Chapter 251

The spring breeze already has a hint of warmth.

The wind from the winery is not only warm, but also has the aroma of wine and the smell of cooking grain.

Now there is an extra flavor, the taste of stewed ribs soup.

Yan Changqing was sitting in the hut next to the office, it wasn't really a kitchen, it just had a pot and stove, and now he was holding a book and reading, while stewing pork rib soup.

Not far from the window, several tractors were queuing up to load the distiller's grains. The busy people were all large farmers from several nearby counties.

Over the years, the distillery has attracted many wealthy households who made their fortunes from breeding. Because the distiller's lees are processed cheaply, people from farther away are willing to come. Every day, there are people waiting in line. Car top.

This is also what the winery hopes to see. Drying the distiller's grains takes up space, and it is impossible to wash the ground completely clean after drying, and the smell will not smell good after a long time.

Now it is nothing more than asking these farmers to spread a layer of plastic on the car, or to ensure that there will be no water leakage in the car body.

These farmers are quite happy, anyway, the cost is the shipping fee, and they don’t lose money at all—they don’t come here empty, they can buy some sorghum corn and other grains, and they can make money by making a trip.

However, the winery can't count on their little grain at all. Now it relies on countless carts in the market to transport grain here from several surrounding provinces and cities.


Stewing soup is a job that requires patience, and so is drinking soup, because it burns your mouth if you drink it in a hurry.

Yan Changqing was not afraid of burning his mouth. He took out the soup and tasted it. He thought it was quite good. The taste was the same, but the most important thing was that it was nourishing—there was ginseng in the soup.

When Mr. Xu, the second generation of coal, came over last year, he brought some ginseng to Yan Changqing, and Yan Changqing gave the ginseng to his grandma.

As a result, my grandma called me to go back to eat one day. I stewed two big fat chickens with a ginseng.

But those two people later said that they got angry after eating, and they decided not to want the remaining few, and gave them to their grandson, and then they were put aside by Yan Changqing. He didn't remember until yesterday, and pulled them out to make soup.

Yan Changqing is not afraid of getting angry, he knows that the old couple saying getting angry is probably an excuse, and they just want to keep things to themselves.

But it was just a coincidence, he happened to try the effect of food tonic, he has the eating skill, in fact, he can eat anything, and he didn't feel anything special after eating ginseng last time, now that he thinks about it, he can take it out and use it up.

Drinking ribs soup, I feel pretty good. The main reason is that my cooking skills are improving rapidly. Now this skill will be upgraded to the second level at any time. Of course, the things I make are getting better and better.

In terms of taste control, he is already invincible.

Feeling the hot pork rib soup in his stomach, Yan Changqing felt that not only it tasted good, but it should also be quite nourishing, because it was a bit mysterious, he could feel that his body was absorbing the energy.

Of course, it might be because the pork ribs are good. Those farmers know that the owner of the winery is more particular, and the pigs they send are all pasted, and they will not send those old sows who are used as reproductive machines.

They are pigs that are not fed with professional feed. After a long time of feeding, the bones are still quite hard, and they are crunchy to the bite—Mr. Yan always eats meat without spitting out bones. I forgot when it started, anyway, I eat by myself I'm too lazy to vomit.

Level [-] eating skills, eating some bones is nothing, he treats beef bones as brittle bones.


After eating a bowl, I felt that the bowl was too small to be enjoyable, so I was about to change to another bowl to eat, when I saw the big jeep in the market driving in from the factory gate.

The car drove directly to the door of his office, and then the door opened and a man jumped out: "Boss, I'm here! I also brought you an image designer. She graduated from the University of Southern California and happens to be familiar with the situation there. Jia Ling Come down quickly..."

The one named Jia Ling is also a girl, about the same age as Huang Peishan, but she is much taller than her. She also wears a small suit, but the assistant is beige today, and this one is light green.

