Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 236 Clipping the Seeds Grow into Trees

Chapter 236 Clipping the Seeds Grow into Trees

After planting wheat, the weather became gradually colder day by day.

However, this kind of weather is quite suitable for working on the construction site. Yang Shengshi led a few people around the construction site, discussing a few words with them from time to time, and there were people taking notes beside him.

If he saw someone taking off his hard hat, Yang Shengshi immediately raised the small horn in his hand and shouted: "Which village is the one that feels uncomfortable wearing the hat all the time? Tell your village chief to come here!"

The mayor of the township was quite ignorant, and started working as a construction site supervisor.

Whether it is recruitment or construction, the winery is full of old workers and new workers. There are no old workers to take care of them. Yan Changqing does not allow newcomers to go to the construction site at all.

In the past, newcomers were actually able to do it, but now there are more and more machines. Many inexperienced people are working hard on the construction site. In fact, sometimes they don’t know how to cooperate with the construction machines. It’s better to have fewer people to be more efficient. .

But Yang Shengshi was worried. The development situation in the village is very good now, but there are still some people who can't afford the public grain, so he discussed with Yan Changqing to recruit more people from those poor villages.

Yan Changqing has only one condition, if they come, you will be responsible.

The more newcomers, the more troubles they have. It's not that they don't work hard, but that they don't know how to do it. It is often said that they have no winks. There are also some poor bachelors who feel that there are various rules for doing a job. Hats are bothersome.

To be honest, Yan Changqing felt that Township Chief Yang shouldn't talk to those people who couldn't afford to pay the public grain due to the development of the village.

There is also a limit to poverty alleviation, and some people just can't live without their mouths, so whatever they do.

It is sometimes difficult for normal people to understand the thinking of these people. The whole region envies that Taoshu Township is rich, and it is easy to find a job by relying on the market winery. Spread your hands, nothing.

In fact, there are people like this at any time, that is, Yang Shengshi is now high-spirited, his brain is convulsed, and he intends to lift the whole township out of poverty without leaving a single household.

Yan Changqing didn't want to beat him, so he asked the construction workers of the engineering team to arrange some simple, non-technical work for them that they could do if they had the strength.

He didn't interfere at all, he took the camera to shoot everywhere, and from time to time he took the camera from the person next to him and took some videos.

He also gloated and filmed a section of Yang Xiangzhang, watching him angrily grabbing someone and scolding him severely.


After Yang Shengshi scolded, he turned around and saw Yan Changqing, he was very helpless: "Why are you filming me?"

Yan Changqing was very happy with a smile: "I don't see when you will give up. The twisted melon is not sweet, mayor, do you think there are still a few families in our village who can only work as odd jobs in the market? You don't care. Not everyone."

"Oh!" Yang Shengshi sighed. "I'm doing it for their own good too!"

"It's so comfortable for people to lie at home, but I don't think you're doing it for their own good." Yan Changqing sneered at this, his heart is indeed good, but the actual situation must also be considered!
"Lying at home, they can't eat!"

"I'm happy with it. Look at that guy over there. He came to work in the factory for a few days and was kicked out. Do you think you can change him?" Yan Changqing raised his hand and pointed to a person in the distance.

Yang Shengshi glanced at it, and also despised it: "You're still a high school student, alas!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "He thinks he is educated, and he wants to work in management when he comes here, and he doesn't want to work hard. Lao Wan said it's okay, but he leads blindly every day."

"There are a lot of honest workers here. There is a worker in his team. He was embarrassed to apply some medicine for his burns, and he was so angry that he wanted to change the team. You said you can save this kind of person. he?"

Usually there are quite a lot of trivial matters in the factory, but Yan Changqing doesn't care much about it.

Once there are more than a thousand people, anything will happen, not to mention the addition of a few construction sites, the number of people has long been unknown.

But most of them are still good, like the burnt worker, who felt that he was not careful, so he can't blame the factory.

In fact, it counts as a work-related injury. The profit of the winery is so high. Yan Changqing has been working all his life. He really can't do something that won't even be reimbursed for work-related injuries.

Although there is no five social insurance and one housing fund yet, Yan Changqing has always let people calculate his working years. If he retires at that time, try to make up as much money as possible. Anyway, if you don’t pay wages, you have to pay taxes. It’s better to pay the workers. them.


