Chapter 255
After only two hours of sleep, Yan Changqing woke up.

Opening the curtains, I saw the early morning in Los Angeles. Usually the air is better in places near the sea, but Los Angeles is different. The air here is not very good.

This is the result of decades of governance, and now the smog phenomenon in Los Angeles is several times less than before.

Therefore, many photos taken abroad these days sometimes have a foggy feeling. If the winter sun is added, it looks particularly beautiful, as if it has a halo effect.

It's really not special effects, it's haze.

It has been under control for many years, and it will take a few more years before it can be completely managed. Los Angeles is still one of the places with the worst air in the entire beautiful country.

Because the country has not paid much attention to this aspect, some people still advocate that this is a characteristic of international metropolises. Those Los Angeles people who are suffering from cancer and struggling in hospital beds will want to beat people when they hear this.

Yan Changqing didn't bring any musical instruments when he came, so he could only practice a few sets of boxing in the room.

After Huang Peishan and Huang Peishan got up, they went downstairs to have breakfast together.

As soon as they went downstairs to the front desk, they took the initiative to remind them that there were reporters outside.

The hotel can prevent reporters from disturbing the guests, but there is no way for the reporters waiting on the road. They can only remind them first, and then if they are unwilling to accept interviews, the hotel will arrange for them to leave from other places to ensure that they will not be disturbed. Harassment by journalists.

The characteristic of high-end hotels is that they are expensive, but they respect money very much, and guests who pay can naturally enjoy corresponding treatment.

Yan Changqing is still very satisfied with this point, he has already shown his face, there is no need to keep showing his face for others to see.


The plane was at night, and the three of them had nothing to do during the day, so they went to the shooting range again.

Yan Changqing held a small pistol and fired it every once in a while, which seemed quite strenuous.

The two assistants were a little confused, wondering what the boss was doing. Could it be that he was so focused and staring ahead, could he see the bullets flying out?
Yan Changqing felt that he was going fast, and with every bullet flying out, he was trying his best to make himself see more clearly.

The limitations of human eyes do not exist. He can see whatever he wants.

At noon, he ate too much, and it was quite exhausting to concentrate on doing one thing, not only tired physically, but also mentally.

So he took a nap at noon and continued in the afternoon until he left for the plane.


Yan Changqing on the plane closed his eyes, trying to concentrate on himself, trying to see himself clearly.

It is not to see oneself clearly in consideration of one's own character and doing things, but in a physical sense, to see oneself clearly.

It is actually not difficult to see bullets clearly, as long as one's infinitely evolved body adapts, but "seeing" oneself clearly is not materialistic enough.

There is a saying called inner vision, but it is a method of practice.

There are too many ways to practice, but Yan Changqing has been reborn for so long, running around a lot, and has been exposed to a lot of information, and he has not found anyone who has achieved success in practice.

Therefore, he was very serious about many cultivation methods when he read them, but after reading them, he still followed his own thoughts and tried whatever came to his mind.

He just wants to see himself clearly now, his internal organs and blood flow.

If you can look inside, first see yourself clearly, then the next step, shouldn't you have "spiritual consciousness" or something, that is, you can "see" some things around you without opening your eyes?
Not just an experiment, he also used the sleep acceleration function to try to make himself feel something...

But this is obviously a bit of metaphysics. When the plane flew to Xiangjiang, he was still a little confused and couldn't figure out the direction. Obviously, for him now, doing this was a bit 'over the top'.


When getting off the plane from Xiangjiang Airport, looking at the blue sky, Yan Changqing immediately felt cordial.

Although Xiangjiang has not returned yet, he has never regarded this place as a foreign place, because he knows that there will be no changes in the future and his return is already a foregone conclusion.

Then he was startled, there were so many people.

The time difference between Los Angeles and Beijing is fifteen or sixteen hours, and from the awards show to now, there is enough time for many things to happen.

When the awards ceremony ended, it was afternoon in China, just in time for the evening news.

The news was broadcast on the [-] p.m. news at that time.

This is the first Chinese person to step onto the stage of the Grammy Awards. Although Yan Changqing feels that he is very low-key when he is at home, and he only lets himself go a little bit when he goes out, but everyone pays attention to him.

A Chinese genius boy won a Grammy Award. This news is overwhelming in this beautiful country, let alone at home.

Not only did CCTV regard this as a major news that night, but other local news stations also copied it.

Crowded reporters rushed up, and even faster, a group of tough-looking men immediately protected Yan Changqing.

Yan Changqing smiled and greeted the young man in front of him: "Brother Jian, why are you here too?"

