Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 266 The sound of a big plane taking off

Chapter 266 The sound of a big plane taking off
Chen Youliang stayed in Dayanzhuang for two or three days and then returned to the market.

The market will be busier this season, so someone must be there to keep an eye on it.

There has always been a problem with the development of the market. The people who did business in it at the beginning have now become the 'big dogs' that everyone despised in the past. The problem is that these big dogs only believe in Chen Youliang or Yan Changqing.

Normally it's fine, and sometimes it's no problem if Chen Youliang is away, but when the New Year gets busy and the financial summary begins, it's a bit awkward when he's not around. Those bosses and thugs get angry, and it doesn't work for others.

Yan Changqing doesn't have this kind of trouble. The winery is much easier to manage.

The old workers in the early years have now become leaders of all sizes. With these and other mature and prudent people like Lao Wan, Mr. Yan can do whatever he likes.

Not to mention that it would not delay him from going to the river to soak in the river early in the morning and get close to the water.

There are still advantages to the cooler weather. In the distance is the bustling Power Station Winery, but after crossing Xinqiao upstream and walking for a while, it is the same as before, there are still no people.

During the day, Yan Changqing sat in the clinic, inspected the thermal power station to check on the situation, or wandered around the winery to give advice, but he didn't do much work.

He became energetic at night, worked until midnight, went to bed, slept for two hours, went to soak in the river, played the erhu and boxed at dawn, and came back after breakfast.

Although he only sleeps two hours a day, his life is actually quite leisurely.

However, the so-called water control has not made much progress. The ability to control water has not been developed, but the skills of swimming and breathing have improved a lot.

Then another unexpected surprise was that he increased the yield rate of straw wine a little.

Although it's still useless.


He studied straw wine blindly on his own. From the beginning of making wine, he wanted to do this.

He used sweet potatoes to make wine and sorghum and corn stalks to make wine, because these were the most common around the village. At that time, his winery had just opened and he wanted to reduce costs.

At that time, he had a lot of ideas. When he had money and leisure, he tried them all one by one.

Later, he regarded these purely as his own hobbies, studying them and playing around for fun.

The reason is also very simple.

It is indeed possible to make sweet potato wine, but the cost of raw materials has reduced, the processing cost has increased, and the taste of sweet potato wine is still a bit worse. It requires more effort to reach the level of sorghum wine. It is better to just use sorghum and corn to save effort.

Needless to say, the wine yield of straw is too low. Even if he now has level [-] winemaking technology, the wine yield still cannot reach his ideal effect. The workload is still large and it is not very cost-effective.

Considering that labor costs will get higher and higher in the future, he just treats it as a hobby and studies it on his own, with no plans to mass-produce this thing.

Although with his level [-] brewing technology, he can completely guarantee that the brewed wine will suit the taste of the public.


A few days after Chen Youliang returned, news came from Mayor Yang, who sent over several brave people.

Lao Wan can arrange this kind of trivial matter. Yan Changqing doesn't need to take care of it. He just needs to show his attitude.

When a person's attitude can be closely related to the lives of many people, then his attitude will naturally attract a lot of attention.

Several new people were recruited into the factory, and the work they were assigned was relatively easy. They were treated better than some of the original workers, and the news spread without publicity.

What Mayor Yang wants is this effect, and he takes the opportunity to publicize Boss Yan's strong support for those who are brave enough to do justice.

The effect is not yet known, but the impact is significant. Reporters from daily newspapers came to interview several new workers who had volunteered for justice, and they were even featured on local TV stations.

Being in the news is nothing new for wineries now. The annual tax payment is in hundreds of millions. In the local area, no matter what happens, it is worth making the news. After all, it affects tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. The problem of eating.

Yan Changqing was quite supportive of this kind of publicity and specially asked Lao Wan to be interviewed.

As for himself, trivial matters are not worth taking action on his own.


In the blink of an eye, the big plane arrived.

Xiyang Airport has probably never been so lively. People from Dayanzhuang and several nearby villages, including those who are not idle, also took time to come to the airport to visit the airplanes.

