Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 254 The equipment is broken?

Chapter 254 The equipment is broken?

Human adaptability is unlimited.

When he first got off the plane, Yan Changqing was still a little uncomfortable. He looked around and saw people of all kinds, which made him feel like a monster dancing around. But after only two days, he felt that this place is quite good. .

Freedom after all!
If it wasn't for the lack of time, he still wanted to go to Las Vegas to take a look.

There will be opportunities sooner or later. With such a little regret, the three of them finally waited until the evening party.

But what he didn't expect was that he could see Chinese reporters here, and they came straight to him.

And there were still two waves of people, and the first wave rushed up and introduced: "Mr. Yan, I am Si Xiaosi, a reporter from Xiangjiang Sing Tao Daily, can I interview you?"

Another wave also introduced himself positively: "Hello, Mr. Yan, I am Lu Chenguang, our CCTV reporter stationed overseas. You are too low-key here. We have been unable to contact you, so we have to wait here. I can delay you. 2 minutes?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Of course you can. My eyes are full of tears when I see my fellow villagers!"

Si Xiaosi immediately asked beside him, "Mr. Yan, are you sure about winning the prize?"

"I don't know!" Yan Changqing smiled. "It's my first time to go abroad, and now I've even traveled around Los Angeles, and I'm not familiar with it, so how do I know if I'll win an award?"

"Mr. Yan, I heard that when you were in Drunken Master 2, you participated in the martial arts instruction and the production of the soundtrack. Is it true?"

"I can't speak of a martial arts instructor. I'm just watching the excitement. The soundtrack is real, and I'm still somewhat confident in the music aspect."

"Mr. Yan, the songs you composed are all named after wine. Will you compose other songs in the future?"

"Music is my hobby. What I create depends on when I get inspired." Yan Changqing looked at Lu Chenguang next to him. "Okay, it's time to enter the venue. Does reporter Lu have any questions? I suggest you wait until I come out to interview, otherwise I can't answer whether I will win the award."

Lu Chenguang asked: "It must be a little late when the show ends in the evening. Is it convenient for Mr. Yan?"

"No problem, see you later."


After finally saying goodbye to these two reporters, just two steps away, another big blonde beauty greeted her: "Mr. Yan, hello, I am Lilith, a reporter from the Los Angeles Times, and I am the only one who came to the Grammy awards ceremony As a Chinese singer, what do you think?"

"I don't have any thoughts. What I want most now is to win an award, otherwise I will lose the [-] miles."

"Do you think you will definitely win the prize?"

"Then I'll have to ask the jury. I'm not so sure, but the results will be out soon, very quickly."

"I don't know if Mr. Yan has heard of it. Some people questioned that you are too young to compose such magnificent songs. What do you think of this?"

"Is age a problem?" Yan Changqing asked back.

"Mr. Yan means that age is not a problem at all. Even if you are young, can you still come to win the Grammy Award?" A middle-aged reporter wearing glasses next to him suddenly passed the microphone over, taking the opportunity to ask questions. "Do you think the singers participating in this awards show, even if they are older than you, are not as good as you?"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "I mean, there is no direct relationship between a person's achievements and age. You see you are over 40 years old, and this beautiful Miss Lilith looks like only two of you are here to interview reporter, right?”

Lilith was dissatisfied with being deprived of the opportunity to ask questions, so she laughed: "Mr. Yan's words are really funny..."

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Okay, let's talk about the rest after the awards are over!"


In fact, Yan Changqing is not particularly good at communication, but after he died, especially now with the improvement of his various skills, he can feel more and more people's kindness or malice.

The reporter who interrupted suddenly, Yan Changqing, felt that the other party had bad intentions for him.

Obviously, even if he answered this question by himself, there might still be some problems in the future. Maybe there will be some kind of trap, and maybe later he will describe himself as a clown in the newspaper.

But Yan Changqing remembered that he had watched a funny American TV series, in which the genius little protagonist was taken out of context, saying that his heart was for the red world, so his whole family had to declare their inclinations on newspapers and TV, and the family members were also accused I was so scared that I stood at the door of my house and waved the national flag.

What's more, he is also reborn anyway, of course he knows the maliciousness of the media.

Huang Peishan kept holding his arm with a smile, and when he dismissed the reporter, she said with a smile: "I think you are very handsome today!"

"I've always been so handsome." Yan Changqing kept smiling, because no one stood in front of them now, so there were already countless cameras pointed at him not far away. Obviously, a Chinese boy came to participate in the Grammy, Still very eye-catching.

Huang Peishan also kept smiling, using her arms slightly to force Yan Changqing to continue walking, while still controlling the speed. It was obvious that she had done a lot of homework.


After entering the hall, Yan Changqing breathed a sigh of relief: "It's really troublesome!"

"Do you know how many people want to get into this trouble? Didn't you see it just now? There are countless scenery outside that you like to see, but it's a pity that you have to deal with reporters, what a pity..." Huang Peishan pouted, her face full of tears It's my expression of regret for you.

