Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 259 Wang Dajiang sells copyright

Chapter 259 Wang Dajiang sells copyright

Mr. Xu rode a camel on the hill, looking at the fields below where alfalfa had been cultivated, and looking at the strings of ponds that had been dug and filled with water in the distance, he felt satisfied.

These are all my own suggestions. In a year at most, several ponds will be covered with lotus leaves next year. Alfalfa will be faster, and this lowland will be covered in a short time.

Then the scenery will naturally appear.

Zhengzhi was thinking about it complacently, and when he turned his head and saw Yan Changqing stuffing a small notebook into his bag, he couldn't help being curious: "Are you still taking notes when you come out?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Well, write down some things at any time. There are more and more things now, and if you don't write down any one, you will easily forget it."

"Then what did I remember just now... Forget it, I'm sorry, I feel very comfortable staying here with you, so I asked casually, and you pretended that I didn't ask." Mr. Xu's attitude was still very correct, and he remembered himself after asking. As a guest, I apologize immediately.

Yan Changqing didn't care: "It's okay, come and play more after you feel comfortable, you see I also play every day."

While talking, he also pointed to a group of brats in the river below. When the weather gets hot, the fun of life will come, and the brats can finally soak in the river.

But now that everyone is a little older and starts to talk about civilization, they all put on swimming trunks—in fact, talking about civilization is second, the most important thing is that after wearing this, it is not easy to be slightly sad by the water surface when diving again.

Xu Yibo stared at it: "How about we go down to the river to have fun too? Can I go into the water now?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing replied. "That's what I just recorded. You were supposed to have bowel movements twice, but the wine you drank had better effects than I thought, so you only had to have bowel movements once."

"Can you not mention this?" Xu Yibo's face darkened, and then he pinched the camel. "Deerjia..."

The white camel didn't move.

Mr. Xu's face became even darker: "You are disobedient camel?"

Yan Changqing reminded: "If you drive it again, it will jump and run around. It has only been trained a few times!"

Okay, Mr. Xu jumped down neatly: "Let's go down to the river."


Two days later, the small thermal power station was officially put into operation.

As usual, there was a ceremony to be held, and Mr. Yan couldn't avoid it.

It doesn't matter if someone from the county comes, but a deputy mayor from the city also came to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony.

The speaking part cannot be omitted. It is very helpless, and I always have to ask others to say a few words of congratulations.

When it came to Yan Changqing's place, it was easy. He invited people from the Oilfield Literature and Art Department to come over and started the performance directly.

Several musical instruments are played in turn, and the main one is magnificent.

There were martial arts performances, musical performances, and he even sang two songs with gusto.

Movies are shown in the evening. Although every family has a big color TV, watching movies is still very popular.

After the thermal power station is put into operation, among other things, the production capacity of the winery can reach a new level. Needless to say, everyone understands the truth.


After the celebration was over, all the guests from Shanghai also bid farewell and left, everything that needed to be discussed was settled, and it was time to act.

But Wang Dajiang didn't leave, it was the one who might have something wrong.

After Xu Yibo squatted in the toilet, although he was still chatting and laughing with Yan Changqing, he already regarded him as a miracle doctor in his heart, so he turned around and called Wang Dajiang to go for a quick checkup.

Wang Dajiang is a typical Northeast man. He claims to be stronger than a cow. He didn't believe it at first, but he couldn't stand Xu Yibo's words. He kept calling Uncle Dajiang to let him go to the hospital. .

So he took a plane back to Shanghai for a checkup.

After the inspection results came out, he consulted four or five experts one after another, and one of them made it clear that there was no problem. He asked them to look again, but after another look, they also thought it was normal.

However, two other experts said that there is still a chance of problems, but they are not sure.

Until I asked someone to find an old expert, who looked at the test results first, and after asking about the pulse, he said: "You must be fine now."

"But... if you continue, the chance of problems is still quite high. If you don't change your living habits, you can basically determine that problems will definitely occur in the future, maybe three or two years, or four or five years..."

Wang Dajiang was a little dumbfounded: "Will something go wrong in two or three years?"