There are several rows of large trucks parked outside the airport. The parking lot is not enough, and there is also a long row of cars parked on the road outside.

No one said it was unsafe for trucks to haul people, but the crowds of people were as happy as if they had bought a plane.

There are too many people who are related to the winery and the market now. Knowing that this plane was bought by Mr. Yan and Mr. Chen, they all feel that their faces are bright - these two people are from their own hometown, and they will go out in the future. There is an extra topic to brag about.

People from the city and county came. At first, when they saw that there were too many people, a large number of security officers were sent out, for fear that these people would come in and run around at the airport.

However, I found it a bit redundant. When people have a strong sense of honor, they are very self-conscious. Although they are noisy, they all stay in the designated area and do not cross the line at all.

Sidorov's service spirit was excellent. Although he himself could not come again, in addition to pilots, there were also instructors and maintenance engineers, and more than a dozen people were arranged to come.

Instructors are here to train pilots. In the short term, they can hire their pilots, but in the long run, there must be backups.

People from all three parties are worried about one problem. If something happens again in the future and these former Soviet people have to return to China, won't the plane become a decoration?
In fact, their worries are a bit unnecessary. In the future, the relationship between the former Soviet Union and China will no longer be as bad as it was a few years ago, to the point where everyone returned to China.

But Yan Changqing knew it, but he couldn't say it out loud. The international situation has changed day by day over the years. It's normal for others to have such worries. Anyway, this arrangement is not redundant. Let's just train!


Yan Changqing got into the pile of information as soon as he came over. As for other work that required reception, Chen Youliang did it.

The two of them performed their own duties. Chen Youliang was very confident in Yan Changqing: "You learn it first, and then you learn it first. If something happens, you can easily train a group of repairmen and drivers, just like the market just now." Let’s drive for a while…”

She was also worried that Yan Changqing would not learn: "If you don't have too many skills, this big thing is so fun. Look, a big toy that is dozens of meters long. What's the point of driving? It's so exciting to drive like this. It's more than 50 meters long and weighs over two hundred tons." , think about it, compared with this, a big truck is nothing..."

Yan Changqing was speechless: "I'm not saying I'm not interested! You are busy with your business, I will read the information myself."

So I concentrated on reading information books and ignored what was going on outside the window.

Click on the skills first, and watch and learn. The celebration ceremony over there is over, and his repair skills have been lit up.

The plane had just arrived, and the engineer who followed him was leading people to inspect it. He looked over it and asked for a while, and his repair skills began to improve.

Then it was time to wait for practice. Now that there was a celebration outside, he couldn't drive away. He had to wait a few days before he had a chance.

Immediately after the inspection is completed, these dozen people will be responsible for flying to the former Soviet Union to transport the goods - there is no need for a test flight or anything. This aircraft was originally taken care of by these people, and they are very familiar with it.


After the celebration here was over, Yan Changqing took the people with him, and the bus took them to the hotel on the other side of the market. Then he began to share the wine with the engineer pilots who came, and each person gargled with one bottle first.

Then the food was served on the table, and enough vodka was served.

The best vodka, there is nothing better in the world.

The engineer who took the lead was a 50- to [-]-year-old golden retriever named Ivanov. After a few glasses of wine, he took Yan Changqing and called him brother.

Needless to say, others, after the disintegration of the former Soviet Union, these people came and went like rootless duckweeds, and their lives were not that easy.

They are doing pretty well, but many engineers in the abolished departments can't even afford to eat and are still suffering.

But that's all. Anyway, the large table of food and wine reminded them of the most prosperous days of the former Soviet Union. They drank and sang the national anthem of the alliance in unison.

Yan Changqing watched their performance happily, and then... began to ask about airplane knowledge.


By the time they rested after dinner and went to the airport, Ivanov and the others had already regarded Yan Changqing as one of their own.

Most people are not so good. When they came to the airport, Yan Changqing's trunk was still full of vodka.

Now that Yan Changqing is no longer their brother, they feel that their biological father has not been so kind to them, not just because Yan Changqing is the only one here who can communicate with them fluently in the former Su dialect.