Yan Changqing hehe: "Have you ever heard a sentence?"


"Girls can't last forever, but there will always be girls!"

Huang Peishan started to widen her eyes in a typical way at that time: "Boss..."

Seeing that she had nothing to say, Yan Changqing smiled and began to look around.

He really didn't know anyone, even if he had heard the names, he couldn't match up with real people, so he could only watch the fun.

The key point is that there is nothing good to see. Most of them are just polite and fake. It is better to eat and drink and have a good time.

Yan Changqing and the two chatted for a long time, and finally waited until the award ceremony officially started.


At the beginning, an old man spoke, this is not important.

The next song, even Yan Changqing has heard, "I Will Always Love You", sung by a black singer.

The next show should be a well-known host, like a talk show actor.

But they didn't know each other, and because of the cultural differences, others laughed when he said it, but the two stared at each other, always feeling like they were sitting in the same hall with a group of fools.

In short, for Yan Changqing and Huang Peishan, there is no laughter at all.

Fortunately, they finally got to the point. Next up was a male host from David Smith, and a female host whose bust was so wide that people forgot their names, and officially began to present the awards.

There is a show in the middle of the award presentation, and at the beginning it was a howl of ghosts and wolves, which is not very pleasant to listen to, but it is popular here, even if you want to sing, you have to listen to it.

After an award passed, it finally came to Yan Changqing's concern.

Forget about film and television soundtracks, it's a pity that several movies have successfully interpreted what is called a bad movie.

But the best newcomer does exist, and because of the difference between Eastern and Western names, Huang Peishan immediately became excited when the name was called: "Boss, I have won an award, hurry up, go up and give a speech, and I want to say it nicely... "


But Yan Changqing was holding the trophy, and David Smith next to him reminded in a low voice: "It's time to give a speech, pay attention to the time."

Yan Changqing smiled at him. If he just said that, what about the program he prepared?
After thinking for a while, he said cautiously and intermittently to the audience: "Thank you, my parents...and grandparents...second uncle and second aunt...cousin...uh...and grandpa and grandma Uncles and aunts..."

The audience had been quiet for a while, but when he continued to speak, it became a little restless.

Obviously, many people began to doubt in their hearts whether this person wanted to report all his relatives.

And the uncle and uncle in English are the same, but there were grandparents before, and people can guess that these should be relatives in the matrilineal family.

Just when everyone thought he would keep talking, he changed his voice: "Of course, I would also like to thank the judges of the Grammy Awards, and everyone who likes my music..."

When David Smith saw him stop, he whispered a reminder: "There is still time."

Obviously, for the first Grammy Award-winning boy from the East, even if he made such a blatant reminder, the audience felt that he deserved it.

After all, I have never been here before!

Yan Changqing pondered for a while, and muttered in his heart: If there is no opportunity, then create an opportunity!

Then he said: "I heard that many people questioned my talent. Just yesterday when I was at the beach in Santa Monica, I suddenly came up with inspiration and thought of a new song. Can I sing it? Just 20 seconds ?”

David Smith froze for a moment, then looked at the time, and then at the audience below. Seeing that everyone was very interested, he nodded immediately and said, "Do you need an accompaniment?"

"No need." Yan Changqing smiled, held the microphone farthest away from him, and opened his voice. "Ah... ah..."


Yan Changqing still remembers the feeling of goosebumps when he first heard the voice of Dolphin, a talented singer from the former Soviet Union.

It will become numb after listening too much, but the feeling for the first time is always the most unforgettable, just like people can never forget their first love...

Therefore, these two "ah"s are the 20 seconds of the dolphin sound.

Opera 2 from vitas.

But in the original song, it's just a high-pitched human voice. If it's replaced by a non-human, or a super-human, the voice can actually be even higher.

In fact, everyone could clearly see that the moment the winners of this year's Newcomer Award opened their voices, they seemed to hear the sound equipment in the entire hall screaming...

And the next moment, the microphone was immediately placed behind the boy's back.

Then everyone's ears heard clearly, as if the singing of angels came from outside.

It’s really not a sound that humans can make. This is the Grammy Awards show, the music awards ceremony, and there are more professionals present than non-professionals. Almost everyone knew it after hearing the angel’s singing clearly. Can't sing.

They couldn't say the poem "this song is only in the sky", but they all believed that it must come from outside, the voice of an angel.

After 20 seconds, the entire hall instantly became completely silent, but there seemed to be a vague, extraterrestrial sound echoing...


The applause was overwhelming.

Along with the applause, there are people standing up, one, two...

Almost like an ocean wave, starting from a certain point, it instantly infected everyone, and everyone stood up.

There was thunderous applause.

Yan Changqing heaved a sigh of relief. The original plan was that if the host also asked similar questionable questions, then he would make a tactful comparison.

But this host was so caring, just like a kindergarten teacher, he was still reminding me throughout the whole process for fear that he wouldn't adapt.

I had no choice but to find an excuse and release the program I had prepared.

Although it is not round enough, but the effect is not bad, at least, everyone stood up, right?

