Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 249 Winning the Copyright Bullets of Three Countries

Chapter 249 Winning the Copyright Bullet of the Three Kingdoms

With her own development and growth, Yan Changqing has long been mentally prepared to meet future celebrities.

In fact, he has already met many people who are now all-powerful and will continue to be all-powerful in the future.

This is the situation of the times. Before Taobao, there were already many shopping websites.

But what appeared early may not be the best, because it was normal for Ali and others who were far inferior to Mr. Ma because they did not seize the opportunity of the rapid development of the Internet.

Of course, these are all from the perspective of the future. Things like hindsight and hindsight can’t show how smart a person is, because as long as there is enough information, any fool can come up with a reason.

People who are in the tide of the times, what they can do is to take one step and see one step, at most two steps and three steps, and no one dares to guarantee the farther.

The situation is changing.

Just like when Xunlei first appeared, when they were struggling, they would never have imagined that the boss of Internet Express, who had overwhelmed them, would one day suddenly start thinking only about playing games and take the initiative to give them the market .

Now Mr. Ma is still worrying about his translation agency, and he doesn't know that he will "not be interested in money" in the future. He doesn't give up the opportunity to ask questions because Mr. Yan is younger than him, and keeps asking Yan Changqing. internet perception.

Yan Changqing has nothing to say: "My achievements are based on the premise that I can quickly learn technology, and I only have a slight estimate of the general trend. I think that in terms of the Internet, it is entirely possible to go to Western countries to copy advanced experience, and then based on our It’s enough to change the situation appropriately, but I really don’t know how to do more.”

"Are you considering developing in this direction?" Mr. Ma asked Mr. Yan modestly, adding some tea.

"I haven't considered it for the time being, but if there is an opportunity, maybe." Who can say what will happen in the future!

After the two chatted until after dinner, President Ma actually wanted to ask more questions, but when Huang Peishan and the others finally arrived, President Ma felt embarrassed to ask more questions.

He is not doing a good job in a small company now, and he is also confused about the future. He feels like a trapped animal. He has many thoughts in his heart. He feels that he is surrounded by cages and restricts himself, but he can’t find a breakthrough, so he seizes the opportunity and doesn’t let it go. However, I want to find a breakthrough.

But at this stage, society has not developed to that point, and before the wind blows, no one can ride the wind.

After seeing off President Ma, Huang Peishan began to show Yan Changqing the report, wasting half the night again.

Although there are not many people in the company in Xiangjiang, the expenses are much higher than those in the mainland, but the accounts are still okay. Although the assistant is a bit extravagant, she is dedicated to accumulating work experience, and the accounts are quite clear.

Some expenses are too high to help, as in Xiangjiang. If a company does not have a good office location and a decent car, it is easy to be looked down upon.

In addition, some necessary entertainment costs are much higher than those in the mainland. Any fast food there is not enough for three or two dollars, and the consumption of a restaurant is also much higher.

But these are trivial things, because making money outside is not the mainland where copyrights are not worth much at all. My music is used by some film media outside, and I have to spend money to buy it.


After dealing with the company's business, we briefly talked about the things to be done tomorrow, and each of us rested without mentioning it.

On the second day, the group arrived at the hotel reserved by CCTV. In addition to the people from CCTV, there were also people from their superior units.

After the introduction, Director Chu explained: "Now we are crossing the river by feeling the stones. We have never done this kind of thing before. The TV series adapted from the previous two famous works were both in charge of the copyright business in the station, but the effect Not very good."

"This time is also a brand new attempt for us. I hope that we can cooperate happily this time. At the same time, I also wish that our three countries can go to the world in the future, so that everyone can truly understand one of our four ancient civilizations. culture……"

After the scene is finished, it is the real negotiation.

In fact, negotiation cannot be regarded as negotiation at all, it must be called bargaining.

