Chapter 237

In the school for the children of employees, when school is over, the primary school students line up and scream, and the middle school students talk and laugh in groups on the campus, and the whole campus is bustling with activity.

Yan Changqing walked in the campus and found the activity room familiarly.

In fact, I didn't enter the activity room. Now that the weather is fine, Zhu Xiaobin and a few students are practicing in the open space outside the activity room.

Seeing Yan Changqing approaching, Zhu Xiaobin trotted towards him a few steps: "Master is here!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "The show is a routine, let's talk about it later, let me see where you are now."

As he spoke, he took a stick from the wall at the door, raised his hand to Zhu Xiaobin, Zhu Xiaobin clasped the stick with both hands, saluted, and then beat him with the stick.

Both of them have become used to it, Zhu Xiaobin is very relieved, just use the results of the recent practice, anyway, he will never beat the master - that's why the master has been called so willingly.

In fact, he should be called Master, but Yan Changqing thinks that Master is enough, why bother so much.

For Zhu Xiaobin, it was quite sad to have such a master. As an apprentice, he never won a match against him.

Fortunately, Zhu Xiaobin has confidence in himself, it doesn't matter if he can't beat the master, there are still a group of rookie martial arts enthusiasts in the school, they are not afraid of setbacks with the master, and they will find it back from them.

A long stick in Zhu Xiaobin's hands, at first it was like a giant axe, with slashing and slashing moves, but after a while it suddenly turned into a poisonous snake, full of tricks in the next three ways, and after a while, it was upright again, One-on-one tricks...

No matter how he circled Yan Changqing with the long stick, Yan Changqing would not stand still, only using a stick to block his attack, occasionally throwing the stick abruptly.

Although Zhu Xiaobin already knew that his master would occasionally fight back, every time Yan Changqing hit a stick, he still couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

Because he couldn't think of why the stick that was resisting his attack suddenly appeared somewhere, waiting for him to hit it.

If you just attack blindly and don't take precautions, you may kill yourself if you hit him.


At the moment when Zhu Xiaobin was slightly distracted, Yan Changqing yelled out with a pause.

Xiao Zhu stopped the smashed stick in an instant, and then couldn't help complaining: "Master, you can't pay attention, what if I can't hold back? I play like this every time, it scares me to death!"

Not only was he scared, but the few students who were paying attention were also taken aback.

The stick felt like it was only a shovel away from Yan Changqing's head, because the stick was flexible, and now Zhu Xiaobin was stronger. In fact, when the stick was retracted, the tip of the stick was even closer to his head.

Only Yan Changqing has self-confidence and dares to play like this if he is not afraid of being broken.

But for Zhu Xiaobin, doing so is really not "friendly".

However, Yan Changqing was plausible: "I am reminding you that when it comes time to hit someone with a stick, you must remain calm enough and listen to all directions."

As long as you are a mortal, there will always be some moments when you can't help but do it.

Although some people can bear it, but like Zhu Xiaobin, don't expect him to be as tolerant as before.

Yan Changqing was also afraid that if he got hotheaded, he would knock down a lot of people like he did in elementary school.

In the past, his strength was weak, even if he was hot-blooded and knocked down so many people, the injury was actually not a big problem.

But now he is going to high school soon, and he has practiced kung fu for several years. If he is still like elementary school, holding a stick and rushing to his blood, then he will be in big trouble.


Next, Yan Changqing carefully pointed out Zhu Xiaobin's routine.

It's not for looks or lethality, it's purely for fear that there will be problems with his routines, and he will hurt his body if he practices too much.

The purpose of routines is to strengthen the body, familiarize yourself with the use of the weapons in your hand, and exercise your reaction ability, in order to achieve the effect in actual combat, not just to look good, or other aspects.

However, Yan Changqing still tried to follow the stick method used in the competition as much as possible, otherwise, if he encounters parallel import judges, it is not impossible to fail in such a small sports meeting.

That would be too hurtful.

When it was time for dinner, Yan Changqing finished his teaching, had dinner with Lao Zhu's family, and drove home.


