Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 244 When the judges promotional video

Chapter 244 When the judges promotional video

Yan Changqing finally waited until the start of the erhu grading exam.

To be honest, this is an event that he has been looking forward to, to meet professional and amateur erhu learners from all over the world, and to see if there is any opportunity to learn from it.

Even if the skill has reached the second level, it can be regarded as a magical skill, but in a place with vast land and abundant resources, maybe someone has a little unique skill, let me learn from it!
Although the promotion of the grade examination is not in place, but the population base is large, and just a few people are enough to keep the examination team members busy.

It was the first screening at the beginning, and the screening process was relatively simple. Teacher Xu dared to delegate power, and directly let Yan Changqing take charge of a group.

Yan Changqing was also very confident, so he asked: "Mr. Xu, if your level is equivalent to full marks, how many points are considered to pass the first time?"

Teacher Xu thought for a while: "At least [-] points or more! Don't waste everyone's time if you are too bad. If you can reach [-] points or more, it is almost the same. After all, we are an amateur group test this time, and the scoring standard Let it be a little looser and increase everyone's enthusiasm."

Yan Changqing is relieved!

For him, giving exams to others is actually a process of improving himself.

Those who can come to participate, some of them are quite solid, as for the other part, it is really unsatisfactory, so there is no way.

This time, there are teachers from the Conservatory of Music who came to be the judges. There is also a part of the rating that can be appealed, that is, if someone thinks that he is really good, but the judges are not good, he can apply for a re-examination.

So everyone is very serious, not only to talk about efficiency, but also quality, lest there are too many dissatisfied people in your group, and you lose face.

Yan Changqing took the list and looked at the more than 100 people on it. He was not worried at all and called out his name directly.


"Passed, but your rhythm is slightly wrong, practice more when you have time, and wait for the retest!"

"It's a bit far away, I just practiced not long ago! Don't worry, there is still a chance next year..."

In a blink of an eye, one person came in and one person went out.

Yan Changqing's speed is not considered fast, some techniques are obviously not very good, the sound of the erhu sounds to him as if there is a broken gong singing in his ear, but he insists on waiting until the end of listening - in case this What unique skills do people have to give themselves a surprise?
Facts have proved that surprises are rare, most people can't, that's really not possible.

What's even more funny is that there is a certain art troupe, and I don't know how to get in. The level is just like an amateur beginner. The key point is that he is full of confidence. He looks like he wants to let the judges and teachers praise him .

There are quite a few people like this, Yan Changqing said he didn't understand, and waved his hand to tell them to leave quickly.

At noon, I had a simple meal and continued in the afternoon.


"Your rhythm was a little messed up at the beginning. Did you deliberately choose a relatively unfamiliar song for the exam? Change to a song you are familiar with. This time we only look at the basic skills, and there is no need to deliberately increase the difficulty."

"Your erhu is not working. It has been used for too long. I understand your feelings for the erhu, but it is really overwhelmed. If it is really not working, you can go to repair it. Next..."

"Teacher, your comments are quite in place. I also feel that these problems are covered. Can you give me a few more pointers?"

"Wait a minute, let's talk about it after the assessment in the afternoon!"


"Is the old man feeling unwell recently?"

"Can you hear that too? The little teacher is amazing!"

"Well, half of it is heard."


"The other half can tell, I'm still studying medicine! The old man's left leg is slightly inconvenient, is it from an injury? The waist is not very comfortable, right? Your lungs are not very clear from the sound... It should be all Is it an old problem?"

"Hey, the little teacher is really amazing. I'm an old problem, and I'm used to it! Can the little teacher prescribe medicine?"

"You go to Petroleum Central Hospital. There is an old doctor Xu Yang Xu there. I wandered around that hospital a few days ago. This old doctor has the most experience. You can ask him, maybe he can help you."

"Okay! Thank you, what about my erhu?"

"Passed, passed, waiting for the next retest!"

Yan Changqing was the only one who was able to do the erhu grade examination and medical guidance. Dr. Xu didn't just talk about it, but he remembered it when he went to the hospital to learn from other people's medical skills before the grade examination started.


