Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 257 Xuanwu Cooperative School

Chapter 257 Xuanwu Cooperative School
There is no jade for the time being, so Xu Yibo and Yan Changqing went to the city together. After visiting the Backgammon Cup Games, they rolled up their sleeves when they came back, and prepared to do some masonry work with Mr. Yan.

Mr. Xu was very excited: "Build an elephant or a lion, stand on the top of the mountain, and focus on a mighty and domineering one!"

Yan Changqing reminded him: "That's not called a mountain, that's called a hill."

"When all the trees here are planted, it will look like a mountain." Xu Yibo spoke eloquently. "I think we have to build a domineering..."

"I'm going to build a Xuanwu, over there." Yan Changqing led him all the way to the hill, pointing down.

There, the depression between the two hills extends all the way to the river, and Yan Changqing is referring to the location of the river: "Build that place, and pad the two sides, so that if the river floods in the future, the basalt can block it." Block the water. Otherwise, once the water comes in, this depression will be destroyed, and it will be impossible for people to go down for two months."

Land destruction is a big problem, and the bigger problem is that people can't get off. People want to go to the opposite post, and they have to take a detour, which is very troublesome.

After hearing that it would be of practical use, Xu Yibo stopped proposing to build an elephant, but he looked at the terrain with some doubts: "Can the water rise that high?"

Yan Changqing nodded with certainty: "We only had a big flood here 20 years ago. According to the law, we have to rise once in 30 to [-] years, and the water will almost rise."

Xu Yibo looked at him for a long time: "I always feel like you are a half fairy when you say this, it feels like a fortune teller on the street."

"Haha!" Yan Changqing smiled. "Let's go, let's get to work."

"That's all?" Xu Yibo was stunned.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Let's take a look first, and get someone to help later."


The basalt of this plan is a bit big, about 20 meters long, and the base is of course bigger, after all, the function is a small dam.

Yan Changqing's design is to leave a sewer mouth at the bottom, so that the water in the depression can go out in normal years, but when the water rises, the mouth is blocked to prevent the water from the river from pouring in.

In fact, Yan Changqing had planned it earlier, and now he just reorganized his thoughts, and then waved his hand, and in an instant, a group of people and several large machines rushed here, and started working here.

Xu Yibo likes to watch this: "I feel that the people on your side are very energetic when they makes people feel full of energy! That's not the case at the mine, where the people who go to the mine are all desperate and dangerous. The contracted workers are not paid enough..."

Yan Changqing didn't answer, just listened.

It is probably the confusion of the young college students. He probably wants to improve the situation, but he is single-minded and powerless to deal with the status quo of the mining area.

So he just wanted to talk, because he couldn't talk to others.

Others will say that your family earns this money, so why don't you pretend to be merciful? Why don't you raise wages?
In fact, his family can't do it if they want to. The mining area is not run by one family. Unless everyone discusses something well, otherwise, whoever does it out of line will be excluded.

In case the workers in other places quarreled because of the increase in his family’s money, and the impact would be bad, maybe some people would have to talk to them. In short, I can't even say it.


Mr. Xu soon realized the joy of labor, and saw that the riverside, which was originally just a wasteland, changed in two days under Yan Changqing's command.

Then start to make the foundation and pour the cement.

There is still some distance from the construction site, but people's enthusiasm for work cannot be stopped, and a dike was built in a blink of an eye-of course, no one has thought of it as a dike, just as a base.

Mr. Xu's wonderful idea came again: "We can build a lotus pond in the back! I remember that there are small ponds at the entrance of your village, but they are too small. Just build a bigger one here..."

"If it weren't for the bad terrain here, I would have suggested that you build a hydropower station and a big reservoir. If you can't build a reservoir, you can build a lotus pond here, or raise fish and lotus roots."

Yan Changqing immediately asked someone to have a look. The lotus pond was not dug casually, but depends on the geological conditions. Maybe the lotus pond was built, and the water flowed in from the top, and the water from the bottom seeped down.

