Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 228 Tang Bohu and the Dinosaur Ask for Help

Chapter 228 Tang Bohu and the Dinosaur Ask for Help
The morning wind blows, and the leaves of the sycamore trees rustle.

The sycamore tree is indeed growing fast, and now the shade of the tree can be used for children to play in the forest, and it can also be used by Yan Changqing to carry his musical instrument and improve his skills inside.

When I first planted the tree, it was neatly planted, but now the tree grows up and looks good.

It's not like some groves by the river in the past, which are all messy, and usually no one takes care of them, the vegetation is overgrown, and mosquitoes are everywhere.

Yan Changqing has been paying attention here, and usually clears up some shrubs and some overgrown grass with the bear children, so now it has become a good place for leisure.

Of course, other people don't have the mind to relax, they are busy earning money every day, and earn money for Yan Changqing by the way, and they don't have the time or the mood.

The only thing Yan Changqing was dissatisfied with was that the branches of the sycamore tree were too brittle for him to practice "light kung fu". Sometimes he practiced in the woods, and he had to be careful not to step on the branches and fall off.

Others are very satisfactory, especially the soybean worms are abundant here, which can be used for fishing.

It's a pity that such a good place, only on weekdays, weekends, and now during the holidays, there are children who come here. The older ones don't come, and those who can work and earn money will not be idle.

The little assistant called again, told him about the sales volume, and told him that Victory Vodka is also on the market in Europe and America, and it is said that it has also been on some other lists.

Yan Changqing didn't feel ashamed to 'learn' from others at all, he took it for granted, and of course it was normal to be on any list, the song was so popular back then, even someone like him who didn't understand music could hum it .

In fact, I wanted to come up with a few more songs to shock others, but the production of the winery could not keep up, so there was no way.

After practicing in the woods until breakfast time, he covered the drum and went back to eat.

Recently, he prefers big drums, which are loud enough and powerful enough to beat.

Especially in the morning, in the slightly hazy dawn, the rumbling drums came from the woods, and it felt quite good.

It would be even better if it was raining. He still built a shed here, and the big drum is under the shed now. It is covered to prevent dust from falling, not to be afraid of rain.

Rainy days are accompanied by thunder, and he feels that the drums are more powerful, and he can imagine when his drum skills will be upgraded, and it will be as exciting as the thunder.


After eating, I started to get busy on my bicycle.

Now the factory area is too big. Others can only work in a small area, but he can't. The entire factory area is his work area. If he doesn't ride a bicycle, he thinks it's a waste of time to walk.

In the morning, a light truck drove into the winery.

Factory Manager Wan came to ask for instructions with a smile on his face: "Boss, the packaging of the VIP wine has been delivered. Do you want to start work?"

Yan Changqing was also very happy: "Start work, just follow what I said before, let the workers work more overtime..."

Factory Manager Wan was embarrassed for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

In the past, shifts were still possible, but then there were no shifts, and now the workers are one carrot and one hole, and there is no backup staff at all.

Work naturally began to become more difficult.

Factory Manager Wan is well-informed, but he has never seen such an expansion rate.It is expanding almost every day, constantly expanding, and the factory area is swallowing up the surrounding land little by little, turning the land into a factory.

Moreover, Yan Changqing had to build a dormitory building. Originally, he only wanted to occupy a larger area, so as to avoid any changes in the future and troubles when expanding.

But now there are too many people in the factory, and if the dormitory building is not built, there is simply not enough to live in.

After I was busy with the winery, I went to the thermal power station to look around, but I couldn't understand it, but I had to understand the progress of the project so that I could make the next development plan.


Just when Yan Changqing had nothing to do to beat the drum and to improve his skills, in Cheng Shilong's villa, everyone in the room was a little silent.

The box office of this big production of the Serious Crime Squad did not meet expectations, and everyone was a little unhappy.

The reason is also very simple. Just a week after the release of the Serious Crime Squad, another comedy movie was released called "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance".

