Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 241 Watching the Sports Meeting is Green and Comfortable

Chapter 241 Watching the Sports Meeting is Green and Comfortable
On busy days, time flies very fast.

In a blink of an eye, Yan Changqing got into the car again, and the van, with a whole load of people, went straight to the city.

Today is the time for the city's sports meeting, Zhu Xiaobin is participating, everyone come to cheer him up, and let the idiots in the village gain some insight by the way.

There were about twenty people in the seven-seater van, and when they arrived at the market, Yan Changqing asked his second uncle to drive the car and take them there together.

The sports meeting was held in the stadium of the agricultural school, and the scene was quite lively. The students of the agricultural school did not attend classes during this period, and specially set off the atmosphere for the sports meeting.

A small opening ceremony was also held. The city art troupe came up to sing a chorus, and the government kindergartens came to dance, and then spoke for an hour and a half, and the sports meeting officially started.

There are few events, only a few events such as long and short distances, high jump and long jump shot put javelin, and martial arts routine competitions. The competition schedule is only two days, and the venue is limited. Most of the other events are not available.

In fact, just listening to the loudspeaker, you can tell that the middle and high schools in the city are participating, not even the county ones, let alone the township middle schools.

Erwa and Tie Dan watched happily. They drank two bottles of Jianlibao at the beginning of the game in the morning.

As for the bad drinks, they don't usually drink them in the village, and it's nothing to drink once in a while when they go out.

Yan Changqing explained the rules of the game to them by the way, and asked them to exercise in a targeted manner after they went back, mainly because they were worried about the study of this group of people.

Just like Xiao Zhi, who dropped out of school at home and was encouraged by Yan Changqing, and returned to school with confidence, but his grades were still not good. Now he is in the second year of junior high school, and he is not ranked at the bottom of the class, but he is not much in high school. count on.

But the good thing is that he's going to school very happily now, and he hasn't said anything about dropping out of school - failing the exam doesn't mean he can't get in, just let his dad spend some money when the time comes.

After going to high school, even if he can still get by for three years, it is better than in his previous life where he did not graduate from elementary school and could only move bricks.

Yan Changqing's explanation is aimed at some grades that are not bad. Now let's understand the situation, go back to exercise, and then come to the sports meeting in the future, and then get some extra points.

For sports events, Yan Changqing is still a little confident in the group of people he brings. They have been trained since childhood, so there must be no problem.

Especially for martial arts, there was only a martial arts school in the city last year, and other martial arts practitioners were also passed down from family. Yan Changqing felt that his "family passed down" was definitely better than others, so he was confident.

As for the fact that the sports meeting is held in the city every now and then, that's not a big problem.

There are fewer sports meets now, but more will be enough in the future.


Just thinking about it here, people from the Municipal Sports Bureau ran over to find Mr. Yan.

Yan Changqing often doesn't participate in city activities, but it doesn't mean that no one knows him, there are many people who want to build a relationship with him, now that he catches up with him to watch the game, it's normal for people to come and say hello to him.

Yan Changqing said with a smile: "I'm sorry, I took the students from the village out to learn more. I thought Director Liu was busy, so I didn't go to say hello."

Director Liu also smiled: "Where is it, Mr. Yan is usually busy, we all know it. Why are you also interested in this sports meeting?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing smiled. "This kind of activity should be held several times, let the students from the counties and districts below come to participate, maybe there will be good seedlings!"

Director Liu certainly knew that there were a lot of good seedlings. There were so many students in the whole region, how many were in the city?

However, as the bureau chief, he doesn't manage much, especially the department that spends money and has no income, and his voice is not loud enough. He applies for it every year, but he may not be able to do it every year.

Now when Mr. Yan mentioned it, he was talking about his heart, and he immediately showed embarrassment: "Mr. Yan doesn't know something. Our city has a lot of things to do, and the finances are not rich. I want to do it, but the financial side Not allowed!"

"What if it is supported by social funds? How much does it cost to hold such a sports meeting?"

