Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 261 Magical Perception and Brewing Level 3

Chapter 261 Magical Perception and Brewing Level [-]

Yan Changqing discovered something particularly interesting, that is, perception can also perceive real emotions.

For example, when Chen Tingzhu complained, he could feel the other person's true emotions, including helplessness and compromise, and when he gave him advice, he was truly sincere.

Because the two of them saw each other for less time, he felt it more clearly.

But if I see him a lot, I feel a little bit different, such as Zhu Changsheng.

It is easier for him to ignore those who are together every day, just like his mother who often comes to walk around in circles, and sometimes even comes to teach him a few words...

However, when he went to sense it, he realized that nothing really happened to his mother. She just wanted to see her son and feel his presence.

The son couldn't help his mother when he was older, not to mention that the son couldn't help his mother even before he was old, which made her feel extremely insignificant, so she would find an excuse to go around twice and give her a dumpling or something...

It's not enough to just give something away, you have to find a fault and say a few words about it, so that you can be satisfied.

However, Yan Changqing didn't plan to do anything. It would take time to change slowly, but if he suddenly changed too much, his parents would be worried.


The most obvious perceptual effect was something that happened a few days later.

Cao Donglin caught a few crooks. He borrowed people from the security department of the winery to arrest them. He must tell the people inside the factory.

Originally, Yan Changqing wouldn't care about these little things, but he was having fun sensing his emotions, so of course he had to take a look.

The liar will definitely not admit that he is a liar. The people in the security department are more civilized and only brought those few people over without doing anything.

So the scammer insisted that he was in serious business and engaged in breeding - it was a very tenacious project that lasted for many years, breeding earth elements.

Cao Donglin had no evidence, so he insisted that these people were liars because they looked dishonest.

He is the village chief, and his sons are now doing business outside. Although they are not in the medicinal materials business, many medicinal materials in the northwest have to pass through the hands of marketers.

People in the market communicate frequently. Although no one has done Tu Yuan trading, they still have a slight understanding of the basic market conditions.

Cao Donglin felt that these people who promoted Tu Yuan breeding were going too far and were not sincere and did not look like business people.

Another reason is that when he asked these people where they planned to buy Tu Yuan and sell it, they would only say that they would sell it in big cities and that the sales should be kept confidential.

Since you didn't say anything, Cao Donglin was not easy to talk to. He called someone and notified the security office at the winery, and arrested a few people directly.

When Yan Changqing came over, everyone seemed to have found a backbone. Cao Donglin complained: "These people are specifically looking to talk to the remaining people in the village. They are not good people at first glance. They must be liars. Let the police station arrest them and interrogate them. You will know .”

Yan Changqing asked him to calm down: "I'll just ask."


If you feel it carefully, the emotions of these people are just calm on the surface, and the panic is real.

Yan Changqing only asked: "You are talking about recycling. Show me all your company's qualification documents. Forget them if they are fake. I can get someone to check them with just one phone call. Show me the real ones." .”

In fact, there was no need to ask at all, and he didn't intend to hear the answer even if he asked. The Tuyuan project was still promoted in rural areas 30 years later, and Yan Changqing had never seen anyone actually making money from it.

Most of them are lies, claiming to be recycling, and then you can choose a reason not to accept it. This kind of evasion is quite good, at least you can still find someone. Some of them wait until you cultivate the earth element, and even the person who recycled it cannot be found. .

Yan Changqing knew very well that he came here just to try what he could sense.

The scene was very interesting now. Cao Donglin was very angry. He felt that good days were hard-won. Several villages had suffered for countless years. After only a few days of good life, there were actually scammers coming and coming to the village - —The only people left in the village now are the old, weak, sick, disabled, and young women who have little ability, as well as housekeeping women. Even the women who have some ability have gone out to the market.

