Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 245 Eating is a Blessing Level 2 Guzheng

Chapter 245 Eating is a Blessing Level [-] Guzheng
Zhu Changsheng quickly realized Yan Changqing's entanglement when making difficult choices.

When he watched the first video he made, his blood boiled with excitement, and he slapped the table on the spot: "This is good, this is good, this is it! Take this up, Boss Shi will definitely be very happy..."

Yan Changqing told him not to be impatient: "There is one more thing. There are too many materials. If I don't have too many things at home, I have to go back to work. I can make a few more copies. Now I only made one more."

Machinery is attractive, and so is nature.

Sunrise and sunset, from scratch, human machines gradually rise up on the deserted wasteland, and the roar resounds across the wasteland...

Zhu Changsheng patted the table again: "This is good, this is good, just this..."

Halfway through the conversation, the face began to be tangled, which one should I choose?

It's like nerds brushing up on Shadousha and Ji Caihua, and wondering which one to take home if they both drink too much.


Zhu Changsheng struggled for a long time, and then patted the table again: "I can't make a decision on this matter alone, so ask Boss Shi to come over!"

Then Boss Shi started to struggle, thinking for a long time: "Send both versions up, and see which one you like."

Then I realized: "Changqing, you have worked hard! No, hurry up and take a good rest, and leave the rest to us!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then I'll go back to the winery first, I've been out for a week, I have to go back and have a look."

"Look at your hard work. In this case, I will arrange a driver to take you back..." Boss Shi tried his best to show his amiability, and he almost said to send Yan Changqing back by himself.

As a result, Zhu Changsheng laughed: "Boss Shi, this is not suitable for you, let me do it!"

You one-five-year-old and three-year-old rough man, the big boss with a dark face every day, suddenly acted like that, what Changqing seems to have said, licking the dog?

The change is too big, it is not suitable!


When the two went out, Zhu Changsheng said with a smile: "Is there anyone in your winery who can help here? Just ask, but don't be polite. Now Boss Shi really wants you to open your mouth and ask the unit to help." Do something."

Yan Changqing thought for a long time: "It seems that there is really nothing wrong. The construction of the thermal power station has helped our unit a lot, and it will be fine for a while. You can rest assured Boss Shi, I will definitely be in our unit , I won’t leave even if I’m killed.”

Now the unit is getting more and more entangled. I am most afraid that Yan Changqing will want to leave the unit, and now I can't give him any help. I have given him the car and house as a reward, and I have nothing else to give.

Because of age, Yan Changqing's level is a bit outrageous at the department level now, and there is really no way to mention it immediately, so he can only use good words to win people over.

In fact, Yan Changqing didn't care about this. In the beginning, the unit still gave him a lot of help, whether it was a gas station or an initial market to help build momentum, etc., the help at that time was invaluable.

Besides, what he does is what he likes, making a small video promotional film, making some music and so on.

As long as you don't wrong yourself, you can actually do whatever you want, and you can also repay others by the way, which is very good.


Drive home in the car and have a meal at home first.

Li Xiuni was quite dissatisfied with Yan Changqing's absence from home every day, and kept muttering.

But Yan Changqing has already learned the second uncle's trick, one ear goes in and the other goes out, so let her say whatever she wants!

Mothers are like this, and they are afraid that the child will not be promising, and they are afraid that the child will work too hard, so she can't help nagging a few words no matter what.

And now Yan Changqing doesn't persuade her parents to have a second child.

Because I heard the two of them whispering before, my mother said: "Now that my son has earned so much money, if I don't want to give birth to a younger brother for him, I just want to take advantage of his brother and share his things. What should I do then?"

Yan Haihai was actually a little moved, he thought: "There is a brother who can help his brother when he grows up! Changqing is so upbeat, and there is another brother who can learn from him, so he doesn't have to worry about it... "

"What if!" Li Xiuni spoke plausibly. "You haven't heard of those rich people's families, when there are more brothers, those who fight for the family property, and those who split the family..."

Yan Changqing was speechless, the current TV dramas don't have so many grievances from wealthy families, right?Mom, where did you see this?