Yang Shengshi persisted for a week, and came to Yan Changqing by himself: "Some of the group of people can stay, and let them go if the rest don't want to do it! Tell me about it, and let some people come over."

Yan Changqing didn't smile this time, this guy did his best, he nodded: "No problem! You should think about it, at least there are still a group of people left, no matter how lazy they were, now they are willing to do it, it's a good thing Son."

"En!" Yang Shengshi nodded. "It seems to me that the goal of not having a single poor household in the township is difficult to achieve."

"Average is enough." Yan Changqing gave him advice.

Yang Shengshi was speechless, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "I don't know how to average. The problem is, if you and Mr. Chen come out casually, once the income is averaged, the whole town will be well-off."

Yan Changqing chuckled: "That's great, you weren't like this before, why are you like this now?"

Knowing that he complained about his previous appearance again, Yang Shengshi smiled wryly: "Aren't I just thinking of doing things to be perfect? ​​People change."

After hesitating for a while, he said, "Well, Mr. Yan, why don't you collect all the tung trees in the village?"

In fact, there is no need to discuss this matter so early, but now Township Chief Yang is also helpless, and Mr. Yan is often not found. It is rare that in the past few days, it is a rare opportunity to see him wandering around here with a camera on his shoulder.

"Do you see any places around here?" Yan Changqing pointed. "If you plant any more, the farmland over there will be taken up."

"Once it's over, it's over. I'll go to the higher-ups for approval for the land with a yield of [-] jin per mu, and all the farmland will be returned to the forest." Yang Shengshi saw that Yan Changqing didn't refuse, and immediately got excited. "You just give some money and let them dig and transport it themselves, how about it?"

There are more and more machines in the village, and those trees are becoming more and more obtrusive. It seems that no one cares about the village head, so he is going to do it himself to remove these obstacles in the farmland.

Yan Changqing thought about it, and felt that the problem was not serious.

If these trees are taken care of well, it can be regarded as a green environment. Although there are a little more, there is no shortage of land here in Jiugang and Shibawa.

He nodded: "That's okay, but we have to reserve a good location for the winery. I guess there will be new projects next year. Brewing another new wine will require a large factory site."

"Don't worry, even if we don't have enough, the villages over there would dream of you occupying their land!"


Yan Changqing took the time to shoot on the construction site for a week, and went straight to the city TV station with the tape he had filmed, and rented a studio on the station with a wad of money.

He intends to edit some short films out, not asking for a good effect, it's purely for practice.

He used to do this job too, turn on the phone, click on a certain software, operate like a fool, find a few small videos and stitch them together, and then add some music, he can play for half a day by himself, it's a lot of fun.

But the editing is different now, it is really cut with scissors.

However, in the short videos he made, the lens switching does not need to be as strict as the requirements of movies. Some abrupt places can be just right when paired with music.

He felt that it was better for him to do this job, because he knew his music best, and he also had many years of experience in watching small videos.

In the future, small videos will continue to innovate. From the defendant in the "a steamed bun murder case" back then, to the boss named Lei becoming the protagonist of "are you OK", interacting with everyone with a smile on the contrary, the development process in the middle is quite rapid.

And when everyone started playing short videos, it was even more fun, and all kinds of amazing shots emerged one after another,

Besides, Yan Changqing has learned some current editing techniques before, so he is quite confident now and feels that he can operate it himself.

There is a master editor in the station, whose surname is Chang Ming Xueyu. Although his skills are very average, it is good to be his helper.

Lao Chang's skills are average, and he dare not give opinions when he sees Yan Changqing's nonsense - Mr. Yan often takes care of the station, and he has advertised on CCTV, and he also takes care of this small station in the city from time to time. The station manager is polite when he sees it No way, how dare he offend.

On the contrary, Lao Song and Yan Changqing, who followed to watch, were used to it, and couldn't help but ask him: "Mr. Yan, are you switching scenes too frequently?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "I only need a few minutes of video. What I want is to catch people's attention and make people dizzy. I can fully focus on these few minutes, which is definitely different from movies and TV shows."

Seeing this, Lao Song didn't say any more, just watched.

In fact, Yan Changqing is really not cutting blindly, this job has technical content, he can make up for it with skills, and the rest is patience.

In the future, most people will actually have a similar experience, but the operation is a little more complicated these days.

