Chapter 243
The power of banknotes is still great.

Although CCTV may not have considered selling the copyright of the Three Kingdoms, Yan Changqing received a notice from Director Tan at the noon banquet, telling him that the director has time for the next two days.

Obviously, regardless of whether the copyright is sold or not, as a major advertiser of CCTV, Yan Changqing's request for an interview can be easily met.

So while others were making friends and discussing business at the banquet, Yan Changqing pulled his assistant team to discuss the matter of copyright operation again.

The atmosphere of the banquet was quite good. Most people just came to try it out, see it, and most of them wanted to exchange ideas.

Because most of the companies with tens of millions of sufficient funds have developed very well. Even if they can’t win the bid, other advertisements can still be discussed.

At this stage, information is underdeveloped, and many companies are really famous, but there are not many opportunities to learn more about it.

This time there was a platform for communication, and even Yan Changqing joined the chat groups after discussing with the team.

Those who can come to participate are the real bigwigs at this stage. If it is changed to the era of celebrity hot search, this kind of banquet, many celebrities would have to tie their necks to get in.

But now it's very simple, there are no outsiders to interfere, everyone can speak freely, and the attitude is quite good.Some small businesses also took the opportunity to pull in a lot of orders.


After the banquet was over, they returned home, a few people tidied up, and went straight to CCTV.

When Director Chu saw Yan Changqing, he didn't directly ask whether the copyright could be sold or not, but asked directly: "Mr. Yan, regarding this issue of copyright, in fact, our internal opinions are not unified. Please come here, actually. I still want to hear your opinion."

"Now we are crossing the river by feeling the stones, and we need to listen to the opinions of many parties! Can you talk about your original intention for buying this copyright?"

Yan Changqing thought about it for a while: "I think the previous copyright was sold a bit cheaper. I feel that CCTV is a little too cautious in discussing copyright, and the price is too low, so I plan to buy it and sell it from me. The price is more expensive."

"What are you going to do?" Director Chu asked directly.

"I'm just an idea, and I haven't started to implement it yet. I don't have much confidence in whether my own method will work." Yan Changqing said. "I just feel that the price of copyright sold before is a bit low. I would like to ask if there is an idea of ​​selling copyright in the station, can I also participate in the competition?"

"Originally, I wanted to directly use overseas companies and let them come to Taiwan to talk directly. Later, I thought it was better to do it myself, which seemed more sincere. If Taiwan considers selling copyrights to foreign companies, then I will Foreign companies can participate in the bidding at any time."

"I don't know what Taiwan is thinking now. My idea is that this is also a kind of cultural export. Director Chu is more experienced in this area. You must know that before foreign movies were broadcast in China, many of them became popular. Things, like the toad mirror and so on."

"There are still many young people who learn to greet each other and say hello. These are all foreign cultural exports. But in the eyes of many foreigners, people here still have big braids?"

"Then why, don't we send our own stuff out? Let people know that we have also developed, can spend huge sums of money to film our stories, and are catching up with the Premier League and the United States. How about showing our cultural confidence?"

Director Chu pondered for a while, then nodded: "I didn't expect you to consider this issue, but the current situation on our side... cultural confidence?"

He pondered for a while, and continued after a while: "You had a piece of music abroad before, and it is said that it is very popular. Do you want to use this influence to promote the copyright of our Three Kingdoms?"

"There are considerations in this regard." Yan Changqing nodded.

"Our station still has a meeting to make a decision, and it has to be reported to the Ministry of Culture." Director Chu said directly. "You also know that I am definitely not the only one who can make a decision on this matter. I can only relay your words and how much money you plan to pay for this copyright?"

Yan Changqing said without hesitation: "600 million US dollars. This is my preliminary quotation. After the specific decision is made by the station, we can continue to talk."

This price is Yan Changqing's psychologically lowest price, but when he bought the Biaowang advertisement last year, the stage raised the price for him after the quotation, so he simply quoted the lowest price this time.