But now he doesn't worry about it, let them take care of their grandson in a few years.

Anyway, if you have money, it will not be a big problem to have more children.


After dinner, I went to the winery to be busy until late at night, and then Yan Changqing had another supper.

Recently, he is really confused, and his body feels a lot more exhausted.He has the ability to eat, and absorbs food very well. In the past, he could eat a big meal for several days.

And he has the skills, he knows how much he should eat and how long he can sustain consumption, not to mention accurate to the minute, at least not bad.

So the inexplicable consumption has increased recently, beyond his control.

After thinking about it for a long time, I think it should not be a bad thing.

The body needs energy, and no matter where it is used, it is sure to be beneficial.

If you don't understand, just try it.


Early the next morning, he took his fake cooked copper rod out of the winery and went to the river to exercise for a while.

There are indeed changes in the body, which cannot be seen in terms of skills, but he does feel that the alloy stick of forty to fifty catties in his hand feels quite smooth now.

Strength is not the most important thing. Others, such as dexterity, speed and body flexibility, seem to have become... as if an old machine has just changed its lubricating oil.

Or it’s an old broken car, the feeling that it’s much easier to step on the accelerator after running a thousand kilometers of high speed.

However, in fact, his body is not an old machine at all, so this lubricated feeling surprised him even more - after all, it is easy to go from zero to fifty, and it is even more difficult to go from ninety to one hundred. big.

Like his current body, he can obviously feel the improvement, which means that the changes are not ordinary.

The same is true for perception—breathing becomes breathing, and the five senses naturally become perception. Even the walking skill is named shrinking to an inch by him, even though he can't shrink an inch at all. Once the name is changed, the painting style Immortal cultivation in an instant!
After feeling this change, he thought for a while, returned to the winery with a stick, and then went straight to the kitchen: "Auntie, I will use the small pot here, and I will cook a few small dishes by myself, and I will let you try mine later." craft."

The aunt laughed: "Okay, just don't make a hole in the pot."

Yan Changqing played around with the pot in his hands: "I'm afraid that after you eat my stir-fried dishes, you won't want to eat anything else in the future!"


Yan Changqing didn't have many chances to improve the skill of cooking, and of course he wasn't too interested in it.

Therefore, the proficiency has always been at the same level, and it can be regarded as the housewife level above the middle level-can make most ordinary dishes, but there is no special skill.

Now he is cooking with a wok, not really to improve this skill.

He just wanted to try how much his physical fitness would change if he practiced his skills as his perception upgraded.

Of course, there is no need to try, he also knows that it must be a good change, and now it is just to further see if the improvement is big enough.

There are still many things used in cooking, such as knife skills, heat, and the grasp of various condiments.

Especially for the cooking skills of the Chinese people, it is well known that the most common words in cooking secrets are: add a little salt, add a little seasoning, add a little light soy sauce, etc.

This little amount is quite a test of one's talent!
Some people have been frying vegetables for a lifetime, which is a level that can be cooked, and they can't master the level of ripeness. It's not unusual for crispy green vegetables to turn into sticky green vegetables.

So Yan Changqing plans to use cooking skills, use this little bit, to see his current "evolution" level.


Add a little oil, a little green onion and ginger, add sliced ​​meat, add a little salt, a little seasoning, a little soy sauce, stir fry evenly...

After a lot of busy work, he lifted the pot and poured the vegetables into the plate, and then took a taste between them. It felt quite good, and he called to his aunt who was busy not far away: "Auntie, it's fried, if you don't believe me, come and taste it. You cook well."

His aunt was a rural woman before, and she hadn't been taught by his grandma—grandmother is very good at cooking, and every year when all the children arrived, she would cook for two tables.

But grandma is used to cooking at home and occupying the kitchen. Her cooking skills have not been learned by several daughters, let alone her son. In the end, it was only passed on to her daughter-in-law, Aunt Yan Changqing.

When I first came to the winery, my aunts learned how to make big pot rice temporarily. Later, my grandma came to teach me for a while, and then I made the food more delicious.

