Chapter 235
With Yan Changqing's promise, Director Shen and Fang Xueya felt relieved.

However, the two of them didn't get happy, but hid aside and frowned.

Fang Xueya thought for a long time before opening her mouth: "Director Shen, tell me, doesn't Mr. Yan want our crew to advertise his winery in the future?"

"It's possible." Director Shen regretted what he had just said. "It seems impossible. He is not short of the advertising money. Now he only needs to wave the banknotes to come to the set, let alone me. Director Wang has to greet him like a VIP."

"Then what does he want?" Fang Xueya muttered.

Director Shen didn't intend to answer these words, and Director Shen didn't intend to answer.

The two of them are not fledgling young people anymore. They have been in the rivers and lakes for so long, and they don't believe that Yan is always high-spirited and honest, composing music for free. Let outsiders listen to this!

If Yan Changqing knew that the two of them missed him so much, he would have to sigh, "My heart is for Mingyue, but Mingyue is for the ditch."

As for people, it is easy to think complicated, he is really high-spirited.

But he is very busy now, taking notes in a small notebook.

The furniture is all doable now, and he plans to buy a few better sets. Although he doesn't come here for a long time every year, the place to live must be more comfortable.

The statistics are almost enough, and he is not in a hurry to use it. He will buy it next time and use a new one at that time.

Just thinking about what else to do, I received a call from Fat Hong.

Fat Hong was somewhat embarrassed: "Mr. Yan, I have a friend entrusted me with this matter, let me tell you, it doesn't matter if it can be done or not, don't mind, I can't shirk this call to you."

Yan Changqing smiled: "Brother Fat Hong, we have been dealing with each other for so long, how can you still not know me, just talk about it if you have something to say."

Fat Hong laughed dryly: "A friend of a friend, the company opened by this friend has a flower and gift service business. I would like to ask, does your winery have any demand for this during the New Year and holidays?"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "There is a need, but I usually give wine to people, and I don't really need anything else. I don't need flowers or anything for now. Otherwise, you can give me his phone number." Keep one, and if I need it later, I’ll just call.”

"That's fine, please trouble Mr. Yan." Fat Hong said a number. "When you called, you said you could just find Xiao Ma, he is quite reliable in his work."

Yan Changqing memorized the pony's phone number, and said again: "By the way, Brother Fat Hong, you can give me a call to sell furniture or something. I'm going to add something to the house next time."

Fat Hong immediately gave a call, and said: "Actually, Xiao Ma's business is quite extensive now. His company was originally a translation company, but it didn't manage well, so he took a part-time job in the gift and flower business. A while ago, he also went to the medical business. Look, don't look at him not from the capital, he is more familiar with the capital than most of the locals."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, I have some small business later, I'll call him."

Phone calls for flowers, gifts, etc. should be kept as a backup. With more and more acquaintances here in the capital, if something happens in the future, the gifts and flowers will always arrive if my own people can't arrive.

Fat Hong's call came in a timely manner.


After chatting with Fat Hong for a few more words, he just hung up the phone, but unexpectedly the phone rang again immediately.

Then he smiled and asked, "Brother Fat Hong, why is there something else?"

"Mr. Yan, hello, I'm Chen Tingzhu!" A voice came from the other end of the phone. "You're at home now! It's not convenient. I have something to do. I want to visit you at your place."

"Assistant Chen, why are you so polite now?" Yan Changqing laughed. "You know where my home is, come here if you want! You don't have to be so polite."

"I'm afraid Mr. Yan is too busy to have time, haha." Chen Tingzhu laughed dryly. "I'll be there right away, and I'll be there in half an hour."

Yan Changqing wondered if this guy did something sorry, or how could he become so polite?

But he doesn't mind about it, there are still two people waiting to listen to Suona!

Chen Tingzhu really didn't do anything to offend Yan Changqing.

He didn't contact Yan Changqing in time last time because the provincial station was looking for him and asked him to make peace with Yan Changqing.


Because Yan is always an 'international' composer.

In the future, many people don't understand this kind of mentality, but in today's era of "first-class foreign and second-class officials", as long as you have a little achievement outside, it will be great.