The next maintenance work became teaching. A group of people taught Yan Changqing alone. If it was not an air traffic control problem, they all wanted to take Yan Changqing on a flight on the spot.

But it's okay to start it and give it a try. The airport is very tolerant of this rented aircraft. As long as it doesn't start running, their people can do whatever they want.

The rent given is not fake, it actually allows the airport to generate income.

Most people may not learn to respect people, but those who have experienced social beatings will respect money.For the first time, Yan Changqing experienced the sound of a large transport aircraft in person.


Ivanov was quite experienced. He continued to introduce various equipment to Yan Changqing at the top of his voice, and almost pulled the joystick to take off.

Yan Changqing found it very interesting. Who among men doesn't like this kind of 'big toy'?

Just like Chen Youliang said, a 50-meter long, 50-meter wingspan, [-]-ton big thing would be more enjoyable to drive than an excavator.

Yan Erhe had been watching the fun, but he couldn't understand and scratched his head anxiously.

It is estimated that in his entire life, he has never regretted as much as he does now, regretting that he did not go to school well and learn a foreign language.

Yan Changqing couldn't care about him now, he had to learn it first, and there would be plenty of time to teach him in the future. However, flying was a big deal, and Yan Changqing had no intention of letting his second uncle become a pilot.

When you turn around and drive by yourself, just let him follow and take a look.

Of course this was highly illegal and he was not a pilot.

However, the rules are not dead.

Don’t be afraid even if you can’t fly it now. Ivanov said that they have a lot of aircraft over there. As a person who can be responsible for maintaining the Ilyushin 76 aircraft, he can handle most transport aircraft, and test flights are not a problem at all.

As for the pilot, while blowing a sip of vodka, he said enthusiastically that he could let Yan Changqing take off by himself...

Anyway, as long as you report to the control tower that you drove it yourself, you won't be able to control it even if you change people in the sky or on the ground.


Yan Changqing didn't bother to listen to these guys' nonsense. He was listening to these sounds carefully and trying to sense this big plane.

He already understood the basic structure of this aircraft. To others, the countless parts and various structures were complicated, but with his photographic memory, one pass was enough.

Now he just listens to the sound, trying to sense the various parts that make the roar, and remember the sound with his heart.

Ivanov said that there is no problem with the plane now and that this kind of sound is normal, so he should remember it first.

If you go back to Qiansu, listen to a few more sounds and compare them with each other.

The deafening roar was still ringing, and Yan Changqing walked in the plane to sense the various structures of the plane - at this time, he had not developed the ability to sense machinery, and could only sense the aura of people.

But he is a master of music and has enough understanding of sounds that he can sense through various sounds.

When the engine was shut down, he felt a little excited.

There were a lot of unspeakable gains, probably because it was a big toy and it was his first time to touch it, so he paid special attention to it. In short, he felt a lot of things.

Not just the plane, but also some understanding of sound.


In the next few days, Yan Changqing humbly acted as an apprentice and carefully studied every part of the aircraft.

Ivanov was very curious: "Yan, do you want to learn to fly an airplane, or do you want to build an airplane?"

Yan Changqing replied with a smile: "Learn how to practice it first, and then drive it! Otherwise, if something goes wrong, I don't know what to do? I have the ability to learn, wouldn't it be a waste if I don't learn?"

Ivanov gave a thumbs up in admiration: "Very good. Many pilots actually don't understand airplanes. They only know how to fly. Only those who understand can understand this kind of big guy..."

"You're talking nonsense, who says I don't understand." The pilot next to him was unhappy. "I understand her better than you do. She is my lover, my mistress. You don't know how much I love her..."

Ivanov glanced at him lightly: "You drank too much."

Then he turned to Yan Changqing and said: "Look, he can't even tell the gender of the plane. This is a child with unlimited energy, always looking forward to flying in the sky. This is a little boy, what kind of lover, I'm bah !”

Yan Changqing found that he didn't know what to say.

I could only recite the word "屮" silently in my heart.