If there are too many lice, there is no need to worry about debts. Anyway, no matter how the production is done, it is impossible to catch up with the sales volume in the market.

So Yan Changqing was not in a hurry at all. Before going to bed, he still thought about his guzheng and wanted to practice it first.

I struggle every day, whether it is dry sake or the zither, so let it go, see which idea is stronger before going to bed, and focus on which one to practice the next day.

As a result, the guzheng hadn't been practiced for long the next day, and Lao Wan and Yang Shengshi brought someone in.

Yan Changqing stood up: "Mr. Liu! Rare customers, rare customers."

Although Yan Changqing seldom goes to the village from the Armed Forces, there are only a few people in the village, and they have already become acquaintances.

Minister Liu said with a smile, "Boss Yan, I've come to discuss something with you."

Yan Changqing was not polite: "If you have anything to do, just come directly, and you have to ask the village chief, what's the matter?"

"The retired soldiers are coming back. I don't think there are many people who can be assigned. I want you to stay here for a few days." Minister Liu is not as obsequious as the head of Yang Township. feel good.

So he nodded immediately: "Is there anything else?"

"I sent two people here to take care of it for you without taking your salary." Minister Liu said. "The people sent here will follow the instructions of the factory. Don't worry. The main reason is that they have just retired from the army. These two people are responsible for continuing to lead the team, so as not to make things difficult for you."

"Since you are here, you have to get paid." Yan Changqing made a decision after a little consideration. "Then who are these people?"

"Those who can be allocated will be allocated as much as possible, and those who can't be allocated will be retained in the future. Didn't Lao Wan say that there is also a demand for these talents in the factory?"

"Then it's fine. You still need to come and talk about this matter, just make an agreement with Lao Wan." Yan Changqing laughed.

"I still have to tell you." Minister Liu's smile was extraordinarily relaxed.


The resettlement of veterans is getting more and more difficult every year. Lao Liu has been in the armed forces for a long time, and this change can be seen in his eyes.

From the beginning when veterans could be assigned to units in the oil field, and later they could be assigned to ordinary companies as security guards, and now, it is not easy to find a place to plug people if they want to travel abroad...

It was also a headache.

If the whole process is made into a movie, maybe it will be able to win international awards if it is done well.

When the news of the incident came out, Lao Liu didn't think about anything else. He just wanted to quickly find places to resettle these people who have retired this year, so they can't be left idle.

It's a bit scary, it's been so many years, and there are still such outrageous things,

Fortunately, there happened to be a winery in the village with such a large employer. Thinking about what Lao Wan said in advance, the winery wanted to recruit some people.

Once Lao Liu thought about it, he decided to take the initiative to cooperate and settle everyone down first.

Although there is no large state-owned enterprise to make them feel at ease, but the winery pays well, maybe some people will not continue to wait for the distribution of iron rice bowls - in fact, the iron rice bowls have not been so iron recently.

There are signs of everything that happens, and the wave of layoffs does not happen suddenly, just like a river bank does not collapse all at once before it breaks.

After receiving Yan Changqing's nod, Lao Liu was relieved and took the initiative to help and think of a way: "I happen to be free recently, why don't I stay here for a few days and cooperate with Lao Wan to adjust our security team? "

Yan Changqing wanted to nod immediately, but stopped again, and reminded: "This is the security of the company, the requirements are not so strict, it is almost enough."

Don't look at Lao Liu as a middle-aged greasy man now, but he is greasy because he has been injured, and he can't continue to maintain high-intensity exercise after retiring-in fact, this is because he has fought in battles and made meritorious deeds, otherwise he would not be like this Confidently say help.

Old Liu laughed at that time: "It's okay, I know, it's just a basic exercise, and it's fine not to be so loose in the future."

Yan Changqing always felt that he was very excited, but the factory is his own, and the wages are paid by himself. When the time comes, the security guards will pay more bonuses after training hard.


After waiting for a few days, seeing the development of things in the factory was very comfortable, Yan Changqing set off, all the way south.