Later, when the number of people in the winery increased, Yan Changqing hired a special chef, and these aunts learned a little from others—the best cook is now the aunt, who often cooks small pot meals for Yan Changqing , strictly follow the orders of the third sister, and take good care of the nephew.

Hearing Yan Changqing's shout, she still didn't believe it, but after taking a sip, she praised again and again: "Oh, Qijin's craftsmanship is no worse than our chef's! It's better than his, and I think this is very delicious , the taste is quite positive..."

It's been a long time since he called Qijin by his nickname, because he was afraid of affecting his prestige as the boss, so his relatives in the factory started calling him by his nickname.

Now my aunt is so excited that she forgot about it, she opened her mouth and yelled out even seven catties, which shows that this plate of fried meat is really good.


Yan Changqing was also quite satisfied. He saw that his proficiency increased by about 5.00%.

The improvement of various senses, the perception of the outside world is more delicate and sensitive, it is handy to cook, and you know how much to put in when you pick up the seasoning-of course, this is nothing, most people will feel this way, even if the cooked food is good Take it to the dog, and the dog doesn't like it.

The important thing is that it feels accurate, it tastes good when it is made, and the skill proficiency is greatly improved.

It shows that as long as he puts his heart into it, it will be easy for him to improve these basic skills in the future.

Sure enough, it is a blessing to be able to eat, the words of the ancestors are all reasonable.


In the morning he was busy with the winery, and in the afternoon he went to Tongshulin.

Then he took a wooden long knife that he made himself, and played with it for a while.

Obviously, even culinary skills can improve. This purely body-based knife technique increases proficiency even more rapidly. After just practicing for a while, he has become a master knife technique, just a little bit, It's time to become a god-level grand master—to break through the first level.

The last bit is more difficult, just like an exam. If you want to get more than 90 points, it is the same as if you want to get a full score. Although it is only a few points, it is not a few points that increase the difficulty.

So put it first and play the zither.

This skill is just that little bit.

Yan Changqing was playing, adjusting, relying on his own perception that surpassed ordinary people little by little, trying to sharpen the last bit of proficiency.


At night, Yan Changqing took a nap and continued to polish his piano skills.

When it was dawn, Yan Changqing was very happy with the sound of clang. The last instrument was finally at the second level.

Afterwards, he followed the song "Ambush from all sides", without any killing intent, it was all because of his happy mood.

He didn't even continue to study how much the level [-] of the guzheng had changed. He tried other instruments for another day, and found that except for the erhu, which was too proficient at the level [-], the improvement was still not obvious, and the others had improved significantly.

This allowed him to cook in person again at night, having a big meal and comforting himself.

There is no need to think about where the energy consumed by eating too much is going. The longer he looks forward to this change, the better, and it is best to keep it like this.

Even early the next morning, he went to the meat joint factory in the county seat and bought a pack of beef jerky and a lot of beef back. Beef jerky is the current snack, and the beef is going to make beef jerky by himself as a future snack .

The beef jerky outside is too strong. He can eat it, but he doesn't like it.

Or do it yourself to suit your own taste.

In his spare time, he also picked up the fishing rod again.

Fishing skills are mixed in a bunch of useless skills, and have been forgotten for a long time. Now that his perception has improved, he thinks he can try it.

As for the other useless skills, forget it for now, those skills are too complicated, from feeding chickens and cows to washing and making beds, some of them are simply messed up by him when he is bored, purely for the pleasure of sand sculpture, the promotion is not at this time .

There are very few people fishing in winter, especially by the river, where the wind blows in the valley, except for Yan Changqing, who is not afraid. If ordinary people sit there without moving, one can imagine the feeling.

In the past few years, there were few people, but now there are no people at all, except Mr. Yan himself—the other fishermen have become migrant workers, working for him, and no one will compete with him for fish in the river.

The improvement of perception and body also improves fishing skills. He feels that he is fishing, and he can also exercise perception.

It's like he doesn't need to look at the float now, but holds the pole and seriously feels the movement of the fishing line hanging on the other end dipping into the water.