It seemed that it took a long time for David Smith to remember his responsibilities. With a smile on his face, he said into the microphone: "Thank you..."

"Hello, hello?"


Then a staff member ran up behind him, hurriedly handed over a microphone, and whispered something.

Immediately, the expression on David Smith's face changed for a moment, and then he said into the microphone: "I'm sorry, there was a small problem in the backstage just now, I adjusted the audio equipment..."

Yan Changqing was waiting for him to speak with a humble face, but when he saw someone sent a new microphone, he knew it was broken.

He felt something was wrong just now, it seems that his voice just now is not only beyond the scope of human beings, but even machines can't stand it... I really am awesome!

But he said nothing.

On the contrary, some people below are a little restless, because the host's voice is obviously different from before. Is this because the backup device has been activated?
Yan Changqing waited until the host said that he could go down, immediately waved his hand with the trophy, and trotted down.


Huang Peishan was surprised: "Boss, you have prepared a new song, why didn't you tell me?"

"Don't say anything, you may have to pay for the equipment later." Yan Changqing said seriously, then changed his face, and nodded and smiled at the people around him who smiled at him.

The award ceremony did not change anything because of this episode, and it continued.

It wasn't until the end of the entire award ceremony that the host came up again and told everyone jokingly: "As for the reason for using the backup device tonight, please allow me to explain to you again."

"This is not an accident, but a surprise. Just now our newcomer award winner, a young man from the mysterious East, sang an unprecedented high note."

"His treble, it broke our equipment, so we had to activate the backup."

"But I think this is very good. I think everyone will remember this Grammy Awards Ceremony in the future. Remember that there was a young man who let everyone hear the singing of angels."

"I also believe that the music scene will flourish even more in the future, because the treble just now is the highest ever in the history of the Grammy Awards..."

When the host raised his voice and shouted the highest pitch ever, the audience was silent for a moment, and then applauded enthusiastically again.

And this time, many people stood up, applauded, and looked at Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing also had to stand up and express his gratitude to those who applauded him vigorously.


Some things are born and cannot be compared.

Songs are influenced by various factors of the creator, but what is innate can be made up for later, but if you make up for it, sometimes the gap is just a gap, and you must admit it.

It's really not something that can be comforted by saying that hard work can make up for one's weakness, because you are no longer a child, and there are some natural things that are really speechless.

As the people present like to say, so-and-so's throat was kissed by an angel.

But that wasn't it just now, it was the voice of an angel...

Although Yan Changqing would definitely not recognize this point, we don't believe in angels or not.


The award ceremony was over, and Yan Changqing was very satisfied with the trophy.

Especially looking at the countless people greeting him around him, he was even more satisfied.

What is unknown and does not exist is just a matter of one voice.

But one has to be humble, he is still very polite. Before the celebration banquet, he approached the host and said: "Is the equipment really broken because of my treble? If it is me, I can compensate for it?"

David Smith replied very friendly: "It's not your responsibility, it's because we didn't provide better equipment, we didn't make enough preparations, it's not your responsibility at all, go celebrate with your friends, boy, don't worry about it." Feel guilty!"

OK then!
Just don't let me pay, and I will come a few more times in the future.


By the end of the day, it was almost dawn.

Yan Changqing didn't know that it took so long, the key reporter was still waiting for him!
However, there is not just one reporter waiting, there are many people waiting to snap a photo and go back to edit the news. Why are you afraid of hard work? It is necessary for work!

Lu Chenguang was very interested: "Congratulations to Mr. Yan for winning the award. The news has already spread to China. Could you please tell me how you feel now?"

"I want to go home!" Yan Changqing opened his mouth and came. In fact, what he said was not important, and the reporter would 'translate' his words later.

"I came out and won the award. I didn't make the trip in vain. I'm still very happy, so now I want to go back as soon as possible and celebrate with my family."

"By the way, a little story happened at this awards ceremony, let my assistant tell you about it!"

Huang Peishan immediately pushed forward, and began to talk about how the boss surprised everyone with his voice, and the audience stood up and applauded.

Yan Changqing was quite satisfied with the little assistant's wink. That's right, just like that, proper artistic processing is also necessary. After all, being a human being is nothing, isn't it just a rebirth for nothing?


Huang Peishan was still very excited when she got back to the hotel.

This is the first time she has participated in such a big scene, and she is quite satisfied with it as a benefit from the boss.

I couldn't sleep without yawning, and I wanted to ask my boss when he would release a new song.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Why are you in a hurry, warm up for two days first, and then we'll talk about it when we go back."

Don't you want to let yourself go?Are you going back now?

Huang Peishan suddenly became surprised: "Do you want to go back? Don't play here anymore? Didn't you say you want to play for a few more days?"

Isn't this nothing to play with?Let's wait a few years to talk about it, alas!
Yan Changqing muttered in his heart, with a serious look on his face: "There are a lot of things at home! You can come and play whenever you want. Go back and get down to business first..."

(End of this chapter)

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