Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 262 The hospital just did it

Chapter 262 The hospital just did it
When Yan Changqing was about to go back, Yan Shuixing and a group of other parents wanted him to say a few words to encourage the naughty children to go to school well.

Yan Changqing chuckled: "They are not fools. That bastard Xiaozhi only got a few points in the exam, and he has been admitted to the technical secondary school trained by the winery. The family will not starve them. You can beat me if I say anything." Does it work?”

When a naughty child becomes a big naughty child, it becomes difficult to control him.

And Yan Changqing now understands why in the future Internet era, parents will cry when facing their children - even these naughty children in the village will not be easy to fool when they grow up!

The naughty children who were once easy to manage will naturally learn a lot as they come into contact with more and more people and become more and more knowledgeable. If you use those words from the past to coax them, who will believe it?

Just like the naughty children in the Internet age, they have been 'self-taught' using mobile phones since they were young. Their parents say they will keep their New Year's money for them, but even those who have been to kindergarten don't really believe it...

In the past, the most common words used by the teachers in the school were: "If you don't study hard, you will have to go home to farm in the future. You can't eat meat by digging in the soil every day, and you won't be able to wear new clothes all year round..."

Now there is no teacher to say this, the fields at home are harvested and sown by uniform machinery, and I am tired of eating meat every day at home!

So the teachers changed the words to: "You can go to a big city after entering the university..."

Some naughty kids in the market muttered: "People from big cities are still not allowed to come to our place?"

Isn't that right? After Chen Youliang established contact with the provincial university, he often invited people to come over as consultants and so on. In the market, it is not uncommon for professors to bring college students for internships in the past few years.

As for going to big cities, in cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, as long as they want to go, they can get on the bus and set off at any time, saving fares, and there is still food and accommodation, which is not surprising.

The teachers were forced to resort to the last resort, calling the parents.

There are some relatively rude parents who, when they arrive at school, the first thing they do is to beat them up first and then reason with them.

So Yan Changqing won't say much now, just a reminder.


Back at the winery, Yan Changqing continued to study his medicinal wine.

This would take a long time, so he wasn't in a hurry, and it wasn't the only thing to do.

The small clinic is a bit small, and an area has been expanded in the backyard. This is more convenient for drying medicinal materials and other things. The patients' family members are not afraid of coming in too many, and they can come in and sit.

All the minor ailments that come here, such as colds, can be solved with a few cents of Western medicine. It's very simple, just take a pair of scissors and cut a few pills of cold medicine.

If the serious problem is worthy of acupuncture, Yan Changqing will treat it.

In addition, the small clinic treats all kinds of diseases. There are children whose teeth have grown bad and need to be extracted. They are also treated here.

Moreover, the medical practice style is quite bold and unrestrained. He talks to the patient and fools him into saying that he is just looking at it. He holds the pliers and pretends to look at them. He clamps them and pulls them out with a click. Then he applies some anesthetic.

This anesthetic is actually an anti-inflammatory. The anesthetic effect is only guaranteed within 100 meters of leaving the clinic. If you go further away, you will start to feel the pain...

Yan Changqing also wanted to improve the effect of anesthesia, but Dr. Shen said that it was unnecessary: ​​"Isn't this how teeth are extracted? The price of the medicine has to increase after the medicine is finished. Just pull out a tooth and stretch your hands. Fifty cents is a lot, how much more do you want to charge?"

The dignified Mr. Yan was so criticized that he didn’t even bother to vomit.

He could not change Dr. Shen's mind. He knew that this man had been working in rural clinics all his life, and even when he was gray-haired, he could not go to the rural hospital to work for him.

So I can only suggest: "Let's get something good. When the time comes, let's make it clear. If you want to ease the pain, use some good medicine..."

Dr. Shen still supports him. What he doesn't support is changing all the medicines.

As a result, the clinic carried more and more medicines, ranging from tens of thousands of ginseng to old medicines costing only a few cents a pack.

Yan Changqing also made many medicines by himself, such as wound medicine similar to Yunnan Baiyao.

Once he has time, there are so many things he can do, and making medicinal wine is just a small problem.