Because Yan Changqing insisted that everyone finish playing one piece, his efficiency was not the highest.

But it doesn't matter, most of the judges and teachers participating this time are workers who have been engaged in art for decades, and they don't mean to be different in this regard.

As long as you make sure to finish the test of the candidates assigned to you before the retest, there is no need to compete in efficiency.

Waiting for Yan Changqing to hand in the list, and then there is a short application for re-examination.

But there are no candidates for Yan Changqing's test, because the candidates he evaluated this time are more "convinced".

Since his five senses were promoted to the second level, his ability to appreciate music has reached another level.Coupled with his almost three-level erhu skills, the comments are to the point, and no one is dissatisfied.

On the contrary, someone actually waited for him to give him some advice after the exam.

As long as Yan Changqing has time, he doesn't mind giving advice to others.

The process of instructing others is also the process of reviewing the past and learning the new!
Not to mention, although I have heard a lot of unsightly and clumsy performances in the past few days, there are still some who have their own unique skills.

There has never been a grading test for Erhu before. Even if some people have a high level, they can only entertain themselves because they have no chance to show off.

This time, most of the people who came to the exam were showing their highest level, some were to prove themselves, some were thinking of becoming a blockbuster, and some were thinking of getting a certificate so that they could work in this field in the future...

Regardless of the purpose, Yan Changqing was quite serious about them.

After a few days, Yan Changqing also felt that he had improved a lot and felt good.


In the evening, I had dinner with several judges and teachers.

Yan Changqing is only familiar with Teacher Xu, and doesn't communicate much with other teachers, but listens more.

Everyone is talking about the erhu, and if they have the opportunity to learn from him, they will definitely not let it go.


When Yan Changqing went back at night, he started to practice with the erhu in the newly built basement.

Not to mention, after a few days, he has seen different erhu techniques from various places, which is indeed beneficial to him.

But he didn't dare to let go of the practice. Now his proficiency in the second level skills is a bit too high. Even if he is in the basement, the people in the front yard can be affected. He just practiced for a while and then called it a day.

Wait until dawn to send my uncle home.

Chen Youliang is waiting to deliver the wine to CCTV, and the matter of Biao Wang will be completely over.

He didn't intend to play here either, so he took people back directly.

After sending his uncle away, Yan Changqing told Huang Peishan: "The people from the literature and art department at the oil field will come over today, you go and greet them and let them rest. Let's rehearse the new song tomorrow."

Huang Peishan glanced at the few people she brought, and nodded: "Good boss! Well, do you need to sign a contract with them?"

"No need, it's a task for them to cooperate, and the oil field will reward them." Yan Changqing shook his head.

He can use anyone to record the music, and he can use any orchestra, which can guarantee fame at home and abroad. Using the orchestra of the oilfield system is tantamount to giving them a chance, and it is definitely not a white vote.

The key is that it is inconvenient to give rewards. Nowadays, literary and art workers are quite particular. They say that they fully cooperate with the task. If they give money, it will complicate the relationship.

Or why many celebrities are reluctant to come out to shoot commercials, because the atmosphere is like this, some people are talking about money, and some people are ashamed to talk about money.

In short, now Yan Changqing can be regarded as a few precious heroes of the oil field, and his affairs are not considered private. He is famous overseas, and he is still a literary and artistic worker in the oil field.

Besides, he can still bring these people into the Spring Festival Gala. Based on this alone, there are too many people who want to cooperate with him.


During the day, he took part in some "re-examination" work, that is, those candidates who were not convinced that they were dismissed re-examined.

As a result, he was disappointed and saw a lot of life.

Some want to rely on this certificate to join the literary and art team, begging for a rating; Give people red envelopes...

Teacher Xu and several judges were furious. They caught the idiot who wanted to get a rating certificate by bribery, and they cleaned up and kicked out.

The person drove away, and Teacher Xu also laughed angrily: "I remember this person's name, don't let him sign up next year, it will simply tarnish the word art."

