Chapter 258 Cooperative Medicine
Yan Changqing got up early in the morning and was busy in the kitchen.

After a while, an old man wandered over, this is Master Erhu Lao Yang.

The old man was like an invisible man in the winery, and he didn't deal with people, but he didn't eat for nothing. Later, he found a job for himself, cleaning the yard.

Although it's just an activity, Yan Changqing thinks it's good. Now he cooks in the kitchen by himself, and often cooks soup. It takes a long time, so he asks the old man to help him to watch, so that he doesn't have to stay in the kitchen all the time. .

Just like now, after he confessed, he ran out to exercise by himself.

The old man squatted in the kitchen to help him watch the fire.

Yan Changqing went out with a blanket, a big red blanket, the kind with a western style, and it was sent when sending camels.At that time, it was said that the camel was too young to ride for the time being, but now Yan Changqing was going to give it a try.

The white camel lived here, except that it was a little lonely without companions, but the life was quite comfortable, and the food and drink were served well.

When Yan Changqing came over with the blanket, this guy was quite vigilant, because of his size, he wanted to kick him.

At that time, he was slapped and fell to the ground.

Stubborn donkey-shaped animals do exist, but not many, at least this white camel is not so stubborn, and knows the times well.

He was slapped a few times, fell down and fell a few times, and when the white hair was in a mess, he stood there obediently and asked Yan Changqing to tie a blanket around him.

Then he obediently let Yan Changqing ride on it.

I feel pretty good. This guy is tall. Except that he was a little unaccustomed to walking and not so stable when he was just being ridden, everything else is pretty good. Standing tall and seeing far, sitting on a camel, I felt that the line of sight was elevated at that time a lot.

The two dogs, Fei Xiong and Fei Hu, looked much smaller now, and they were running around darting around underneath.

These two guys are living very comfortably now. They were originally guarding the home, but now the security team consists of a large number of veterans. They patrol everywhere every day, so there is no need to tie them to the door. They are everywhere now. Wander around and play.

Unlike the two cats who work diligently to catch mice, they not only catch themselves, but also give birth to kittens to continue to catch mice. Now the winery doesn’t worry about mice at all. A large group of cats of all colors are running around, and the mice are almost extinct. .

After beating the camel for a while, Yan Changqing found that his animal taming skills had improved a bit.

But the progress bar is terrible. Except for the two big cats, the rest of the cats do not reject him, but they are not very close. It is better to be a dog. Even if he often ignores feeding, he is always close to him. Dog pop too!


On the first day the little camel took people, Yan Changqing didn't dare to take a long walk, so he let it go after a short circle, and then went back to eat.

Early in the morning, he cooked a big pot of porridge, eight-treasure porridge, and added a lot of tonics to himself. Old man Yang could only drink a little of this rice, but it was enough. At least now he looks good.

No one asked him to clean up the factory yard every day. It was purely because he was exercising and the food in the cafeteria was good. His physical condition has improved a lot in the past two years. It seems that he should not have left so early.

After Yan Changqing finished eating, he opened a small bread, and took his friends from the village to the town to take the exam.

Small buns are still great, they can fit many people, and the rest can’t fit, they will go with the school, and there will be a bus to pick them up.

In the past few years, the junior high school entrance examination also depends on the score. Many students who fail to pass the junior high school entrance examination have to review or go home.

But now Township Chief Yang is doing a good job. After the school was rebuilt into a teaching building, the enrollment has been expanded. In fact, this exam is just a formality, and everyone who takes it can go to junior high school.

That is, there will be a lot of people in the class. There are more than 100 people in a class, and three or four people sit at a table. The conditions are a bit difficult.

The township also plans to build another junior high school, but it will be good to divert some students after the completion of the first junior high school.

Yan Changqing thought about whether he should apply for running a school by himself, and then set up a technical secondary school, and without saying anything, let the students receive three years of education in it, and then go back to work in a winery.

But I found it troublesome, so I set up a targeted training with a technical secondary food school in the city. In the future, students will directly work in the factory after graduation.

People like Xiaozhi go to school on time every day, but they don’t have much hope of being admitted to high school, so they applied for this exam without a second thought. There are many people like him in the nearby villages. Anyway, Wei Peisheng, the school is only responsible for teaching.


When he went to eat at the market at noon, Chen Youliang felt that Yan Changqing was superfluous and that he was wasting time by taking another test.

Yan Changqing didn't explain this to him, this person didn't understand what a life needs a sense of ritual at all.

