Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 253 One point is not exciting

Chapter 253 Not exciting at all
If given the chance, would you want to do something more 'out of the box'?

Yan Changqing felt that he wanted to see something he hadn't seen before, and experience some life that he had never experienced before. He felt that this kind of rebirth was meaningful.

Entering the shooting range is something he has never experienced before, and he must do it.

The moment he walked into the gate, he was already thinking about the scene where he would shoot with two submachine guns in his hand.

Then I looked at the small pistols in front of me and wondered, "Why are these?"

"Boss, you can only play with these. There are also several types of spears. Someone will send them later." Huang Peishan explained. "Large-caliber guns and automatic rifles, you can't play."

"Oh!" Yan Changqing poker-faced, began to study with a gun.

There was also a strong golden-haired girl next to her. Seeing that he didn't understand much, because he had been speaking in Chinese before, he tentatively asked in English: "Can you understand me when I speak slowly?"

"It's okay to be quick." Yan Changqing smiled. "Thanks for the help, I haven't played this before."

"It's very simple." The female coach, whose arms looked thicker than Huang Peishan's thighs, immediately began to perform her duties.


The structure of the gun is really not that complicated.

After only a few minutes, Yan Changqing understood why many machinery factories can now make guns.

The coach kept saying that Goodgood was a bummer, because within a few minutes, she was laid off, including the newly brought small-caliber rifles, Yan Changqing was already able to make love to the target up.

The shooting skill was instantly activated, and as the bullets flew out one by one, the proficiency bar increased rapidly.

This is an indoor shooting range. The area is not that big, and the distance between the targets is not too far. It is just an ordinary small shooting range. They don't have large-caliber guns like the Barrett that Yan Changqing knows.

Shooting is still very fun. In the past, Yan Changqing only loved light and heavy machine guns in the game, and those with a lot of bullets, and he had to carry a backpack full of bullets, and he didn't even want to carry extra grenades.

People in the Jianghu are called the "Captain of the Transport Team" - if he is not serious about getting up, there is no doubt that the large bag of materials that he has collected through hard work is for others.

It's all right now, I've become a relative, and the shot is accurate, that's great!

Yan Changqing was very excited. In less than half an hour, he was able to write on the target with a gun, whether it was a pistol or a rifle.

Then you can play the moving target.

He mainly wanted to get familiar with firearms, after all, he couldn't carry bullets at this stage.

But after he is familiar with it, he can hide.

What is the fastest gun at seven steps depends on the person. There is a limit to the reaction speed of a person. No matter how you exercise, there is a limit.

But Yan Changqing has no limit.

In other words, his acquaintance and training are actually confronting the finite with his own infinity.


Guns also have their limits, and the bullet turns shown in TV dramas are basically impossible to achieve in reality.

We all learned in junior high school physics that moving objects requires kinetic energy. The moment the bullet comes out of the barrel, the force it receives keeps it flying forward, so it is most likely unrealistic to turn.

But Yan Changqing is different when throwing the hidden weapon. He can exert various forces on the hidden weapon while shooting, and turning the corner is only a small problem.

Of course, this comparison is meaningless, because as long as the speed reaches a certain level, if the target is a human being, it cannot be avoided.

With hidden weapon skills, it is much easier to consider things like dodging bullets.

After all, his reaction ability and physical fitness do not have the upper limit of human beings at all.

No matter how fast you shoot, you need to press the trigger, as long as he sees it, he can dodge it.

For the time being, if you can't see it, you can only rely on intuition.

In the case of close range, the bullets of most guns are fired faster than the sound. It is not enough to rely on the sound. At this time, it depends on the perception of danger.

The second-level perception is still very useful. When he let the two assistants hold the gun, and then focused on himself, when the muzzle swept past him, he had some physical instincts.

Like how animals perceive danger.