The remaining people are undoubtedly the best people to coax, and they are also the people that Cao Donglin, the village chief, needs to be responsible for taking care of the most. Otherwise, if the family is uneasy, can people doing business outside feel at ease?
Yan Changqing continued to sense that, like Cao Donglin, many of the people around him expressed anger. Some of the younger ones were more heartless, but they felt that these liars were really unlucky, and they were a bit gloating about their misfortune.

The moods of several liars gradually began to change.

Panic, calmness, then panic, fear, and a hint of anger, but this anger was not directed at Yan Changqing and their captors, but at someone within them.

Continue to feel, regret, regret, worry...

The current mood changes of several liars are almost instantaneous.


Yan Changqing waited for a while, and didn't care how the scammer just defended himself. He just smiled and said, "You guys were just planning to defraud some money nearby, right? Then this little gang split up and asked you to come directly. The richest place we have here? As a result, you were arrested?"

Several scammers were shocked at that time, and their emotions changed drastically again, including shock, fear, anxiety, and some were even eager to try...

Yan Changqing directly pointed at the person who was eager to try: "Come out for a moment."

This person immediately walked out with an uneasy mood, and in Yan Changqing's perception, there was also a trace of happiness?
After coming out, Yan Changqing said: "Confess your situation to me, and I will tell the institute later that I will be lenient on your confession. You will definitely have an easier time than some of them in the future. You can go back later." How about saying that I threatened your whole family and you have to say that?”

This person is not a key member. He is a temporary recruit. He is considered a local, but not from the county. It is just that he is more familiar with this place than the few foreign swindlers.

Now that he was caught, he had no intention of resisting. He immediately poured beans into a bamboo tube and told everything he knew about the situation.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether you say it or not, the results are similar. It is absolutely impossible for these people to engage in earth element business seriously.

Because in this era without the Internet and various express delivery, this business cannot be that big, not to mention there are many drugs that can replace it, and most of them have less side effects than this medicinal material.

Yan Changqing continued to sense while listening to the liar's confession.

When I heard this liar say: "I didn't do anything, I just gave you a rough guide..."

Yan Changqing pointed around: "The sentence just now was false. To put it another way, don't lie to me. Next time, I will let them teach you how to speak."

The liar was stunned and wanted to quibble, but when he looked at the strong men standing on the third floor and the third floor not far away, he shivered in the hot weather, and then he became honest.

After a while, Yan Changqing suddenly said: "I concealed something just now. Please add some details. You took the initiative to make money and defrauded me, right? No one forced you to do it, right?"

The liar was stunned again.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "My patience is limited. If you don't tell me, I will leave and go back to wait for the results."

In the blink of an eye, there was the third time.

Obviously, although this liar wanted to report him for meritorious service, he was selfish and unjust and did not have the courage to make a decisive decision. In short, he lacked the ruthlessness. He must either surrender and be quick, or resist stubbornly. in the end……

He chose the third path in his imagination, wanting to surrender and conceal it. Yan Changqing didn't give him a third chance, and turned around and walked into the next room.

Several people immediately rushed out of the eager crowd behind them. The leader shouted to the room where Yan Changqing entered: "Mr. Yan, we will teach him how to speak right away."

He dragged the person into a nearby room.


A few minutes later, Yan Changqing got more detailed and complete information.

Then, while notifying the police station, he took the initiative and said: "A few scammers actually came to our place. We need to shock them. Please take the trouble and take the initiative to send them to the police station!"

As for the one who could be regarded as being frank and lenient, hehe, I tried to deceive myself several times, and I still want to be treated well, so pull it down!

There is no need to go into details about the process of deterrence. In short, the effect is definitely good. Everyone hates the liar so much that they have toothache, not to mention that Mr. Yan personally spoke...


Yan Changqing stared at his proficiency in perception and saw that it had increased a little bit, and felt that he was quite satisfied.

As the proficiency of perception becomes higher and higher, Yan Changqing's other skills also increase at a faster rate due to this magical perception.