In fact, this price is already astronomical, because Taili later sold only 100 episodes of the island country, and it only sold for a total of more than [-] million US dollars.

Of course, Yan Changqing's appetite is too big. He said that what he wants to buy is all foreign copyrights, so he is ready to raise the price again at any time.

After making a decision in the stands, how long will he be given and other restrictions, these are the factors that determine his real future price.

Director Chu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "600 million US dollars! This price is indeed not low. What about the others? Do you have any other demands?"

At present, when foreign exchange prices are at their lowest, one US dollar can be exchanged for more than 600 yuan in RMB, and 5000 million yuan is close to [-] million yuan.

Moreover, the exchange rate will rise to the lowest level in history next year, when one U.S. dollar is exchanged for [-] yuan.

But this is not the key point. The key point is that at this stage, foreign exchange is in short supply, no matter where it is.

That's why there is a correct policy. All enterprises that earn foreign exchange through export will automatically convert the money received into RMB no matter what currency it is in the bank.

Even Director Chu must admit that the price offered by Yan Changqing is quite attractive, and the price directly in US dollars is very sincere.


"I hope that it will be faster, because I need to do publicity in advance." Yan Changqing said. "If we can negotiate earlier, I think the crew will have more funds, and maybe the whole drama can be produced earlier."

This is for sure. No matter where the TV series or movies are, they will promote them in advance. Yan Changqing only made such a request, which is reasonable.

And at this time for the crew, their funds are so tight that they can hardly afford to eat.

In the future, people usually talk about it, and feel that it is amazing that the crew can produce such a good TV series under such difficult conditions.

It is indeed remarkable, but few people think about it. When those crew members and actors talked about the situation at that time, they all smiled wryly.

Director Chu nodded: "If there is any news, I will let you know as soon as possible."

The two of them are just confirming their preliminary intentions now. For the specific situation, they must wait for the approval of the higher-ups in the station, and then the whole station will unify their opinions, and then they will discuss it with Yan Changqing in detail.

In the end, the negotiated standards have to go through this process in reverse, and the contract can only be signed after the approval of the superior.

The specific process may be more complicated than this, so Yan Changqing didn't think about using some "waste footage" to make MVs and so on, and just talked about copyrights as much as he wanted.

If you really can't negotiate, you will raise the price yourself.

Anyway, only the island country wants to buy it at present, and the price of 600 million yuan, when the people in Taiwan make a price for the island country, they will definitely consider a higher price.


Back home, Yan Changqing first called Mr. Xu and told himself that he was in the capital now and would not delay his business.

Then he took his assistant and several lawyers from Xiangjiang, etc., and ran directly to the Forbidden City.

It is one thing to let the people of Xiangjiang learn more about the Forbidden City. On the other hand, he also wants to ask about the progress of the promotional film, or the documentary.

As a result, what the staff here said made him quite speechless: "Now we only shoot the autumn and winter seasons. The above means that there are only autumn and winter scenery, and the overall atmosphere is not full enough, so we have to wait until next spring to shoot more shots. "

Yan Changqing immediately became worried. He was afraid that the issue of copyright would be delayed until next year, just like the efficiency of the Forbidden City.

But there is no way, he knows in his heart that his current achievements are all due to his own hard work and some insights brought back from his rebirth, and he is not outstanding in other aspects.

Just like this kind of copyright, cultural export, etc., what I think of is probably only a superficial problem, and it is estimated that no one has considered it thoroughly.

Including the shots taken in the Forbidden City, it is definitely not enough to shoot casually. It is estimated that a shooting angle may be the result of several professional teachers' discussions. The efficiency is definitely not as fast as making a rough video by yourself.

It's like the oil field wanted to make a promotional video, but in the end, they didn't know how many issues they had to consider when shooting it. Yan Changqing guessed that they must be arguing now, and they all wanted to shoot their own department, and they might have already quarreled. up!