He came to ask his uncle how he thought about cooperating with Xu Yibo's family and their business partners.

Chen Youliang was very calm about this: "We'll talk about it when they come, see what they want, as long as you give them money, I can give them anything."

Yan Changqing continued to ask: "What about transportation?"

"It's so far away by train. I asked about the aviation side. The transportation capacity is insufficient and it costs a lot of money. There is nothing better than going faster. I can't really buy a plane by myself. There is no place to buy it here!"

"When you wait for Mr. Xu and the others to come to talk, ask them! If they are willing to do it, it must be a wild way."

Chen Youliang pondered for a while, then raised his head after a while: "What kind of driver's license do I need to get to fly a plane?"

Yan Changqing was taken aback: "Uncle, don't think too much. If you really want to buy a plane, please invite some pilots from the former Soviet Union to come over. If you do, I will show it to my aunt later. Body, hurry up and ask for your second child..."

Chen Youliang immediately began to curse: "Are you cursing me? Forget it, forget it, go find your aunt!"

Yan Changqing laughed and left. The aunt and uncle wanted a second child.

Now that Chen Youliang has a representative title, it is reasonable to say that he is not suitable for it, but he thinks that title is not necessary, and he still needs to think about the second child.

However, because my aunt had undergone a ligation before, she had some minor physical problems after removing the ring, and she never got pregnant.

Yan Changqing prescribed some medicine, and now he is here for a follow-up visit.

After helping Fumai, Yan Changqing relaxed: "It will be almost done after a few more days, and it will be fine."

The aunt immediately smiled: "When I get pregnant, I will persuade your mother, and your second aunt..."

Yan Changqing has given up on this matter now, and my aunt will go if she wants to persuade him, but he can't control it: "When the time comes, you can go to the Xiangjiang side and bring someone to serve you. I have a house over there, and it's quiet to live in. Try to make another big fat boy out."


Go to the exam again in the afternoon, and it's over.

This year, only mathematics and Chinese are tested, which is very simple.

It is said that the correct policy of the past two years has changed every day, and it has also pitted a group of people.

There are a group of people who take courses such as history and nature first, and when they wait for the exam, they are notified that they will only take Chinese and mathematics.

When they arrived in junior high school and waited until the senior high school entrance examination for this group of people, it was changed again, and it was changed to a minor subject, that is, history and geography, etc., and a subject was taken out-it used to be that everyone had to learn and take the test, and the notification was only half a semester before the test.

This group was the worst. They waited until high school to take the college entrance examination, and then caught up with the comprehensive exam. Originally, history, biogeography and other subjects were taken for one exam, but they were replaced by all of them. It was also very tragic.

The key is still in Yudong Province, a place with a huge number of candidates.

Yan Changqing didn't bother to think so much, he was only doing his own thing now, he hadn't figured out what to do in the future, maybe he would think about it next year, and appointing a group of junior college students, this was the limit of what he could do.

After all, he has already been miserable, and now seeing others miserable, it is within his power to drag a few people ashore.


After the test, go home and watch the engineers check the power station for the last time, and then you can try it out.

Yan Changqing sees faster than them, there is no problem, he has ordered this skill since the beginning of construction, and now at least he must know clearly about his power station, after all, he is also a repairman, in case he encounters If there is a problem, it is possible to go out in person.

Anyone who has opened a factory knows this. It is impossible to prepare a senior engineer to guard it, so when encountering major problems, you need to hire someone.

But it’s easy to hire someone, and it doesn’t matter if you spend money. Most of the time, you can’t afford to waste the time to hire someone. If you can repair it yourself, of course you can do it yourself. The time saved is not even a day and a half.

Mr. Xu's motorcade is already on the way, and Mr. Xu and some of their business partners are about to set off here to inspect the market.

This time it has nothing to do with the winery. It depends on how the market talks. If enough contracts can be signed, it may really be considered to buy an airplane.

At present, the transportation capacity of Xiyang City is still a bit short. It is obviously unrealistic to go to the former Soviet Union by trucks alone.These days, if you want to rent train skins, you don't have to book in advance, which is a very troublesome thing.


The bear children who finished the exam ran around like crazy.

The winery has already dispatched a convoy to transport the sake to Shanghai, and the rest of the work is handed over to Huang Peishan's company. Now he only needs to 'make' one more song, which counts as It's official propaganda.

This is very easy and does not take much trouble. It took two days to get it done, and then someone sent it to Xiangjiang for production and distribution.