However, the conditions here are not bad. Yan Changqing only asked people to come and see it as an insurance. In fact, he knew how long it would take for the water to come down after the high water came in.

So the amount of work became larger.

But Mr. Xu is very supportive of this: "Look, if you just find some projects and spend the money, the workers are happy to do it, and the environment will improve in the future. It can kill two birds with one stone. Fish and lotus root are raised here. The output is definitely stronger than growing grain, and you can't lose money."

It is true that there is no loss, the number of people in the factory is increasing, and the output is only supplied to its own factory, which is profitable.


Xiao Xu always thinks this place is so interesting. Erwa Tiedan and a bunch of naughty kids come back for the weekend, and they can actually play with him.

Once again, Yan Changqing's words were verified, the more sand sculptures, the happier he is, even Mr. Xu called him to urge him to go home and he didn't return, he was addicted to playing here.

He also had more and more thoughts, and he also made comments during the meal: "Boss, your cooking skills are fine, but your wild products are not good enough, and the quality of pure wild products is good or bad."

"Look at this fungus. It's so thick, and it's so thin. You have to mention it and let people try to plant it by themselves. I see that there are still many idlers in your village. Can you do some planting? "

Yan Changqing was very helpless: "Do you know the market in Taoshu Township? Isn't your father planning to do some business in Qiansu with someone? You can help him check the supply of goods in this market, we still have enough supply here Yes, goods from Qingzhou and Sichuan provinces in the west, and Shencheng and Guangcheng in the south..."

"The idlers in those villages are all looking after their children at home. Their families are all engaged in business. These women can't do it, and they don't want to do it. Unless they go to the east, the conditions in the mountains there are not good. If they can do it Just do it."

Like the group of Yan Changqing's mother's gossip team, those old ladies who take care of their children every day, not counting the working capital of their men running business outside, just the passbook at home is full of seven figures, you Let them grow fungus, they are too lazy to do it!
It might as well be the reality of persuading them to have more babies, anyway, it's not that bad of a fine.

Xu Yibo pouted immediately: "Are you all so rich here?"

He was surprised that these people had enough cash. You must know that many companies have tossed and tossed, how much money is only a year?

Yan Changqing didn't bother to talk to him: "Your family is in business, don't you know that you have worked so hard for so many years to make so much money?"

Trading business is really very profitable these days. As long as you find the right way, you don't have to worry about profits at all. You can make money no matter what you do.

People’s ideas haven’t changed yet. Isn’t it normal to earn more money and build a house for the family at most?

Mr. Xu looked at the village in the distance, and he still didn't believe it—in fact, he believed it, but he always felt a bit contrary to it.

Are there many millionaires or even multi-millionaires in just a few small villages?
I really can't tell, those bosses who have a small factory in a big city and earn hundreds of thousands a year, all drive nice cars and hold big phones, as if they don't know they are rich.

But what about here?

Yan Changqing laughed and said: "The fourth uncle who came to help look after the camels yesterday, he now has more than 100 large trucks."

The fourth uncle used to be a carriage driver, so he was also engaged in transportation.

Changing from a horse-drawn carriage to a car, his concept is transportation. Buy a car if you have money. When you have no business, he will cooperate with anyone who has business and lacks a car. Anyway, finding a driver does not have much money, so give him a hard time. Just do it.

If the other family earns some money and saves it if the business can turn around, he will buy a car, come and go, it is strange that there are not many cars.

After Yan Changqing's winery opened, his cars were not idle. There were only more than 100 cars. Later, everyone didn't care about the money to buy a car, otherwise he would have to buy it.

Xu Yibo didn't care about being polite at the time, and said, "Damn!"

That old country man in a ragged undershirt and a straw hat who came to help feed the camels is actually so rich?
It's so fucked up!