After returning from the Forbidden City, a group of people began to prepare for tomorrow's work again, which was called non-stop.

In the evening, Chen Youliang also rushed over. He ran all the way from his home to join Yan Changqing in the official signing ceremony of King Biao tomorrow.

In fact, Yan Changqing was not very happy to participate, but he was the one who came for the bidding, and the signing was also signed by people from the winery.Chen Youliang could help him deal with the reporters who were interviewing him, but he couldn't help him deal with the people on CCTV.

The signing ceremony is really a formality. Because of problems with CCTV, the ceremony that could have been held on the day of winning the bid has been delayed until now.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Huang Peishan began to take a group of lawyers to read the contract.

Yan Changqing said: "Even if there are loopholes, there is no problem with the execution of the contract. Last year's contract was simpler than this. Just take a look. You don't have to be so serious about the details."

I really don’t need to worry about any problems. I have seen the winning bid information in the newspaper. As long as the money is handed in, the rest is basically fine. Moreover, CCTV also attached some advertisements on the details, which were not written in the contract.

For example, Director Tan asked him to be responsible for the supply of drinks for this year's Spring Festival Gala, including those placed on the tables of the audience.

As for giving some shots during the show, that's a routine operation.

Chen Youliang brought a truckload of goods, but he didn't deliver them to his own sales point. He just waited to see how much he needed to use in the store.

Will there be wine in the Spring Festival Gala?

Yes, and it's not about the celebration dinner after the end.

Let me emphasize again, this year’s Spring Festival Gala, if you look at it in the future, it’s really ruthless, drinking, smoking, shirtless, laughing and cursing everything is normal—the young people in the future will not believe it unless they see it with their own eyes. This is the Spring Festival Gala.

It's trivial to scold the national football team and the like, and I haven't seen someone sue me for saying a few words.

In fact, there is no one who dare not scold in sketch comics, formalism in society, difficulty in doing things, all kinds of bad phenomena, ranging from occupying seats on the bus to corruption, whoever is caught scolds.

The audience was also very happy and felt that there was a festive atmosphere of the Spring Festival, even wine was placed in the auditorium.

Of course, not many people drink the wine on display, but it can still be seen by people.


At the beginning of the ceremony, there were some routine photos and videos, etc. Yan Changqing didn't care about them.

Director Tan took the opportunity to tell Yan Changqing that the copyright has already been discussed on the stage, and at present, the possibility of approval is very high.

Because there is indeed a problem with the funding of the crew. Someone wants to buy the copyright, and the crew has already got the news that a lot of money, millions of dollars, although they have no chance in dollars, but if the copyright can be sold, the funds If there are too many, can you give them some points?

The eyes of the crew were all red, and now the director came back to ask the specific situation.

So Yan Changqing met Director Shen and Fang Xueya again.

Yan Changqing wanted to laugh when he saw these two people. Although they both had smiles on their faces, the smiles were not usually forced.

Obviously, the matter of coming back to inquire about the news was not going well.

Thinking about it, it's true, the higher-ups haven't made a decision yet, and those who are anxious for money will act on hearing the wind. It seems that there is no news in the station, and the air is leaking everywhere, like a sieve. This is CCTV, and there is nothing wrong with it. Can't have a sense of secrecy?
The second is, you have spent so much money for the filming, and you only know that you need money, so can't you consider the difficulties in the stage?
Who is not short of money now?It's missing everywhere, and it's not just you.

Back in the days of Red Mansions and Journey to the West, the conditions were more difficult than it is now. Wouldn’t it still be a good drama that people all over the country like to watch?


Director Shen saw Yan Changqing and looked around. After waiting for a long time, he waited for the opportunity and came over and asked, "Boss Yan, are you going to buy the copyright? I haven't heard you say it before?"

"You can't be a family!" Yan Changqing said bluntly. "Every station has to apply for this matter. I told you, maybe someone else is tempted. Doesn't that increase my competitors?"