In the beginning, Yan Changqing was relatively novice, but he learned things quickly. After he became proficient, his speed surprised Lao Chang and Song.

But Yan Changqing didn't care about them. The more he focused, the faster his skills improved, and he had already practiced that as long as he did a certain thing, he could do nothing else.


After working for half the morning, Yan Changqing stretched his waist: "Uncle Song, go to work if you have something to do, this work is tiring, I will talk about it later."

Pull the recliner over, lie down on it, and fall asleep instantly.

If one hang is not enough, add another one to speed up sleep.

Lao Song and Lao Chang were a little dumbfounded. Is this how geniuses do things?

After eating at noon, Yan Changqing woke up and dealt with it casually, and continued to work.

In the era of insufficient technology, everything is done by people and time.

It took Yan Changqing a whole day to make an unsatisfactory video of a few minutes, and he didn't rest at all: "Uncle Song, you go back after get off work, I'll just play slowly here tonight. "

Lao Song turned his head and walked outside: "Then I'll ask someone to prepare some hot instant noodles for you. You'll eat it if you're hungry at night."

Taili has nothing to do with this condition.

Yan Changqing misses the era when you could cut videos by playing with your mobile phone, but just thinking about it, he still stays in the hut honestly... and starts to sleep when everyone is gone.

After sleeping for two hours, get up and work for a while, then sleep again, get up and work again.

This is the real skill of the liver, even the next day's brunch was delivered to the door by Lao Song.

I can't help but admire it. Sitting there and editing is not a good job. It needs to concentrate on capturing every frame of the picture, which is actually very tiring.

Boss Yan's spirit of not moving for two days in a row is no worse than theirs.


In fact, Yan Changqing didn't move the ground for three days in a row. When he felt that he was almost done, his skills had reached more than 80.00%.

This has surpassed more than 90.00% of editing masters, and it is considered a master.After all, ordinary editors don't have his learning speed, and they don't have as many videos as he has "appreciated".

'Insight' is still very useful.

Then Yan Changqing began dubbing, using his own song about oil workers.

When the music played and matched with the picture, Lao Song and Lao Chang's eyes widened in an instant.

Lao Song couldn't help but say: "Fuck, can you still play like this?"

They always thought that Yan was always playing, but they didn't expect that now...

The music played, and the picture showed a gradually rising red sun, followed by workers carrying tools to the construction site.

With the rhythm of the music, it turned into a construction vehicle, and then the camera zoomed up to watch the long queue walking step by step.

The shot of pulling up is very good, Yan Changqing let a small crane hoist himself to shoot it.

However, with the music originally named "victory", the captured images instantly became quite shocking.

Once there are more than a thousand people, it is actually very easy to shoot the effect of tens of thousands of people, and it looks naturally shocking.

When the drum beats sounded, the screen quickly switched to an excavator digging into the soil, and the workers swung their sledgehammers...

When it reached the climax, it turned into a huge crane again, hanging an oversized machine whose appearance could not be seen clearly under the shadow of the sun, slowly moving in the air...

The two of them, Lao Song, have never seen this kind of short video. Coupled with this music, it is comparable to the promotional film of the Haolaiwu movie.

After a few minutes passed, the two of them still couldn't recover for a long time.

It's probably like the feeling that the young video experts in the future can't help playing in a loop when they see a particularly shocking video.

But now Yan Changqing is not in the mood to play them on a loop, and let Lao Chang play by himself.

He needs to rest.


Lao Song and Lao Chang played the clip five or six times before saying embarrassingly, "I'm delaying Mr. Yan. We didn't know much about it. We thought you were just editing it for fun!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Thank you, thank you."

He was very pleased with the reaction of the two of them.

These two people were so shocked when they saw this. They are still professionals, so if ordinary audiences see it, the effect will definitely be better.

Then, when he gets some footage shot by the Three Kingdoms crew, edits a few small videos, and then matches them with various 'battle songs' in his hand, the effect will definitely be quite explosive.

That's right, that's what he came up with.

He also doesn't intend to use the good shots shot by other crews to be used, he just needs to order "discarded" shots.

The crew filmed for four years, and in the end only 84 episodes were edited. It is estimated that the footage to be deleted could fill this cabin.

This drama has more than [-] sets of costumes, more than [-] props, and actors who have used more than [-] times...