It doesn't matter what the original name is, the new name is Sanguoの恋, the name of sake.

In fact, there was a warm-up in the beginning. When the Great Wall of Thousand Miles was launched, this name was already on it, but now it is only fully pointed out.


Then Yan Changqing greeted Mr. Xu who came back again.

This time he brought his dad here, originally to see the market, but he dragged his dad away, and by the way, the whole inspection team came to visit the big xuanwu he participated in making.

The winery is not afraid of many people coming, anyway, there is a formal reception room, so it is inevitable to go in and say hello for a while.

Chen Youliang also followed, and Yan Changqing was only in charge of being a tool man, waiting for the introduction of himself to say hello.

As a bystander, he quickly noticed that the investigation team was quite mixed.

Mr. Xu brought a few people who should be engaged in coal business, there are people who run enterprises in Shanghai, and there are a few people who speak with Northeast accents.

However, it seems that a group of people are relatively harmonious, after all, they are for making money, and their goals are relatively consistent.

After resting for a while, Mr. Xu couldn't hold back anymore and wanted to see Xuanwu.

The others also nodded with a smile and stood up.

Most of these businessmen are not afraid of hardship, and it's nothing to walk a little. When they got to the post, Xu Yibo pointed down triumphantly and said: "See! It's there, you can see it from such a distance See, it's huge."

But as he walked, his eyes became bigger and bigger. When he got close enough to see the whole picture of Xuanwu clearly, he felt completely dumbfounded: "How could it be like this?"

"What's the matter?" Yan Changqing asked.

"No, I originally thought that it should be a big turtle with at most a snake. Why does this look different from what I imagined?"

It's not the same as Yan Changqing's own thinking, even he feels fierce, ordinary people standing in front of him may not be as keen as him, the feeling is not so obvious, but they can feel something is wrong.

Mr. Xu looks different from what Yan Changqing thought. He has a dignified appearance, wears a pair of glasses, stands upright, looks more like a Confucian businessman, at least he looks a bit like the current Chen Youliang, rather than Like the legendary coal boss who is very rough in his work.

He looked carefully for a long time, and said with a smile: "Didn't you say you participated in Yibo? Why are you still so surprised now?"

"I actually made only one foot." Xu Yibo said, looking at the foot he participated in, and after looking around, he felt that he did it himself, but there were some differences.Generally speaking, it looks more pleasing to the eye and a bit more mighty. Could it be that I have performed supernormally?
Certainly not, he turned his head to look at Yan Changqing, and Yan Changqing said in a low voice: "Later, I made a little modification on your basis, the minor changes were made by you."

Xu Yibo's eyes hesitated for a moment, feeling that he couldn't show his timidity, and pointed to the foot he made confidently: "That's it, I'm the first one to do it well, it's all painted by myself..."

Mr. Xu looked at him and nodded: "It's good, it's good. I wouldn't have urged you if I knew it earlier. I'll let you do more here."

This is considered encouragement, Mr. Xu is very happy: "I planned to finish it all the time..."


A group of people watched here for a while, but they didn't gain anything except to compliment Yan Changqing. Everyone looked around and went back home.

While walking on the road, Chen Youliang asked Yan Changqing: "How do you do it so fiercely, it feels like you want to eat people. This is for Feng Shui, so be more prudent..."

"Fengshui town needs to guard against evil spirits. It must be fierce. Turtles are prudent, and snakes must be fierce." Yan Changqing thought about it for a long time, and he didn't know how many reasons he thought about. Come.

Both of them said it aloud, which is more like an explanation, so that everyone can understand the meaning of it.

Because others are embarrassed to ask such impolite words, they can only praise.

Sure enough, after listening to their conversation, many people showed relieved smiles.

After wandering around like this, it's time to go to the wine table.

Yan Changqing even took out the sake, and introduced: "The sake that is going to be exported to the island country has already started to advertise, and the goods have also arrived in Shanghai, waiting to be shipped to the island country. It is not considered a listing, everyone. Taste it first."

Then there is vodka, the wine of the Gaosheng series.

Wait until the three wines are tasted.Mr. Xu had already drunk a little too much, and suggested: "Mr. Yan, take out the unbottled ones. These are my uncles and uncles. There is no outsider. There is no need to only take these packaged ones. I want to drink them before drinking." The one I drank here a few days ago..."

Then take out some more, Yan Changqing is not distressed, but is generally popular now with beautifully packaged wine, and he doesn't know what the tempers of so many guests are like, in case someone brings out the wine because he doesn't even have a package , what should I do if I think he is stingy?