A pretty girl, at least as good as the little assistant, came around from the back of the car and said hello to Yan Changqing: "Hi boss, I'm Zhou Jialing, although my major is law, I have studied fashion design. "

Yan Changqing nodded: "Hi, hello, Peishan, please take someone into the office first, and look for tea leaves inside!"

Then he asked Yan Erhe who was driving: "Second uncle, why did you go by yourself, didn't you let someone else go?"

"I have nothing to do! By the way, take your aunt and brother to the provincial capital." Yan Erhe laughed. "The person sent it, I will go back first!"

Yan Changqing stopped him: "Don't go, I happened to stew pork rib soup, come and taste my cooking, you can fill it in the kitchen pot yourself."


Turning around and entering the office, she said to the busy Huang Peishan, "The tea is in the cabinet, take the one above."

Huang Peishan quickly took out the box, glanced at it and was about to open it, when the boss asked, "Have you had lunch yet?"

"No!" Huang Peishan replied.

"Would you like pork rib soup? I stewed it."

"Is it enough to drink? Boss, I heard it just now. You asked your second uncle to drink it."

"How much you can drink is enough for you."


A few minutes later, Yan Erhe looked uncomfortably at the two girls next to him, each with a big bowl of pork rib soup, and a small sieve next to it, half a sieve of steamed stuffed buns.

If you ignore that the two bowls look bigger than the heads of the two girls, there is nothing wrong with it.

Yan Changqing doesn't care, these two are employees, so it's okay for his boss to invite them to dinner, but he is still polite: "I'm used to doing whatever I want, let's just let it go!"

In fact, there is a new office, but Yan Changqing is too lazy to move. There is a building over there, and it is obviously inconvenient to have an earthen stove for cooking.

"It's okay boss, it's good to eat the meal cooked by the boss himself." The assistant's personality is still quite good, and he doesn't care about it carelessly. comfortable.

But the taste of the soup quickly makes people forget the restraint.

Yan Erhe took a sip and praised: "Changqing, your craftsmanship is very good, let's do it more often in the future!"

Huang Peishan took the opportunity to continue flattering: "Boss, you are really amazing. It tastes better than our old soup shop. The taste is really good!"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Okay, let's drink it first, there is still some in the pot, whoever is not enough will add it later. There are steamed stuffed buns and shepherd's purse with oil residue, and the taste is not bad."

This steamed stuffed bun is my mother who personally took the shepherd's purse from someone else, personally directed my father to bake the noodles, personally directed the employees of the chicken farm to choose vegetables, wash them and make them into buns, and finally, she personally supervised the steaming in the pot and delivered them by herself. Love buns from the winery.

There is no major problem except that the taste is a bit heavy, because she ordered the people to put the seasoning and forgot, and then put it again by herself, including salt.


Huang Peishan came here with someone to design a new image for Mr. Yan, at least two sets of suitable clothes were ordered, and she was going to attend the Grammy Awards Gala.

Yan Changqing's "Victory Vodka One" was nominated for Best Newcomer and Best Film and Television Soundtrack. We have to wait and see whether he will receive the award.

This song has already sold multiple film and television copyrights, and it is used as background music. There are not many movies that are popular now, but the background music is getting more and more popular, and it is only natural that it will be nominated.

Yan Changqing went abroad for the first time in two lifetimes. Of course, he had to be prepared. The little assistant did a good job. He brought a native of Xiangjiang and a student who graduated from the University of Southern California. Regardless of Zhou Jialing's clothing design skills How, at least being a guide is no problem.

Moreover, he is a legal professional, and he can also take on legal duties by the way.

Now the legal officer glanced at the steamed stuffed bun, but didn't dare to reach out to take it, because she looked down at her big bowl, and began to worry: what if the boss is a real person?I served a big bowl of pork rib soup directly, wouldn't it be rude if I couldn't finish it?

On the contrary, Huang Peishan drank carelessly, and suddenly said with emotion: "Boss, is there ginseng in it?"

Yan Changqing still liked the straightforwardness, nodded and smiled: "The ginseng given by my friend, the wild ginseng more than ten years old, is very good!"

