Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 233 The Propaganda Song Beats My Heart

Chapter 233 The Propaganda Song Beats My Heart
In fact, Yan Changqing was quite dissatisfied with the second half of the song "Memories of the Forbidden City", and felt that it was not atmospheric enough.

After all, there are some deep-rooted things that cannot be compensated by art.

So Yan Changqing boldly changed it a little, and changed it into a guzheng and erhu concerto - this is what he planned to prepare for himself after he was in the second level of guzheng.

Currently, he has three second-level music skills. In fact, as long as he spends a little effort and makes some songs by himself, it is not impossible to make better songs than these.

But there is no time now, so he can only learn from it first. He feels that he has not learned enough musical instruments, and he is not comprehensive enough to make music now. At least master some more musical instruments, and then consider doing it himself.

The memory of the Forbidden City after the modification sounds a little more murderous than the original, and there is a taste of death even if it is far away.

Magnificent and majestic, he lashed out at Fang Qiu, with a golden weapon and an iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger.

Sitting in the Forbidden City are not only the emperors who want to go to the south of the Yangtze River to be praised for their beauty, but also the fierce emperors who "do not get married, do not pay compensation, do not cede land, and do not pay tribute".

If you want the country to be peaceful and the people safe, you must be punished no matter how far away you are.

This is the time just past the National Day, and today the visitors to the Forbidden City feel that this ticket is too worthwhile.

For just a few dollars, to hear such a magnificent musical instrument performance is still immersive, which is more enjoyable than watching it on the screen.

Everyone who performed was also very enjoyable. Although the sound effect of performing here is not as good as that of the theater stage, it feels better.


Time passed by every minute and every second, Yan Changqing looked at the time, and said to everyone: "The door is closing, it's time to go."

Everyone is still full of ideas, and even more so are the audience, but the Forbidden City is going to close, and no one can do anything about it.A group of clearing staff stood not far away. They didn't come over because they didn't finish playing just now.

Zhu Changsheng clasped his fists at the audience: "Thank you for your support, everyone should be busy, and we should pack up and go."

The staff of the Forbidden City also began to come over, one by one persuading the audience to leave.

Yan Changqing and the others packed up the musical instruments, but before they finished packing, the audience left, and there was still a group of older ones, who seemed to be a bit stylish at first glance.

One of them was obviously still out of breath, and smiled straight at Yan Changqing.

This Yan Changqing looks familiar. He works in front of the Forbidden City, and he doesn't know what he is responsible for.

But judging from the current situation, the group of older audiences who stayed behind should be the one who ran to shout.


Seeing the audience leave, the leading old man stepped forward and said, "Hello, my surname is Lu, and I am the Acting Director of the Forbidden City. I would like to ask, where are you from?"

Zhu Changsheng stepped forward: "We are from the literature and art department of the three oilfields in Changqing, Yudong. My surname is Zhu..."

Everyone else wanted to laugh, but Lao Zhu's collective sense of honor is nothing to say. He usually looks serious at work, but after he came out, he stayed with everyone for a long time, and he obviously became 'close to the people'.

Dean Lu stretched out his hand: "Hello, hello, Director Zhu. I would like to ask, what is the piece of music you are playing?"

"Memories of the Forbidden City." Zhu Changsheng looked proud. "This is composed by Comrade Yan Changqing of our Yudong Oilfield Literature and Art Department, because the Three Kingdoms crew invited..."

He wished he could sing all about Victory Vodka, introducing it to others in great detail.

Dean Lu was very patient. After he finished his introduction, he looked at Yan Changqing: "This is Comrade Yan Changqing, right?"

In fact, it wasn't Dean Lu who noticed it, but the people next to him reminded him—Mr. Yan was also a person who attended the Spring Festival Gala twice, so there was still some sympathy for being recognized.

After introducing each other again, Dean Lu said: "If our Forbidden City wants to make a promotional video and use this song, can Mr. Yan make the decision?"

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "In front of Mr., I dare not call him Mr. If the Forbidden City wants to use it, just use it directly, and I can directly authorize it."

It is very cool to make money abroad, but it is necessary to highlight a high moral integrity in China.

And it's really not good for him to be called Mr. in front of others.