After a few rounds of wine, the people were almost drunk, and the half-drunk and half-fake ones began to discuss various goods.

At present, the former Soviet Union lacks everything except weapons and nuclear bombs. People's livelihood materials are the most popular. It just so happens that the market is the main focus of these, and it can be regarded as a hit-and-miss thing.

Yan Changqing felt at ease as an audience, Mr. Xu still held a pen, and recorded a few key words from time to time, Mr. Yan didn't need it, he just watched and listened without speaking.

He has heard a lot of gossip, for example, the guy who sold the big planes back then is now in full swing, but many people think that he is too high-profile, and he might offend many people by making such a fuss.

So this group of people doesn't intend to engage in such high-profile matters, but only intends to do business honestly.

Because they are not the only ones who are doing this. It is said that there are people in the capital and other places who are doing it.

But when the discussion is almost done, when we start to talk about the transportation issue, it's always a bit of a big head.

Taking advantage of the situation, Chen Youliang asked if he could also buy a plane for transportation.

A person with a northeast accent immediately said: "It's easy to buy, but isn't it a bit too high-profile to do so?"

Everyone was silent for a while, and finally Mr. Xu said: "As long as you take the goods, you can't keep a low profile. If you use the train, although you save some money, the effort you spend is not a matter of that money. "


Yan Changqing quietly looked at a group of people, discussing major issues here, and felt that those who can become rich now are indeed courageous enough.

They talked about the actual operation, and some even vaguely revealed that in the former Soviet Union, the organization had a defense force. Obviously, they had a way there long ago.

Then there was another problem that couldn't be avoided, that is, the vodka on the winery side should be very popular there.

In fact, Victory Vodka doesn’t have much quantity in the former Soviet Union. It’s not that there is no market, but there are few goods there. The people there are poor now, and the price is relatively high because it is sold in US dollars elsewhere.

So Mr. Xu, on behalf of the business group, asked Yan Changqing whether he could supply them with some goods.

The quantity they want is not large, it is mainly for public relations, it is rare to find a gift that suits them well, and they do not plan to make money from it.

This can be done, very simple.

Now there are two more manufacturers of the Good Day series, and the winery has gradually given up on the blending of the Good Day series, and the spare workers did not continue to make the two kinds of backgammon and Gaosheng wines, and devoted themselves to the production of vodka.

In the future, the production of vodka will definitely increase greatly. After all, earning foreign exchange is more comfortable than making money at home.

Just after drinking, everyone talked about preliminary intentions.

Next, we must slowly renegotiate, and roughly finalize the quantity of some goods, the total amount of funds, and the amount of deposit in advance for the market to prepare the goods.


After everyone went to the market and talked slowly for two days, Mr. Xu came again. He was impatient with the statistical work. He had already grasped the general situation. He could only look at the next things. He mainly Or take over the business from his father's house.

However, he pulled Yan Changqing mysteriously, and muttered: "My father's friends say you are unfathomable!"

Yan Changqing laughed straight: "Just because I saw that Xuanwu?"

"That's right!" President Xiao Xu said. "Has anyone ever said that your eyes are so sharp that people feel that they are easily seen through in front of you?"

"Really not." Yan Changqing said, no one in the winery would dare!
Mr. Xu laughed and said, "Don't blame me for talking nonsense. They started talking after drinking too much. There is no malicious intent. I just think that you are different from ordinary people..."

Yan Changqing probably wanted to understand the reason: "Maybe it's because I'm still a doctor! That Northeast accent shouldn't be too high-profile, isn't he in good health?"

"No!" President Xiao Xu thought for a while before saying. "That's Uncle Dajiang. He's a very nice person. Apart from drinking some wine, he's fine. Aren't you a part-time doctor? Can you really tell?"

"Part-time job depends on the situation!" Yan Changqing hehe. "I'm too capable. There's nothing I can do. I'm proficient in everything I learn. That's why I work as a doctor part-time. Because apart from me, there is no one better than me in a thousand miles."

President Xiao Xu sneered.

"For example, you!" Yan Changqing didn't mind his expression and looked at him. "You're a little bit cold, and you don't have major symptoms, but if you eat two more cold cucumbers later, you'll have diarrhea."

"Yes, that's the look." President Xiao Xu immediately said with excitement. "You just look at people like this, and I feel like I've been seen through. I thought it was an illusion before, until I heard them say it yesterday."

Yan Changqing was stunned for a moment. He used his eyes to look at people just now, but he actually used his 'feeling'.


