Chapter 250 The Great Wall of Thousand Miles and Three Kingdoms' Love Sake
Yan Changqing originally planned to leave after filming some videos, but he never expected that he would stay on the set for four or five days at a time.

I used to watch small videos, but I only know that there is usually a creative team behind them. Although a short video, it takes a long time or even many days for a team to prepare.

Of course, he refers to the kind of technical ones, like twisting around, relying on beauty effects and saving fabrics to give benefits to nerds, that doesn't count.

Yan Changqing doesn't despise these unskilled people. After all, if he is a pure wage earner who walks on the street, he will most likely be called a hooligan if he stares at the little meat exposed by others.

But it’s different when you put it on the video, you can watch it casually if you donate that bit of traffic, good people will have a safe life!

As for the negative impact on society, pure wage earners said they haven’t thought that far. Back then, the motives of wage earners were very pure. One was to kill time, and the other was... In fact, I was very envious of the fact that people could earn money by making videos. money.

Now he had his chance, with so many costumes to choose from, some of them dirty, so many weapons to use, and so many horses to ride...

So it is normal to take a long time to shoot.

Besides, there are a large number of professionals here, which is a good place for him to improve his skills.

After all, he didn't know how to ride a horse at first, and it took him a full five minutes just to learn how to ride a horse—four and a half minutes to listen to the master's explanation of the essentials, and 5 seconds to practice.

During this period, Huang Peishan's team had already gone back, and after the filming was over, Yan Changqing and Director Shen went to the capital.

The filmed tapes are all kept here, and he wants to copy some of them.

The process took him another two days.


When he returned to Xiyang City, he didn't start making the MV right away, he was busy with the winery first.

Although life is a bit busy, what he is doing now are all things he is interested in, and he is enjoying it.

After he was busy with the winery, he went to the TV station to make his own "short video" - purely because he had been "poisoned" by various small videos for too long, he used to call it making small videos.

It was relatively simple to make the Empress's appearance song, because I have seen many similar videos before, and he now has enough ability to make these abilities, so the speed of producing the work is quite fast.

It was decided which island style song to choose, so I chose "The Great Wall of Thousand Miles". Anyway, as long as he thought of the song he could remember, he would register the copyright and use it if he wanted to.


Because the production of the song The Great Wall required a new team to perform it, it took some time.

Before the production was finished, Polygram's Lin Lang brought someone over. He came to express his condolences and brought a foreign devil, who was said to be from the Polygram headquarters.

This British guy named Gonzalez knows a little bit of Chinese, but not much. He invited Yan Changqing to attend some kind of their annual meeting.

In this regard, Yan Changqing said that there is no time, and he will go to the Spring Festival Gala soon.

Gonzalez couldn't help it, so he kept praising Yan Changqing in poor Mandarin, and offered to help him contact the Royal Academy of Music and so on.

Yan Changqing dismissed them and arranged them directly in the guest house of the oil field unit.


Lin Lang waited for Gonzales to finish speaking, and then quietly came to Yan Changqing, expressing that he was more important than ever before, and suggested that he could increase the share of cooperation.

Yan Changqing liked to hear these words. After calling Huang Peishan to send a legal counselor, he said strangely: "Aren't you afraid of leaking company secrets and getting fired later?"

Lin Lang chuckled: "I originally came in with a nepotism, and I don't know much about music. I was originally excluded, such as singers like Tianwang, and I have no qualifications to talk to their managers. talk."

"The last time it was my turn to participate in the negotiation of your work, it was also because of my relationship. We are all Chinese, and Xiangjiang will return soon. Of course, I can't face the ghost!"

Okay, Yan Changqing nodded, no matter whether this guy was hypocritical or not, at least these few words were very popular.

And if I can increase the share, it is indeed the credit of his reminder, because I didn't have time to think about this before, and I plan to stick to the previous lottery!

Lin Lang continued: "Actually, your music industry in Europe and America is more popular than you think, and the company's hype ability is still very strong. Many people in the West don't know us well enough, and your name can bring a lot of Because of the heat generated by curiosity."

"Now that your second song is released, you can already become a first-line composer and singer. However, some people now question it, thinking that it may be Polygram's hype. Boss Yan, this is not what I said , those ghosts said..."

"Because of your age and your life experience, some people think that it is impossible for you to make such a majestic music. So this time the company sent a ghost over to invite you to their concert."

Yan Changqing shook his head: "No matter how hot it is, I can't pass now."

"I understand." Lin Lang nodded. "The Spring Festival Gala is the biggest!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while and asked, "How much do you think I can talk about at most?"

Lin Lang thought for a while: "This... I guess it depends on the finished film you make. Boss Yan, let me tell you the truth. Don't be offended. The MV you made last time received quite two extremes. Some people think that you It is unconventional, and many people think that you are using this MV to prove that you are the owner of the winery."

"This brings you a lot of popularity, but it also brings a lot of controversy."

Yan Changqing laughed at that time: "I was originally, otherwise why did the brewery process be shot as a short video and played. What do people who watch it say?"

