you soon, so I just called and they didn't need to trouble you. Old Chen is really mean. Now that you're done, you forget about your old friend, and you don't say anything in advance about the things that were settled yesterday. "

Old Chen was Chen Tingzhu, the one who brought Yan Changqing's erhu videotape to CCTV in the first place. No matter what he thought, he did him a favor at the beginning.

Humans always change with the environment, this is normal, not to mention one time without prior notice, maybe I really forgot!
So Yan Changqing said something for Old Chen: "There must be a unified notification over there, and he is probably busy too."

Zhu Changsheng didn't say much. It's out of love for people to notify in advance, and it's their duty not to notify in advance.

After congratulating again, Yan Changqing told him: "My song has been released on the record, and it has sold 10,000+ copies in Xiangjiang. Now it should be released to Europe and the United States. It is estimated that the sales volume should not be too bad."

"The releases are all in Western instrument versions, and the folk music version is still called the oil worker's song as we said, don't worry!"

The copyright was agreed earlier, anyway, I don’t plan to make any money here, and it’s useless if there is no copyright, so let the people in the unit feel at ease by making it clear earlier.

Zhu Changsheng didn't understand the situation in Xiangjiang, so he asked, "Selling so much, what level is it? How does it compare with those big singers?"

"It's nothing like this. It's hard to count the collections, but even if the number is compared with the albums, it's not low." Yan Changqing said, he didn't know much, and the little assistant was very unreliable, so he didn't talk about the business , What they say is unreliable, such as salary increases and bonuses.

Zhu Changsheng thought about it. After all, the Xiyang area has a population of tens of millions, and Xiangjiang now has about 600 million people. It only sells for [-], which is considered... okay!
So he congratulated, and then mentioned the performance: "When you have time, you still have to rehearse a few times. There are more people this time."

Yan Changqing agreed, and he felt relieved when he got the news.

Originally, I was still thinking that there was no news from CCTV, so there was no chance.Ordinarily, although my own music is not national style, but now it is an open era, and there are English Peking operas in the Spring Festival Gala, so it is not because the style of the music is wrong, there is no news, right?
Well now, you can go home to announce the good news.


After hanging up the phone, Yan Changqing drove to the chicken farm by the small river in Dayanzhuang: "Mom, we can still go to the Spring Festival Gala this year, and we can still go to the scene."

Li Xiuni was very pleasantly surprised: "Really, that would be great. But this time you let your dad go, I won't go, it's too uncomfortable to stay up late, and I have to come back after another bumpy day, I'm exhausted!"

Yan Haihai answered from the side: "Then I won't go either. Be careful when you go by yourself."

You're getting too fast, aren't you?

The first time you set off firecrackers all over the village to celebrate, the second time you drove more than 1000 miles to participate, and the third time, did you react like this?

Fortunately, Yan Haihai went on to say: "I just figured that you will get news in the next few days, and I have prepared firecrackers in advance. At home, let's go for a walk and go back to celebrate..."

Thankfully, the love didn't go away!

The village celebrated livelyly for several days, because everyone is free now, and it is summer vacation, so there are many people in the village.

In previous years, this season is the time to toss about cotton, but since last year, many people have given up growing cotton and planted sorghum directly.

As for the task, if the fine is less, it will be paid, and if it is too much, it will be broken.Especially for those who work in wineries, if the village imagines that it used to be the way it used to be, driving to pull things all the time, that method will not work, and the whole family will leave after locking the door.

There are only tens of thousands of people in the township. Now there are a large number of workers in the market and a large number of workers in the winery. Basically, there are not many laborers left in the village.

There are also a large number of suppliers to the market, and there are more small processing factories.

There are not only labor service companies that make clothing, but also several small family workshops. Anyway, there are many jobs that can be reprocessed in the market. As long as you are willing to look for them, you can always find them.

As long as there is no need for large machines, some people try to do the work that can be done by hand, especially the work that is suitable for women, such as wearing bracelets, so that women can also have work to do, and they can also give very low wages.

As the economy revives, people’s minds also begin to become active. Some people even start to grow mushrooms and the like. Anyway, there are more rich people in the village. I can’t earn money from outsiders. It’s good to earn their money. .

These changes have led to the fact that it is difficult to do work in the countryside now, because many people have gained a little 'knowledge' and are not so easy to fool.

But Township Chief Yang doesn't bother to fool them now, there are two big taxpayers in the township, the economy is in charge, and he can handle other tasks above him.

These changes happened gradually, little by little changes accumulated, and before people's inadvertence, the whole township began to become quite different from before.

(End of this chapter)

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