Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 263 Mr. Renyi Yan is a suitable customer

Chapter 263 Mr. Renyi Yan is a suitable customer

When wheat is sown in the farmland, it means the arrival of slack season.

At this time, there are the most people looking for work. After all, they all want to make some money before the Chinese New Year and live a good year.

Yan Changqing casually drew a few living areas around the winery, preparing to build a few buildings, and also planned to build a wider bridge on the east river.

As for building a new bridge and opening a new road, he doesn't have to worry about that. Dongbian Township is willing to take the initiative to undertake this part of the project.

They used to say that if you want to get rich, you need to build roads first. They can't see it. Now they have experienced it for themselves. They don't need others to persuade them for such a small matter as building roads.

Dr. Shen covered his waist and watched Yan Changqing sitting in the clinic dealing with these things. He was quite envious of him: "You are so comfortable as a boss. You just say a word and don't even have to look at it!"

Yan Changqing smiled and said nothing.

Dr. Shen was actually just saying that he knew in his heart that working in a winery would give him a lot of money. If he didn't do well, Yan Changqing wouldn't have to say anything, and those working in the future would no longer be able to find work nearby. .

After finding a recliner and lying down carefully, Dr. Shen sighed: "Your medical skills are so great. How are you going to sell this newly prepared medicinal wine?"

"Do you have any side effects now?" Yan Changqing asked.

Dr. Shen looked calm: "I don't feel any physical deficit. The pain in my back is caused by too little activity and being tired once. It's probably a bit strained. It's not a big problem. Just rest for two days."

"That means there are no side effects!" Yan Changqing pondered for a moment. "It's ready to be launched, but the price of this medicinal wine has to be higher. It's not a necessity. It won't hurt your conscience to sell it more expensive."

"Okay!" Dr. Shen nodded. "I'll sell it, don't worry about it."

"Yeah!" Yan Changqing also nodded and said with a smile. "Then sell it to give you some hard work, not much, and sell it for 100 yuan and give you a dollar, okay?"

Dr. Shen thought about it for a long time: "Okay!"


The function of the newly prepared medicinal wine is to increase the harmony in the life of family and husband.

Dr. Shen personally experienced it and found that except for the tired back pain, the effect was very good.

This kind of back pain was not the other. He had been sitting in the doctor all year round. His body was not very good at exercise, but he suddenly regained his youth. It was probably because the old Wuling, which he had driven for ten years, was replaced with a supercar with a high-horsepower engine. It was inevitable that his old body and bones were a little bit overwhelmed. This is normal. .

It's easy to sell it to him. Firstly, Mr. Yan is busy with many things. Secondly, since this medicine is sold by an older person, the customers are not so embarrassed.

And he also knew in his heart that Yan Changqing wanted to make more money for himself, but he felt that the methods Yan Changqing said before were the same as giving him money directly. It would be boring to take such money, so he never wanted it, including Most of the income from the clinic, he only collects the part that belongs to him.

This time, Yan Changqing offered to pay him hard work fee again. He felt that if he sold it for a few hundred yuan and collected a few yuan as hard work fee, it would be nothing, and it would not mean he was taking advantage of others.

After all, Yan Changqing is not here often, he is always there.

Besides, the friendship between the two lasted for more than a day or two. Now that he is a big boss, he can't be too ungrateful. He can't keep refusing like that, otherwise it will hurt his feelings over time.

But he is a person who has never done business, and he has no idea how much this thing can be sold when it is released.

When a large vat of wine is sold sporadically at first, sales increase significantly after a week, and then suddenly demand exceeds supply...

Dr. Shen was a little puzzled. There were not many people in the village before, so they came to him to see similar problems!

Just like what Yan Changqing told him and what he agreed with, this medicinal wine is not a necessity.

But he didn't say anything, just let it be. He knew what Yan Changqing meant, and there was no need to worry about how much more money he would get.

What he can do is to get his son to help contact some students who are good in character, but not well assigned, and even have not yet worked. Students come here for internships.

As for his own son, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. The boy is now obsessed with the little girl in the town and doesn't listen to me. There is nothing he can do.