Director Liu was excited at the time: "If you only participate in the city, such an event will not cost much. If you want students from the county to participate, it will cost a lot, and you need to arrange vehicles, board and lodging..."

"How much do you need?" Yan Changqing asked.

"About 10 yuan is enough." Liu Ju opened his mouth and said a number. "Our venues and equipment do not cost money. We can provide them to the equipment rooms of the various schools and the General Administration. The referees and other personnel are also voluntary labor from the various schools. In addition to the cost of food, lodging and transportation, we only need to make Award banner, get some medical staff..."

If more than a dozen counties and districts in the whole region come to participate, the various fees will be added randomly, which is not a small amount.But even so, it is quite economical to control the funds to about [-].

Yan Changqing felt emotional in his heart and nodded: "Then what if we do it twice a year?"

"Twice?" Liu Ju was taken aback for a moment. "If you do it twice, you can save a little more. One time is [-] to [-] yuan. Some things can be reused..."

"I mean, can it be done twice a year? Doesn't this winner get extra points? Why don't we do it more times?"

"Insufficient funds!" Director Liu said with emotion. "It is possible to add points, but every time you have to apply to the province in advance, and you have to solve the problem of funding and participants in advance, and you have to prepare almost half a year in advance every time."

"If you don't have enough funds, you can get social sponsorship!" Yan Changqing asked. "Why haven't I heard of your sponsorship before?"

"Our activity has no advertising effect!" Liu Ju said, he felt a little embarrassed as he touched the top of his head, which was half bald. "In the past two years, I also went to look for companies several times, but the results were not very good."

Yan Changqing didn't say much: "Then next year Backgammon Winery will sponsor it! Are you sure that 10 yuan can hold a sports meeting well?"

"It's definitely possible. I have a budget here. I'll have someone send it over later, and let Mr. Yan take a look."

"Let's talk about it in the afternoon. It's almost noon. I'll take them out for dinner later. We'll come back in the afternoon."

"Well, at noon, please..."

"No, no, let's find a place to eat by ourselves. You guys are busy these two days. It's important to get busy with business first. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future."


Yan Changqing was too lazy to look for a restaurant, so he took the boys to the foreign restaurant of his unit for lunch.

In the afternoon, he saw the budget statement brought by Bureau Liu. He took a rough look at it, and it was actually quite economical.

It is not so easy to organize activities in the city. Looking at the table, Yan Changqing estimated that 10 yuan was not enough, because this was done before, and he was afraid that the funds would not be enough, so he saved everything that could be saved. All personnel are voluntary labor.

When he thought about it, he said directly: "Director Liu, I guess this standard is still not enough. Can you make a budget again, if it is done twice a year in the future, so many staff members will not be able to work voluntarily." It's appropriate, and I have to pay some overtime pay."

Bureau Liu hesitated for a moment: "Then let me do the calculation again! I will calculate it as soon as possible in these two days."

"Don't be in such a hurry." Yan Changqing said. "Let's talk about it after we finish this sports meeting!"


Xiaozhi was a little excited: "Brother Qijin, if you sponsor me, can I win a prize if I come to participate?"

"No, you can't do it if you don't practice hard yourself. We are sponsors, not engaging in favoritism and fraud." Yan Changqing said angrily.

He didn't mention the caregiver's words to Director Liu, but there's no need to say it clearly, Yan Changqing's purpose is obvious, and fairness and justice will definitely be guaranteed at that time.

The activities held in the city over the years have always been held in the city. He remembered that before he worked, he had never heard of any sports meeting or other activities in the school.

He doesn't want to think too much about some things, such as funding, he knows everything about this issue.

Just like in the future, a small underdeveloped area will implement a ban on alcohol and save 7000 to [-] million in half a year. The flexibility of this funding is actually quite large.

The sports meeting is complicated, and there are security issues. It's not like holding a tea party or something. It's okay to eat and drink, and it's normal to hold it less often.

Now it seems that Director Liu also wants to do it. The two sides hit it off, and let the factory manager communicate with this side later.