What he meant was that something wrong with me would only happen in two or three years, but someone could spot it at a glance.

But the old expert didn't know what he was thinking, so he stared at him at the time: "What's the matter, you want to get out of trouble quickly, don't you? I've never seen you get sick in such a hurry. You should take traditional Chinese medicine to recuperate first, and stop smoking, drinking and eating in the future." Fatty meat, greasy and irritating food, as little as possible..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Dajiang became anxious: "Then what's the point of me still being alive?"

The old expert smiled: "You can still solve this problem. You found it early. In the future, you will have regular physical examinations every year and pay attention to it. The problem is not big. Let you do less, not not let you do it, don't worry!"


So when Wang Dajiang rushed over on the night of the ribbon cutting, he took the prescription given by the old expert and asked Yan Changqing to take a look.

This is understandable, whoever encounters such a thing will definitely get it back.After all, after two days of tossing around in a big hospital, the results of various examinations are the same as those of others, which is simply miraculous.

Yan Changqing only glanced at the prescription and told him with certainty: "It's just a recuperation, it's very simple, it's basically enough to take the medicine for half a month. You just need to be more careful in the future, and you'll be fine."

Conditioning is definitely necessary, because once this problem occurs, it really depends on luck.

Wang Dajiang was worried about his luck, and he couldn't joke about his heart problems.

At this moment, he felt that the scenery here in the winery is so beautiful, and the people are so kind. Here is like returning to his hometown in Northeast China, and he really wants to visit here for a few more days.

This is also simple, Yan Changqing pointed out some empty rooms for him, and let him live in with the few people he brought.

Even Xu Yibo had to go home to take care of his business after playing for two more days. Wang Dajiang still didn't leave, and his requirements were not high. He just finished the medicine here until Yan Changqing said that there was no problem at all. go again.

As for business, Mr. Wang said that he is an ordinary person. As a man, he can hardly smoke, drink, eat meat, and so on. What are you doing to earn money?


Yan Changqing was too busy to see patients all the time.

Then he will go to the capital for two things. One is that the production of the Three Kingdoms has been completed, and the other is that the filming of the promotional film of the Forbidden City has basically been completed. He asked him to take someone to record the song.

The Forbidden City didn't let him work in vain. When he brought people to the capital, when he arrived at the Forbidden City, Dean Lu showed him two gifts.

A guzheng and an erhu.

Dean Lu said in an understatement: "You are not short of money. If you give me less, you won't see it. If you give me too much, we can't afford it. Fortunately, there are quite a lot of people here. We made two musical instruments for you. Although It’s not worth much, but it’s our heart!”

After taking the instrument back, Liu Wenjing from the Literature and Art Department started to play it twice, and almost cried at that time: "It turns out that the guzheng I have played for so many years is not as good as playing cotton!"

It was rare for Mr. Xu, who received a State Council subsidy, to take the initiative to contact him: "Did Dean Lu give you an erhu, and how many days are you going to stay here? Can you let me see..."

Then he hugged the erhu and didn't want to let go: "Master Gu did this. He only cares for the elderly now, so he hasn't done it himself for a long time."

Fearing that Yan Changqing would not know how powerful this man is, Teacher Xu added: "The master masters at the Beijing Musical Instrument Factory are all his ineffective apprentices, and none of his outstanding apprentices work in the factory..."

"There is also a guzheng, right? Old man Lu is really shameless, and he asked many people to help him make it. Don't ask whoever made it. Except for the few people in their unit who are engaged in cultural relics restoration, the others It’s almost impossible to do it again.”

Let’s not talk about the value. This is indeed like what Dean Lu said, it’s not worth anything, because money can’t buy it.


The sound quality is really good, and Yan Changqing can feel it himself, whether it is the guzheng or the erhu, it is like a tiger with wings added to him.

Thinking about it this way, he feels that he has made money, and he can make music at any time, but the things that he can use, at his current level, are basically hard to come by.

His playing skills are now high enough and he has a good understanding of musical instruments. In fact, if he has time, he can make these instruments himself.