"You said you were coming!" Ah Jian said with a smile. "You are so popular now, so we will protect you! Brother Long is waiting for you outside. He is also very popular now. The box office of Drunken Master 2 has reached 5000 million. He is afraid that if he comes again, the scene will be too hot, so Waiting for you in the car."

"Don't these reporters care?" Yan Changqing asked.

"Look, if you need it, just say a few words, if not, forget it."

Yan Changqing looked at the lively crowd, thought for a while and said: "Let's say a few words, otherwise people will say that I won the award and I won't be interviewed."

"How about I order a few people over for you?" Jian asked.

Huang Peishan said from the side: "No need, I also know who to order."

A Jian chuckled: "Then you come!"


Yan Changqing waited for Huang Peishan and A Jian to call a few reporters before answering questions.

These journalists who were pointed out were either reputable or from major newspapers, and they would not speak indiscriminately.

However, Yan Changqing still maintained his modest attitude and said repeatedly: "I just got this award by luck. I didn't have much experience the first time. I don't have any feelings now. I'm very happy."

Most reporters are also curious about his rumored involvement in Drunken Master 2.

A better answer to this matter is: "I'm just watching the fun, okay? There is indeed a performance, but the martial arts instruction is really bad. You didn't see it. They are here to protect me now..."

As for the other tabloid reporters, there is no need to answer, just smile.

Anyway, there was a large group of strong men around him, all of whom were capable of fighting. Many reporters in Cheng Shilong's team knew each other, and some even pointed their microphones directly at them, wanting to get some inside information.

The high box office of Drunken Master 2 is currently the hottest thing in the entertainment industry. The movie that started the year won a high box office, so everyone is very concerned about some of the inside stories. It was even rumored that the original martial arts director and starring There are contradictory issues.

That's why Yan Changqing was unwilling to say anything more. Those martial arts men all knew it well, and they all just kept a straight face and walked outside immediately after Yan Changqing finished answering the questions.

Cheng Shilong got out of the car when he saw Yan Changqing, stretched out his hand to pull him into the car.

Before the car started, he smiled and said to Yan Changqing: "My box office has exceeded 5000 million, just passed..."


After spending most of the day at Cheng Shilong's house, the host's family also arranged a reception banquet.

Then Yan Changqing returned to her hut. Huang Peishan called in advance to take care of it. Now that the temperature has risen, the garden looks even better.

However, Yan Changqing was not in the mood to watch now. He called his home and told his mother that he had arrived in Xiangjiang. Then he sat in the garden and continued to study his 'inner vision'.

What is 'Super Gang', he thinks he can do it.

In a life of danger, you must be strong.

Although he hasn't achieved inner vision yet, he can feel that this direction is right.

If he could see inside, have mysterious spiritual consciousness, or a sixth sense, he felt that his medical skills would be greatly improved.

At that time, medical skills can take off directly, directly observe the location of lesions, and then test based on theory, and finally achieve overtaking in medical skills.


Huang Peishan ordered the food in the room, and then looked at the porridge she cooked, feeling quite satisfied.

Although she doesn’t know what the boss does, she is an assistant. Whatever the boss wants to do, she can do the logistics.

Moreover, you don’t have to spend money to have a big meal with the boss, especially since the boss is very good at eating, and there are many dishes in every meal, which is so enjoyable.

The income in Xiangjiang is high, and the consumption is also high. Even if her current income is not low and the family has no burden, she still can't bear to order a table of dishes every day.

When the food arrived, she was going to the garden to call the boss, when she saw the boss walking in, she muttered as she walked, "Don't tell me, I'll guess first. Today's meal is Lin Kee's, right? There are shrimp cakes, Beef balls, roast meat, is there a Poon Choi? Well, there are also desserts..."

"Boss, your nose is amazing!" The little assistant immediately flattered her. "I made porridge, but I thought you eat a lot, so I also ordered poplar nectar..."

"You can eat it yourself!" Yan Changqing laughed happily, and the little assistant ordered her own favorite dish.

However, he has been staying in the garden for the past two days, and the little assistant has been boringly watching here. He has to constantly call others to instruct others to do things, and occasionally does a little business for personal gain, which is not a problem.

He sat for two days, and felt that the effect was not bad. Although he had not yet achieved true inner vision, he already had a direction, which proved that he thought well, and a life with hang-ups can indeed be so sturdy.


A few days later, Huang Peishan began to worry: "Boss, there won't be any harm if you sit like this every day, right?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "Don't worry. You don't know about practicing kung fu, and there are many Taoist theories. I am practicing, and there are only advantages and no disadvantages for me."

Huang Peishan didn't understand this at all, so she continued to return: "PolyGram has been waiting for your news! Just now your mother called to ask when you will be home, and I invited her to come over to play, and I think she is very happy." Thinking about it, I seem to have some concerns..."

