Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 260 Quietness and Practice

Chapter 260 Quietness and Practice

Dayanzhuang small clinic.

"Why are you so free these days?" Dr. Shen asked Yan Changqing while packing up the Chinese medicinal materials.

Yan Changqing was giving acupuncture to the patient. He kept using his hands and talking: "I don't want to take any time off. I don't need to clean up those bones and skins. They are just drying. These wolfberries are pretty good, right?" I planted it in the beginning."

Dr. Shen also laughed and didn't give Mr. Yan any face: "It's not your father who took good care of me."

He and President Yan have always talked like this, straight to the point.

After working as a doctor for a long time, I have seen many life and death, and I am willing to leave the good place of the rural health center. I have stayed in a poor village for so many years, which always gives people a feeling of having no desires and no desires.

In fact, he has not reached this level. He has been having a headache recently: "My son has fallen in love with a girl in the town. That girl is nothing but pretty. She looks down on him. What can you, a big boss, do? No?"

Yan Changqing subconsciously said: "You can't be saved by licking the dog. If he likes it, let him try it. Just wait until he gives up."

"Difficult!" Dr. Shen could probably guess the meaning of dog licking, so he didn't mind and shook his head. "When a young man encounters something like this, it will be difficult for him to give up unless the girl finds someone to marry."

"Why do you look down on him?" Yan Changqing was a little confused. "Your genes are not bad either. He is also a doctor and a well-organized person."

Dr. Shen was a little embarrassed: "That girl is short-sighted and wants to find a rich family. I have saved some money now and can build him a new house in the town, but nothing else."

"You don't only have that little money, do you? Isn't it quite profitable to sell medicinal wine during this period?" Yan Changqing asked.

"That's the medicinal wine you brewed." Dr. Shen smiled. "I can't take the money from selling your medicinal wine and put it in my own pocket."

"You know the difference quite clearly!" Yan Changqing thought for a while. "You just ask your son to set up a distribution point to sell wine, and then give him a batch of wine from the winery, and he can resell it."

Dr. Shen objected: "What's the difference between that and you giving him money for free?"

"There is a difference!" Yan Changqing said plausibly. "Do you know what connections are? This means that your son has connections. He sells wine to everyone. He has connections and can get wine. That's his ability."

"Can this be called skill?" Dr. Shen frowned.

"Why isn't he capable? He has a good father, and his father has a good relationship with me. He is also my eldest nephew. Can I not take care of him? I have to be happy if others want to have a relationship with me!" Yan Changqing laughed. .

Dr. Shen was speechless. You are really good at taking advantage. Your eldest nephew is several years older than you!
Even the patient couldn't help laughing, but Mr. Yan was right. I don't know how many people in the surrounding villages want this treatment. It's a pity that Yan is always a real person. He said clearly that only a good relationship is required, and others envy him. No way.

Yan Changqing inserted a needle and said, "Don't move."

Then he said to Dr. Shen: "How about you let him come to work here and follow us to study for another two years. In the future, he will be able to stand alone and still be short of money?"

"Let me think about it again!" Dr. Shen finished packing his things, then took the paper and started to memorize things.

Yan Changqing didn't care: "Don't be stubborn, or just do what I say, you can build the house and let him earn some money to be comfortable. If the girl is still not happy, you can let him go on his own. You are still young, why are you anxious?"


The two chatted without delaying seeing the patient, mainly because Yan Changqing was here, and Dr. Shen had become a student now. He was learning a little while doing it.

Yan Changqing is now working hard to develop his own medical skills and explore how to achieve better treatment results.

For example, acupuncture is very good. There are no medicines or injections, and there are no side effects under his hands.

He can 'watch' and adjust those disordered auras to achieve the effect of healing without going overboard, and the effect is relatively fast.

But there are also disadvantages. Many patients suffer from illnesses caused by hunger and fatigue in the early years. This kind of problem needs to be cured. Acupuncture can treat it, but it cannot make up for the previous deficit.

So you still have to take medicine, preferably good medicine.

Dr. Shen now dares to prescribe medicine, and he is also direct. He first asks how much money he can accept for the medicine. If the money is more, a ten-year-old ginseng is not impossible.

Of course, this confidence was given by Mr. Yan, because Yan Changqing said it more directly than him. Just like now, he was pulling out the needle while telling him: "This time, go back and take care of your lower body. It's almost going to be smooth, but it's not completely clear yet. Don't worry about it for ten days and half a month, let your wife bear with it, and I won't care if it gets serious next time!"