So at the provincial station, Chen Tingzhu's old boss called him: "Look, when you left, we didn't hold your file or anything. Originally, you just left without saying a word. We here A lot of people around here are quite dissatisfied.”

"But I think people are going to a high place. Despite all opinions, I didn't give you the slightest obstacle. I let you go without any difficulty, including your family relationship. Now I want you to find Yan Changqing Tell me, it's a trivial matter to invite him to participate in our provincial TV program!"

Chen Tingzhu wanted to vomit countless things in his heart. He wanted to say that if you don't embarrass me, I have to thank you?
At the beginning, none of the programs were on, and you said that Nuo University had no good programs in one province, so I helped to get on a program.

But in the end, he hesitated and agreed.

However, he couldn't figure out what to say to Yan Changqing, so he was very entangled, entangled and entangled, and even forgot to notify Yan Changqing that his program was selected for the Spring Festival Gala again.

In fact, it's an ostrich mentality. He thinks that as long as I don't contact Mr. Yan, the province and Taiwan can explain the past.

Now I have something to do in my work unit and I have to come, so I am a little bit tangled.

After getting out of the car and walking to the door, I was still thinking, besides what I wanted to talk about today, should I mention the troubles in Provincial Taiwan.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a high-pitched suona sound.

Like the long cry of a giant whale that lost its partner in the deep sea, it seemed to be a cry from ancient times. The voice was sad and desolate. In an instant, his heart felt as if something was tightly grasping it.

Not only was he being caught, but the hand was still kneading, kneading, kneading, tossing a heart like it was hard to breathe.

Chen Tingzhu's movements were frozen in an instant, and he raised his hand like a puppet.


Fortunately, the sound of the suona only sounded once, and Chen Tingzhu came back to his senses after a while.

He felt overwhelmed, flustered for a while, and finally figured out that Mr. Yan should have done it, right?

After all, he was a person who saw the old director being sent to the hospital with his own eyes, so he was considered "well-informed", and then he became even more entangled, whether he should knock on the door and go in, and whether Mr. Yan encountered something unhappy up?
Then he heard laughter from behind the door: "That director Shen has something wrong, I must show him Changqing. Give them a good face, really think you are the boss?"

"That's right! If you don't talk about remuneration from the beginning to the end, and Changqing doesn't care about it, they really don't give it! It's too much..."

"Oh, forget it, just play ours well, don't worry about so much. But I have to persuade Changqing later, he is very talented, but in the world, let's help him to some extent, and we can't let him Just being tricked by the old foxes..."


Chen Tingzhu quickly understood that this should be someone from Yan Changqing's musical instrument team, and it seemed that they were complaining for Yan Changqing because of some program!

He made up his mind right away, and never mentioned the matter of saving Taiwan.

Obviously, there are more and more people who have interests with Yan Changqing. If he wants to offend him, even if he doesn't say anything, others may do something. He has been in the province for so long. Seen too much.

Or people often say that the king of hell is easy to see, but the little ghost is hard to deal with!
Having made up his mind, he raised his hand and knocked on the door swiftly.

As soon as the door opened, I saw the familiar director Zhu, and he was still very enthusiastic: "Old Chen is here! Come in, come in, you are late, come early, and you will be able to catch up with Changqing playing the suona!"

"I heard it!" Chen Tingzhu didn't hide it. "I heard it from a long distance away, and I was taken aback. What's wrong with Mr. Yan?"

"Haha, the people from the Three Kingdoms production team wanted to hear his performance. So we all ran to the door, haha, let's go in together, the performance is over!"


A group of people went in chatting and laughing, and Chen Tingzhu saw a man and a woman with embarrassed faces and somewhat frightened looks.

He was running errands at CCTV, and the key was to recognize people. These two belonged to the Three Kingdoms crew. Although he had never dealt with them before, he knew them all.But with the appearance of those two people now, it is estimated that most of them would not want to say hello to him, so he just smiled and said, and then went straight to Yan Changqing.