CCTV directly offered a price of 1000 million, and only planned to sell the copyright for two years. The time was from the time when the entire drama of the Three Kingdoms was completely launched on CCTV, that is to say, after the entire drama was completely completed.

Yan Changqing certainly disagreed with such a condition. Two years is too short, so he raised a question: "There are more than 80 episodes of the Three Kingdoms. I will hire translators when the whole drama is released. Director Chu thinks it will be the fastest." Can you translate it?"

"There are a lot of classical Chinese words in the play. These words have to be translated to meet the standards of Xinyada. At least to make foreigners feel like an ancient play, the words used must also use some ancient languages ​​in other languages. Can it be done in a month or two?"

Director Chu explained again: "Crossing the river by feeling the stones, we are also afraid of falling into the whirlpool. Our fundamental purpose is not to sell money, but more to promote our drama..."

This Yan Changqing understands quite well that now is the time when everyone is frantically pursuing a sense of Western identity, not to mention that there are still many pessimistic remarks in the interior - the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, the consequences are definitely not only a group of "bad guys", Many people are not at ease now!
He didn't want to say too much about it. In the entire era, if you say something beyond the cognition of the era, you are a lunatic.

He just stated: "As for publicity and copyright sales, I can guarantee this. Because no matter how much I spend, my purpose is to see it the same as everyone else. I want everyone to see that some things that happened in our history thing……"

What should be said still needs to be said. If you say it nicely, you can save a lot of money!


After reaching an agreement on the basic demands, it will be a purely business negotiation. At this time, those people brought by Huang Peishan need to step in.

These talents are professional negotiators. They have prepared the current copyright transaction materials in most countries and regions, as well as the problems that will arise in various promotions, etc., to negotiate with the representatives of CCTV.

As for Yan Changqing, he is now a spectator, and by the way, he can learn how these people negotiate.

We couldn't finish talking in the morning, and we had a nice meal at noon, and we continued to negotiate in the afternoon.

In fact, it is to suppress the price. CCTV is purely a lion. Yan Changqing is a little upset about this, because the price he gave is very reasonable, but because he is "one of his own", the other party opened a somewhat outrageous one. price.

But after formal negotiations, Yan Changqing felt that the salary he paid was worth the money.

Huang Peishan herself is also a beginner, but she can't stand her innate conditions--good birth and good family conditions.

So Yan Changqing knew very well that the people the assistant invited were all helped by her father behind the scenes.

In this way, Mr. Yan is equivalent to a salary. He has hired a small boss who has been in the mall for many years. Although the small boss does not have a big business, his interpersonal relationship is still quite good.

Just thinking about it, Mr. Yan felt that he had made a profit!

The group of people led by Huang Peishan obviously wanted to show off in front of the boss, and each of them performed very well, leaving some people from CCTV speechless, and finally forced them to directly show what the higher-ups asked them to do. class of reasons.


In the end, the copyright was purchased for four years at a price of US$640.

Just by looking at the price, you can know how hard the two parties in the negotiation are working.

Based on the information he had learned, Yan Changqing felt that the price was quite reasonable, so he immediately shook hands with Director Chu: "Master Chu, it's a happy cooperation! I will ask you to take care of me in the future."

Director Chu smiled wryly: "It seems that the decision to 'go out' is very correct. Mr. Yan, these people in your company have a high level of negotiation!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "There is a specialization in surgery!"

The next step is to sign, and there is no talk of any ceremony. After the two parties sign, the next step is to wait.

However, while waiting for the Three Kingdoms TV series to be completely completed, Yan Changqing has the right to use part of the content.

The subordinates are still able to know what the boss really wants, and they also take advantage of poor information and other aspects to directly talk about all copyrights.

In other words, now Yan Changqing can go to the production team, find the shots he wants, and make MVs!
Yan Changqing is quite satisfied with this. It only takes a few minutes for him to make a MV for the content of 7000 million shots. If he can't do it well, then he will continue to perform on the street in the future!