Don't talk about rank or anything, he is an old scholar who has really studied history and culture all his life, and this alone is worthy of respect.

Dean Lu hesitated for a moment: "Is this appropriate?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Of course it is suitable. If you think it is not suitable, can I make a small request? Send me a long-term ticket in the future. I have to come in many times every time I come to the capital, but it costs a lot of money. .”

A middle-aged man next to him said with a smile: "I can prove this. I have met him many times. Comrade Yan Changqing likes our antique calligraphy and paintings the most. One ticket will cost you a day, and you can save money for lunch." gone."

Everyone else laughed in unison.

The atmosphere instantly became much lighter.


When the group returned to the residence at night, everyone was very happy.

Because Dean Lu said that they will be invited to perform this piece, and it will be performed and filmed in the Forbidden City, and a promotional video for the Forbidden City will be made.

Of course, there is a reward, and Yan Changqing's long-term tickets are also available. If you go in later, you don't need to buy tickets anymore.

The others were not treated as well as he was, but they were also given a year-round ticket each.

Now everyone is motivated and full of energy.

Yan Changqing found a phone number and called Fang Xueya who was here at the beginning.

Fang Xueya was pleasantly surprised: "Boss Yan, is the song ready?"

Yan Changqing replied: "It's done. Originally, we planned to rehearse for a few days and play it to the crew, but there was a little accident."

Fang Xueya was taken aback, for fear that Yan Changqing would change his mind: "What little accident?"

Yan Changqing smiled and explained: "When I played in the Forbidden City today, the director of the Forbidden City thought it was good, and wanted to use the music to make a promotional video for the Forbidden City. All you need is background music. I think it should be It’s not a conflict, so I agreed.”

Fang Xueya didn't know what to say for a while, she made the music as soon as she said she would compose it, and she was afraid that the quality would not be good enough, so she immediately alarmed the director of the Forbidden City.

As we all know, people in the system don't look at other things. They are more used to looking at ranks. Coincidentally, the rank of the dean is not low at all.

So Fang Xueya's mood is very complicated, if the dean comes out and says to use the tune, then they have nothing to do.

After struggling for a while, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, and asked directly: "Mr. Yan, are you in the capital now? Has the work not been recorded yet? I'll ask Director Shen for instructions. If I can pass, I will be there tomorrow. Shall we meet and talk?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes."


Fang Xueya hung up the phone and went straight to Director Shen.

Now that her task is completed, she asked Mr. Yan to compose the music, and he made it.

But it was done so well that they were cut off. Although they can still be used, they are not the only ones after all, so it is inevitable to be a little regretful.

She ran to Mr. Shen, and after explaining the situation, she asked for instructions: "Director Shen, why don't I go over tomorrow? Just wait for them to record and bring the song over. You and the directors can listen to it. Sign a contract with him earlier if you use it?"

Director Shen hesitated for a moment: "What kind of music can be favored by the people in the Forbidden City, and you want to make a promotional video?"

Fang Xueya shook her head: "Mr. Yan's songs can be popular all over the world, there must be something unique about him..."

This is nonsense. Director Shen knew that he had asked, so he asked in vain. He thought about it for a while: "Go back and prepare first. Just come and report before you leave tomorrow."


I got a long-term ticket to the Forbidden City, but people don't open the door in the morning, so Yan Changqing got up early and started studying the guzheng.

He knows four musical instruments, and now he is less than the second level of guzheng.

After playing a few times, Liu Wenjing came over: "I've been practicing so early!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Aunt Liu is here?"

"Okay!" Liu Wenjing nodded.

The two of them practiced in the middle courtyard, and they didn't want to disturb the front yard before they got up, but they didn't expect that soon, everyone came over one after another and joined the practice team together.

After dinner in the morning, everyone was preparing to pack up and go to the theater when guests came outside.

Fang Xueya didn't bring her little assistant with her this time. She became a little assistant and came with Director Shen.

Fang Xueya went to report early in the morning to prepare for departure, but Director Shen packed a small bag and was about to come with her.

Fang Xueya was quite surprised, but she could guess that it was probably Director Shen who planned to make more connections with Mr. Yan. After all, it is definitely right for someone who can compose to have a good relationship.