In fact, people have similar perceptions. For example, when a person is answering the phone, he notices something falling on the table next to him out of the corner of his eye. He instinctively reaches out and grabs it, and grabs it.

But if you switch to not answering the phone and concentrate on answering it, there is a high probability that you will not be able to answer it.

It shows that instinct is more powerful, because instinct, it does not go through the brain!

The reason why he said he had to rely on instinct for the time being was that he felt that he could actually vaguely see the trajectory of the bullet, but because he didn't have targeted training, he couldn't see it clearly yet.

As long as he is given a certain amount of time to strengthen his ability in this area, it is not a problem at all to see bullets clearly.

Then things are simple. It is impossible to hit yourself with a visible gun. If you can't see it, you can sense the source of danger. If you can see the trajectory of the bullet, the next step is to hide...

Although it is not possible to escape now, but sooner or later it will be able to escape.

If you continue to the next step, you will be able to catch the bullet.


The afternoon's experiment cost money like water, but the effect is remarkable.

At least Yan Changqing was quite satisfied. He didn't care at all about the shooting skills that amazed the two assistants. What he cared about was the results of his afternoon testing.

Now he was basically sure that if he was prepared to be on guard, the threat of guns to him would not be that great.

Anyway, he felt that he didn't need to be careful to guard against those armed robbers. At close range, with his reaction speed, he might be dazzled by just a few poses!

Of course, it is still necessary to carry change, especially coins.

It's just a pity that with such skill, there's no use for it!

The next morning, the three of them went to the location of the Grammy Awards Gala and stepped on the spot in advance.

The three of them just took a rough look and left. Today's plan is to travel.

Part-time guide Zhou Jialing studied at the University of Southern California and is no stranger to Los Angeles. She drove a rented car and took her boss for a stroll around.

There is a very famous observatory. Yan Changqing was not very interested, but went to Disneyland with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

He didn't like Disney very much before, because after it was built in China, it was said by many people that it was a place that wanted money. People who spend that much money have a relationship.

It doesn't matter now, it's good to see the original Disney. In fact, he was very impressed with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck.

After Disney is Santa Monica Beach.


When Yan Changqing arrived here, he felt that he had reached the terminal.

The Universal Studios Avenue of Stars and so on that were originally planned have been temporarily cancelled, and today I will bask in the sun and watch the sea.

The blue sky and white clouds, the bursting waves, make people feel excited. For a country bumpkin like Yan Changqing, it feels quite good.

Finally made up for a little bit of regret in his heart - he actually wanted to go to the San Fernando Valley, the legendary movie sanctuary, to put it bluntly, the stars he knew from the San Fernando Valley were no less than Hollywood stars .

But now he has two female assistants with him. As the boss, he has to show his boss's calmness and calmness. He can't be like a bumpkin who wants to see everything, so he can only leave a little regret and make up for it later.

Lying on the beach, drinking coke, looking at the scenery, the waves are rough, colorful and beautiful.

This is life!

Yan Changqing carefully felt this kind of relaxation and comfort, and was quite satisfied in his heart.

This is what I deserve.

Six years of rebirth, starting from eating meat, the hard work of the past six years, now it is time to reap the rewards.

It's a pity that I don't have a sharp enough sickle to harvest so many fruitful fruits.

It's true that everyone is an enemy, but the sword is not properly worn...


"Boss, does it look good?" The assistant quietly approached the boss and asked in a low voice.

Yan Changqing's eyes were wandering around, and he replied casually: "Of course it is beautiful. Beauty is everywhere in the world. Most people lack a pair of eyes to discover beauty. I am different. I am always paying attention to everyone. A beautiful moment."

"Big ones look better or taller ones?" the little assistant continued to ask, narrowing her eyes like a little fox.

Yan Changqing glanced at her: "Everyone has their own strengths!"

She and Zhou Jialing have both changed into swimsuits now, and their figures are quite good. One is large and the other has long legs.

However, Mr. Yan has always had a long-term vision, how could he only pay attention to those around him.