Soon it was Zhu Xiaobin's performance. He practiced for several years, and he also had the guidance of a famous teacher and his expertise in this area. It was no surprise that he won the ranking. When he got the certificate, it meant that he would get extra points for the high school entrance examination next year.

After he finished the performance and announced the score, he immediately ran over: "Master, let's go, let's go out and play!"

I was afraid to disturb him at noon, so I didn't dare to take him with me for dinner. Now that I'm done, Yan Changqing stood up: "Let's go, we have two cars, where should we go?"

"go to the zoo!"


"let's go hiking!"

"Watching the train..."

Yan Changqing raised his hand: "Those who go to the zoo raise their hands first!"

What kind of mountain to climb, Jiugang Shibawa is much more spectacular than the hills on the outskirts of the city.

Forget about the reservoir, too far away, until it gets dark.

Or go to the zoo for fun.


The zoo in the city now charges entrance fees, and it is a double fee-the entrance fee is charged once when entering the park, and the entrance fee is charged again when the zoo is inside the park, which is also very speechless.

Yan Changqing went to see it by himself before, and many of these brats have also seen it, but there is no place to play in the city now, so this is no choice.

Zhu Xiaobin came here quite often, and his school has organized several visits to the zoo.

I came in and was responsible for being a guide for everyone. The main purpose of everyone is to watch tigers, lions and monkeys.

Don't look at the others, the wolves are thinner than the dogs in the winery, the wild boars are not as big as the pigs raised in the village, and the swans look no different from the big geese in the village.

But the lion and the tiger also disappointed everyone, and Tie Dan muttered beside him: "I told you, this tiger is almost starving to death. If you don't believe it, look, it's very small!"

It was rare for Erwa to support him: "The lions are also small, so it must be because they were not given meat."

He also turned his head to look around, and whispered: "The zoo must have embezzled their meat, so I took it home and ate it myself."

Yan Changqing couldn't help laughing, saying that it is really possible these days, meat is expensive compared to wages now!
In fact, he discovered it the first time he came here. These tigers and lions may not have had enough to eat. They are really too small, and they look a little stronger than the dogs at home.

Now a group of people are clamoring outside, and the lions and tigers inside don't even like to move, they don't have the spirit at all.

But everyone was not disappointed, and soon the guys in front shouted: "Brother Qijin, Brother Xiaozhi, come quickly, there are camels here!"

At that time, a group of people ran over.


There are really a few more camels than before, and they look quite fat. They are all in a field with a water tank in front, and there are a lot of hay beside them. Their small tails are flicking, and they look quite leisurely.

Yan Changqing remembered that there were no deer last time. At that time, there were only a few deer, but the deer without horns were dirty and unattractive.

"And zebras, zebras!"

"Really, black and white, it must be a zebra!"

Nonsense, are zebras that hard to spot?
In fact, everyone prefers to see big animals. Zebras and camels have been watched for a long time, and then monkeys.

There are the most monkeys, because there is a monkey town in the local area, and monkey playing is an ancestral craft.

The monkeys in Monkey Mountain are also the liveliest, unlike other animals, they are less active because of the cold weather.

In particular, these rambunctious children had pocket money in their hands. They bought popcorn and other food in the small shop next to them, and threw them at the bottom of Monkey Mountain, and the monkeys rushed out immediately.

Yan Changqing took the opportunity to take a few photos.

Occasionally come out for activities, he thinks it's not bad.

In the past, no matter whether I went to the capital or to Xiangjiang, I always had things to do, and there were not many times when I completely relaxed like this.

It feels pretty good.


Stay in the zoo until the staff calls to close the door, and you should go back when you come out.

When they arrived at Dayan Village, Yan Changqing put him down, went home and ate a meal, then drove back to the winery.

Talk to Lao Wan about preparing to sponsor the sports meeting, and leave the rest to him.

After going out to relax for a day, he felt that he was in good shape. Although it was getting late, it did not affect him to continue working. As long as he was willing to do the work in the winery, he would never finish it.

Working until midnight, what he thought about before going to bed was Guzheng.

I slept for less than four hours, got up, and went to Tonglin.