Yan Changqing explained to him: "You're also in business, so what's the fuss about? It's just a beginning, and the next thing is snowballing. The road is familiar, and once the convoy starts, there are so many people on the road. If you dare to mess with people, you can make a lot of money by transporting sweet potatoes."

Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now everyone in the market has passed that stage. When there are people with money, business is really easy to do.

At this stage, many places are either empty of goods or cannot be transported out. The convoy drives past, and the locals deliver their home inventory to the car as if it was Chinese New Year.

Some areas are very remote, even if you give him money, he will not be able to use it. They are most happy to exchange things directly.

Why does the boss of Qing Province want to cooperate with the market, because the profits here are beyond the imagination of ordinary people-exchanging instant noodles, beverages, fashion and electronic products for souvenirs, everyone feels that they are winners, and they all feel that they are making a lot of money.

Xiao Xu always felt that he had to keep a low profile here, because he didn't know which old man or aunt's family had a million-dollar household.

He started to work more energetically, holding the electric rod against the cement for a while, and he didn't mind the cement all over his body. He also learned some new techniques: the cement floor was supposed to be patted, and the cement slurry was patted out. The cement floor looks flat and smooth.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for him to leave, but he had gained a lot from this trip, and he still took a look around the market, and then recorded a small book of information, which he planned to take back to show to his father and others.

The supply of goods in this market is sufficient. If you go to Qiansu to do business, it is more cost-effective to purchase some goods in large quantities from here, and the extra shipping fee is not a big deal.

Big deal on the plane transportation.

However, although Xiyang City built a new airport the year before last, the transportation capacity is still insufficient. If there is really a large amount of material transportation, then it needs to be negotiated.

Anyway, it's not about Yan Changqing's business, he can be regarded as a successful matchmaker, the rest is Mr. Chen Youliang's business, whether it's a chartered flight or a leased flight, it depends on how he negotiates with the airline company.

If it’s really impossible, I can buy a few planes by myself. It just so happens that the former Soviet Union has goods. It is said that they sell everything now. They have sold planes before, so they should still sell them now, right?
Before leaving, Mr. Xu spent a day and a night working hard to make one of Xuanwu's claws under Yan Changqing's command.

The main reason is that he can’t help with other things, but he thinks that there must be scales on Xuanwu’s claws, and he can draw these scales, so he must be allowed to come and leave nothing visible. He feels that his sense of participation is too weak Yes - obviously I work very hard every day.

Before leaving, he repeatedly confessed that when the first batch of coal arrives, he will come again, and then he will see how powerful the Xuanwu is.


After Mr. Xu left, Yan Changqing continued his creation.

This Xuanwu is really a bit big, and the workers dare not do it casually, so he must personally direct it.

But considering the practical value, Yan Changqing thinks it is worth it. In the future, there will be a river on one side and a lotus pond on the other. The basalt is in the middle, which is responsible for the regulation of water flow on both sides. The bottom is hollow, and machines can be installed as needed in the future.Fortunately, there are many people and many machines, and there are many experienced engineers at the thermal power station to help, and the efficiency is quite high.

Xuanwu is made of turtles and snakes. Turtles are easy to make, but snakes are difficult to make. However, this does not trouble Yan Changqing. He has been studying how to make streamers before, and has conceived many times in his mind. Now the idea is quite mature.

His mature ideas are not fantasies, but based on skills, they are definitely achievable.

But after making it, at first he always felt that this thing was different from what he thought. The coiled snake looked a little too fierce, and the turtle below looked a little too simple and honest.

Probably because he had been thinking about it for too long, and it was more because he did it himself when making a snake!
This ferocious giant snake is more than 40 meters long, and the upturned part of the head is more than three meters high.

But the villagers all support it, thinking that the location is good and the meaning is better.

There was also a Feng Shui master who shook his head and said that the Xuanwu town house was just to be a bit fierce, but he was quickly driven away. Can an old man who only looks at private houses be able to comment on what Mr. Yan did?
Yan Changqing was also quite satisfied. He originally planned to color it, but later he thought about it.