"Mr. Yan, Director Tan asked me to ask, will you still be able to advertise next year?" Chen Tingzhu cut to the chase. "Now there are other manufacturers looking for it, but Director Tan said, I'd better ask your opinion first."

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "Aren't you going to invite bids?"

Chen Tingzhu explained: "It's planning to invite bids. Director Tan actually talked to you. She thinks that your thinking on this matter is more mature. But you have to participate in the bidding, so it's not appropriate to ask you to discuss it..."

What he said was a bit confusing, but Yan Changqing also understood that CCTV hadn't done bidding before, and he was afraid of messing up if he had no experience.

I want to find my current bidder and ask if I have any good suggestions, but I feel that I am afraid of being criticized for doing so.

Think about it, you have to participate in the bidding, but you also participate in the bidding process in advance, which is easily reminiscent of cheating and related households.

Yan Changqing shook his head: "I'm just raising an idea, and I don't know how to operate it. I suggest you refer to some foreign bidding procedures. It's actually simple, just give more money than anyone else!"

Chen Tingzhu straightened his neck and said: "Actually, Director Tan wants me to ask, if you go to participate in the bidding, the approximate price you plan to offer. You can say what you want, and it's okay if you don't want to."

"Director Tan's original words were that she went to the doctor in a hurry and wanted to get more information about everything, so as to avoid any unexpected things when she got it. There are a lot of questions now, and she can't reply to others. But She said she was too embarrassed to come and asked me to run errands."

Yan Changqing was speechless. Before bidding, he first asked himself what the reserve price meant?
After thinking about it for a while: "Last year, more than 2000 million were released, and this year's should be somewhat higher than last year, 3000 million!"

What does it mean to ask the price without talking about the benefits?
Chen Tingzhu nodded: "Then I'll just go back to Director Tan like this. Actually, I think she wants to reject some manufacturers, so that everyone will not come when the time comes, but she has no plans in her heart, and I'm afraid that the price will not be as good as last year."

Yan Changqing was not happy: "Then let me cover the whole thing, will it do me any good?"

Chen Tingzhu replied quickly: "Director Tan said that verbal promises are meaningless. If you are the highest price at that time, let's see her actual actions!"

It's like saying nothing!

But this is bidding. If you talk about benefits with yourself now, it is tantamount to a secret operation, and it is not good to spread it later.

But Yan Changqing has another strategy, he is confident: "Then you tell Director Tan, I will definitely go, let her get ready!"

He intends to be a good person to the end, not to give other manufacturers the opportunity to go bankrupt due to advertising fees, save a few companies, and make more contributions to society.

Chen Tingzhu still wanted to ask more questions, but on second thought, it's not a good thing for him to ask too many questions. Director Tan didn't promise himself that if she transferred her to the advertising department, he would definitely ask a few more questions.

Now, with Mr. Yan's words, he can already go back to work.


So he chatted with Yan Changqing about something else with satisfaction: "What's going on with the Three Kingdoms crew? I eavesdropped on it just now, and I feel that everyone is dissatisfied!"

While talking, he glanced at the two people not far away, and saw that the two seemed to be still wandering away, probably their minds hadn't come back yet.

Yan Changqing smiled: "I have an idea, but it's not convenient to say it now. It's useless to tell you the key point, I have to find something to talk about."

Chen Tingzhu was curious. Now that he has let go of his knots, he has returned to his original appearance. They are all from Yudong Province, and he doesn't need to hide himself: "How much level is it?"

"It must be higher than Director Tan!"

"That's the boss of the station, you want to find him?"

"Why do you ask this, and you can't talk to me."

"Am I not curious?"

Chen Tingzhu chuckled, and asked other questions instead of this: "How did you study suona?"

"Hobbies, study everything, cultivate more fun in life..."

After chatting for a while, Chen Tingzhu stood up: "Mr. Yan is gone, next time you come I will visit you earlier."

Let it go to hell with Taiwan Province, anyway, I won't go back in the future, once people let go of their knots, it's really different.


Yan Changqing returned to Xiyang City with a group of people the next day.

Don't talk about staying after arriving, just go out for a few days and go back to each house as soon as possible.