Back home at night, Yan Changqing took out some good wine to comfort his heroes.

Huang Peishan was actually a little dissatisfied: "Actually, if the price you offered was not too high, the boss, the price should be lower. I think they don't have a thorough understanding of some outside industry insiders..."

Yan Changqing smiled: "It's just that I have a clear conscience, and I didn't intend to take advantage of them. Besides, why don't you understand, I think it's intentional to numb you!"

"By the way, you've all come here. Is there anything more important in Xiangjiang? If not, let's go to the shooting scene together in two days to see?"

"Okay, thank you BOSS!" Huang Peishan looked at the few people she brought, and then agreed for everyone.

The little assistant is a bit too active when alone with the boss, but with other people, it is still very particular about business affairs.

At least I have a clear understanding of the responsibilities of my assistant, and I will start to perform my responsibilities now after finishing the work. The first one is to give advice to the boss: "Boss, don't you think that your own dress is not in line with the requirements of a director of a multinational company? Long identity?"

Yan Changqing waved his hand and smiled: "You don't need to worry about this, I'm not only the boss, I'm also an artist, so there's no need to dress so seriously. And now few people will care about this with me, but so many of us travel , it is still necessary to buy a car first."

"Don't get excited! Let me tell you, it's not like Xiangjiang here. The car tax is very high, so the price of the car is very high. Don't even think about buying a luxury car, as long as you can drive it."


But Yan Changqing was dumbfounded the next day, he found that he really didn't have many choices.

Considering the convenience of your own use, if you don’t leave it for the company to use, you need to be able to seat a few more people, and occasionally you can pull some goods.

At least including the few people brought by Huang Peishan, the five-seater car is not enough, and seven seats are needed.

Yan Changqing also made a special call and asked Fat Hong to help introduce him.

As a result, after listening to his request, Fat Hong took him directly to several car shops to have a look.

Then Mr. Yan discovered that now he can either buy a van, or he can only choose a "bullet" - basically imported MPV models, and no matter which one it is, the price is expensive.

The expensive Huang Peishan felt distressed: "Boss, the price of the car here is so high!"

Yan Changqing nodded: "I can't help it! Buy it, it's settled in RMB, don't get me wrong."

"Understood boss." Huang Peishan nodded, and then took a few people to bargain. Although some are overqualified, everyone will drive the car later. Now is the leisure time with wages, and having fun is very important.


After finishing the formalities, pick up the car directly. Of course, you have to wait for the registration. This can be done by Fat Hong. He has business in this area and can find a license plate number that is not unlucky.

After sending Pang Hong away, Huang Peishan wanted to order someone to be the driver, but Yan Changqing refused.

He went into battle by himself and first experienced the feeling of a Chevrolet bullet.

After driving around in the car for a long time, Yan Changqing was satisfied, so he gave them the car directly and asked them to go through the rest of the formalities, and then find a place to play by themselves, just remember to go back at night, don't delay the tomorrow together Set off.

Then he went straight to the Forbidden City.

Go in and study every once in a while, anyway, the tickets are free.


In the afternoon, I came out of the Forbidden City, walked all the way back, and ordered a table of meals at the restaurant to be delivered home.

As soon as he entered the house to pack his things, the phone rang: "Mr. Yan, are you at home? I'm Chen Tingzhu."

Yan Changqing smiled: "You are very busy now, why do you have time to call me?"

During the negotiation, Chen Tingzhu was not qualified to sit at the table, and the two of them didn't see each other.

Chen Tingzhu said: "I have a not-so-good errand. I'm asking you to introduce some international friends. The island country has been paying attention to the copyright of the Three Kingdoms. Now that the copyright has been bought by you, they want to talk to you."

Yan Changqing thought for a while before rejecting: "It's still early, so don't be in such a hurry. I don't think it will be considered for sale until next year when the Three Kingdoms TV series is fully produced. You just need to tell me."

Chen Tingzhu asked for help: "The task given to me by the superior, can you find time to meet people?"