This is very well done, the whole sculpture is quite majestic, and it gives people a very solid feeling from the top, although looking at the two big heads from the front is a bit scary, but this is how the town should be, after thinking about it carefully , he felt right.


After Xuanwu was completed, he left it alone. This thing was definitely more solid than others imagined.

We have started making wine. We have already stored a batch of sake. If we work harder, we will start selling it if we work harder.

Others were busy harvesting wheat, and the winery was busy brewing wine. In the meantime, he took a trip to the capital and recorded some songs from the Three Kingdoms crew.

Now he has four musical skills, and the recording effect is quite explosive. Although it only took one day, it is enough for the crew to complete the finishing work as soon as possible.

At present, the crew expects to complete the project by July, which is three months earlier than the original plan, which means that the contract can also be delivered to him ahead of schedule.

The brewing skill is close to level three, and although it is slow, it is still making progress.

But the quality of the wine he sells is still the same as before, which means that he can have more time to continue researching others.

For example, sitting in a consultation.

Another example is planting trees.


After the wheat was harvested, the corn was originally ordered.

But now Gangwadi has decided to plant alfalfa, and the person contacted by Mr. Xu arrived very quickly. After reading it, he gave some opinions, and then the seeds were delivered.

Of course, the saplings don't need to be sent by Mr. Xu, it's too far away, and the current transportation conditions are not as good as cultivating them yourself.

Before Xuanwu was built, Yan Changqing had already started cultivating ginkgo oak saplings, and several teachers from the city's agricultural school came to help.

In fact, these can all be cultivated by cuttings. With skills, Yan Changqing discussed it with a few teachers, and it was quite easy to do it.

As for waiting for a long time to mature, it doesn't matter, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants enjoy the shade, such things cannot be rushed.

There is no point in buying a big tree and planting it directly. It is better to do it yourself.

In addition to planting trees, Yan Changqing also flipped through the elementary school textbooks. He has a more important matter recently, and he has to take the entrance examination for junior high school.

This is another rather speechless matter, many people have long forgotten Mr. Yan's age.

In addition, he doesn't look like a primary school student at all now, except for Principal Shen who still remembers that he will be promoted to junior high school, no one else has thought about it.

Even Yan Dahai and Li Xiuni almost forgot, only remembered when Principal Shen reminded them.


There are two junior high schools in the town, one is the junior high school affiliated to the high school, and the other is the town one junior high school.

When word spread that Yan Changqing was going to take the junior high school entrance examination, the two principals started fighting, wanting him to go to their own school.

The reason is also very simple. Take a look at Shenmiao Primary School. It is now built more grandly than the high schools in the town. It is a dilapidated primary school, with a serious library and a stadium.

There is no shortage of teachers anymore. Principal Shen worked very hard, and he really "abducted" a group of teachers.

Why did he get here? Don't forget, this old man is criticized for his behavior, because he often does some ridiculous things that make people laugh or cry. As long as it is for the good of the school, he dares to think of anything.

The specific method is this, he first goes to the homes of young young people in several villages near the winery, and wants to match them, saying that he can introduce a graduate of the middle school in the county, who will be the teacher's daughter when he comes out.

After collecting enough materials, I turned around and went to the middle school to ask for materials, especially those poor students.

Then go to talk to those girls, come to us to be a teacher, introduce someone, the character is fine, the family conditions are good, and they give a lot of gifts.

A large part of the students who go to the middle school are from poor family conditions. Because of the poor family conditions, they use the best grades in the whole township and county to go to the middle school exam in order to get a job as soon as possible to earn money for the family.

So Principal Shen's talks were quite successful, and many people were interested.

It's easy to do if you have the intention. He is the principal. There are no students in the ten miles and eight towns that he doesn't know. He is exaggerating when he says that he wears crotch pants. After all, he doesn't wear them when he goes to school. , is also right.

So he singled out the ones with good character and good looks, which is definitely true, the worst and the most honest, and they will not treat their girls badly.