Yan Changqing feels that this kind of life is what she wants, with a worry-free life and a happy family. She can do whatever she wants and is very comfortable.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days of stability, Mr. Xu and Boss Wang came over with a few old men.

I don't mean to call you Lao Maozi with contempt, it's just a habit. Everyone has very complicated feelings towards the former Soviet Union. It was really good when the relationship was good in the early years, but didn't something happen in the middle?
In fact, many older people learned the former Soviet language and used many things from the former Soviet Union.

Times have changed now, and the economy in the former Soviet Union is in a recession, so they have to rely on this side to help them.

The first person who came was named Sidorov, a bearded man who looked quite strong.If it wasn't for Yan Changqing's successful and extraordinary medical skills, he might not be able to tell that this is an old man in his 60s or [-]s.

This one also brought a secretary, the kind of secretary who had an unusual relationship at first glance. Her name was Mariana, a long-legged woman in her thirties.

When he saw Yan Changqing, the secretary's eyes lit up, he held hands and said repeatedly: "You are my idol, idol, I finally meet you."

Sidorov explained: "Mariana used to work at the Opera House. She particularly liked your dolphin song and listened to it several times every day, so she definitely wanted to come and see you."

His Chinese was not very standard, but it was enough for the people present to understand him.

Yan Changqing said modestly: "Music has always been my hobby."

Wang Dajiang explained: "Sidorov's father had been here before, as a construction aid worker. He wanted to come with him at that time, so he has been learning Chinese."

Sidorov answered with some regret: "Unfortunately, a lot of things happened later, and I can't come here until now."

The year before last, the higher authorities formally re-established diplomatic relations with the former Soviet Union, and some people with sensitive identities came here without so much trouble, such as people in the military and political fields.


Sidorov and his party came to see vodka.

The composition of this group of people is very complex. Some of them are political officials at first glance, some are soldiers, and some are businessmen.

Among the people brought by Mr. Xu and others, there are two more silent bodyguards. Yan Changqing has seen them before, and is not surprised. He knows that they are from the special department. Obviously Sidorov and his friends are relatively sensitive, so They had to make the trip.

Yan Changqing didn't mean to hide anything: "Then let's take a look at the production process!"

Chen Youliang was familiar with this. Yan Changqing was not very willing to receive people. Sometimes, Chen Youliang would take action if Yan Erhe couldn't deal with people. He didn't know anything about wine making before, but now he can speak fluently.

Sidorov and his party were quite surprised. They did not expect to go in and visit directly: "Is that possible?"

Chen Youliang smiled and stretched out his hand: "Please come this way. There is nothing confidential about the production process. Just watch it."

Even the two special bodyguards were a little worried, because the 'cloisonné technology' had caused an uproar in society a few years ago. How could such a big winery be able to sell wine to famous wineries all over the world? Be aware of confidentiality.

They even winked at Chen Youliang, but Chen Youliang was busy leading people away and didn't notice. One of them had to turn to Yan Changqing and asked quietly: "Isn't there any technology that needs to be kept secret? What if it is stolen?" "

Yan Changqing smiled: "The process is universal, the important thing is the details, and the details are invisible. We have visited many wineries here, and I have let them see directly how I make wine."

Both of them looked relieved.

Yan Changqing didn't say much to them. The identities of people in these special departments are still somewhat sensitive.


Wang Dajiang felt that he was more familiar with Yan Changqing, so he fell behind while walking, and whispered: "As I said on the phone, we buy a plane, but they don't want money now, they just want goods. Come here. Inspecting products.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Yan. Don't worry about what we do. If they really ask for wine, Mr. Yan will not suffer any loss."

Yan Changqing asked: "Do they have a plane in their hands?"

"Yes, there are fighter jets." Wang Dajiang said with a louder voice. He obviously had a lot of ideas when it came to fighter jets, but it was a pity that they were just ideas.

"There is an airport over there. If the negotiation can be concluded, our goods will be shipped directly to the central city of the former Soviet Union in the future, and we will have more business in the future."

Forget about fighter jets, Yan Changqing is concerned about what type of transport aircraft he can buy. Although he doesn't understand it, it doesn't stop him from finding out: "What type of aircraft can be sold to us?"