"I'm going to see the Three Kingdoms crew tomorrow. I've already contacted Director Shen, and I left early in the morning."

"Then let me tell them, can I go there now?"

"I haven't eaten yet!" Yan Changqing looked at the time. "Then come later!"

The main reason is to wait a little longer, Huang Peishan and the others should be back.


After Yan Changqing had eaten, the little assistant also arrived home.

Yan Changqing asked and came back after knowing that these people had eaten, so he arranged a job for the little assistant: "Wait for the people from the island country to talk about copyright, you can deal with it!"

"No problem, boss." Huang Peishan, who played for a long time, was in high spirits. "I know how to do it."

The specific method is also simple, that is, not to sell, but to hang it first.


Yan Changqing doesn't care how Huang Peishan deals with the islanders. He is thinking about which two MVs are suitable for release later.

One Eastern, one Western, that's for sure.

The western one has already been decided, and the Swedish song, "Hall Om Mig" will be used directly.

Yan Changqing from Dongfang was still a little hesitant. He had prepared too many songs. He needed to recall and choose a song that appeared relatively recently, so that he could make the most of the treasure house in his memory.

For MVs with big scenes, basically as long as the music is not too bad, it should be fine.

Now the crew of the Three Kingdoms should receive some financial support. It is estimated that the shooting progress will be faster. I will ask tomorrow how long it will take to complete the shooting and post-production at the earliest.


After thinking about it, Huang Peishan ran over: "Boss, make an agreement with them, and I will renegotiate with them in the future."

"That's fine." Yan Changqing nodded. "They didn't talk about how much they're going to pay, did they?"

"Definitely not!" Huang Peishan said. "How can a buyer make a price by himself, they are waiting for us to make a price!"

Yan Changqing always feels that the little assistant is taking the opportunity to 'remind' himself, but he is still very tolerant towards those who can make money for him, and smiled: "Then wait until we promote them for them, and see if they still can't hold back." I can't hold back the price!"

Huang Peishan nodded: "Boss, are you going to release a new promotional song soon?"

"Of course." Yan Changqing waved his hand. "Okay, rest early, and go to the set tomorrow."


The Three Kingdoms crew still welcomes Yan Changqing very much.

Leaky CCTV is well-deserved of its reputation. Last night, the islanders went to see them, and today the crew warmly welcomes them.

Obviously, everyone knows about buying scripts.

Even the leading director came to greet him.

However, Yan Changqing didn't see many famous actors he was familiar with - the time for the play was almost finished, and according to the plot at this time, the characters of the older generation basically followed Han Gaozu.

Yan Changqing is a typical anticlimactic person. Of the four famous TV series, the only one he has seen from beginning to end is Journey to the West.

Needless to say, Dream of Red Mansions, he can watch a few episodes patiently and refrain from fast-forwarding, even if he can't fast-forward, he hasn't watched any of the two TV dramas of the Three Kingdoms Water Margin.

Because in these two dramas, when those "celebrities" appeared in the early stage, they were all bullish and murderous, and it was enjoyable to watch.

In the later period, the old and the dead, no matter how romantic they were at the beginning, they will eventually go to see Emperor Taizong of the Han Dynasty. For Mr. Yan, watching it at this time is meaningless. Can.


After chatting with the director for a while, Yan Changqing, led by Director Shen, began to wander around the crew.

No one else followed, just the two of them, even Huang Peishan and the others let them find their own place to be spectators.

Yan Changqing came here to talk about the soundtrack, and secondly, he wanted to make an MV with the tape.

The third thing is: "Director Shen, can you find some clothes for me, and shoot some scenes for me. It doesn't need to be too much, I will pay for this part of the extra cost, just because I think it's fun. Try not to delay everyone Just shoot normally, just find an idle photographer.”

Director Shen suddenly became happy: "This is easy to handle, I will arrange it right away, let's go and put on makeup first?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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