Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 267 Flying around Level 3 2 Hu Ri doing good deeds 1

Chapter 267 Flying around Level [-] Erhu does one good deed every day

Flying at an altitude of [-] meters, Yan Changqing felt that his little jade plate was too unintelligent.

In this situation, I need to give a reminder and record it to have a greater sense of accomplishment.

Unlock a new achievement: Fly a plane!

big aeroplane!
Xiao Yupan didn't give any hints, he added it in his mind, and then asked Andre, the pilot who was supposed to be flying the plane, to take some photos for himself as a souvenir.

Anyway, the driver must be here, and the instructor is also beside him, constantly explaining various situations to him. Although the sky looks empty, it does not mean that there is no danger.

If other people want to fly a plane, they have to train for several years, and then follow internships, step by step, and finally be able to fly a plane. An instant pilot like him still needs to catch up on some basic knowledge.

Facts have proved that several big-hearted former Soviet people were not big-hearted enough. They did not dare to let Yan Changqing land the plane.

However, Yan Changqing felt that this was enough. There would be a chance. Just now Ivanov and the pilot had promised to take him to play with the helicopter after the aircraft landed and was inspected.

As long as he pays for the rental of the machine.


This is another very novel experience.

When he was working as a migrant worker, he only saw people renting houses and cars. Later, inexplicably, there were a lot more people renting various products online, including mobile phones and computers.

There are even people who rent their girlfriends to go home for the New Year...but they don’t have the opportunity to rent a plane.

Wang Dajiang, wrapped in a thick leather coat, was surprised to see Yan Changqing: "Why is Mr. Yan here?"

Yan Changqing was very proud: "I flew here, and I flew the plane for more than half of the journey..."

Mr. Da Xu was behind, like Wang Dajiang, his face was a little pale: "Are you going to do it?"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Don't you think this is okay? In a few days, I learned the skills of piloting and maintaining aircraft. Isn't it normal?"

The two of them and the group behind them were speechless. Are these words spoken by human beings?
Learning to drive in a few days is not enough, but also to learn maintenance?

But when I think about this person's current achievements, it doesn't seem that surprising.

The existence of genius is to subvert the cognition of ordinary people. When meeting such a person, it is best to stay calm - otherwise it will easily make him feel a sense of achievement and he will continue to pretend in the future!

The two people said no more and asked Mr. Yan to go in and warm up first. They would lead people to order the goods, then deliver the goods, then load the goods, fly directly to Shanghai, and then return to Xiyang City.

It’s not an empty flight, the logistics point over there will arrange the goods.

Yan Changqing felt that after he became familiar with the route twice, he could fly everywhere alone. Although applying for a route was a bit complicated, but he could fix it after a few more trips and it would be fine in the future.


The airport where the plane landed was not an ordinary civilian airport. There were quite a lot of problems in the former Soviet Union at this stage. For example, Sidorov and others who were doing business now should be considered military personnel strictly speaking.

This is not called doing business, it is called raising military expenses by oneself.

Therefore, there are still quite a lot of planes at the airport, which is a good thing for Yan Changqing.

Nowadays, people here dare to do any business, including buying a plane, let alone renting one.

Yan Changqing was happy. He relied on the guarantee of credibility and didn't even need cash. In fact, Sidorov said that he could test drive it, but he said that he had to follow the rules and rent it. As for the rent, he could pay with vodka.

Ivanov happily drove the helicopter with his pilot Andrei and Yan Changqing to enjoy the scenery of the North.

Being an artist does have advantages. For example, Ming Yan Changqing is also a businessman, but with an artistic aura, others can let him fly a helicopter around here. Others may not have this treatment. .

Maybe there is a reason why he is willing to trade vodka for flying. In any case, the model of the small plane he is flying is unknown, but it is quite flexible. It can spin around in the air and it is much more exciting than racing.