"For the Il series, we want the Il-76 the most, and the An-series transport aircraft. I like the An-124 the most, but the research center is now assigned to Ukraine." Wang Dajiang said with some regret. "And they won't sell us the most advanced ones. It depends on how we negotiate and what we can buy in the end."

Yan Changqing nodded, this is no nonsense, the latest model will definitely not be sold.

However, Wang Dajiang is still quite optimistic: "The economy there is really bad now. Their ruble has depreciated too fast. Before the disintegration, one dollar could be exchanged for 3000, but now it costs more than [-], so no one wants money." , we want their aircraft and some technical products, and they also want to stockpile our supplies." Yan Changqing was a little speechless. The speed of depreciation is indeed quite scary.

No wonder he went to Shenzhen with others after working for a few years. In the evening, near a certain West Village in a certain gate, many of the service staff standing on the roadside were many former Soviet people. It seemed that the economy was not good but they were quite powerful. .

I heard about those...


"Why do you think it's better here?" A surprised loud voice with a strange accent suddenly came from the front, and it sounded like it belonged to Sidorov.

Then many people began to chat quickly in Su language.

Wang Dajiang thought something had happened and walked over quickly.

Yan Changqing had a good ear and still stood where he was, listening to the discussion of those people.

"The new wine that comes out here is better than the bottled wine. Is what we are drinking fake?"

"It's impossible. It must be true. Mr. Wang is a friend. It's impossible for him to send us fake things."

"Yes, I have a friend who admires this vodka very much. I drank it at his place. The taste is the same as what we received, only the one here is different!"

“Then why sell bad wine and hide the good ones?”

"Perhaps this is a new product that hasn't been released yet? Can we just order this wine?"

There are high and low voices, and some of them speak in a low voice.

But obviously, it was useless to lower the voice, because the sound from the beginning attracted everyone.

As for Yan Changqing, who was standing far away, he could hear more clearly than them, and he could still understand.

After language became a skill, the types of languages ​​​​he now knew were constantly increasing. As long as he had heard it before, under his super memory now, including those he heard in his previous life, he gradually formed skills.

And they are all quite standard. In the Internet age, you can watch movies and TV series in various languages ​​from your computer. Especially in the early days when network supervision was not so strict, you could watch all kinds of movies, and they were all free.

Now he is equivalent to the foreign language he learned from various movies and TV dramas in the future, and he can communicate after learning it.


Seeing his uncle's confused face, Yan Changqing knew that he couldn't understand the former Su language, so he stepped forward and explained: "They think the wine from our winery is better than the one sold, so they are a little surprised and confused now."

Chen Youliang was relieved immediately: "I thought something was wrong! It scared me."

As soon as Yan Changqing came over to talk, Sidorov and his party stopped discussing. Sidorov asked directly: "Mr. Yan, why did the wine I just tasted here taste better than the wine we received?" ?”

Chen Youliang can answer this question: "We launch our own wine based on the wine on the market, and now our wine is the best wine on the market."

"Perhaps due to differences in local habits and tastes, this cannot be agreed upon by everyone. However, our brewmaster, Mr. Yan, will definitely not be wrong in what he confirms."

Drinking, even if this professional organization considers it to be the best in the world, not everyone thinks it is good. Some people don’t like it, they just don’t like it. It’s useless to say you are the best in the universe - unless it can be like Even a fool would admit that the third-grade liquor is so effective.

Just like in the future, no matter how good Moutai is, if you meet someone who doesn’t like Maotai-flavored wine or just can’t get used to drinking it, what if they are happy with Fenjiu?

What Chen Youliang said may sound a little arrogant if someone who doesn't know the business hears it.

Because to put it simply, there are only 85-point wines on the market, so if we bring out [-]-point wines, it is enough to seize the market. There is no need to sell out our own wines that are [-]-point or more than [-]-point wines.

Although this is not recognized by everyone, our brewing master Yan Moumou has confirmed it, and it is definitely not wrong.

Are you arrogant?
Not at all.

Everyone at the scene looked at Yan Changqing with complicated expressions.

This young man is the brewmaster.

Without a doubt, it cannot be refuted.

We are all not fools. We have investigated clearly before coming here. Bubugao Distillery, Vodka Sake Distillery, all distilleries are actually one and only one owner, and there is only one most professional technician, Boss Yan.