The patient could only sneer, take out the money, put it on the table and leave.

Dr. Shen and others were still laughing when they left. It wasn't that they were unethical, but when the patient first came here, he said he injured his back while working and wanted to hide it.

As a result, Yan Changqing chuckled and directly explained the reason, including the posture he used that made his condition worse.

The patient didn't die from embarrassment simply because Mr. Yan was now a doctor. He concealed it after seeing the doctor, so he deserved to be punished.


Dr. Shen was just curious that Yan Changqing was so idle recently. In fact, Yan Changqing felt the same way.

Since Huang Peishan called and told the island country that the copyright was sold and that other places were gradually selling it, Yan Changqing felt that he should be able to relax for a while.

After being busy for so long, the winemaking plan has been successfully completed. Three types of wine, including Chinese liquor, vodka and sake, have entered the market. Moreover, the winery is now focusing on the high-end market. Although the output is insufficient, the profits are absolutely terrifying.

The copyright has also been obtained and sold, and now all that is left is the VCD technology, and the core copyright has not yet been fully grasped.

But in the end, he didn't pay much attention to the last one, which was purely a shot with or without dates. Whether it was successful or not, he didn't pay much attention to it. Otherwise, after handing it over to Xiangjiang Company, he didn't even ask.

Yan Changqing suddenly felt that the world was pure.

Now that it was quiet, it happened to be a good feeling to be a doctor to save lives, so he came as a doctor.

Having a high level of medical skills is very beneficial. For example, after he finished his work at the clinic, when he returned to the winery, he met Mr. Wang Dajiang.

This man was considered an early bad guy and a powerful figure. But when he met Yan Changqing, even if he put aside Mr. Yan’s current achievements, he was still three to five minutes shorter. There was nothing he could do about it. Now he was considered a patient. Doctor, are you welcome?

Few people are willing to offend a doctor who can see symptoms that may occur in two or three years.

Yan Changqing also wants this effect. Although he does not manage the market, the market now coincides with a good opportunity for expansion. It is also a good thing for his collaborators to give more consideration to the things he does casually.

He looked at Wang Dajiang and congratulated with a smile: "Mr. Wang, your little hidden danger has now been completely cured, and you can go about doing business with peace of mind and making a lot of money."

"Thank you, thank you." Wang Dajiang was overjoyed. He didn't feel sick before, but Yan Changqing gave him acupuncture twice. After taking the medicine for this period of time, he didn't know if it was a psychological effect, but he felt much better. Now, I feel like I am back in my 30s and [-]s.

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "You don't have to be so polite. It just so happens that I've brewed a new batch of medicinal wine here. I'll have someone bring some to me later. I'll drink two cups a day when I get back. It's good for keeping fit."

"Thank you!" Wang Dajiang had nothing else to say except thank you, let alone money.

Mr. Yan personally brewed the medicinal wine for you. If you talk about money with someone, you can't afford to lose that person. Just remember this friendship.


After Mr. Wang left, Yan Changqing returned to his previous life.

Get up early to exercise, make wine from time to time, go to the clinic when you have free time, or swim in the river with your friends.

He also continued to work part-time to teach his friends how to practice martial arts.

Ever since he gained the magical induction after reaching the second level of medical skills, he has been studying the kind of people's 'aura', or 'magnetic field', that he sensed.

At present, it can be concluded that treating diseases through medicine and conditioning with acupuncture can improve the disorder of the aura.

And exercise is also good.

Through their own experience, coupled with a group of small partners with different levels of practice, let them exercise with various self-created and improved martial arts, so as to observe the feedback on the aura, which is like a somewhat long experiment.

Because this change is not immediate, he needs to record and observe it every day.

Erwa Tiedan and the others don't know that now they are Yan Changqing's little white mouse, as long as they can play, whoever thinks so much, even if they think about it, it is impossible to figure out the reason.

Yan Changqing also practiced, and was even better than them. Gradually, they started to exercise without eating in the morning.

Not only that, sometimes Yan Changqing will also use Erhu to stimulate and see the various changes in people's aura under the sound of Erhu.

In fact, there are many factors that affect this aura, and he is just testing it in a way he is familiar with.

Coupled with comparisons with various patients, he gradually became more and more familiar with this aura.

After getting familiar with it, summarize it and then compare it with your own aura.