"Is it more than ten years? That price is very expensive, boss, you are so generous." Huang Peishan immediately complimented her. "Is the price here very cheap? Xiangjiang is very expensive..."

Yan Changqing didn't bother to think about the price, but felt that there was something wrong with her attitude: "Huang Peishan, why are you so keen on flattering recently?"

Huang Peishan's face froze, and she smiled: "Well, boss, you like making MVs so much now, when will you let me show my face?"


Yan Changqing stared at the little assistant carefully. The overall image was good. Although he was a little short, his eyes were big and bright, and his round face with a pointed chin and a youthful face was no worse than any celebrity.

As for the figure... the little assistant just noticed that the boss was watching him, so he immediately puffed up his chest, showing off his greatest strengths to the boss generously.

It is majestic, magnificent and has its own music style.

She usually wears looser clothes, but now she shows it on purpose, while Yan Erhe next to her is staring at her bowl, not bothered to look up.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Okay, next time you remember to remind me, it's definitely okay to show your face."

She doesn't plan to be in the entertainment industry, she is similar to Yan Changqing, she just thinks it is fun, there is no utilitarianism in it, making a MV is fun, and it's okay if multiple people show their faces.

Huang Peishan suddenly became happy: "Boss, don't worry, I will definitely work harder and earn more money for you."

This statement was good, Yan Changqing gave her a thumbs up: "Come on!"


After lunch, Yan Changqing sent his second uncle off, and took a small assistant to visit his own winery, which is a bit big to be honest.

Because it is not a modern production plant, it is a purely traditional brewing process. Most of the processes are manual production, so there are many workers and a large space.

There are no high-rise buildings, only buildings with the highest three or four floors, but the thermal power station on the other side. If you only look at the buildings, it looks a little more spectacular.

Huang Peishan took the opportunity to continue reporting the recent performance, and by the way, reported the situation of the two new MVs to the boss after they were released. Yan Changqing only needed to listen to the income to know whether it was popular or not.

The song "The Great Wall" is unprecedentedly popular in the island country, even more popular than Victory Vodka [-].

Especially after learning that the scenes in the MV are all TV dramas of the Three Kingdoms that have already been filmed, countless people are frantically writing letters and calling, asking to watch the Three Kingdoms.

Huang Peishan was overjoyed: "The islanders can't sit still. NHK Television has sent someone to contact me, but I refused according to your instructions, boss, and asked them to wait until the production of the whole drama is completed. Boss, what do you think? Would they buy an episode for $[-]?”

Yan Changqing said: "You treat them as fools, they will definitely bargain with you, you have to set a higher price and let them bargain slowly."

Huang Peishan nodded: "Don't worry, boss, I will definitely open my mouth like a lion, what do you think if I open [-] yuan?"

Yan Changqing's face was pensive, and his heart was at a loss, saying, can you sell [-] yuan?Will it be too expensive?Fifty thousand should be about the same, right?
After all, there are 84 episodes.

He nodded calmly: "It doesn't matter, it's business, it's just a negotiation, and the price is bargained on the spot. What about other places?"

"My old bean has helped me inquire. Now whether it is Xiangjiang, or Singapore and Malaysia, the scenes of the two MVs have already stunned them. It is estimated that it will be easy to talk about in the future. Don't worry, boss, I will definitely put The money we spend is multiplied and earned back.”

I like how confident you are.

Yan Changqing nodded: "Well, earning money is secondary, the important thing is to spread our Chinese culture..."

As a boss, how can you keep looking at money? You need to have a pattern.


Zhou Jialing next to her was a little anxious: "Manager Huang, do you want to make clothes for the boss now? We are leaving soon."

Yan Changqing said casually: "Don't be in such a hurry, wait for you to come up with the style and send it to the town to make it tomorrow morning."

Huang Peishan was taken aback, and immediately said: "Boss, we are talking about measuring the size and sending it to Los Angeles, so that the handmade clothing store over there..."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Yan Changqing smiled. "Anyway, it's all handmade. Our labor service company here is no worse than anywhere else. And there are my sizes there. Just call later and ask them to make two new sets of clothes."