The problem is that he already has too many skills, and he can't take care of them now. If someone can give him a gift, he is quite satisfied.

So he was quite attentive when playing. He had watched several versions of the promotional videos of the Forbidden City, and he also gave a lot of pertinent suggestions.

Everyone is happy!
Those performers who came to participate in the performance will not be in vain. The Forbidden City has prepared souvenirs for them. Although the value may not be high, this thing focuses on commemorative significance.

The important thing is that after participating in this performance, their status will be increased in the future. Everyone is within the unit, and participating in this performance is a rare qualification that must be entered into the file.

And after going back, the oil field must have benefits waiting to be given, as long as you understand this in your heart.


Huang Peishan is the happiest person who bought the copyright of the Three Kingdoms.

Her wine business seems to be spread all over the world, but in fact, the small amount of wine is not enough to sell.

Even the freshly prepared sake is already in short supply.

It is really the shadow of a famous tree. Yan Changqing's previous Victory Vodka series is not popular in Western countries.

Music knows no borders. After several songs of Victory Vodka become famous, the sales in the island countries are also quite good.

These days, many island products are popular in China, and many people feel that the island country is still at its peak.

In fact, this is not the case. The islanders have just experienced ups and downs. One second they were clamoring to buy the beautiful country, and the next second they can't eat.

The real estate bubble has been burst, and suicide and divorce rates have risen sharply. Although some people still hold out hope that the real estate market will turn around sooner or later, a large part of them can no longer wait for that day.

When people are spiritually empty, what they need most is spiritual food, and Victory Vodka’s inspiring and majestic music is simply in line with the needs of the island country during this period, so suddenly there is a wave of Victory Vodka in the island country. The whirlwind...

In fact, in this era, the island country itself produced a lot of inspiring songs, probably because the upper level of the island country wanted to give hope to some people in the lower level, which promoted the popularity of these songs.

Majestic music can always give people strength, not to mention that in the island country, when people are confused about the future, the victorious vodka, which is too lazy to change the name, has suddenly become a song that keeps ringing in the streets and alleys .

And naturally, Yan Changqing's name gradually became the idol of many people in the island country.By the time Yan Changqing won the trophy, and by the time Yan Changqing released two pieces of oriental-style music, his name had become a legend in the island country.

As soon as Sangokuの恋酒 was launched, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. Although the price is a bit expensive, it is a wine launched by idols. Many people are willing to buy a bottle and taste it.

It's easy once you taste it. It turns out that the wine is really good and worth it.

The idol didn't lie to us, his wine is really good, just like his music, it always gives people hope and makes people positive...


Under such circumstances, Huang Peishan hired someone to do translation and production, and at the same time announced that she would officially sell the copyright of the Three Kingdoms.

As for the quality of Three Kingdoms, please take a look at the two MVs released by Grammy Award winner Yan Changqing. Everyone who has heard it will know it.

In fact, because of the preheating of the two songs, the popularity of the Three Kingdoms has already risen, so originally only NHK from the island country came to negotiate, but now the other stations can't sit still, and they have become the top five.

Not only that, Huang Peishan also negotiated with the TV station in Xiangjiang and the TV station in Wanwan Province first.

Now the boss is very popular, the first Chinese young genius to win the Grammy Award, music is popular all over the world.

Known as the wine-making fairy, he launched Bubugao and Gaosheng series of wines, then vodka, and then sake, and the quality is outstanding among similar products.

If the rights to the Three Kingdoms TV series he admires are to be sold, the price must not be lower.

Originally, CCTV sold copyrights, basically for the purpose of promoting culture, and the price was kept very low.

But Huang Peishan led a group of negotiators, from the quality of the TV series to the current popularity, from the audience group to the influence of the boss, they shouted the price boldly, and the price was raised.

In the end, people from the TV broadcasting company in Hong Kong bought the copyright for US$120 million, while the Bayan Province paid US$96 for the copyright.


Then Huang Peishan started rounds of negotiations with other countries in Southeast Asia.