Yan Changqing almost couldn't hold back his laughter. It's really rare to see such a top-notch second idiot who tried to report to the family and asked for accommodation in person.

You are clear about the unspoken rules, and you are too disrespectful of the unspoken rules!

In the evening, I had a small gathering with people from the three oil fields and had a delicious meal.

This time Zhu Changsheng didn't come, but there were other staff members, including the chef.

The following time is relatively regular. Yan Changqing rented a small theater, and apart from being a judge every day, he practiced with everyone in this small theater.

This time Yan Changqing plans to present two songs, one is "star sky", this song is similar in style to the previous Victory Vodka [-] (victory), and it is renamed Victory Vodka [-].

The other is "Hall Om Mig". This song was originally a Swedish love song, but it was once hailed by sand sculpture netizens on the Internet as the background music of Catherine the Great's appearance.

Vodka is mainly sold to Western countries, so Yan Changqing chose the song, and he confidently brought up the lyrics. Thanks to his enhanced brain, although he used to fail in English, he now understands Swedish now!
Swedish vodka is quite famous, but I don't intend to fight in the ring, anyway, my production is now the main reputation.

He clearly knew that the production volume of the winery was insufficient, but he still insisted on advertising for the king, for the sake of long-term effect. It is not enough to engrave the name of the wine in people's minds, but it must be engraved in their bones.

Let people think of several brands of wine in their own winery in the future, and feel that this has existed for thousands of years. It is a matter of course, the highest-end wine... For example, people will think of Moutai in the future.

Just like why Mercedes-Benz and BMW will sell well in the future, because they just insist on advertising.

Now don't look at the fact that there are few rich people in China, and there are not many sales at all, but people keep advertising.

Many young people can't even afford a bicycle, but they know that they are running fast, so when they have money, what kind of car will they buy?

I’m not afraid that you can’t afford it now, I’m just telling you, let you remember that there are cars of this brand and this model, when you have money, whether you will consider it when choosing a car, then it depends on whether my advertisement is hard enough !
These car companies, they all do this.

With so many Mercedes-Benz and BMW on the road in the future, many people must buy them because of their past feelings.


Yan Changqing also learned from other car companies, that is, he kept advertising to make people remember this brand and gradually forget other brands—he also had this intention in robbing the standard king, and suppressed the development of competitors by the way.

One or two of these songs will be released. Victory Vodka will be sung all over the world. After a few years, everyone will gradually forget that Victory Vodka is actually a new wine that has only been around for a few years.

Human memory is like this. After you get used to something, you will forget certain information.

At that time, everyone will subconsciously feel that in fact, Victory Vodka has always been by their side. It was famous a long time ago and is a high-end brand that is often out of stock.

This process does not take too long, maybe three to five years, maybe ten or eight years, in short, after the concept of a famous brand wine is established, other things such as price will not be important.

Like some famous brand luxury goods, there are so many negative news, has it affected sales?

For the singing of the two songs, Yan Changqing did his part.

He is a little superman with a few basic skills of physical fitness. Just learning a little singing skill is enough to beat the whole world. No one in this world has heard of a singer who can roar for half an hour without a stretch. , Shouting until my brain lacks oxygen and fainted, it didn't take a few minutes for me to pass out.

As for the singing skills, he has even developed the housekeeping skills of the dolphin singer in Qiansu in advance, and after a while, he will release it to encourage and encourage Qiansu, which is in dire straits. It is a famous place that loves vodka.

By the end of the first amateur erhu rating activity in China, Yan Changqing had almost practiced both songs—mainly because others needed to practice. He is now like an aircraft carrier engine, but the ship he is leading is the old Ming Dynasty sailing on the sea. The wooden boat was also very helpless.

Because no one can match him at the second level, unless he learns all the instruments by himself, then plays them over and over again, and finally synthesizes them.


After the rating was over, there was a small celebration.

Teacher Xu was a little curious about what Yan Changqing was busy with now, so Yan Changqing told her that he was about to buy the copyright of CCTV's Three Kingdoms, and he didn't expect these people to help him, but it would not be a bad thing to tell her.