Lin Lang replied: "You should also know what the ghosts are thinking now. Many of them like this kind of unconventional one. Although the MVs made by those ghosts have everything, but yours is quite... outstanding. , It is said that there are many people who like it.”

"However, more people still only choose to listen to music, especially some music lovers. In the western region, singles still sell the most."

Yan Changqing smiled and said: "That's not bad, I was improvised at the time. After the legal affairs come over, let's watch the short video I made first, and then you can talk about the share."


The legal counsel sent by the company in Xiangjiang has the same surname as Tian Wang Liming, Li Jiadong. He originally thought that he would just come over and sign a contract at the original price. But when he heard that the boss planned to increase the share ratio, he had to call and continue. People.

Yan Changqing stopped him: "This share is already considered high, you can talk about it as much as you can. Now you talk to them first, and I will show them the MV produced later."

Li Jiadong was in his thirties and had at least ten years of work experience, so he naturally knew what to do, so he nodded and went out to handle errands.


Finally, after a group of people sat in the small screening room, Yan Changqing didn't say a word of humility. He felt that he didn't need to be humble, so he directly played the small video he made.

At the beginning, it was his own camera, with his head held high and his chest held high, the little general on a white horse with a silver helmet came out imposingly with a spear in hand.

Then with the rhythm, one person, two people, three people...

When the camera changed to riding a horse and leaping to reject the horse, Gonzalez called out selling cakes at that time, because when he got here, although there was no big scene, he only saw the ancient city and countless leaping horseshoes. You can already see how big the scene is.

So he just couldn't hold back the sound, then stopped quickly and continued to watch.

What appeared next were large flags, and how many there were, it would be impossible to count for a while.

Completely realistic flags of various colors, with groups of soldiers below them, the music is not important at this time, because in the field, countless soldiers are fighting in formation, and the numerous cavalry and generals have completely attracted people's attention.

The purest cold weapon, the most grand live-action shooting, the scene of the [-]th Route Princes' Alliance had just appeared, and Gonzalez had already stood up.

He was completely dumbfounded. Do you need so many people to shoot a MV?

Where did so many people come from?

It's outrageous, just looking at the number of people, it feels like there are more people than Michael Jackson's concert.

But then he was even more dumbfounded. At the beginning, it was just a marching formation, but in the end, real war scenes actually began to appear.

This forty-something, seemingly calm ghost endured for a long time, and finally waited until the end of just a few minutes, and then asked impatiently: "This is a MV, how much does it cost to make a MV like this? It feels like this didn’t show the full part at all, is there a follow-up?”

Yan Changqing smiled lightly: "Of course there is a follow-up, there are many more!"

This is where it is going, is it just a good start?

There will be a series of events such as the Battle of Guandu, the Battle of Chibi, and the black technology that destroyed the beast army.


Gonzalez's eyes widened: "Is this a series of music?"

"No, this is a scene from one of our TV series. I have the copyright, so I can use it." Yan Changqing laughed. "These scenes restore the real things that happened to us in 800 years."

Lin Lang raised his hand: "Boss Yan, I can tell, it's the Three Kingdoms, right?"


Lin Lang immediately said: "I also know this history very well, can I explain it to Mr. Gonzales? If there are any omissions, Boss Yan will make up for it?"

Yan Changqing stretched out his hand as a gesture of invitation.

Gonzalez also nodded and said: "Three Kingdoms, I seem to know a little bit, is the heroic and invincible Guan Erye from the Three Kingdoms?"

"Yes, yes." Lin Lang nodded. "To talk about the Three Kingdoms, we have to start with Taoyuan's sworn brothers..."


Yan Changqing lowered his head and said to Li Jiadong: "You know we still have to sell the copyright of the Three Kingdoms, right? Now this is also a promotional film. You can talk about as much as you can according to the performance of this ghost later. Look at him surprised..."

Li Jiadong is now full of confidence: "Don't worry, boss, I'm very confident now, don't worry! One thousand and eight hundred years ago, these ghost guys were still in the tribal era!"

"This is not a MV, this is an epic blockbuster. In this era alone, I am confident that they will make another three-point profit."

Alright, Yan Changqing nodded, before negotiating it is necessary to maintain this momentum, the momentum must first overwhelm the other party.


In fact, what Li Jiadong said is not accurate. The Three Kingdoms period should correspond to the Roman era. Although there was no Britain at that time, Europeans regarded Rome as their origin.

But that’s it. Most of the history of Europe is based on bragging. The Roman Empire doesn’t even have population statistics. In the era, if there were hundreds of millions of people, it would be a disaster.

If you think about how many people died of the Black Death, you should know that food and medicine are the key to the population. Without sufficient medical level, a large number of people may not be a good thing.

Yan Changqing sat there thinking, and continued: "I have another song here, which can be regarded as finished. But the style is oriental, do you want to bring it out for negotiation?"

"Is it different from the previous style?" Li Jiadong thought for a while: "My judgment on this aspect is not precise enough. The best way is to let the people in our company judge the prospect of the song..."

"I think it's the kind that will be popular for many years." Yan Changqing is very confident. He is now a musician himself. Of course, he is very clear about the future of the music that he wrote down in the video.