"Have you got any inspiration?" Huang Peishan looked at the calm expression on the boss's face, and always felt that at this moment, the boss's temperament seemed to have a little more melancholy, which made her a little strange.

Obviously looking at those figures walking around is very happy, why is there still a trace of melancholy?

It's complicated.

And the boss said just now that he was going to play on the beach for a day, looking for music inspiration, but now he only knows to look at the scenery, and he didn't realize that he was looking for inspiration.

Yan Changqing chuckled and said, "I'm full of inspiration now, and I've thought of countless ditty songs."

"What is an energetic ditty?" Not only the assistant asked, but even Zhou Jialing was curious. She would not forget the purpose of coming here. Knowing that the boss is a musical genius, is he going to release a new song?

Yan Changqing was very melancholy: "You don't understand. If you want to go swimming, go quickly! If you encounter danger, remember to shout, go!"

"We haven't put on sunscreen yet!" Huang Peishan curled her lips. She didn't want to ask if the boss didn't tell her. She felt that there was a new song, but she didn't know if she would show her face in the MV.

The next moment she had a new idea: "Boss, do you want to wear sunscreen?"

Hurry up to please, maybe you can show your face, how fun it is to make an MV!

"No, just wipe it off yourselves!" Yan Changqing waved his hand, looking really careless, delaying himself from seeing the scenery.


Seeing the sunset, Yan Changqing took out his camera and took a few photos casually.

I have already seen everything I want to see, and I just took a few pictures of the scenery as souvenirs.

After dinner in the evening, the three of them went out again.

I just arrived yesterday, and I went to shoot in the afternoon. In the evening, I saw that the two assistants were tired, so I took a rest earlier.

I didn't run much today, and I spent most of the day on the beach in the sun, so I can go out to see the nightlife here at night.

Rotten! Rotten!
Under the leadership of Zhou Jialing, the three of them strolled in the brightly lit streets, and Yan Changqing began to feel emotional while walking.

It really is a decadent country. Looking at this big night, the entrances of some bars are like supermarkets. There are people coming and going, and many people probably came from the beach without even changing their clothes.

Huang Peishan reminded: "Boss, they won't let you in."

Yan Changqing hehe: "Is your skin itchy? In fact, I know acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine. Believe it or not, I made you laugh like a lunatic here all night?"

Huang Peishan immediately shrank her neck: "Boss, I was wrong."


Walking on such a street is troublesome. Occasionally, someone will try to strike up a conversation with Zhou Jialing, but most of them probably haven't had a drink yet. They just ask and turn away immediately if they are rejected.

Huang Peishan, who was following her boss closely, was quite upset about this. Didn't anyone strike up a conversation with her?

Could it be that a pure oriental beauty like myself is so unpopular?

She not only thought about it, but also asked directly.

Yan Changqing looked at her: "I'm afraid she will provoke minors!"

In fact, it's because we came to a more formal bar. Most of the people, at least before they drank, were a bit gentlemanly. Zhou Jialing walked in front and stayed far away. The two of them were together here, so she was the one to strike up a conversation. Jialing Zhou.

Of course, her longer legs are also one of the reasons, although Huang Peishan is unwilling to admit this cruel reality - she is almost [-] centimeters taller than her.

In fact, there was nothing to go shopping, and I couldn't get in to see what was going on inside. After walking around, the three of them chatted and went back to the hotel.


When he arrived at the hotel, Yan Changqing tidied up and went downstairs in a leisurely manner.

When he came out alone this time, he stopped looking for those bustling streets for a stroll, and just walked around in some small alleys.

He has memorized the map, so he doesn't worry about taking the wrong route and not being able to get back to the hotel.

The main thing is to try, what it feels like to be robbed.

As I was walking, I saw a small alley, and there were a few guys who were not good at first glance.