For example, winemaking, from the selection of raw materials to the flow of wine, used to be done with eyes. Now it is not only done with eyes, but also with perception. The effect is better than before, and the control is more precise.

Therefore, it seems less surprising that the skill of making sorghum wine can reach the third level naturally.

Yan Changqing himself was a little dazed. He thought there must be a bottleneck period or something. However, as he gave instructions day by day, or made wine by himself, his skills suddenly broke through.What happens to level three skills?

Yan Changqing originally thought it would take a long time to experiment, just like the second level.

But that's not the case, as he now has magical perceptions.

Everyone around him is a test subject, even Master Yang. Of course, the premise here is that Yan Changqing is very sure that level three wine will never have negative effects as long as it is not excessive.

Take Master Yang as an example. His body was almost exhausted, and even Yan Changqing could only use health-preserving methods to slowly help him recuperate.

But now through sensory observation, Master Yang is allowed to drink two glasses of newly brewed wine regularly every day. After a period of time, it is obvious that Master Yang's complexion is much better.

Even his hair, which was already gray, gradually gained a hint of luster.

Even Master Yang himself was amazed.

Sure enough, wine is the essence of food, so the effect is good, and it actually replenishes vitality.

Then there is grandma who doesn’t drink much. The third-level wine tastes more gentle, and grandma can barely drink a few drinks.

This is a filial piety from a grandson. Yan Changqing didn't need to say anything. He just said that it was good and wanted grandma to try it. Grandma agreed without hesitation and insisted on drinking it every day with grandpa.

It is indeed a tonic. It looks no different from ordinary liquor. It still smells like the aroma of liquor, but of course it is much more attractive and the effect is extraordinary.

I feel that after persisting in drinking for a period of time, people will change quite a lot.

Especially for those with long-term illness, their illness is difficult to treat because they have been tortured by long-term illness and have little resistance and vitality.

And through the slow nourishment of drinking alcohol, their condition gradually improved.


Yan Changqing felt that the wine he drank now was the kind of fairy wine that only existed in novels to replenish vitality.

Originally, at the second level, there should have been a little bit of this effect, but it was not powerful enough at that time, and it could only be manifested as calming the nerves.

And when someone drinks alcohol for a long time and has some good changes in their body, it is only attributed to long-term sleep improvement and the person's body will naturally get better, ignoring the tonic effect of alcohol.

Now it is different. Basically, if you drink it continuously for a month, you will have obvious effects.

For the patients, they can feel some changes in about a week, which is very understandable. For example, when it rains on a cloudy day, a person who feels pain and does not want to move suddenly feels that it is not so uncomfortable to move. Feelings cannot be expressed happily.

Then Yan Changqing began to consider that in the future, he might not be able to give away these wines casually.

The effect is so good that I have to tell others that it is medicinal wine.

But how good will the effect be after soaking in medicinal wine?

Yan Changqing was experimenting vigorously when Erwa Tiedan came to call him, and several parents, Yan Shuixing and Yan Zhongzheng, also came over: "Changqing, the school cafeteria is not good here. You can't even eat meat every day. From now on, What should I do if my children don’t grow up?”

Yan Changqing was too lazy to think about their little thoughts and asked directly: "You just think about it, why bother talking so much?"

"Hehe!" Yan Shuixing smiled. "We bought a house outside and let the children live there and cook there in the future. It's too troublesome for each family to do it, so we might as well do it together."

Yan Changqing thought it was no problem: "Okay, it's good to have someone to cook. Small pot rice is better."

In fact, Yan Changqing feels that the school cafeteria is a bit conservative. With the current economic foundation of the township, it is completely possible to open a few more cafeterias and serve meat when it is necessary. Are you afraid that no one can afford it?
But it's good now. The idle people in the village take turns cooking for these naughty children, so that they don't run around unsupervised.

The town is different now than it was back then. In the past, there were only some hooligans causing trouble, but now there are people coming from all over the place, and there are cars going back and forth, and it is not a good thing for students to run around.