"If you can persuade her to come, you will be the heroine in the next MV." Yan Changqing offered a big weapon. "Not only that, if there is any chance to receive an award next time, you can still go."

"Really?" Huang Peishan immediately regained her spirits. "Just persuade her to come? It's such a simple thing?"

"Of course." Yan Changqing nodded. He always wanted his family to come out to have more fun, but he was a son, so talking didn't work.

Li Xiuni is arrogant at home, a tigress at home, and a paper tiger when she goes out. Although she also wants to see it in big cities, it is already the limit to go to Beijing and Shanghai. Dare, I'm afraid that I will show my cowardice if I come.

Sometimes the words of family members are not as effective as the words of outsiders. Especially Huang Peishan is from Xiangjiang and is her son's assistant. Maybe she can be persuaded to come here!


Apart from his own improvement, Yan Changqing didn't go back because he was afraid that the heat would be too high if he went back now.

You don't even need to think about how popular it can be when you come back from abroad with awards and accolades.

The markets and wineries he runs have made countless people rich directly and indirectly. He has performed several times on the Spring Festival Gala and won the bid king advertisement, but none of them are as popular as this time...

It really became famous all over the world in one fell swoop.

Just think about the popularity of a certain director after he went abroad and won an award a few years ago. No matter what the subsequent films are, as long as he has that name, there will never be a shortage of investors.

Now is the time for 'Musi' in China. He brought home a trophy. I don't know how many people are waiting for interviews!
Interviewing is still a small matter, and 'visiting and studying' is the big thing. Now that he has become popular again, there will definitely be a new wave of people who come to study and visit, and it is appropriate not to go back.

It's better to wait here for a while and let the heat cool down.


A few days passed in a blink of an eye, Huang Peishan counted the time, the boss has been sitting for half a month.

Is sitting still really that good?
She tried it many times, but every time she sat there, she started to have wild thoughts and couldn't calm down at all, so she began to believe what her boss said that meditation was really a kind of practice.

But she still didn't finish what the boss told her.

Every time she called the boss's mother, she could feel that the boss's mother was very excited and wanted to come out to have a look, but she didn't know what to worry about, she just didn't come, which made her very anxious and [-]% disappointed.

Until one day when the boss was having dinner, he said, "I've worked hard for you these days, please contact Polygram, use the recording studio, and record that song with the sound of dolphins!"

Huang Peishan was a little surprised: "Don't you need to continue practicing?"

Yan Changqing smiled: "No, it's fine."

"What's all right?" Huang Peishan was a little curious, and then took a closer look at the boss. "Boss, I think your eyes are brighter, and, moreover, I feel that you have an indescribable... chic... Have you succeeded in your cultivation? In the future, you will also be a master of Taoism?"

"I haven't got the Tao yet, but I have gained something." Yan Changqing smiled very satisfied. "Okay, I can't tell you for a while, let's get down to business first, and I'll go back after I'm done. It's been more than half a month, and I feel that the heat should not be so high. I shouldn't be disturbed too much when I go back."

"Good boss!" Huang Peishan finally realized that she no longer needs to guard the boss here, she can go out, and she is full of energy.


When recording, Yan Changqing could only keep it as low as possible, for fear of damaging PolyGram's equipment.

As for what PolyGram said about turning the few songs he had released so far into an album, he directly asked Huang Peishan to talk about it.

Then he went to say goodbye to Cheng Shilong, meet with the employees of his company, then get on a plane, fly directly to the provincial capital, and then transfer to Xiyang City, where he met his second uncle who came to pick him up.

When Yan Erhe picked him up, he began to chatter: "You can really hide. We've been bored to death these days. In the first few days, we could receive several secretaries a day, and they had to call out their full names when they greeted them, otherwise they would have to mess with each other." wrong……"

"Haha!" Yan Changqing saw that the second uncle, who had always been calm, was so annoyed, and once again felt that he was really wise and powerful.

No way, that's the way it is.

Back then, he used the name of visiting and studying to steal other people's teachings. Now, people are blatantly using the name of visiting and studying to come to his place. He can't not entertain them all, right?

Yan Erhe is very proficient in the process now: "Everyone comes to the market first, and then to the winery. It doesn't matter if you are not here, I will visit your office. Fortunately, you have a lot of photos hanging there, so I will tell them one by one... ..."

"After the lecture, we can eat and drink. Fortunately, we have our own cafeteria and wine, otherwise we would not be able to serve them. At first I brought them good wine, and after a while, I would buy cheap ones, and get drunk as soon as possible..."