How should I put it, people were not worried at first, because it was a comedy movie, and Jackie Chan's was an action movie, so it wasn't really a big conflict.

Moreover, in Tang Bohu's movie, Hua An, the nonsensical protagonist, always plays music with chopsticks, and various supporting characters play ugly and funny...

It's really funny, but it's not the same genre as the big gunfight movie.

In fact, Jackie Sloan and the others also watched it beforehand. It was indeed a funny movie. The four great talents became the four hooligans. The actors in it, no matter the leading role or the supporting role, were all nonsensical. It seemed hilarious.

But funny is funny...

But unexpectedly, as soon as Tang Bohu was released, it became popular, and it became more and more popular day by day, which directly affected the box office of the serious crime team.

But this is not even worse. What's worse is that there is a movie that is being promoted and will be released soon.

That movie, called Jurassic Park.


When seeing the Jurassic promotional video, Jackie Chan and his team knew it was broken.

There are scary, huge, docile, and all kinds of dinosaurs in the movie. Not to mention the audience, after watching them, they also want to buy a ticket immediately to see the dinosaurs they are interested in.

It's so realistic, from the appearance of the dinosaurs to the movements, it's almost as if someone really took a camera, went back to the Jurassic, and then photographed so many dinosaurs.

This is just bad luck. I thought there would be no conflict with comedy films, but the box office explosion of comedy films affected their box office.

I also thought that I could show it for a while longer, but the back road was cut off by dinosaurs...

In fact, the box office of this movie is already considered acceptable, but everyone's expectations were too high before, and now they are not up to expectations, and it is inevitable that they will be a little disappointed.

Cheng Shilong looked at everyone very frustrated, smiled and said: "The box office is actually pretty good now, not as serious as you think. Now everyone is starting to prepare for the shooting of Drunken Master 2. I am going to invite a master The virtuoso and kung fu masters come here and strive to make the box office of Drunken Master 2 reach a new record."

In fact, he is quite confident in Drunken Master 2, but what happened this time made him have to be careful.

A Jian immediately reacted: "Brother Long, is the performer Yan Changqing?"

Those who can go to the Spring Festival Gala twice in a row, even if they don't know music, at least know that it is impossible to not have two real kung fu.

Cheng Shilong smiled and said: "That's right, not only has he participated in the Spring Festival Gala twice, but he is also one of the judges for the mainland erhu amateur test, which has already been confirmed."

That is really amazing!

Immediately everyone was excited, movies are not just for watching, many movies are not very good, but if the soundtrack is good, it can still increase the box office.

It's not that there is a saying that a bad movie comes out of a divine comedy.

Of course, everyone is very confident in Drunken Master 2 because of the box office of Drunken Master 1. Now that the second part is being filmed, there will be a group of loyal viewers who will buy tickets to see what is different from the original one. progress.

It's a bad movie, let alone a bad movie, and it's even more icing on the cake if it's accompanied by good music.

But Ah Jian wondered, "What about the Kung Fu master?"

Cheng Shilong also knows how to activate the atmosphere, he smiled and said: "Guess who is it?"

"Is it Brother Yuankui?"

"Brother Yuen Biao?"

"Brother Hong?"

"Master Yuan?"

Cheng Shilong was even happier when a personal name came out of everyone's mouths, and the unhappiness just now because the box office did not meet expectations has gradually disappeared.

He waited for everyone to guess for a long time before he said with a smile: "It's also Yan Changqing!"

"Impossible!" Ah Jian screamed strangely. "He is only very young, he can compose music with the erhu, and he is already very good at brewing wine and starting a company. How can he be good at kung fu?"

Needless to say, everyone else had the same idea as A Jian.

Knowing so many things is already a genius. At a young age, he is already richer than everyone here. If he is good at kung fu and is better than everyone here, is there any reason?