Dr. Shen actually admires Yan Changqing. Yan Changqing first learned how to make wine from him. He naturally knows that the wine used to make medicinal wine in the clinic is good wine, and so many medicinal materials have been added, which took a lot of effort. , the final selling price is far lower than the price of directly bottling and selling liquor.

Although Yan Changqing didn't take it seriously, he noticed it all. Based on this, he felt that Mr. Yan was truly benevolent and righteous.

So when he saw that Yan Changqing wanted to expand the small clinic, he offered to bring in a few new doctors. After all, they were experienced doctors, so it would be no problem to bring in doctors who had just graduated.

At this time, the places assigned to college and technical secondary school students have become increasingly remote, and they are even assigned to certain units in name, but they are not allowed to go to work without notice.

This makes it gradually easier to recruit workers and respond to them.

Yan Changqing laughed: "Didn't we talk about this before? When I open a hospital in the future, you will be the director. You see, time is going very fast. If you recruit a few more people, the small clinic will become a small hospital. You will Dean."

Dr. Shen is very energetic.

That is to say, people these days can 'resist'. They are used to it. They will resist any minor problems and only come to the doctor if they can't resist.

Moreover, the current diagnosis and treatment methods include either giving some medicine, or at most a few injections in serious cases, which basically does not cause bleeding, which is more time-saving.

Otherwise, there would be tens of thousands of people in the winery and the surrounding areas. Just a small clinic, a doctor and a part-time worker would keep people busy to death.


Facts have proved that the effect of medicinal wine is not as good as imagined.

Because the effect of wine is already very good, the added medicinal materials cannot achieve the effect of one plus one equals two at all. At most, one plus one equals one point one two.

Fortunately, medicinal materials can treat diseases in a targeted manner, which is the icing on the cake.

Yan Changqing has experimented to this point and has a clear understanding of the effect of wine. Anyway, he has already made up his mind. In the future, he will only give medicinal wine instead of alcohol. Otherwise, the effect will be too obvious, and the gap between his understanding and other people's understanding will be too big, and it will be easy to cause trouble. please come.

After all, ordinary wine is known to be of no benefit.


It hasn't been long since the start of junior high school, and it's the busy autumn vacation.

In fact, there is no need to take a holiday, because now the busy farming life has changed, and there are more and more local "lazy people". Now the people harvesting in the farmland are outsiders, and the naughty children have nothing to do during the holiday, they are just having fun. .

The sweet potato stalks that needed to be handed in in the early years are no longer collected. The garbage piled up in various schools the year before last was piled up in hills. The sweet potato stalks that were originally collected were notified that they were no longer needed, so they had to throw them away.

Now that there is no autumn holiday, Yan Changqing can only find some work for them and let them help him make wine.

Anyway, there will be a group of people here. In the future, they will either go home to do business with their father, or come to the winery to help themselves.

Even if Yan Changqing takes care of them and doesn't let them do heavy work, at least they need to know the production process of the winery, although they are actually quite familiar with it now and are already qualified workers.


Mayor Yang led his people to the winery. Under the leadership of Director Wan, when they found Yan Changqing, they saw Yan Changqing directing a group of half-grown men to work.

He waited for a while, until Yan Changqing saw him coming, then he said with a smile: "Mr. Yan, something happened."

"What's going on?" Yan Changqing was very surprised. "Do you need to be so polite?"

Mayor Yang smiled sheepishly and pointed to a few people waiting in the distance: "People from a county in the west, including top leaders, are here. They are not here to visit and study in vain. They just want to come and have a look. This is what I really want to learn from.”

Yan Changqing smiled: "What's wrong? Looking for a way to get rich? Is there no suitable way for them in the market?"

"I guess it's not suitable! All the capable people have gone out to do business, and most of the rest are incompetent. We can't use so many people doing odd jobs now. They want to come and ask you for advice. They will give you directions." Mayor Yang explained.

Yan Changqing smiled: "After all, I am a county official, but you, a township head, make people wait. Is it appropriate? You can take them to the conference room to sit first. I will go there later."

This kind of thing is also common, and Yan Changqing is not surprised.

The skit performed by Feng Niu and Feng Niu in last year's Spring Festival Gala was called "Idea Company". Now there are actually people doing this, and it is quite well-known and is being touted a lot.