After getting along for a while, Yan Changqing occasionally showed his level, at least he had a good relationship with these people present.

In case someone inside can get in touch with the radio and television, it would be good to ask for yourself.

Even when the teacher asked the price, Yan Changqing said it directly, which was 600 million US dollars.

The copyright of the Three Kingdoms was later sold to the island country Xiangjiangwanwan Province, as well as many small countries in Southeast Asia, and then it was made into a compressed version and sold to some western countries. Yan Changqing did not know the specific price, but only knew the first three places. Less than $300 million.

But if you want to come to your own price, it's not too low, so I'm not afraid to tell others.


It is probably that Yan Changqing wanted to buy the copyright of the Three Kingdoms, and rumors about the asking price of 600 million US dollars have already spread.

Soon Yan Changqing received a message from CCTV asking him to talk again.

Let’s talk about it, Yan Changqing still didn’t talk about his plan this time, even though his plan is to release a small video promotion first—others need advertising fees for publicity, and he sells MVs for song copyright fees. He said that others may not You can learn it, but you still have to maintain a sense of mystery, even if others can guess it.

Only talk about other things, such as cultural output and so on.

It is to emphasize a main theme.


A few days after this conversation, Yan Changqing received a call from Zhu Changsheng, saying that all the video materials on the oil field side had been recorded and he was going back to make a promotional film.

There was no news from CCTV, so Yan Changqing simply took people back directly, and asked Huang Peishan and the others to return to Xiangjiang first, and then negotiate after the results came out.

When he arrived in Xiyang City, Yan Changqing first went to the unit to say hello, returned to the winery after two days of busy work, and then started making his own promotional video.

Looking at the prepared materials, Yan Changqing couldn't help muttering: "Uncle Zhu, it's a bit of a waste to prepare so much and only make one promotional video!"

Zhu Changsheng smiled: "Is it a good shot? I hired a professional. There is also a helicopter shot. The effect is definitely very good."

The effect was so good that although Yan Changqing was used to watching the later high-definition videos, he couldn't tell anything about the things that were shot.

The oil field is indeed rich, helicopters can be used, and the things shot are definitely considered top-notch now.

There are several shots of the rising sun in the east, some in the desert, some on top of mountains, some on the sea, and some on top of big rivers. I don’t know how much money was spent for these things.

Yan Changqing's eyes were hot, and he was full of energy when he did it.

Zhu Changsheng saw that he was very entangled in the shots of the rising sun, smiled and took the other people away, leaving only a few assistants here.


Yan Changqing finally chose a shot of the sun rising next to the oil well in the desert.

When one side of the sky is red, the black and large machinery looks like a monster. When the sun rises, this monster will reveal its true face...

The most important thing is to show the lens of the donkey head camera, which is the most common kowtow camera, so that everyone can know at a glance that the film is an oil field.

Then it is still the old routine, first showing the shots of the workers going to work.

After searching for a long time, I finally found the shot of Lao Zheng. It was indeed shot by the C position. Among the countless workers, he walked in the middle, and the shot was very clear. He had a proud and simple smile on his swarthy face, and his body was straight.

Then there are some scenes from the Ministry of Literature and Art, which were probably taken by people from the Ministry of Literature and Art before they went to the capital.

Yan Changqing is quite fair. Basically, every team has a chance to show up. Those from the machinery factory, the drilling team, and the maintenance department... the old Zheng He of the exploration team showed up first, and the maintenance department has a relationship with him. Well, these two have to be taken care of, and the others are evenly distributed.

Also included are some shots of two oil fields in Shengli Changqing.

The rest is the so-called 'drum beat', various machinery, the actions of the workers, and the moment when the oil well is ignited.

Yan Changqing is very serious in his work, and he is sorry for himself if he doesn't pay attention to the matter of exercising his skills.

I will make other videos in the future, every opportunity is a good opportunity to improve.

It took nearly a week, regardless of day and night, to finally produce two versions.

 If something is delayed for a day, I will make it up later!Thank you for your support
(End of this chapter)

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