Cheng Shilong said with a smile: "I tried to fight against him, guess what?"

No one is talking, you have admitted that he is a kung fu master, what else do you want us to say?

Seeing that no one was cheering, Cheng Shilong chuckled: "I was sweating from the beating, and he didn't even move. He just stood there to block, and he stopped me from continuing."

A Jian and a group of people stared wide-eyed: "Impossible, how could there be such a high-level master?"

"Yeah!" shouted another. "Even if Brother Bruce Lee is still there, he can't let you attack without moving."

"There is no such person in Xiangjiang."

Cheng Shilong nodded: "That's right, there are none in the whole of Xiangjiang, and only in the mainland. The mainland is truly a vast land with rich resources and outstanding people. It is normal for such a genius to appear."

"Is it normal?" No one thinks this is normal. Cheng Shilong has practiced kung fu since he was a child. Only those who practiced kung fu know how much he has endured. People believe.

Many of them were eager to try: "Brother Long, when he comes, can we exchange ideas with him?"

"Yes, let Ah Guang try it. We don't believe that he, the Muay Thai champion, can't even beat a young man."

"Yes, Ah Guang, do you dare?"

Cheng Shilong saw that they even used the aggressive method, smiled and shook his head and said: "If you are not afraid of being blown to your self-confidence, then you can do whatever you want! He may not have time to come, and now the victory vodka here in Xiangjiang is all Bottles are hard to come by, he probably counts the money so softly, he may not be interested in watching us make a movie."

"Brother Long, why don't you call and ask, I think he's quite interesting." Jian said. "When I went out with him on errands, I often boasted that all of us have real kung fu, and he didn't say anything."

"Ajian, you didn't mention me, did you?" a young man shouted. "If you brag about me in front of a master that even Brother Long can't beat, then tonight we will go to the beach to duel, and only one will come back..."

Ah Jian laughed and said, "Of course I'm bragging about you, Ah Ming. Don't you like calling people to the beach the most, and you can only come back with one? When people come, go and try!"

A Ming laughed loudly: "He is Brother Long's guest, how could I be rude! Besides, he is only practicing Kung Fu, but he has never experienced life and death..."


Cheng Shilong waved his hand and didn't let him continue: "I don't think he is like someone who has never seen life and death. Although there are not many gray gangs in the mainland like Xiangjiang, the law and order are not very good. He can be in a place To open such a large winery and come here from the mainland, you said that he has never fought with anyone, would you believe it?"

"Also, look at that pillar, take something into it and test how deep it is."

A Jian jumped up: "I wanted to ask a long time ago, Brother Long, who made such a hole in the new villa for you?"

"Try it first!" Cheng Shilong said.

In a hurry, there is nothing to test how deep it is, the hole of that coin is very thin.

Seeing that they had nothing to try, Cheng Shilong didn't hold back: "He used a coin to pierce through the grape held by his assistant's finger, and then drove it into the pillar, with only a trace exposed."

"Then he held the coin between his fingers and pulled it out. It was this coin, and he pinched it again later, and it became like this."

Cheng Shilong took out a semi-circular coin as he said: "I put it on my body, just to remind me that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. Now let you also see..."

A Jian took the coin and broke it back and forth a few times, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he didn't even care that the coin was taken away...

The expression of the person who got the coin gradually changed to his.

Most of them are martial artists, and only experts in the field would be so shocked when faced with a small coin...


Yan Changqing was busy watching the new workers and the old workers walking towards the production workshop together, then nodded, and said to the people next to him: "The production task is a bit heavy, but we should also pay attention to them and see If there are any difficulties in life, help those who can, so that they can feel at ease and get back to work as soon as possible.”

Of course, we should also pay attention to it, so that there will be no more thefts in the past.

When there are too many people, it will be complicated. Some things are unavoidable, but you can be careful in advance to avoid some bad things and expand the impact.

After the confession, I returned to the office and was packing up when the phone rang.