The boy who won a Grammy for his singing and whose music can be heard on the streets of most cities around the world is also a master brewer.

He has successively launched the best liquor in China, vodka that has been recognized by quite a few people in the world, and Romance of the Three Kingdoms sake, which has recently been very popular in the island country. Such a young man, said to be a brewing master, cannot refute it at all.

Now Yan Changqing is just standing there with a smile, everyone is thinking this in their hearts - otherwise why are they here?
When they considered adding Victory Vodka to the exchanged goods, they had already determined that Victory Vodka was a good enough to preserve its value. It was more of a hard currency than the ruble, and the chance of depreciation was infinitely smaller than that of the ruble.

Because everyone knows that there are not many sales of this wine in the world at present, and that is because the production is not large.

At present, what this wine lacks is only time. People who have drunk it can find no fault with it. At most, it is a wine that they are not accustomed to drinking. As long as it has a certain amount of time, it is very simple to be recognized by everyone.

And as more and more people drink it and identify with it, the question is not whether the wine will depreciate, but how much it will increase in value.


Sidorov asked tentatively: "So, Mr. Yan, can this new wine be used as an exchange product?"

Yan Changqing glanced at Chen Youliang and nodded: "Yes, but the price will be high. After you have tasted it, I am sure that there is no better wine in the world."

Mariana immediately smiled and said, "The price is negotiable, Mr. Yan, we will give you a satisfactory price."

Then go talk!

Yan Changqing is not responsible for this. Chen Youliang did not do it for nothing for so many years. This person has never given up studying. Since that year, he bought a pair of glasses on the streets of Jiangcheng to cover the scars on his face. He has learned Mandarin, management, and foreign languages. Studying the market economy... never stops learning.

In the past, Yan Changqing only admired him. After all, his uncle had many ups and downs, but he was still a successful person in the end.

Now he understands that his uncle's success back then was nothing at all. It was because he was just a young man in a small town who was not experienced enough and had bad luck, so he suffered several setbacks. Now that he has the opportunity, he has shown his true abilities.

Besides, wine is as much as I want for myself, and wine is just the best now, it doesn't mean it will be the best tomorrow.

And if this wine becomes a trading commodity, once it is reached, the reputation of the wine will also be improved. A higher reputation means that the price will be speculated even higher.

The key is that the things that can be exchanged are different. Airplanes are currently in short supply in the Taoshu Township market. Once you come here, it is not an airplane, but a flying money printing machine. Of course, let alone the shortage in the market, it is currently in short supply. In China, they are all lacking.


Chen Youliang was very reassured about Yan Changqing and knew that Yan Changqing would not make a hasty decision.

What he worried about was: "If you do this, wouldn't you be too tired if they ask for a large amount? Even if there is no plane, we can still consider other things."

Yan Changqing smiled: "Let's talk about it first. It won't work if the quantity is too large. I'm too busy. If they ask for a lot of money, let's talk about it. But, do you think they are used to drinking medicinal wine?"

Chen Youliang's eyes lit up, and then he became worried again: "You take that one out and change it?"

"The new kind." Yan Changqing reminded.

The new one is of course the kind that makes Dr. Shen's old back ache. After Dr. Shen tried this wine, the effect was so good that Yan Changqing certainly wouldn't hide it.

So Chen Youliang immediately looked at Sidorov, then at Mariana beside him, and simply said directly: "We have a medicinal wine here, we can talk about it later."

Yan Changqing looked at the way his uncle was talking and felt that he was not talking to people, but to his own plane.

Only Dr. Shen believed that the wine was not necessary.

For those wealthy people, if this wine is sold for less than the price of gold, it is disrespectful to it.

Dr. Shen always felt that the price of Yan Changqing's medicinal wine was too low. It was because Mr. Yan was too kind and moral and provided welfare for the villagers. He didn't understand. It was simply because Mr. Yan had not met a suitable customer yet.

The selling price is low, firstly, it is sold to the people around, and secondly, it is to let more people try the experience, and to control the effect more accurately, so as to facilitate further improvement.

What is a suitable customer? Now it’s here!
(End of this chapter)

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