Just like what Fang Xueya thought, Director Shen was quite enthusiastic when he saw President Yan, and his attitude was better than that of the chief director.

Knowing that Yan is always from Yudong Province, Director Shen kept talking about some of his experiences in Yudong, and then complimented the outstanding talents and so on.

It was Yan Changqing who became impatient and suggested: "Director Shen, we are going to record a song, why don't we go together?"

"Okay!" Director Shen nodded. "Come on, let me help you carry this!"

Fang Xueya felt very helpless towards Director Shen, this one might as well be reserved!
But think about it, Mr. Yan is not only good at composing music, but also good at making money, he is also a rich man.

Director Shen is now a member of the Three Kingdoms crew. When facing the actors and crew, it is equivalent to having a "Shangfang Sword", but this sword is useless against the rich man.

If it was the highly respected chief director, it would certainly not be the case.

However, Director Shen is only one of several assistant directors. If he wants to make any movie in the future, he may even need to attract investment to find advertising sponsorship. Someone like Mr. Yan is undoubtedly the most suitable one.

Thinking about it this way, Fang Xueya began to wonder if her attitude at the beginning was not very good?
She quickly recalled whether she had been rude. After thinking about it for a long time, she finally felt relieved when she arrived at the theater. She was just following orders, and her attitude was completely fine.


Yan Changqing didn't even know that he had unknowingly become the "capital" side in the eyes of others, and he was concentrating on directing everyone to get ready!
When it was ready, the state of yesterday continued to today, and the whole filming and recording was completed in one go, quite smoothly.

Director Shen and Fang Xueya were in a daze the whole time.

After waiting until the end, the two remained silent.


Yan Changqing didn't have to worry about the rest of the work. He asked everyone to rest and prepare to go home.

Documentaries in the Forbidden City are not just filmed, but various preparations have to be made. In short, it is not enough to just invite a few people to shoot, which is very troublesome.

So everyone go back first, and come back when the Forbidden City is ready.

But Director Shen was a little dissatisfied: "Mr. Yan, is this the only song you have for the time being?"

Yan Changqing was a little puzzled: "Is this song inappropriate?"

Director Shen struggled for a long time: "After all, the Three Kingdoms was an era of wars and chaos. Is there such a thing, that kind of one that has a more battlefield atmosphere..."

Yan Changqing laughed: "I know that the crew must have been making soundtracks, and they should be almost done now, right? You came to me because one of my songs became famous abroad, so now It’s not consistent in style, is it?”

This was the truth, which made Director Shen and Fang Xueya a little embarrassed.

Because the crew was under a lot of pressure from top to bottom, the filming of the Three Kingdoms cost more than [-] million yuan, and after the filming was finished, there was still a lot of money to be spent on post-production and so on!
This was more than [-] million yuan in [-], and the blockbuster films invested many years later were weaker than this one.

After spending so much money and three or four years, if a good work cannot be produced, then everyone in the production team will have to 'see Jiang Dong's elders with shame'.

It is precisely because of the great pressure that everyone uses all available resources as much as possible. When they heard that there was a talented composer, they immediately wanted to find it and give it a try.

The more Yan Changqing recalls the Three Kingdoms, the more he feels that the music in the whole play has a unified overall style, grandeur and majesty. Whether it is the battlefield or the last famous generals are no match for the years, one by one will die on the battlefield or die in bed. ...

The soundtrack was created by who knows how many people stayed up all night, it can be called a generation of classics.

Therefore, there are not many places where my music can be used. Except for a few ceremonies, it is not suitable for other times.

However, he still feels very satisfied. It is enough for those grand ceremonies to be used. How many shots do you want to use for those who cut in the middle of the line?

Now that he has figured it out, Yan Changqing does not intend to continue to come up with new songs, because it is difficult to achieve a unified overall style for other things.

He smiled and said: "Director Shen, how about this, besides the erhu, I also have drums and suona are good, if there is a need for the soundtrack in the future, as long as the time is shorter, how about I go there?"

Director Shen was overjoyed at first: "That's great. Originally, I wanted to invite Mr. Yan to participate in the production of some soundtracks. Erhu plays a very large proportion in the soundtrack of this play, not to mention big drums. There are no drums on the battlefield. Is it still called a battlefield?"