Yan Shuixing and the others just came to say hello in advance, because Yan Changqing would have to report soon.


To go to the new school, buses are dispatched again. Now there is a market for buses here in Dayanzhuang. Because there was only one bus originally and it could not meet everyone's needs, there is an extra bus, which can pick people up at any time.

Yan Changqing didn't bring anything with him, unlike others who brought a bedding. After all, he had to sleep regardless of whether he could live in the school or not.

People who don't plan to go to school naturally don't have to worry about this. They just have to register. After registering for others to go to class, he will continue to go home and study medicinal wine.

To be honest, his mood was quite complicated.

Because this time, he saw more familiar faces that had become a little strange, and saw many young people who looked green compared to the faces in his memory.

But everyone has changed a lot.

It all looks better than I remembered, very good.

After all, the whole town has become rich, so there is no reason why these guys are still as bleak and green as before, like cucumbers and eggs.

When Yan Changqing was in junior high school, he didn't even go to the county a few times, and most of his classmates were similar to him.But now, that's definitely not the case.

My family conditions have improved, my life has gotten better, I stayed near the market, I met people from all over the world, and even my parents took me out to see them when I had nothing to do. People have different visions, different experiences, and naturally different spirits.

Yan Changqing looked around and didn't immediately understand what the students were thinking.

If there is a chance in the future, let’s get to know each other again. If there is no chance, let’s forget about each other forever!

After all, everyone is living better than before, and there is a high probability that the future will be better. So what if we know each other or not?

He turned around and went to the residence bought by Yan Shuixing and the others.


This is a connection of several yards. The houses have been renovated and are filled with beds. They are regarded as dormitories. Half of the yard is covered with sheds, so everyone can only hide in the house when it rains.

The kitchen is also new, because no one would build several large kitchens.

Apart from the location being a bit off, there are no other shortcomings.

There is nothing we can do about the location. Nowadays, land and houses in the town are very expensive. It is impossible to buy several houses in a good location.

Overall it's pretty good, there are fire extinguishers in the yard.

Yan Shuixing was taking the lead in teaching Erwa and the others how to use it. He was really a rich man and didn't feel bad at all. He let a few naughty children spray it randomly. After spraying, they piled it directly at the door, waiting to be transported back and replaced. new.

The yard instantly became smoky, and a group of brats were having fun in it.

The kitchen was already on fire. Yan Changqing originally thought he was asking people from the village to come, but it turned out to be a chef.

Also prepared are washing machine, TV, telephone, etc.

Yan Shuixing cheerfully introduced: "It's convenient to have a phone. You can just leave someone here to go to school often to inquire. Anyone who doesn't obey can just call the market, and someone will come over and beat them in 10 minutes..."

Yan Changqing couldn't help but feel happy. Guys like Erwa Tiedan thought that when they came to town during the summer vacation, they wouldn't have to be nagged by their mother all day long like they did at home.

As a result, haha, now my father can come and beat me at any time.

He was so happy that he ate two more bowls of rice at noon. He was very happy when he saw those guys holding bowls of silly music.

When they were in junior high school, they didn't have this kind of treatment, and they also had unprecedented freedom. Several of them followed some of the scumbags in the town, wandering around the streets and imitating the scumbags, thinking they were cool.

This time, let's see how they are still imitating bastards. After all, their fathers are not what they used to be. They all use high-quality pure cowhide belts. The belt buckles are all shiny, and they look exciting. !

Several students who are already in their second or third grade of junior high school or high school also came to have dinner. They have experienced the dangers of society and now feel particularly stable.

Yan Changqing looked at the honest people here, and then looked at the happy people over there.

I can only give my silent blessings and hope that everyone’s junior high school life will be colorful!
 This month I got even less. I will try harder next month, but my hands are not yet as nimble and I can’t use much strength. Fortunately, I have no problem typing.

  Thank you for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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