During that period of practice in Xiangjiang, he didn't get out any kind of spiritual consciousness, but he did get something specious.

It's not the divine consciousness as mentioned in the novel, which allows him to 'see clearly' the running of his internal organs and meridians, but to 'feel', not only himself, but also others.

Probably similar to a kind of magnetic field, in short, it is very mysterious. Although saying this, it is a bit like what those liar health masters said, but it is true, and he will not be able to find other words to replace this for a while.

He can feel that, for example, a healthy person is a very stable magnetic field, and the magnetic lines in the magnetic field are also orderly and stable.

It can be assumed that this is a spider web with a very stable structure, but if there is a problem, that is, dust has fallen on the spider web, or there is a problem somewhere, then he can judge what the problem is based on what he 'feels'.

Because of abandoning this mysterious feeling, he can still support the pulse, and he can also look, smell and ask. Through these, he judges that the disease can't go wrong at all, and the rest is nothing more than how to treat it.

This has also formed his habit. He often feels this way in the winery. In addition to exercising his own "feeling", the second is to help people predict problems in advance.

Among the group of people who came here, they were all not young at all. Even if they took care of themselves, shopping malls were like battlefields, and doing too many hard-working things would be debilitating.

Secondly, there are always some people who will indulge in certain aspects because they have money in their pockets, and naturally they are prone to problems.

Just like the Northeast uncle Yan Changqing mentioned just now, there must be something wrong with him, and Yan Changqing is 100% sure.

The only thing he didn't expect was that his own feeling would make people feel seen through.

Most people definitely don't care about this, but these business people are usually full of eyes, so they probably care about it, so they said it after drinking.

And Mr. Xu is a person who occasionally has clear and stupid eyes. Probably because of his kindness, fighting together, and friendship in making basalt, he came to play and "informed" Yan Changqing.


Yan Changqing didn't say any more when he thought of this, just said with a smile: "You can suggest later, let him go for a heart examination. It's not a big problem, but it may become a big problem after a long time."

President Xiao Xu thought for a while and nodded: "Uncle Dajiang is still pretty good. When I go back and talk to him, whether it's true or not, it's definitely right after checking."

Then I came back to my senses: "Wait, you just said that I caught a cold yesterday, and I felt a little uncomfortable when I woke up in the morning, but it's already gone. You said that I would have diarrhea after eating two pieces of cold cucumber, I don't believe it!"

I just like your unyielding look.

Yan Changqing didn't say much. It is his purpose to help every life-or-death dream. He is very supportive of Mr. Xu's stubbornness: "I just said it casually, you may eat more later, it may be fine."

"I'm sure I'm fine." Mr. Xu is quite confident. He felt a little uncomfortable when he got up in the morning, but he thought it was because he drank a little too much last night, and he just woke up for a while. After all, the temperature is very high now .

Right now, the sun was burning on his head. After he came over, he got out of the car and found Yan Changqing. He was sweating for a few minutes. Now he was blowing on the fan and air conditioner in the office for a long time before he lost his sweat.

He said he would have diarrhea, but he didn't believe it 1 times.


At the dinner table, Yan Changqing said enthusiastically: "Look at this fungus, can you? Usually I'm too lazy to pick and choose carefully, but there are actually good ones, but the people who come to sell them don't understand, and I'm too lazy to bother, so one piece Soaked."

"Yeah, this is really good." President Xiao Xu said while eating. "It's really good, this cucumber is also good, I don't believe your evil, hey, I took another bite, it's okay!"

He patted his stomach as he spoke, triumphantly.

Yan Changqing said very modestly: "The doctor also made a mistake, so just pretend I didn't say anything."

Mr. Xu suddenly felt that he had the upper hand. It was rare to find Yan Changqing's mistakes when he was with Yan Changqing. Mistakes are also normal. Don’t you know, I’m actually in school, and I’m still on the basketball team..."

The life of the basketball team is quite exciting.

As Mr. Xu talked, he began to miss the happy days back then.

After eating, he was about to pour tea when his face suddenly changed.

Yan Changqing smiled and stretched out his hand and pointed: "There is paper in the bathroom over there... Don't be afraid, it will only be pulled once, and it will be fine when it is finished... Twice at most..."

"I..." Xiao Xu always wanted to say something, but there was something that didn't wait for anyone.

So he turned his head and ran towards the direction Yan Changqing pointed...

 Thanks to "book friend 2022081218386149" "afrashui"

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(End of this chapter)

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