No one else can tell that this matter is done, and the recruiting teacher made him a blind date party, which is also a talent.

Yan Changqing didn't say anything, anyway, the teacher is here, isn't he?

As for the betrothal gift, the village here is short of educated people, but there is no shortage of money.


Now which school Yan Changqing chooses has become the focus.

The junior high school attached to the high school is actually counted in the county along with the high school, and the junior high school is in the township.

Even the mayor Yang came over and asked Yan Changqing where he was going to go to school.

Yan Changqing wondered: "Isn't this the school where the education will be assigned after the exam?"

Township head Yang was even more puzzled: "If you don't speak up, who would dare to assign you a school?"

"Let's go to junior high school!" Yan Changqing didn't care, one of the reasons was that the first junior high school was his former school, and the other reason was that the junior high school in the village was more talkative and less troublesome to do anything, anyway, he was not very old Possibly go to class.

Township head Yang immediately became happy. No matter how good the high school was, it had nothing to do with him. It was his credit for the success of the township junior high school.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Yan Changqing didn't let him go: "Major Yang, the conditions in No. [-] Junior High School are not good now, don't you plan to invest some money to improve it?"

Township Chief Yang paused: "Isn't it good now? All the buildings have been built, and the teaching buildings are all new."

"What about the dormitory? What about the cafeteria?" Yan Changqing asked.

"This is all in the plan, and it's all planned now. It's already planned to start construction of two dormitory buildings, one for students and two for teachers. The main reason is that there is not enough time, otherwise they will all be built."

Yan Changqing continued to ask: "Why is it too late?"

Mayor Yang was in a hurry: "Can you help me? My engineering team can't find it all, and the kiln factory can't supply the goods. It took me a lot of effort to get the two buildings."

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "Then let the kiln factory supply the school first, and others who want to build a house will wait first. For the engineering team, wait another half a month. The thermal power station is completed, and the workers on the school side can take care of it." .Is it short of money?"

"It's not bad, it's not bad." Township Chief Yang was very happy at that time. "Everything else is fine, I just need a word from you. Originally, I didn't want to talk to you about this matter, otherwise it would seem that I am too incompetent..."

"I will immediately ask someone to change the plan and build a three-story building, add another building, and improve the cafeteria, so that the whole school will have buildings."

The junior high school cafeteria used to eat in the open air. When it rained, the students could only run around with their bowls. Yan Changqing was very impressed, and even ate dead mice. Below is a dead mouse with no hair...

Thinking of this, Yan Changqing added another sentence: "You have to take care of the food in the cafeteria. Don't make it look like pig food. It's okay to be greedy, but don't be greedy too much!"

Township Chief Yang called Qu: "What am I greedy for now? With my current achievements, my whole life is worth it. The ancestral graves are full of smoke. How can I value that?"

"I said in school." Yan Changqing emphasized, but he remembered that when the director of the school retired, he directly bought his son a wedding house in the city. By the way, he arranged for his son to become a teacher in a city school, and then bought it for his grandson. Got a school district room.

Township Chief Yang nodded immediately: "I'll go and have a look later, don't worry, I can still handle this matter. Before, I always thought about asking for money from the higher ups for construction, but I ignored some places."

This Yan Changqing is convinced that the village has not been idle for the past few years, the construction of streets and roads has not stopped, the school has been overturned, and so on.

What satisfied Yan Changqing the most was that the Township Government Mansion had not been overturned, and now surrounded by buildings, the small courtyard of the Township Government Mansion was particularly shabby.

Based on this alone, any omissions can be forgiven.

Although these trivial matters may seem like a lot, as Township Chief Yang said, they are actually just a matter of Yan Changqing's words and will not delay him from continuing to develop his skills.

It doesn't even need to be said by him, as long as he agrees, Township Chief Yang can go to work.

 Thanks to the book friend "Uncle Da Mo" for the reward!Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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