"That's true." Director Shen muttered, what he was actually thinking in his heart was that, except for the island countries who want copyright, no one else has heard of anyone wanting copyright.

As for those in other regions, there is no news about those in Xiangjiang, and they have not returned yet. Although many people have already turned their hearts to the mainland, the current environment is not suitable for doing things with great fanfare.

Historically, both Xiangjiang and Wanwan bought the copyright, but that happened after the show was broadcast in the island country, and the timing was more appropriate.

Only then did other countries in Southeast Asia come to buy copyrights, but the prices offered by those small countries were even more impressive. Looking at it from the perspective of future generations, the price for such a TV series with a large investment is equivalent to giving it away for nothing.

So now Yan Changqing is at least the first person in China to eat crabs. He is the first person from his own country to talk about copyright, and he even dared to say that he would sell the copyright.


Confidence is something that is lacking in this day and age.

Especially after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, there were many pessimistic voices in the domestic public opinion - of course, no one mentioned it later, but at this time, there were indeed many voices.

So Yan Changqing dared to say that he bought the copyright and then sold it. Director Shen felt that he was a little short, and said with a smile: "Are you really going to pay 600 million US dollars?"

"Yes." Yan Changqing said. "This is all shot with all your painstaking efforts. The price of the red building before is like a free gift. I can't bear it!"

Looking at his expression of worrying about the country and the people, Director Shen didn't know what to think, but just nodded: "Mr. Yan is a great writer! Do you think this copyright can be popular in foreign countries? Except the island country."

Island Nation wanted to buy the copyright from the very beginning, and once planned to pay for sponsorship, but asked to join the actors of Island Nation, the result can be imagined.

However, the island country did not give up, and has been paying attention to the filming progress of the crew so far!

"It depends on the effect of your shooting." Yan Changqing didn't want to talk too much with him, including the director.

Now it is generally recognized that the moon outside is round, and he is actually taking a risk by talking about it himself.

The correct operation should be to directly ask Huang Peishan to bring a few golden-haired ghosts and come here under the banner of a foreign company, so that it will be easier to get attention-the characteristics of the times, this can't be said, let's understand it!

Yan Changqing thought a lot, but finally came by himself.

Director Shen actually said for a long time, just want to confirm one thing, that is whether Yan Changqing really intends to buy the copyright.

Now that he's settled, he can tell the crew when he goes back—seeking plums to quench thirst, although the matter hasn't happened yet, but he can speak out to cheer everyone up and make everyone look forward to it.

And he also provided Yan Changqing with a piece of news: "I heard that people in the island country have made movements, Mr. Yan, please be careful, don't let them cut off your beard."

Are people in the island country so well-informed?
He just formally mentioned the matter to the station director yesterday morning, is the news so widely now?

No wonder Director Shen went to ask about being cleaned up, Yan Changqing wanted to find someone to clean up, the stage was really a sieve, news leaked out so fast.

Thinking in his heart, Yan Changqing smiled and said to Director Shen: "Thank you, Director Shen, for reminding me. Don't worry, I will fully cooperate when it comes to the soundtrack of the crew."

Director Shen nodded again and again: "Then thank you, Mr. Yan!"

The two of them didn't say much, but they both understood what they meant. Yan Changqing wanted Director Shen to help him pay more attention. Although the stage was a sieve, he didn't know some news clearly.

As for Director Shen, he wanted Mr. Yan to succeed as soon as possible.

On the crew side, how much money there is is not enough to spend. People eat horse chews, and they have to spend money to move. It is said that the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang stole corn from the villagers to eat.

Because the friendship between the three brothers in Taoyuan was not deep enough, the two brothers ran away and left the eldest brother there and was caught. In the end, the crew spent 50 yuan to bring him back.

It's outrageous!
 Temporary one update, immediately resume two updates!
(End of this chapter)

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