The ground of the tung forest is now covered with tung tree leaves except for a path that has been cleaned, and the trees have become bare.

Yan Changqing felt that he probably relaxed a bit yesterday, but today he is in a particularly good state. It is obvious that playing the guzheng is very smooth, whether it is the hand feel or other things.

As he focused, he became more and more immersed in the musical notes of the Guzheng.

Guzheng is worthy of being an instrument that has been passed down for a long time, with a wide range and beautiful timbre.

Yan Changqing now memorizes countless music scores in his mind, but he usually doesn't deliberately play anything when he practices, he just thinks of it, and sometimes it doesn't matter if he practices as he pleases.

Until suddenly I felt a strange voice coming from my ear.

The zither sound stopped, he looked up, and saw a little bit of white snow falling in the dark sky.

The winter morning will come later, and he gets up early, even though he has practiced for a long time, in fact, it is not completely bright yet!

But it shouldn't be too early, the factory has already eaten breakfast, because he can already hear the sound from the construction site in the distance.

What falls are small snow grains, not snowflakes.

It fell on the dry tung tree leaves on the ground, making a rustling sound, like spring silkworms nibbling on mulberry leaves.

There is a breeze blowing, occasionally leaves are blown, and there is the sound of shuttle.

He stood up and walked outside the shed. Feeling the coolness on his face, he couldn't help stretching out his hand to catch a few small snow particles.

The crystal-clear snow particles did not melt quickly in his palm, but quietly, allowing him to observe carefully.

After watching for a long time, he suddenly laughed happily.


It was not yet daylight, but he could see clearly.

He could feel the snow falling on his hair and on his body.

Although he also wears a thick leather jacket.

Five Senses!

He didn't know how to describe this feeling, as if he was short-sighted before, but suddenly put on glasses, and found that the world was instantly clear?
No, it's much better than that feeling!

He closed his eyes, raised his hand and punched out, feeling the snow particles driven by himself, he opened his eyes, flicked with his fingers, and a snow particle flew out instantly by him.

But he could still clearly see that one snow particle was flying in the air, and finally hit another snow particle, and then the two snow particles broke into smaller snow particles, which fell one after another.

A feather cannot be added, and flies cannot fall.

It is said that this is the highest level of boxing, but for him now, this is nothing.

Although there are no feathers and flies now, he just knows.

And he also knows that this is far from his limit, he should be able to do more.

Just like ordinary people can't see the shape of a certain snow particle in the gray sky, amidst the flying snow particles, but he can.

With a light leap, he came to a tung tree branch, feeling the breeze in the air, the flying of snow particles, listening to the pure voice of nature, and suddenly thought of the "Broken Void" written by Master Huang Yi , the protagonist suddenly has an epiphany, and realizes the feeling described by the world.

There is a feeling that the world is under my control, but I am integrated with the world.

At this moment, his heart suddenly moved, then he tilted his head slightly and stuck out his tongue, a small snow particle fell on his tongue and melted instantly.

In the next second, he jumped down directly, entered the shed, and played "Fighting the Typhoon" to the guzheng.

Guzheng music that is not so intense is not enough to express his mood.

Swallowing a snow grain into the stomach, the skill of eating is level two.

No wonder these two skills have been dragging their feet until they reach the second level. It turned out that they were waiting to be together and give themselves a surprise!
It seems that the skills of eating and the five senses do have a lot of repetition.

But now Yan Changqing is too lazy to think about it, anyway, just upgrade.

He felt that if he wanted to, although he didn't have the exaggerated one-cow meal in the novel, he would definitely be able to eat it very well, and after eating it, he would be very hungry.

One meal for half a month?

Sure enough, I am going further and further down the path of inhumanity!
However, these skills are at the second level, and he doesn't have any supernatural powers?
After the song was over, he called out the small jade plate and began to study it carefully.

I don't know if it's because he's in a good mood, but he feels that the little jade plate looks much more pleasing to the eye than usual. This crystal clear green looks really comfortable!

 A little delay, the eunuch is a dog, there must be more!

(End of this chapter)

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