"However, it's good to entertain you. You are famous, and you are very polite. Some people really want to do something. It is also a good thing for your uncle to take the opportunity to invest in a logistics point with them..."

"There are two wineries. I think they really want to cooperate. One in Sichuan Province and one in Qing Province. The boss left, leaving two managers waiting for you to discuss cooperation. The one in Qing Province is still planning to cooperate. The logistics point, I have already gone back to work, it is all about your uncle..."

"There are too many urging goods at the winery, and the price in the market is almost doubled now. I don't know if you make a song to become famous, and it has nothing to do with wine. Anyway, it's crazy. Your factory manager's hair I'm all so worried, I think you should go back and give them some more wages, you've been very busy these days..."

"Your mother said that you wouldn't go home because your wings were hard, and she asked your assistant to call every day to stir up the flames and let her go to Xiangjiang, saying that she would clean up you when you came back, and that you forgot your mother before you married a wife, and you can't stay at home when you are outside. ..."

"By the way, the boss from Qing Province went back and gave you a gift. You just arrived in our village. Guess what it is?"

"The man bought a white camel, said it was auspicious, and it took several days to get home. No one would feed it, and I was afraid it would be spoiled. Let the fourth brother, that is, your fourth uncle, go back and do nothing to serve..."


After listening for a long time, Yan Changqing probably understood: "Most of the people who want to cooperate have already wanted to come, right? They just took advantage of this opportunity to come."

"It must be." Although Yan Erhe didn't care about anything in the market, he saw a lot of things, and actually understood many things in his heart.

"Some of the bosses have been contacted before, but they are very powerful in the local area. We feel that they are too far away and we are afraid that we will not be able to do it when the time comes."

"This time they came by themselves, it seems that they are quite sincere. But I just listen, you have to ask your uncle. He said that you are famous enough now, even if these people want to take advantage, they will have scruples. You can first Try it out."

"Anyway, now that we have developed to the present, we can completely let go of our courage. This is what your uncle said. When they came, they brought some local leaders with them. The sincerity of cooperation is quite sufficient. I think they are mainly Want to take the local stuff this way..."

After talking all the way to the market, Yan Changqing talked with Chen Youliang again, and then went to meet the two winery managers who stayed here.

In fact, it's easy to talk about, just like Chen Youliang said: "We definitely can't follow the conditions given to Lao Feng. The source of the anti-counterfeit labels is in our hands. You can control the quantity here. It doesn't matter how close it is, as long as they don't mess around. Destroy the sign..."

Yan Changqing is not worried about this: "Cooperating with them can only make them do a good job in life series, and they can't do expensive wine..."


To the two managers, he also said the same thing: "You all must have understood that the Good Day series can indeed be produced by others now. I will produce wine and guide the process. You can make it."

"But the backgammon and Gaosheng series wines, you know that you have been to the winery, except that I can't let you make them now. It's because my skills are not enough, so I can only wait for the future."

The two managers were instructed and said at the time that there was no problem, and there was no big problem with the share.

Now the Good Day series is out of stock in the market. As long as they can brew it, they don't have to worry about selling it. The original winery can rely on this to become bigger and stronger.

Although it is a bit of a loss of initiative in this way, is it easy to be a brand when it comes to business?Make money first.

There was an episode in the middle, two secretaries happened to be there, and Yan Changqing had to chat with them and take a photo with them before sending away the two groups of people.

Probably this is the power of 'international'. Before the music was sold abroad, and the wine was sold abroad, it was not as good as this time to win a trophy.


After talking with the two managers, their bosses arrived shortly afterwards.

But by this time, Yan Changqing had already arrived at the winery. After being scolded and encouraged by his mother, he had a messy celebration with the villagers.

And I also saw a white camel, which was cleaned very well. The fourth uncle took good care of it. After all, he had raised horses since he was a child and drove a carriage for more than ten years.

After the two bosses from other places arrived, Yan Changqing was very open and aboveboard, and directly took a group of them to watch him make wine.

It took a few days to let the facts tell them: At present, they can only make the daily series of wines, and they can't do anything else.

A large group of people, all experts, watched Boss Yan make wine.

He didn't hide the whole process from them, even letting them watch the koji making, obviously telling them that without his control, good wine couldn't be made at all.

After a few days, I was completely convinced!

Who knows how strong the wine is just by smelling it?
Has anyone ever seen a hand shake in a fermentation tank and can tell how high the temperature is now?

It is simply a god!
 Thanks to the book friend "Rebirth: Destroying Immortals and Gods" for the reward, thank you very much!
  My hand is really injured. I won’t lie. I only did this after a day of beating today. It’s not very convenient. It should be better tomorrow. I plan to update more at the end of the month. Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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