She is very enthusiastic about this kind of negotiation. In addition, Hong Kong's movies and TV series have always been very popular in Southeast Asia, and they have all been sold at good prices.

Even the TV stations on Australia Island have not let it go. No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat. It’s okay to be cheaper. The population there is small, but within the scope of the Chinese community, the Three Kingdoms must be no stranger.

Then there is NHK TV station in the island country that has already waited for the big head.

But now it’s not just a matter of NHK alone. There are five major channels in the island country. Thanks to Huang Peishan using her boss’s name to promote it, people from several other channels have also come.

If there are many people coming, let's auction it!

Huang Peishan even specially invited a host from Hong Kong Christie's Auction House to host her own copyright sales meeting.

When the sales meeting was announced to begin, Huang Peishan first turned around. On the big screen in the conference hall, she immediately remembered the music of the Great Wall, with flags waving in the sky, galloping cavalry, and neat battle formations...

This is called Warring States!

The representatives of several island TV stations became more and more ashamed the more they watched. Thinking about their own Warring States period, it was not as spectacular as the battle of Douma Jinggelie in the village here last year. How dare they call it the Warring States period?
What kind of Bushido spirit? Look at Guan Erye, who is unswerving in the face of all kinds of temptations. How proud is he to ride alone for thousands of miles after passing five trials?
Look at how mighty Lu Bu from Jiuyuan and Zhao Zilong from Changshan are, and how Zhuge Liang has all kinds of schemes...

When Yan Changqing made two new songs, one was from the East and the other was from the West. In fact, music does not need to distinguish between national boundaries. The two songs were played together, and the similar scenes were not inconsistent at all.

The host on the stage saw that the atmosphere was almost up and was about to speak when Huang Peishan released a new MV again.

It is still an edit of the Three Kingdoms series, but the soundtrack is Erhu, and most of the scenes are after the battlefield, the flames of war, the stumped limbs and arms, the injured soldiers, and the half-burned flag that is still swaying in the wind...

Sad and tragic, but also a little exciting and uplifting, everyone who listened was instantly immersed in it.


Huang Peishan clicked play and blocked her ears. Although she could still hear it, it was not a big problem. After all, she had been 'baptized' several times.

She flew to Dayanzhuang and fawned over the boss for two days before letting him make it.

The main theme is tragic and exciting, and it also makes people have a desperate impulse, such as when bidding.

On the surface, this is a silly and sweet person. In fact, she can be recommended by Jackie Chan to Yan Changqing, and then she can handle various businesses and deal with various people. Of course, she has her strengths. When it's silly, but the business is never ambiguous.

At least she knew how to use all her advantages. From the moment she became Yan Changqing's assistant, she spent money lavishly and made a lot of money, and she didn't forget to learn more about her boss.

For example, she knew that the boss could use the erhu to send people to the hospital a long time ago.

In addition, Yan Changqing went to Xiangjiang to record Zuiquan's music and participated in several Spring Festival Gala. After careful observation, she came up with a very simple but very real answer: the boss usually plays, probably just for fun, Didn't show the real level at all.

How high is the real level of the boss?

Huang Peishan didn't know, but she knew what to do.

After she went to Dayanzhuang, she acted as gentle as water, calling Li Xiuni her aunt and calling her her mother.

The two had talked on the phone many times before, and they had met several times before. Li Xiuni was quite happy to see her.

What's more, this girl is good-looking and knows how to dress up. When she came, she taught herself how to make up, matched her clothes, and taught herself how to take care of her skin. She kept saying that although I called you aunt, I always felt that you were like my sister...

The last one was about complimenting the boss on how beautiful and young she was. She only dared to say this secretly and did not dare to let others hear it, otherwise it would reach the ears of the boss. She was afraid that the boss would suspect that she was taking advantage of her.

Li Xiuni has never seen this kind of battle, and all the gossip old ladies in the village will compliment her, but it's the same thing over and over again, Changqing is so good, Qijin is getting more and more capable...

Where is Huang Peishan with so many tricks!

Anyway, from the moment Li Xiuni saw her, the smile on her face never stopped.