After walking around in a big circle, Yan Changqing became very excited and pointed at several helicopters in the hangar: "Can those things be rented out and driven?"

"There are weapons up there," Andre said.

Yan Changqing stopped asking immediately. The helicopter he drove could actually hang weapons, but now that it had been removed, there seemed to be some redundant places on it, which were all for hanging weapons. It was hard for him to ask more questions. .

But Ivanov thinks it doesn't matter: "These are backward models. The really good ones are not here. It's just that it's troublesome to dismantle the weapons."

Next to him, Andre explained: "Ivan used to work on Mi-28, and then he was assigned here."

Obviously, people here have different opinions on the disintegration incident, and Andre is unwilling to mention it directly.

After all, it had just been two years, and everyone found that life after the disintegration was getting worse and worse, and everyone began to feel confused.


Yan Changqing was not interested in international events or military secrets. He stayed here for a few days and flew all kinds of planes. After he got acquainted with him, the people here were very friendly to him, or maybe it was because of his vodka skills. Very friendly.

Most people in the former Soviet Union like vodka. The climate here is cold!
Some people were able to brew their own vodka when conditions were good in the past. Now that a brewing master has arrived, their desire to communicate with him is particularly strong.

Yan Changqing is a person who doesn't hide his personal interests. He gives advice to anyone who asks him, without any reservations - saying and doing are two different things. Yan Changqing already knew that before he was reborn. No matter how clear he said it was useless. , when they are allowed to make their own wine, they will know what it means only their brains can understand.

However, Yan Changqing is not trying to trick anyone. If they go to make wine again, according to what he said, there is a high probability that they can improve their craftsmanship.

The spirit of not hiding anything is contagious, and soon Yan Changqing also received a lot of technical advice without hiding anything.

And these are different from him giving advice to others.

Others may only have an idea, but what he heard, saw and learned has actually turned into proficiency in maintenance and driving. It is guaranteed that as long as he puts his hands on it, he can do it well and will get better and better. The better.

Everyone gained a lot.


In a blink of an eye, it was time to return. Wang Dajiang and Mr. Daxu asked tentatively: "Mr. Yan, when you go back, will you still fly the plane?"

Yan Changqing answered naturally: "Of course! Haven't you seen that I have been flying around in airplanes these past few days? Don't you believe in this technology? Do you want to take a seat?"

"This..." Mr. Da Xu hesitated a little, then looked at Wang Dajiang.

In the end, Wang Dajiang was more direct: "Mr. Yan, I believe you."

Mr. Xu was dumbfounded at the time. No, are you so trusting of a novice driver?

This is a plane, brother. Even if there is a parachute if something goes wrong, do you know where it will land?

You are from the Northeast after all, don’t you know that there is a specialty big cat on our way home?
What's up, do you still want to go down and pet the big cat?

He was extremely entangled, and finally looked at Wang Dajiang and Yan Changqing, who looked calm, and was about to speak.

Yan Changqing spoke: "The plane is for transporting cargo, so you can't bring too many people. You'd better take the passenger plane! It's more cost-effective to take a group of you less and bring an extra ton of cargo..."

Mr. Da Xu was quite embarrassed: "This..."

Yan Changqing chuckled, "If you don't take my plane, you won't be able to experience the thrill of flying."


The big plane arrived in Shanghai as planned.

Yan Changqing took the opportunity to check out the property here, then got on the plane and went home directly.

This feeling is completely different from driving.

I even made a special call to my uncle. It was nothing, just to say: "I will fly back later. You can arrange a car to pick me up. I will probably arrive when the car arrives..."

I was very satisfied with this journey. When I got back, I developed the photos first, which perfectly showed my heroic posture of flying a plane. It is very suitable to hang in the office.


Then he got busy with the winery.

After a busy few days, a big plane flew over there again, but he couldn't care about it. After these few days of busy work, he didn't even bother to take a dip in the water. He was studying the erhu.