First, when he arrived in Jiangcheng, Old Feng had been waiting for him for a long time. He dragged him and ran into the factory area: "Take a closer look, is there anything wrong?"

Yan Changqing followed around casually, then nodded with certainty: "There is nothing wrong with it, it is completely in line with the standard, quite perfect."

In short, it was a compliment to make Lao Feng feel relieved.

He told Lao Feng bluntly: "Uncle Feng, as I said before, the key to winemaking lies in the koji I make. Besides, as long as the workers strictly follow the production process, you can rest assured."

"You have to see it with your own eyes, so I can rest assured." Old Feng chuckled. "Walk around, and take a look at the reception banquet I prepared for you. Tell me about your experience in wine making, so that I can learn from it. So as not to make such jokes that wine making tanks are easy to make jealous..."

Looking at this example, it is a very popular couplet joke these days that the wine-making tank is good for making vinegar.

There are two ways to read the couplet. One is that the wine making tank is good, and the vinegar is sour;

It can also be regarded as a characteristic of the times. The current entertainment information is not well developed, and some written jokes are particularly popular.

For example, there is a poem in Tang Bohu's Dian Qiuxiang, this woman is not a human being, a nine-day fairy descends to the mortal world; raising a son will become a thief, stealing flat peaches and offering them to his mother.


Lao Feng wanted Yan Changqing to tell him some key knowledge about wine making, but Yan Changqing told him safety knowledge for a long time.

He also repeatedly emphasized: "Safety is definitely the most important thing in production. What did you care about most in the garment factory before? Usually there is no light in the workshop, right? If the winery uses fire, then you have to pay more attention."

"It's fine if you know how to drink. As long as you ensure the quality of the wine, you don't have to do everything in the middle of the process. The workers here are all skilled. We will take turns in the future, and we can't let the workers stay home all the time. In the next half a month or a month It rotates once a month..."

"This is good, this is good." Old Feng nodded repeatedly.

Workers may become slack after being here for a long time, but changing them at any time can prevent this kind of problem.

Lao Feng went to the Backgammon Winery to have a look, and some workers there almost regarded Yan Changqing as a god, not only the god of wealth, but also the god of wine.

Some brewers trained by themselves in the brewery were even more respectful when they saw Yan Changqing.

After all, in the factory, Yan Changqing always let all of them watch and learn from the brewery, and never hid anyone.

Every time they watch the boss's operation, they feel, well, I have learned it.

As soon as they got started, they immediately realized, wow, their brains are good, but their hands don't listen to them, and the wine they brew is just a few grades worse.

Once or twice like this, three times or four times like this...

After a long time, none of the masters who followed me dared to think that I had learned it any more, and some of them simply put on a bad show, learned a knitting, and stopped learning. Anyway, just follow along. If I learn again, I will not be able to learn the level of the boss.

But even if it is bad, you still unconsciously imitate the boss when making wine, even if you imitate a little.

In short, there are all kinds of things, but there is no one who dares to relax the standard in wine making-the boss is too powerful and the pressure is too great. Sometimes they even wonder if they are lazy when they are working, and the boss can do it Taste it out of the wine.

They didn't know that Yan Changqing was experimenting, trying to make them strictly follow their own process to see if they could brew wine that exceeded the first-level skill level.

In fact, Yan Changqing's experiment completely failed, not to mention exceeding the first level, even reaching the peak of the first level is rare.

When the gap is so large that it makes people despair, what it brings is worship and worship.

And these days there is still a problem of masters leading apprentices, just like Master Liu who Yan Changqing went to the oil field to learn maintenance technology, didn't he bring a large group of apprentices?
At this time, the master should not be called the master, but the master.

A master who is a teacher for a day and a father for life.

This is the case even in state-owned enterprises. Some apprentices rose up later and were sorry for the master. They were poked in the spine for a lifetime.

In fact, Yan Changqing is the master and ancestor of all the workers in the winery, because he led the first workers.

So in the winery, he is not only the boss, but many people respect him far more than the status of the boss, so it is understandable.

So Lao Feng was worried that he would not be able to command those masters. With Yan Changqing, he could be completely relieved.