"But..." Zhou Jialing was anxious at that time.

"It's okay, otherwise we'll go over now, you'll know after a look." Yan Changqing smiled.

He knows what these two mean, and he always feels that the big cities are more advanced.

In fact, the labor service companies in the small town are not what they used to be. Although they are small in scale, there are no clothes that they can't make.

Originally, what the town lacked was advanced concepts and better fabrics.

However, driven by the market, Taoshu Township now seems to have only built roads and more buildings, but the internal changes have long been no worse than any big cities.

At least the level of wealth is not worse than that of big cities.

After all, the place is small, so I thought it had a large population at first, but now I only feel that there are few people - now there are a large number of migrant workers in the small town, and those who have no ability can't get along.


The three of them drove to the labor service company, and Manager Mao greeted them with a smile: "Mr. Yan, you are free to come to our place today! Who are these two?"

"My company's manager, I'm going out for a trip recently, and I need to make two sets of clothes tomorrow." Yan Changqing cut to the chase.

Manager Mao nodded: "Just right, there is a batch of new fabrics from a big southern factory, just two bolts of fabric, I just want to keep it and prepare it for you!"

Zhou Jialing was more concerned about the style, but Manager Mao was right, so he took her to visit the sample library.

Then not only Zhou Jialing was dumbfounded, but even Huang Peishan's eyes widened: "Is this Dior's new men's clothing this year? Why is it here? Is it Chanel's? Armani's?"

Yan Changqing chuckled, you underestimate the talents of our Dataoshu Township.

These people go out for a walk, no matter how big the clothes are, they can make them in the original style when they come back.

Imitation is a low-end method. After all, the most popular styles are not necessarily suitable for all places.So by the way, I have to change the style again, and paste a trademark made in Shanghai and made in Beijing.

Then all the areas that the market can cover, from business people to village pickers, everyone can buy it, it's nothing more than the difference in fabrics.

There are even all kinds of bags, the same operation.

If those who participated in the Cannes Berlin Film Festival come here to take a look, they may find that the brand-name bags they bought with huge sums of money are used as sewing kits by rural aunts here!
The quality is better than what they use. After all, we rural people pay attention to being honest in everything we do, and what we want is a durable one.


Zhou Jialing and Huang Peishan were completely speechless. The two college students from Xiangjiang, especially one who had studied abroad, looked like an ignorant girl in the countryside, dumbfounded by those clothes and bags.

Apart from the difference in material, there is really no difference in other things.

There is a similar modification next to the key, regardless of whether the modification is a bit nondescript, but the style can be seen at a glance, and it is in the same line.

Yan Changqing smiled: "How is it? Have you learned a lot? Alright, if you have any suggestions, hurry up and ask someone to make them quickly, so we can take them away tomorrow without delay."

Really learned a lot.

After all, Huang Peishan has seen some of the boss's operations and has a strong ability to accept them.

But Zhou Jialing has gained a lot of insight. She subconsciously asked, "Will these produced things be sold to Xiangjiang?"

Manager Mao shook his head: "We only sell products from nearby areas. Xiangjiang is too far away, so we won't go there."

Zhou Jialing breathed a sigh of relief, and let go of her Gucci bag. Fortunately, she didn't, otherwise she would suspect that she bought a fake bag!
However, she was still shocked, and subconsciously glanced at her new boss. This place is too simple, no wonder the boss usually uses tens of thousands of 10,000+ wild ginseng for stewing chicken soup...

Fortunately, she still remembered the business, and immediately started looking for a suit, and suggested some adjustments to Manager Mao...

Yan Changqing looked at Huang Peishan: "To participate in that festival, what else should I prepare besides a set of clothes?"

"Prepare a female companion!" Huang Peishan said. "Boss, do you think it's suitable for me to stand next to you? My dress is ready, boss."

Yan Changqing hehe: "Don't talk to me in a clip tone, I don't like that..."

(End of this chapter)

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