The positive effect is that many people find that when they have no ideas, they can ask others for advice.After all, three Zhuge Liangs are not as good as one cobbler who knows how to repair shoes. Three cobblers are worse than Zhuge Liang.


Yan Changqing asked Erwa and the others to play by themselves, and then came to the conference room.

After a brief introduction, the visitor explained his purpose of coming, that he just wanted to ask for advice, and he brought a lot of souvenirs.

Several counties to the west of Xiyang City are all close to mountains. The transportation is not good, and in terms of resources, it is hard to say that they are close to mountains. In the early years, when there was a famine in Dayanzhuang, many people went to them to beg. .

But let’s face it, there’s nothing particularly unique about it.

So what they brought was some dried vegetables such as mushrooms and fungus, and they were a little embarrassed.

There is a difference between people who want to do things and people who don't want to do things. You can tell by looking at gift giving.

Some people from impoverished areas came, and you couldn't tell they came from impoverished areas with such generosity and enthusiasm. A patch on their brand-new clothes meant they were poor. It was like fooling fools. After seeing this, the workers in the factory were all confused. As a joke.

Those who really want to do something, but are reluctant to spend money, can't tell it when they don't do it, because they are wearing brand-new clothes, not to mention patches, and there are no wrinkles.

But as soon as he made the move, it was obvious that he was very stingy. He said that the souvenirs were genuine and they were definitely obtained from the mountains.

The winery buys mountain goods all the year round, especially Mr. Xu said about it, and Yan Changqing has studied it even if he has nothing to do. Those mountain goods are absolutely free.

He laughed when he saw it: "The quality of these things over there is very good? This mushroom is very good..."

"Yes, yes." The leader who came to lead the group was surnamed Qian. Although his surname was Qian, there was no way for people to make money. He quickly introduced him after hearing this. "We have some grown there. This is called flower mushroom, and it has been cultivated for hundreds of years."

"Then do this!" Yan Changqing said. "You have seen it from the market. You probably don't have much money to do other things, right? Then develop this, and then you can look at the market and find sales. No one in the market is willing to do it, so you can do it yourself. Get out and run with me!"

"We think so too, and have already discussed some plans." Secretary Qian said. "I just want to find something else that is not so labor-intensive so that everyone can earn some money..."

"If you want to relax, you have to learn skills." Yan Changqing pointed at Mayor Yang. "Our township chief is here. Can't you just go to him and discuss it with him and ask him to find someone to train a group of technical personnel?"

Township Chief Yang was taken aback: "What can I train?"

"Can most people do the clothing work in the labor service company?" Yan Changqing said. "Isn't it enough to make leather shoes and clothes, make small jewelry, and make paper boxes? Just look at what other people in the town are doing and ask the people who come here to learn how to do it, so they can follow suit when they get back."

Mayor Yang hesitated: "In that town..."

"The market is huge!" Yan Changqing smiled. "Next, the market will have to cooperate with merchants from other places. The business needs to reach Qiansu. We just rely on the little things made by our people here. There is simply not enough to sell. There is no need to worry about taking business from each other."

"It's a good thing to be able to grab it. It's better to have competition, so that they don't make quick money by cheating, which will affect the reputation of our market after a long time."

Mayor Yang thought for a long time and nodded: "Yes!"


These people from Mushroom County are happy. The business done by the people in Peach Tree Town is quite popular now. They don’t have to worry about selling the things they make. They can just send them to the market and get the money when they turn around. Continue to purchase raw materials.

If the county over there could also get people to do this, not to mention how much money they would make, at least people would not have to worry about public food.

In fact, Yan Changqing is quite familiar with Xishan County. Mushrooms, fungus, kiwi fruit have not been developed due to various factors such as transportation and information, but in the future these will be well-known things.

So he even proposed to do these things and bring out local characteristics.

I just suggest that the few people who came here are those who want to do things this time, so they should do it quickly. At least in the future, there will be fewer HIV-infected people there, and don’t create any more HIV villages, or even create one later. Something like H demolition team coming.

The truth is a bit unpleasant, but now there are actually signs. The people who provide special services in the roadside restaurants around the market are not all from other places, some are from their county.

In fact, there is a market to back it up, and it won’t be a big problem if people in the surrounding area go to small processing factories. There are enough transportation and trading capabilities, and the little things produced by ourselves are really nothing.