Now I go home just in time for wheat planting, which is very suitable, and I just drive a tractor to sow seeds.

Planting skills usually rely on planting some flowers and plants, so it doesn't increase proficiency at all. The key point is that Yan Changqing is not the kind of patient "elegant person". Live as you live.

Therefore, planting seeds every year has become the best time for him to improve his planting skills.

Think about driving a tractor for a day, tens of acres of land, and observing it more often, as long as there are no severe droughts or floods, basically you don’t need to worry about it.

The villagers are also very tolerant of Yan Changqing's "hobby". What kind of weird hobby is a genius? Doesn't he just like driving a tractor to grow wheat?This shows that she is still the child of our Dayan Village, and she has not forgotten her fundamentals.

Yan Changqing is very satisfied. He feels that he grows wheat, brews wine, and plays the zither, and his life is perfect.

Apart from having a hard-working little assistant, he called himself every now and then: "Boss, do you have a new song? Strike while the iron is hot! You don't have to worry about making too much money, and it's comfortable to watch if you can't spend it all!"

Yan Changqing was speechless: "How can there be an assistant like you who urges the boss every day. There is a new song, and I won't release it now. I am going to do something else. There is a new batch of copyright fees on the company account over there. Is it all here? Save some spares first."

"Okay, I'll keep them all!" Huang Peishan agreed quickly. "Buying stocks is very tricky. The stocks you buy haven't risen much. What if they fall again? You should rest assured that the money is in the bank."

This is still a little miser who doesn't want to make progress!
Yan Changqing reassured her: "I will give you a salary increase. If you have passed the probationary period, you will get a 20.00% salary increase. After that, you will be increased every year. The premise is that you are not allowed to say unlucky words in the future."

"Okay boss, the boss is the best, the old version of the stock must go up every day." Huang Peishan was very happy. "What else does the boss want?"

"If you set up a company in a foreign country, it's a tax-free place, you know?" Yan Changqing said.

"I know, the Cayman Islands! This is very easy, what kind of company do you want to run?"

"In the future, the wine trade will be transferred to that side, so you can pay less tax, right? Except for the mainland, the company's tax should be saved as much as possible! In addition, the copyright business of culture and art is added, and that's it for the time being."

Xiangjiang hasn't come back yet, so paying taxes there is a waste.

The company was only opened there temporarily, and now it can gradually transfer its business.

Huang Peishan was excited when she heard about the copyright business: "Are you going to release a new song? What type is it this time?"

"Victory vodka two, maybe three more. Don't ask too much, you will know when the time comes, this time it will be made into an audio-visual type, the one with images is more shocking, and the effect should be better."

"That's great, the boss' MV will definitely sell well, and I can finally be a manager again." Huang Peishan remembered the business after she was happy. "What does the boss need your assistant to do, please tell me!"

"Stop calling and don't bother me."


There is a reason for not letting Huang Peishan disturb her.

Because Yan Changqing's time is precious, he estimates that he will be very busy in the future.

But he likes this kind of busyness. After being busy in the winery, he can still spare time to go to school and a small clinic.

He has long been experienced in this. Sometimes he is busy, but he can take care of everything, but if he is really free, it will be broken. Sometimes even skills will want to be lazy.

The slack time is a good time. Before the cold winter comes, it is the time for construction.

This time, vodka will be expanded. As for other liquors, some of the production of the Good Days series has been transferred to Feng Yigui. In the future, the winery will gradually only produce high-end liquors.

Still implementing that sentence, earn more pocket money from the rich and less living expenses from ordinary people.

The profit of high-end wine is so high, one bottle is worth dozens of bottles, so why not make more and more profitable ones.

 Thanks to the book friend "Li Jiangtu" and "Book friend 20221126001514162" for the reward!
  Let's watch the next update tomorrow!Update tomorrow morning, don't wait.

  Thank you all for your support!

  Regarding the matter of not charging money to the crew of the Three Kingdoms, please be patient, there is a plan in the future, and your labor will not be in vain. We have never written a truly high-spirited protagonist. Every action must have a purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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