As soon as he walked over, a black man who looked like an iron tower shouted at him: "Hey, boy, it's not suitable for you to enter..."

Yan Changqing glanced inside, there was a small door in a dead alley, someone was drinking from a bottle at the door, and someone was puffing, probably from a bar.

Although this person spoke impolitely, Yan Changqing had always been a reasonable person. His tone was not good, but as long as his intentions were not bad, he didn't mind, and continued to move forward.

I don't know if he was lucky or unlucky. He walked several small alleys in a row. Except for a pair of people who did things unsuitable for children in the alleys, he didn't meet the legendary looters at all.

I didn't even encounter any gray gang transactions. It was just such an ordinary alley. Walking around, there was nothing but some homeless people and some ragged people standing on the street.

Really unlucky.

After checking the time, he followed the original path and walked slowly back towards the hotel.


"Hey, hold still, stop!"

Yan Changqing finally heard these words, stopped immediately, and then turned to look at the two people behind him.

The looters are actually not black, but white.

But it looks like a ghost, and it should be a ghost, a drunkard, a gambler, or a duper, the latter is more likely.

The key point is that the big man with the gun is quite polite, first ask: "Can you understand English?"

You are holding a gun, and you still ask this?
Yan Changqing was quite speechless: "Do you understand, is it robbery?"

"That's right, take all the money out." The one who was robbed was too calm, and the two robbed people lost the initiative.

But the two reacted quickly, and the big man waved the gun in his hand: "You... oh Shet..."

Yan Changqing took two steps forward, picked up the gun with his gloved hand, and a coin on the ground, gestured to the two of them, and they were excited: "No, we just want some money... "

Forget it, let's have a meal!

There was a crackling fight, two ghosts screamed in the alley, and occasionally someone passed by the alley, and would only leave faster, it was not like in China, as long as there was any movement, people from miles around would rush to see it lively.

When these two people were beaten, they still didn't forget to beg for mercy, and they yelled a few words of "empty husband" very wisely...

Before leaving, Yan Changqing unloaded the bullet in the gun, threw it into the garbage dump, and left with his hands shaken.

The two people on the ground waited until he was almost at the entrance of the alley before struggling to crawl towards the garbage dump. Obviously the gun was still very important to them.

But after the two of them rummaged in the garbage dump for a long time, the big man was stunned for a long time holding the gun he had finally found, and then Xie Te said again.

Through the dim light at the entrance of the alley, they saw that their precious weapon had changed.

The barrel is deflated, the trigger is crooked, and the whole gun seems to be twisted. Obviously, this thing is useless!
The little man poked his head to look at the entrance of the alley, followed Xie Te for a few words, and then the two of them didn't know what to think of, got up and limped to the other side of the alley with the useless weapon.

While running, I looked back, afraid to see that figure again...


When Yan Changqing returned to the hotel, he felt quite dispirited.

Probably when it was time for the Grammy Awards, security management in the city was strengthened, and I only encountered two sandbags after walking all night.

And the process was not as thrilling and exciting as I imagined. There was no disturbance in the whole process. It seemed that I was just looking for trouble and deliberately bullying others...

It's meaningless!

And after finishing it, I realized that this matter didn't seem very compelling.

It is estimated that other reborns, even those with golden fingers, would not bother to do such a thing.

But Yan Changqing didn't care, at least it was a brand new experience.

People, you have to try something before you know how something feels.


When it was dawn, those two dereliction of duty assistants obviously didn't know that the boss actually went out again last night.

The two of them planned it out. Today, the boss will visit several famous places such as the Avenue of Stars.

During the awards ceremony, you might meet some famous people!

But Yan Changqing is actually not very interested. He doesn't know enough about European and American stars these days, and what he knows is more about the future.

Moreover, he used to be a bit blind to European and American stars, and to be honest, he could recognize few of them.

But I have come here, I always have to visit these places, even if I take a few photos, it is at least a record.

(End of this chapter)

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