In the blink of an eye, the cargo was ready, and the big plane was about to take off for its first flight with a new owner.

Chen Youliang was a little worried: "Can you go up? How about we take a look again?"

Yan Changqing reassured him: "It's okay, there is a parachute on it."

"I'm even more worried when you tell me." Chen Youliang looked depressed. "Are you so anxious? This will be ours from now on. Can't you fly it a few more times to see how it goes?"

"I said it would be okay." Yan Changqing recalled the days when she persuaded him not to buy a motorcycle, but now he did the opposite. "They all have been dealing with airplanes all year round. They don't worry about them. What are you worried about? I just went to follow them and learned how to fly them a few times. When the novelty wears off, I won't fly..."

Chen Youliang pondered for a long time, and he had the same idea as Yan Changqing. He also thought of his motorcycle: "You didn't let me buy the motorcycle at the beginning, and I told you to be careful. Didn't my legs get burned once?"

Can't take this.

Back then, Mr. Chen used his motorcycle to run back and forth. He often rode it and walked along the river, so his shoes would never get wet.

It was just a small problem for him, that is, his calf was burned by the exhaust pipe of the motorcycle. It was nothing at all. He was just lame for more than half a month!
With the increase in the number of motorcycles, accidents are not uncommon now. After all, people often say that motorcycles are 'meat wrapped in iron', and it will not be easy even if they fall casually.

But this is really hard to manage. People are like this. At first, they all thought that as long as I was careful, everything would be fine. However, everyone who had an accident thought the same way.

If something doesn't happen, everyone you try to persuade will be very convincing. But once something happens, there's no need to persuade anyone. As long as he can still speak, he can go out every day and use his personal experience to warn others.

Does it work?
It works a bit, but not much.

If you don’t see it with your own eyes or experience it personally, what others say is of no use.

After all, Yan Changqing has long realized that human nature is not to listen to advice.

After Chen Youliang was burned once, he has never drunk or driven a motorcycle again, including driving now.

Because it was painful enough when he was burned, but the process of going to the hospital for treatment was even more painful.

These days, hospitals use iodine directly for disinfection. There is no need to pay much attention to it. Just use it to rinse the wound. Who cares whether it hurts or not?
There are many people who suffered injuries from falls and burns. They were brave and fearless before going to the hospital, but when they were disinfected, their bodies cracked. Those who can grit their teeth without making a sound are heroes.


After Chen Youliang tried to persuade him for a long time to no avail, Yan Changqing still got on the plane and sat as the co-pilot.

It took Ivanov and the others a few days to see what a miracle was.

They witnessed with their own eyes a person who knew nothing, learned like an old engineer in a few days, and knew every part of the aircraft.

So now, although there are people watching from the side, they are actually quite confident in Yan Changqing and think he will be fine.

Ordinary people would not dare to do this. Only these guys who drink vodka every day are so careless.

Mr. Da Xu and Wang Dajiang didn't even dare to sit down, so they took a passenger plane in advance to handle the handover.

But Yan Changqing is really not worried. In the past few days, a group of people have inspected the aircraft twice more for the purpose of 'teaching'. Everything has been checked in place, not even a screw has been missed, and there will be no problem at all.

Besides, when I couldn't do anything anymore, I threw the plane away and parachuted out.

He had even become familiar with the basic procedures of skydiving in the past few days, and he was just waiting for an opportunity to try it out.


Chen Youliang and Yan Erhe were both watching helplessly as the plane roared below - no other family members dared to let them know, otherwise they would have to worry. They were the only two who knew that Yan Changqing was flying with him this time.

Yan Changqing was very excited and was finally about to take off.

He carefully felt the vibrations of the plane, and then slowly started to fly faster and faster on the runway.

Then as the driver moves, he gradually leaves the ground...

This feeling is completely different from flying on a passenger plane. He is in the cab now!

Others ride motorcycles or drive sports cars, but that doesn’t matter. If they want to drive, they drive a [-]-ton airplane.

At this moment, Yan Changqing was full of pride and began to understand why people like big ones. It really feels good to be big enough!
(End of this chapter)

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