That is to say, her son was almost too old, but if she was two years older, she would dare to recognize her daughter-in-law on the spot.

Then Huang Peishan made her own request. She knew that the boss's erhu was very good, but she didn't know how good it was. She wanted the boss to make a song, or make a MV or something, because the company's business needs it.

When Li Xiuni heard it, could this be a problem?
Just play an erhu, just say something to a girl like you, I can't let you run away in vain.


So when the erhu sounded, unconsciously, the eyes of many people at the scene began to get wet.

At the same time, there seems to be an inspiring power accumulating in their bodies, silently, bit by bit, more and more...

Like a volcano that has been silent for thousands of years, like a snow mountain that has been silent for thousands of years, at this moment, there is a kind of power that is slowly, slowly making the volcano hotter and melting the snow mountain...

And in the end, when the volcano erupted, when the snow mountain melted and turned into an avalanche...

Huang Peishan jumped out, snatched the small hammer from the host who was crying and clenched her fist, and shouted: "The starting price is [-] US dollars, let's bid now!"

She can't do it unless she stands up. Although the boss said, exerting all her strength is a bit too powerful, so she can only use a little bit of her level to show it a little bit...

But these people at the scene were blushing and thick-necked, all of them were immersed in the music, and even the host stopped eating.

You were invited to host the auction, and you were not asked to fight. Are you reminded of your husband who domestically abused you?

Huang Peishan was very disdainful, as long as this is professional, let me do it myself!


Following Huang Peishan's clear shout, the representatives of the five major TV stations at that time looked at each other as if they were looking at the enemy who killed their father, and shouted the price one by one.

Half an hour later, Huang Peishan signed with a smile.

Back then, when only NHK went to CCTV to discuss the price, they picked up a big deal and bought it for only [-] yuan per episode.

But this time, Wu Datai is in the island country, but the brains of the fight will come out. Inviting the Wu Datai together is simply a stroke of magic.

These people shouted a price of 12 US dollars per episode, and it was still NHK. After all, their strength is quite strong in this year.

They don’t even have a translation, so let them take it back and translate it themselves!
Huang Peishan's translation is only available in English, and she plans to sell it again in Western countries.

But we have to wait until the heat is higher, so that we can sell it at a good price, and then we will have to use this erhu tune by the boss, which is simply too powerful.

The other four major TV stations are all happy after not watching it, but the representatives of NHK TV station are all mournful.

As for the price...Huang Peishan thinks it's worth it. This is the TV series that the boss likes, the boss likes it, and the copyright that the boss wants to buy.

At this price, you all go home and laugh!

Anyway, there is an agreement, and there is a video recording of the whole process. If you go back on your word, then wait for a lawsuit!

The price is what you call. If you can bear the consequences of going back on it, don't worry. Part of the deposit was collected before, but it is non-refundable.

However, Huang Peishan felt that she was still very kind, and she directly packaged all the copyrights.

If it wasn't for shouting later, people from the five major TV stations would have come to their senses, and she would also like to engage in a wave of distribution, selling animation adaptation rights and comic adaptations and game adaptations separately.

However, the price in the early 1000 million is not bad, at least it is worthy of the boss, and it is not in vain for the relationship between myself and the boss for so long.

Can NHK go back on its word?

With Yan Changqing's reputation now, and with their domestic expectations for the Three Kingdoms, if they repent, they might be boycotted or something.

No matter how hard you mess with it, the consequences will be something that cannot be undone with $1000 million.

So Huang Peishan is basically sure that she can wait to collect the money. When the money is received, she can report the good news to her boss!

In fact, I still regret it a bit, because I hired an extra host. If she hadn't wasted some time, the price could have been higher.

I still regret that I didn't think of this before, but think about it, if I do this all the time, it won't matter if I lose my reputation later.

She had figured out the boss's intentions and had tested them before. She knew that the boss had a bad impression of the island country, so she did this specifically for the island country. Otherwise, she didn't dare to make her own decisions.

Now, the boss should be satisfied, right?
(End of this chapter)

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