Yan Changqing's other suggestion is: "You should have medicinal materials over there, right? Developing the cultivation of medicinal materials is also a good way. If you have good medicinal materials, the sales will be very good."

This is to prepare for the expansion of the hospital in the future. Schools can cooperate in providing training, but hospitals must do it themselves. Human lives are at stake!

The rest is for Mayor Yang to decide whether to set up some kind of training class to provide them with skills training.

People these days are really helpless when they are poor. They have no connections and no skills. Especially today’s generation of adults. Those who graduated from primary school are all highly educated. Many people are at the level of Yan Erhe, and they are not like this. Luck, without any chance, you will never be able to turn around in your life.

As for whether you charge money for skill training, you definitely have to charge some.

Firstly, it is useless work that does not allow people to understand the technology. Secondly, it is troublesome because it does not charge. If word spreads back, Taoshu Township provides free skills training, what will happen if people from other places come?
Yan Changqing does these things by chance. He has a vision for the future, and the path he chooses may not be the most appropriate, but he will definitely not go wrong. As long as he does it, he will definitely change the status quo.


After they were sent off and the busy farm holiday was over in a few days, Chen Youliang called: "Changqing, they have coordinated the train skins to be shipped to Qiansu. We can just load them directly."

"They said that after the goods arrive, we should be able to talk about airplanes after the business is completed. Do we really want to buy an airplane?"

The last sentence exposed Chen Youliang's guilty conscience. He was originally ambitious, but in the end he felt guilty again.

Yan Changqing laughed happily: "Are there enough funds in the market? If not, I will collect it for you. If you can buy it, buy it. One or two is not too little, and three or five is not too much. Look at the current situation In terms of economic conditions and future transportation, we will only make profits and not lose money if we have airplanes.”

Chen Youliang expressed the same sentiment there: "It's just a bit unreal. I felt like I was worried about how to make money two days ago. I thought it was not bad at the beginning to have a street business making cool skin. Now I suddenly want to buy a plane. This change is a bit... Hurry!"

"When we get it back, let's sit and walk around for a few times, and you'll get used to it." Yan Changqing smiled. He was a representative after all. He often went to meetings in the city and provinces, and even went to meetings in the capital. , there is nothing wrong with buying a plane.


Chen Youliang put down the phone and felt relieved. Firstly, he trusted Yan Changqing, and secondly, the roads across the country were getting better and better, but problems seemed to be increasing again.

The biggest problem is the toll plaza.

As if inadvertently, there are fewer dirt roads and more asphalt roads on national highways.

But problems have arisen. There are more toll stations. There are more than one toll station in a county. In some cases, there are even two toll stations a few kilometers away because the distinction between counties and cities is unclear.

Chen Youliang still doesn't know that if he and Yan Changqing hadn't set up a market and brought up the local economy, then according to the original historical trajectory, starting from the current location of the market, there would be a toll station within a few miles of walking. After passing by, turn a corner. When we entered the county town, there was another one.

There are two toll stations less than ten kilometers apart. Because one section of the road is built by the city and the other section is built by the county, each charges its own toll.

Now that the county has money, it builds its own roads, so there is only one toll station.

But when going from the county to the city, there are two toll stations, and there is also a toll station on the road before entering the city.

Therefore, villages on the roadside near toll stations have begun to set up toll stations in the villages. If I charge less per car at the toll station than others, I will not be afraid of losing business.

The problem of short distances is relatively good at present, because they are all nearby, and the market has great influence now, so it can be negotiated, and the market can provide monthly subscription.

The toll station has a monthly subscription service.

But it won't work if it's far away. It's impossible to negotiate from place to place. You can only give money.

As a result, transportation costs will definitely increase significantly.

Although the cost of air transportation is high in theory, considering the risks on the road, manpower and material resources and other consumption, the extra cost of air transportation is completely acceptable.

After thinking clearly, Chen Youliang started to calculate the money. He didn't know how much a plane cost, so he could only try to calculate how much money there was in the market first.

However, he is not worried about not being able to afford a few. The winery also has money, more than the market money.

Just buy it!

 Thanks to the book friend "Three Knowledges and Three Guards" for the reward, thank you very much!
  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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