He reached out to pick it up, and quickly laughed: "Uncle Cheng, why do you call me when you have time?"

Cheng Shilong is very straightforward: "Changqing, I am looking for your help. The box office of the serious crime team this time met Zhou Xingxing's Tang Bohu Dian Qiuxiang. Now the box office has not met expectations, and a Jurassic movie will be released soon. A picture of a dinosaur, it looks good."

"So now I plan to devote all my energy to the filming of Drunken Master 2. I would like to invite you to be a martial arts instructor, and I would also like to ask you to help with the soundtrack."

Hearing the two familiar names, Yan Changqing couldn't help laughing.

These two follow-up movies are more classic than the Serious Crime Squad. At least in the future, on the Internet, whether it is Tang Bohu or Jurassic, more people will watch it than the Serious Crime Squad.

It's a pity that the big scene of the serious crime team will not be considered the best with computer special effects in the future.

He turned his mind around, and said very straightforwardly: "Uncle Cheng, the soundtrack is fine. I will definitely be there when the post-production is done, but the martial arts instruction is fine. This is not a practical teaching, but a movie. I Don't understand movies."

It's not that if the skill is good, it's good-looking. If he goes to shoot now, it may not be able to watch at all.

Because the current shooting technology may not be able to capture his movements clearly.

And if you want to look good on the big screen, you have to pay attention to many things. Although he has watched countless movies and knows which actions look better when shot, but now it’s not just about looking good, it also depends on the times.

Drunken Master 2 did well at the box office, proving that everyone loves Jackie Chan's fighting style.

If I changed myself to guide it blindly, the box office might not be as funny as it used to be.

But there is no problem with the music. As for the icing on the cake, he promised to add the biggest big red flower.

Jackie Chan didn't give up: "It's very easy to make a movie, as long as the movements look good. Even if you don't understand movies, you can help me teach those brats a lesson, lest they don't know the heights of heaven and earth."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "I guess I won't have time until the end of the year. At that time, I will not only bring the erhu, but also a suona, and I guarantee that the suona's skills will not be much lower than that of the erhu."

"By the way, I can actually do drums and zithers. You can find someone to make the soundtrack, and I'll play it for you later. I guarantee that the effect will achieve what you want."

Cheng Shilong now believes that geniuses are omnipotent, and said pleasantly: "That's great, it can be done at the end of the year, and if the filming is completed by then, you can also help to check for omissions and fill in the gaps."

"Then it's settled, Uncle Cheng, don't worry, I'll definitely be there then."


Yan Changqing hung up the phone and began to check his skills.

Skills are being upgraded very quickly now, and Dagu Suona is not far away from the second level. Of course, the last progress bar, which is not far away, will go slower.

The only thing missing is the guzheng.

But it's not a big problem. Now the skills can be accelerated by sleeping. He said that it is the end of the year, and there is still a lot of time.

And these will not delay the improvement of his sake skills.

The matter of the winery is not that complicated. Others can completely start the production, and it is enough for me to check the source of technology.

In addition to sake, there is also the production of koji.

Now is summer, and it is also the best time to make distiller's koji. He is now sure to improve the production of distiller's koji in a short time.

With good enough koji, he felt that the workers should be able to brew better wines than the Good Life series without their own guidance, as long as they follow the complete and standardized process, and maybe even reach the quality of the Backgammon series.

If that's the case, you can further add more time to practice skills.

Thinking of this, he stood up and prepared to let people continue to collect raw materials for him, first to improve the skill of distiller's yeast.

Sharpening knives does not miss woodcutters.

From now on, focus on skills, and in the next few months, even if the sky falls, don't try to stop him from improving his skills.

No one can stop it, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu comes!
I, Yan Changqing, said it!

 Thanks to the book friend "A Little Beibi" for the reward, thank you very much!
  Thank you all for your support!

  Today's two updates and [-] words are completed!

(End of this chapter)

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