It may not be accurate, but it is also a kind of exercise.

Taking advantage of the fact that his body is particularly able to absorb energy, he felt that if he took this opportunity to exercise, the effect might be good.


Time flies in busy days, especially when doing things you want to do.

Until this day I received a call from Zhu Changsheng: "Changqing, watch TV, our promotional video will be broadcast tonight, and now it is the provincial version, the second version. The head office chose The first version will be broadcast on CCTV next."

Yan Changqing didn't care where it was broadcast. What he cared about was that CCTV hadn't made a final decision on the copyright issue of the Three Kingdoms, or it could be said that Radio and Television hadn't made a final decision.

Looking at the date, he didn't intend to wait any longer.

He plans to launch his own Victory Vodka II and III before the Chinese New Year. If the copyright continues to drag on, he plans to release Victory Vodka II first.

As for the MV screen, the big deal is to shoot the scene on the winery side.

Now the construction of the thermal power station is almost the same, plus the scene of the winery and thousands of people, it is enough to make a good promotional film - more people are the last word.

Make it first to see, if it is similar to the first practice work, then forget it, just release the single.

In short, his plan is waiting for no one.


As soon as he thought of it, he went out again with the camera on his shoulders.

The people in the winery, including those who came to build the thermal power station, now have a better understanding of Mr. Yan's character.

One loves to watch the excitement, and the other loves to toss.

But thinking that he is a genius boy, all of this is normal. Now people have learned to cooperate with Mr. Yan when he is filming.

Now the most imposing members of the winery are the members of the security team. They were not veterans at first, but they were personally trained by the head of the town's armed forces department. Now they look quite mighty.

In addition, among the group of newly discharged soldiers, most of them entered the factory at once-there are not many fools, they only need to ask a little bit, and they will know how hot the winery is now, and everyone who wants to enter will be crowded. Broken head.

The key is to stay in the factory for one day, and the work of security is not so heavy. You only need to patrol and check on time, and you will be paid a lot.

Yan Changqing also deliberately called out all the guards and took a shot of walking forward.

It's a pity that the winery has always abided by the law, and there are no military guns, otherwise it would be more powerful--powder guns are fine, and they haven't been collected yet, but they are carried on the back, which is no different from a fire stick, and they are taken out during the day Not suitable either.


But the effect is still slightly different from what he thought.

That being the case, don't blame me for tossing.

Yan Changqing became cruel, and drove to the market to look for clothes.

It just happens to be considered as a welfare for the winery workers. This year, I will give each of them a better set of clothes, so that the clothes are neat and beautiful.

This set of clothes is an extra, not included in the work clothes. The work clothes given to the workers before are very cheap. They have no advantages except that they are durable and stain-resistant. The color is gray or blue. Now a set of clothes can be worn out during the Chinese New Year. No shame.

In the past, I didn’t post things, because everyone didn’t like posting things, at least most people didn’t like it. These people agreed that it’s better to just give money than posting things.

Even if you are going to give away something worth ten yuan and discount it to five yuan, people will be very happy—after all, they are used to being poor. Even if their lives have improved in the past few years, everyone still thinks that money is the best.

After Yan Changqing recalled it carefully, as a worker, he felt deeply about this, so the winery generally didn't distribute things, and tried to distribute money as much as possible when it caught up with festivals and welfare.

But this time it is necessary. In order to make a good video of myself, I can't send out clothes.

No one will be dissatisfied with sending out an extra set of clothes. Tell them that it is to match their own video and let them wear it tomorrow.


After unifying the better-looking outfits, Yan Changqing shot the video again, and the effect is a bit decent.

For this effect, he was even nagged by his mother, thinking that he was wasting money recklessly—even if the clothes were not expensive, but there were too many people, if he sent it casually, he would lose tens of thousands of dollars.

But Yan Changqing was still very happy. After making up the shots of the last few big scenes, the conceived MV finally felt a little bit.

The key point is that the money is not wasted, it is a welfare!

Kill two birds with one stone!
(End of this chapter)

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