The final conclusion is that it is still the most perfect for you.

And he gradually came to understand that whether it was focusing on making Qi as gentle as a baby, or talking about foundation-building elixirs, etc., in the end, the so-called practice was to make oneself more and more perfect.He didn't know if anyone in history had reached his level.

But those theories are people's simplest wishes to make themselves more perfect.

When this set was summed up, he always felt very familiar.

Then think about it again, Gan, isn’t this the catchphrase used by certain groups of people to promote and attract people?

Doctor Shen watched Yan Changqing pricking himself with acupuncture, and always felt his scalp was a little numb: "Don't prick yourself, I tell you, even though you are rich now, there are many joys in this life for you. I haven’t even enjoyed it yet!”

He didn't treat Yan Changqing as an outsider, let alone a child. Whatever he said was the reason, the other reason was that Yan Changqing was 'too cruel' to him now, and it wouldn't be considered a crime for the doctor to prick him a few times. It's strange, but not many people tie themselves up like a hedgehog!

It looks like it's infiltrating.

Yan Changqing smiled: "It's okay, I'm studying it! I'll feel it most clearly if I prick myself."

Dr. Shen was worried: "You said there was going to be a problem later, so I just started pulling out from this position, right?"

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing actually said it to him casually. In order to reassure him, in fact, how could he go wrong? Every step was planned for a long time.

The main thing is to experience the impact of acupuncture on your own aura and summarize it!
But after half a day, he was disappointed and pulled out the needles one by one and put them aside for disinfection later - even though he was not poisonous, he had to take this step, otherwise he would not worry.

Facts have proved that acupuncture is not very helpful to me at present. It is not as effective as concentrating on breathing and exercise.

Either the acupuncture skills are too low, or the method is wrong, and a sleep plug-in is needed to help for a period of time. To sum up.

Before I could finish, a postal boy came running outside.

These days, the postal service generally delivers letters to the village committee, and has people send people to deliver them. In some places, the village committee does not care about the matter, and the letters may never reach the people they want to reach.

But it won’t happen here at Dayanzhuang, let alone Mr. Yan’s package.

Although the package is a bit big, it's just a small sack.

Yan Changqing glanced at the mailer, smiled and opened it. Inside was a bundle of ginseng that looked like tree roots.

There is no doubt that this is a gift from Mr. Wang Dajiang who has just left, emphasizing his grandeur and boldness.

There is no need to count how many roots there are. There are also boxes below. Judging from the age, they should be old enough and worth a box. I am afraid of damaging the roots and wasting them.

Yan Changqing sorted it out, went to the clinic again, mixed some medicinal materials, and brewed medicinal wine.

After finishing his work, he remembered to call Pang Hong and Mr. Ma and tell them to just send over the existing ginseng, and there would be no need to help collect it in the future.

Now there is no middleman to make the difference, and even the cost can be saved.


Now, the research on aura has come to an end. Of course, I will continue to study slowly in the future, but there is no need to put down other things and study it exclusively. This matter is more casual. Anyway, I have enough time, so I will take my time in the future.

Next he started to take his friends to pull weeds.

Weeds in sorghum and corn fields need to be cleared. As people's lives improve, they begin to choose some labor-saving methods. For example, in the past, we used to carry hoe to weed, but now everyone starts to use herbicides.

This is not a good phenomenon. Yan Changqing feels that he should take action and encourage everyone to exercise more and work more.

By the way, I will improve my planting technology and strive to reach the stage where I can breed as soon as possible.

According to some traditional cultivation theories, everything is cultivation.

Then let's practice naturally in the future!

The days of purity passed quickly.

Soon Zhu Changsheng came running, bringing Chen Tingzhu with him.

Chen Tingzhu came to deliver the invitation letter. Yan Changqing was busy some time ago, and then devoted himself to practicing, which delayed the Spring Festival Gala.

Of course, that's what he said. Whether he was delayed or didn't want to go, only he knew. Anyway, that's what he said to Chen Tingzhu, and he would naturally respond to Taili in the same way when he returned.

As the first Chinese composer, erhu player, and singer to win a Grammy Award, how could Yan Changqing miss this year's Spring Festival Gala?
He didn't participate in the show campaign, so he should just send an invitation letter. After all, Mr. Yan has a lot of opportunities every day - this is what Chen Tingzhu said, and brought the words from the station over there.