Then I struggled again: "However, in terms of the soundtrack, the crew did not consider using suona, but using 筚篥..."

It doesn't matter to Yan Changqing, he has a second-level skill now, just like someone who just bought a new car, he can't help but want to try driving out, so he proposed to make some soundtracks.

As long as he can show his hand, he doesn't care if it's Suona or Dagu Erhu.

Immediately he said: "You should know my erhu, let me play a big drum for you! In case you go back and can't tell others, you don't know my level and dare to let me go."


Director Shen wanted to stop him, but then he felt that since Mr. Yan is interested, let him try it, and compliment him later...

A dull voice interrupted his thoughts in an instant, making him feel that his heart couldn't help beating.

Bang bang bang!
When the drum sounded, he felt that his heart was out of control, and when the drum sounded, it seemed that his heart was not beating.

Bang bang, bang bang bang...

A series of drumbeats made him instantly feel as if he saw thousands of troops waving their weapons and charging forward.

The sound of horseshoes, roars, and clashes of weapons...

He felt that he had returned to the real Three Kingdoms, back to the war-torn era, he was in the midst of thousands of troops, looking around, there were only fighting crowds, blood-stained swords and spears everywhere...

The sound of drums like thunder made him involuntarily, as if he had joined the fight, the murderous aura was soaring, everyone was like ants between heaven and earth, for survival, for victory, for...

"Stop knocking..." A shout interrupted Director Shen's thoughts.

When he came back to his senses, he realized that he was already drenched in sweat, as if he had really participated.

And Fang Xueya next to him was also covered in sweat, but she was holding her heart with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Hearing the sound of the drums stopped, Fang Xueya barely showed an ugly smile: "Mr. Yan, your drum sounds are too powerful. My heart is not very good, I really can't bear it..."

Really couldn't bear it, Director Shen felt like his heart would explode, let alone a woman whose physique was not as good as his own.

He immediately cooperated and said: "Mr. Yan's drumbeat is really, really amazing..."

After finishing speaking, I realized that Ganqing is around here, only he and Fang Xueya are standing here, and everyone else is far away, especially those female performers, who are almost at the gate of the theater.

It seems that they have all experienced the power of Mr. Yan's big drum, and it's just the two of them standing so close to each other stupidly.


Yan Changqing has now experimented, and the sound of drums is indeed more likely to stimulate people.

The last time he was stopped by Liu Wenjing, he began to pay attention to the effect of drums on people.

Not to mention, the power of this seemingly simple musical instrument is actually beyond his expectations. He should study physics later. He feels that the power of the big drum, although it has a second-level skill of mystery, can still be controlled by some science. explain.

Such as resonance.

Of course, Erhu's skill proficiency is higher now, if he deliberately expresses this aspect, he can also have such an effect, but Erhu is mainly soft after all, not as direct as drumming.

For the test subjects, Yan Changqing was still a little embarrassed, but he still found a reason for himself: "Just now Director Shen said that there must be a murderous aura on the battlefield, so I used too much force, the two of you are fine, right?" ?”

"It's okay, it's okay, what can be the matter!" Director Shen smiled, and said in his heart that you are not murderous, you are trying to kill someone, and if you continue to beat like this, you may really die.

At this time, he remembered that when he said he would invite Mr. Yan, someone jokingly mentioned that a few years ago, when his reputation was not well known, he once performed an erhu and sent him to the hospital.

It can be called a heartbreaking song, looking for a bosom friend at the bedside of the hospital.

Now I have realized that the sound of the drum can really send people to the hospital, and the feeling of the heart beating when the drum beats is really enjoyable and a bit too much!

Director Shen repeatedly said that it was all right, Yan Changqing was relieved when he saw that they were sure they were all right.

As long as you don't have to go to the hospital, everything will be fine.

Otherwise, this kind of thing is called accidental once, and if it happens a few more times, my music will be mediocre in the future-no one dares to listen to my performance anymore, at least no one dares to invite me during the Spring Festival Gala.

 One chapter first, another chapter will be later, don't wait!
  Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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