How can there be such a big production in today's MV?
That is, the promotional videos of some big movies of Haolaiwu can do this.

But have they ever seen the real, thousands of troops and horses that came out of the ancient battlefield 800 years ago?
Can their music have its own?
Yan Changqing is very confident, he has confidence in himself and the crew.


The only key is that now the higher ups are calling for openness, but in fact, they take the film quite seriously.

He didn't expect to make a soundtrack by himself. If he was a bit more honest, he would be able to let others provide convenience for him.

What we are doing now is nothing more than to leave a good impression on people when the time comes and we talk about it.

What I need to spend is not only this small thought, but also some money, and a little more tongue.


Yan Changqing asked Lao Chang and the others to help him completely make the tape, and then went to find Director Zhu.

Not only did they look for Director Zhu, but Boss Shi also invited them over.

Invite them to watch their 'little video'.

As a result, both of them were a little dumbfounded: "Can you still do this?"

Yan Changqing reminded: "You say, if the picture is replaced with our drilling team, exploration team, and those large machines, what will the effect be?"

At that time, the two of them had empty eyes and fell into imagination.

There are many large-scale machinery in petroleum engineering, and the effect can be more shocking than those photographed by Yan Changqing's winery and thermal power station.

If such a short film is put on TV for people to see, the publicity effect is self-evident.

Do Oil Workers Need Advocacy?That's for sure, the sense of mission and honor that depend on hard work, if you see such a film, wouldn't you be motivated?
Boss Shi simply said, "Tell me, what do you want?"

"I don't want anything, but I definitely don't have time to shoot." Yan Changqing said. "Shooting is simple, and you need to go to more places to collect important materials. When you have the materials, it's very simple to make this short...short film."

"By the way, there is another request, to give Lao Zheng a close-up shot, this must be there."

Boss Shi was a little puzzled: "Old Zheng? From the exploration team? What happened to him?"

Zhu Changsheng recalled it for a while, and probably thought of it: "When you were given an award, do you still remember it? It's been two or three years."

Seeing that Boss Shi hadn't reacted yet, he said with a smile, "At the Eleventh Party of the year before last, Lao Zheng and the others should have won the first prize, and let Changqing get it."

It must be a great credit for the exploration team to win the first prize, and what they did is worth remembering in the history of Yudong Oilfield development.

So Boss Shi immediately remembered the events of that year: "Oh oh oh, this little thing, you can remember it until now, Lao Zheng wants to know, he has to kill a pig before he invites you to have a drink, haha !"

Zhu Changsheng jokingly said: "Old Zheng has always been like this, and this can be regarded as the seed he planted back then, and it has grown into a towering tree!"

If this promotional video is produced, it will be broadcast on the city station, and the broadcast on the provincial station will be the lowest. As long as the oil field sends it over, the provincial station will definitely set aside a few minutes for this program.

The most important thing is that it will be sent to the head office. If the boss above is satisfied, then it will be sent directly to CCTV. It is nothing more than a matter of several broadcasts.

Old Zheng gave up a first prize within the unit, and now he has the opportunity to show his face in front of the whole country. Others can't help but say that his ancestral grave is full of smoke!

What's more, if the effect is good, such a short film will also be recorded in the development history of Yudong Oilfield.

If the effect is better, then it will be directly in the file of the Petroleum Corporation.

Lao Zheng's first prize back then made him a big profit.


To be honest, when the news got out, the first prize winners who shared the stage with Yan Changqing before would turn green with regret.

But they should all have a chance. The first prizes are for great contributions. Those who have made great contributions should be able to shoot. It depends on whether the editors can use their lenses.

When the editor thought about it, he suddenly felt bad: "Mr. Shi, if there is nothing else to do here, I will go back. When the material is ready, give me a call, and I will be able to produce the finished product in at most three days. "

It's better to leave quickly, otherwise when the news spreads, there will be too many people who want to show their faces. Everyone can not compete for the bonus, but it is an honor to be edited, and it must be contended for.

Boss Shi nodded: "Well, I'll arrange for people to go, no, I can't form a small group, I have to pull Changqing and Shengli, and give them a shot..."

Yan Changqing didn't care about these, he went to find Zhu Xiaobin.

The kid signed up for a martial arts performance event, and he wants to participate in the sports meeting, so I will give him pointers.

 Thank you for your support, this chapter is over!
(End of this chapter)

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