Yan Changqing laughed, took the invitation and put it aside, and then greeted the two of them: "Let's go and eat first. The business is done, and then go sing the dolphin song. Lao Chen, you have aged a lot lately. Come and try the medicinal wine I brewed recently..."


When we get to the dinner table, we don’t talk about business now, only about friendship.

Yan Changqing held the large wine bottle and poured it directly into the cup: "This wine has just been brewed. It's a coincidence that you came here. I tried it and it felt pretty good..."

"Mr. Yan, you are too polite. Oh, this ginseng must have been seven or eight years old, right? If you make a move, the gift I brought you when I came here will be too much for you." Chen Tingzhu was also polite.

"Just come, and what about the value of the gift? It just depends on your intention." Yan Changqing smiled. "Uncle Zhu, come and taste it together..."

Chen Tingzhu drank a glass of wine and praised him for a few words, and then said: "Mr. Yan, it would be appropriate for you not to run for election. Since you are in your position, you have to give an invitation... But you also know the atmosphere in the station. well……"

Yan Changqing understood very well and smiled: "Don't talk about that, just try this. You can take some with you when you go. You should drink this..."

He casually brought out a jug from under the table: "My sorghum has just been boiled, and you should drink the good wine just out of the pan, come..."

He doesn't drink himself, but he always talks about drinking.

Zhu Changsheng laughed after drinking: "Now that Changqing has won the grand prize, his fame has reached its peak. It's time for the stage to change his attitude.'s okay if he doesn't participate. Old Chen, don't you think so?"

"That's for sure." Chen Tingzhu looked at Zhu Changsheng and said directly, and he also said it directly. "The atmosphere is like that. If they hadn't seen Mr. Yan go all this time, they would probably still be waiting! Haha, now it's not about confirming the program. They asked me to come because they were anxious. I'm not willing to come, for fear of embarrassing Mr. Yan."


The oil field side has not mentioned participating in the Spring Festival Gala this year. They are not offering any benefits to Yan Changqing because they cannot provide them.

Then we can only talk about friendship. Anyway, they will definitely not do anything to embarrass Yan Changqing or do anything unfavorable to Yan Changqing, including Zhu Changsheng and Mr. Shi.

Therefore, when people asked what other programs the oil field would put on to participate in the Spring Festival Gala this year, Mr. Shi and Zhu Changsheng did not say anything, and naturally they would not persuade Yan Changqing to participate.

Just like what Chen Tingzhu hadn't finished saying, the atmosphere in Taiwan is still foreign and not inward. The invitations are sent out every year to invite people from Xiangjiang Wanwan, and they may not necessarily come if they invite others.

I often invite a few people with different hair colors, regardless of whether they are famous or not...

As for internal matters, I understand everything and don’t need to say anything.

With Yan Changqing's current fame, if he were to run for the show again... Just look at the attitudes of people represented by Mr. Shi. No one would ask him to leave the show to participate.

I don't know how many people abroad now send invitations to Yan Changqing. The invitations received from Xiangjiang are probably too big to fit in the desk drawer.

No matter what music festival, grand event, etc., whether it is ceremonial or not, most people will try to send an invitation letter to Yan Changqing.

What if you are invited?

This is a truly international composer. The music he is currently releasing covers all styles and covers the Eastern and Western worlds.

A Grammy song has a dolphin sound that breaks the equipment. At present, even the stars in Europe and America who often speak arrogantly, no one dares to say that they can sing with that voice.

The key is still mystery, the mysterious East, and the mysterious boy. Apart from appearing at the Grammys, he never participates in other activities.

There are legends about him in the world, but he has never been seen.

Therefore, those who organize events will think, what if we invite you?
An invitation letter is nothing. If you invite it, you will earn money. It is a huge profit. Who doesn’t want to try it?
So in this case, it would be really meaningless for Yan Changqing to take the program and run with many programs.

To use a more common phrase, people don’t do this to themselves.

When Chen Tingzhu said he didn't want to come, he didn't mean to really embarrass Yan Changqing, but to remind him that he agreed too quickly.

Our friendship is just a friendship. He doesn't care about face or anything like that. He lives in the station and he knows the culture of the station best. He can't agree like this.

You have to wait and let someone else come in two days before agreeing, or wait until the third group of people comes.

The atmosphere in the stage is not good, but it's not like they won't be flexible all the time. As long as they have enough airs this time, it will be easy to talk about in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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