After staying in Jiangcheng for a day, Yan Changqing went straight to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, looking all the way there, including the logistics point belonging to the market.

The last stop is Xiangjiang.

Yan Changqing agreed to help Cheng Shilong to do the dubbing, if he doesn't come, they will start to engage in post-production.

Reciprocating peaches and rewards is not only the morality of walking in the rivers and lakes, but also the principles that must be followed in life.

Old Zheng gave up the first prize, even if several years passed, and even Lao Zheng himself forgot, Yan Changqing wanted him to appear in the promotional video, that's all.

Doing so is not only worthy of my own conscience, but actually has many side benefits.

At least when Yan Changqing said so, Boss Shi and Zhu Changsheng saw it in their eyes at the time, and they will keep it in their hearts in the future, knowing that although Yan Changqing has become President Yan and an international composer, he is still the same Yan Changqing .

From ancient times to the present, what people hate most is the kind of "Zhongshan wolf", and what people like to make friends with is the kind of moral person who "repays the kindness of dripping water and springs up".

Cheng Shilong helped at the beginning, but he never said anything else, so Yan Changqing came quickly, and he didn't need to call again.


After passing Xiangjiang Customs, Yan Changqing saw A Jian running up and down holding a sign waiting for him.

The first thing I said when I saw Yan Changqing was: "Brother Long is filming, I really can't leave, otherwise he would come here in person. By the way, this is Ah Guang, he must pick you up."

Yan Changqing was delighted when he saw the person: "I know, Muay Thai champion! Hello Brother Guang."

"No, no, don't call me Brother Guang, Boss Yan..." Ah Guang waved his hands again and again. This rich man is also an internationally renowned person. He has sold a song all over the world. His status as a Muay Thai champion is a bit overwhelming. Not quite enough.

"He doesn't mind if I call Brother Jian, what's wrong with calling Brother Guang." Yan Changqing said with a smile, a title is nothing.

Now that he calls him that, no one will think that he is descending from his status, which is called being approachable.

A Jian was very polite at the side: "Boss Yan, just call me A Jian from now on!"

It's very hypocritical. When Yan Changqing spoke just now, his mouth was grinning as if there was a barbecued pork bun inside, and his face was radiant, as if he was more proud than winning the Mark Six lottery.

Yan Changqing laughed: "Let's go, did you change the car to pick me up this time?"

"That's right, Brother Long wants a few more people to come over to protect you. But Ah Guang volunteered to come here, so we don't need so many people." Jian said. "Besides, you don't need our protection, right? Brother Long told us that you are stronger than him."

"Where is it? It's just a small discussion. Uncle Long is too polite." Yan Changqing can also be hypocritical.

Ah Jian smiled and said while driving: "Ah Guang is not convinced, he wants to compete with you, but Brother Long said that you are here to make music, so he is not allowed to make trouble."

Yan Changqing became interested: "Then you drive to find a place where no one is around, and discuss it! I will stay for a few days at most this time, and it may not be when I will come next time."

Except for a sparring with Cheng Shilong last time, he has never fought against any powerful people, and he doesn't know how much ordinary people's kung fu can reach, so he still wants to 'find out'.

You can't go wrong with more information.

Ah Guang should be better than Jackie Chan, after all, the Xiangjiang Muay Thai champion for seven consecutive years, in actual combat, it is definitely not good to put on airs.

These days, Xiangjiang is not so clear about black and white. Those who can become famous by fighting are still living well, and there are really not many ostentatious people.

A Jian was excited and tangled: "Well, Brother Long will blame us if he finds out..."

"You can drive to find a place, he is very busy now, what's wrong with you." Yan Changqing said with a smile.

"Then let's go to the boxing gym where we practice boxing. It's just on the way." A Jian turned the steering wheel as soon as he spoke, and the car turned in the other direction and walked to the other side. Obviously, the "by the way" in his mouth was a bit far away. .

 One chapter first, another chapter in the morning, it was too hot yesterday, I don’t know why I had diarrhea, this is an update yesterday, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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