In fact, what he can remember has passed the test of time. Even if it is some 'poor' music that he can remember, there are advantages that he can remember.

Li Jiadong felt that the boss had changed his style, and was worried that it would not be as good as before, but Yan Changqing was confident, so he could only follow the boss's wishes, nodded and said: "Then let's release it later!"


The oriental-style music, combined with the oriental-style picture, once again gave PolyGram a shock.

Although the styles are different, the scenes are still grand and epic. After watching it, people still feel unsatisfied and want to watch it several times immediately.

However, Yan Changqing said: "There are still some details in this part that have not been completed, and we need to wait another day."

Li Jiadong regretted that he was alone before, but now he doesn't regret it anymore. He listened to the music, watched the scene, and felt that he alone could kill the other party without leaving any pieces...

In fact, everyone's spirits are a little excited now, partly because of the stimulation of the big scene, and partly because of the power of the god-level musicians—the performers in the music are Yan Changqing himself.

He only played a little bit, and raised the majestic and exciting music to another level.

Strictly speaking, some of them are considered cheating, because in the current negotiation, both parties are fighting for chicken blood, the difference is that the other party is also fighting for chicken blood...


After Yan Changqing spent the whole night finishing the finishing work, Li Jiadong also sent him good news.

After signing the contract, Yan Changqing told Li Jiadong: "Go back and tell Ms. Huang that these two MVs will be released soon, so don't rush to discuss copyright with others."

Let the bullets fly for a while, and we can talk about it later.

Li Jiadong didn't understand the trick of letting bullets fly for a while, but he understood business negotiations, so he nodded and agreed.

Next, entertain these people for a meal, and go back to each house to find their own mothers.


Yan Changqing continued to study his own sake when he returned home.

He planned to name his sake the original name of the island country, but after casual research, he found that the names of many sakes in the emotional island country are more like the original Chinese name.

After a full 10 minutes, Yan Changqing decided that the name of the sake should be "Three Kingdoms of Love".

Taking advantage of this wave of popularity of the Three Kingdoms, the island country will also broadcast this drama in the future, and they also have various Three Kingdoms games, animations, etc. The people of the island country are still very enthusiastic about the Three Kingdoms.

After confirming it, Yan Changqing began to recruit people and arrange for the establishment of a sake production area.

Of course, we have to wait until the year after the year, and we can't start construction now, because it's too cold and it's freezing.


After a few days of busy work, it's time for the Spring Festival Gala.

Now Yan Changqing is quite familiar with this set, and he waited until a few days before the first round of rehearsals to meet up with everyone.

Then rehearse, shoot the pre-broadcast video, the Spring Festival Gala scene... until the end of the performance, go home for the New Year.

Of course, I took some time in the middle and called Cheng Shilong to congratulate him. The assistant called and told the boss that the movie box office of Drunken Master 2 was quite good-Yan Changqing thought it was the assistant who was pushing for the goods, because in the end Cheng Shilong That line from Sloan's ad was also featured in the trailer.

This movie was already among the top box office hits this year, and Yan Changqing's participation in the film is the icing on the cake. It's normal to have a high box office, but it's hard to say whether it can help it win the box office championship.

But now Yan Changqing didn't plan to go out again.

He will spend the new year with peace of mind!
With the development of the winery getting better and better, and his fame is getting bigger and bigger, and now his 'trouble' is becoming more and more.

Just like during the Chinese New Year, there will be countless people visiting the house uninterruptedly, and he must meet some of them, otherwise it would be too unreasonable.

Then there are people who come to inspect the work, so he doesn't need to go, just let his second uncle or uncle handle it.

As for hospitality, there is only a cafeteria here in the winery, as long as people come here, there is no choice.


By the end of the fifteenth day, in March, shepherd's purse digging began to appear in the farmland, and when the bear children started running around blowing willow whistles, Yan Changqing's sake skills reached level two.

Now he is quite calm, the second level is nothing special, and it can't make people live forever.

He just made a phone call and told Huang Peishan that the next step was to export sake to the island country.

Finally, I was able to earn back the money I paid for buying a big jeep in Shanghai back then.

At this critical moment, Yan Changqing's business plan has reached a stage.

The construction of another expansion of the winery has already started, and the thermal power station has already resumed work, and now it has entered the finishing work, and everything is proceeding according to Yan Changqing's plan.

What he is more concerned about is that he feels that his appetite, which has increased greatly since years ago, has gradually decreased now.

This is the key question. Is the rapid improvement of the five senses and eating coming to an end?
What changes will happen next is what he pays attention to.

 I have calculated the copyright price before, why do some people think that the copyright price for four years is expensive?
  The copyright sold to Japan is for three years, and it can only be broadcast for two rounds. In addition to Hong Kong and Taiwan, it was sold for more than 250 million that year. Now it has been one year longer, and it is all foreign copyrights. The price is Quite reasonable, right?

  If the bid is too low, you will be criticized in the future, right?

  And the protagonist wants to make an MV, he can use it at any time, and it is difficult to have a bigger production these days, and he has always been very careful!

  Thank you all for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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