When flying an airplane, especially a helicopter, those helicopters with weapons removed are not very comfortable and are extremely noisy. Although it is fun to fly, you spend every day in vibration and noise.

But he did have a better understanding of sounds, just like the first time he realized it on a stationary plane, he had a lot of understanding recently.

He felt that the opportunity for erhu to upgrade had arrived.

If he goes step by step, he can reach it before the end of the year according to the original plan, but with these experiences, he feels that he can upgrade his skills in advance.


The river is covered with mist in winter.

In the tung forest that now looks quite large, Yan Changqing played his erhu and felt it carefully.

There are still sounds in the factory in the distance. Although it is almost inaudible to ordinary people here, for him with extraordinary senses, it is no different from hearing it in his ears.

However, he had long since learned how to block unnecessary sounds. Now he could only hear the wind in his ears and the trivial movements around him.

That's a field mouse.

This guy crept out of a hole under the tree roots and ran carefully through the forest, looking for food to satisfy his hunger.

The sneaky little mouse didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at him.

It is a new arrival, and this forest is not suitable for mice to live in, because there is a master of hidden weapons, and the living time often conflicts with them who are nocturnal and daytime. Once they are discovered, they will be stoned to death.

Since the day there was a shed in the forest, countless rats have discovered this feng shui treasure land without similar competition, built nests and settled here one after another, and then stayed here forever.

They don't even think about why there are no similar people here.

Just like this little mouse now, it becomes bolder as it walks. As for talking about people's movements, it is not afraid.

It's not like they haven't encountered people before, so they just need to avoid them. The snakes they usually need to be wary of most are snakes. As for owls and the like, don't worry, they've never been seen around here.

Realizing that there was no smell of snakes here, the little mouse tugged at his beard and stepped forward confidently...

Then it heard a strange sound.

It was like a sigh carried by the wind, with a sense of laziness that made the mouse not want to move anymore.

Then the little mouse stopped moving, with faint traces of blood flowing out from its mouth. It kicked its four short legs a few times and then became quiet.


Yan Changqing feels that the effect of level three erhu is indeed very good.

From now on, you don’t even have to raise your hand to kill rats. I just don’t know what effect this sound has on other creatures.

But there was no way to try it. He came to try the erhu in the morning. He didn't even ride a white camel, and he didn't bring two dog legs with him, just because he was afraid that the erhu would harm them.

Ever since the erhu could tear leaves from the earliest days, he didn't dare to bring a few guys over to practice together.

Putting down his erhu, he went over to observe the eyeless mouse and found that except for blood coming from the mouse's mouth, there was nothing else.

Does bleeding mean that you exert too much force?
He was a little unsure. After all, he just had a thought in his mind, and he would have to experiment a few more times before he could figure it out clearly.

Moreover, he hates mice so much that he is willing to give up his scientific research spirit and does not intend to dissect the mouse to see the extent of this guy's fatal internal injuries.Rural people probably hate rats. Now that new houses have been built, it is not easy for rats to burrow. Moreover, there are more homes with cats and dogs, so rats are not so rampant.

In the early years, he often worried that a mouse would fall on the bed and bite his face when he went to bed at night.

I have been worried about this since I was a child. I often hear the sounds of rats fighting at night, or the sounds of rats stealing and gnawing. Children find it quite scary.

Because at that time, almost every household had furniture legs that had been gnawed by rats, or clothes that had been peeed on by rats...

So after the babies turned into naughty children, these people were particularly cruel to the mice.

If the mice are caught, they will be tortured in various ways, and various methods have been developed.

For example, if you block the back door of a mouse with soybeans, it is said that when the soybeans swell, it will go crazy and bite the same kind, and then sooner or later it will swell to death.

In comparison, Yan Changqing felt that his methods were quite gentle. In the past, he was more cruel and stoned him to death.

It's different now. I played the erhu to a mouse. Unfortunately, it couldn't appreciate this fairy sound that is rarely heard in the world, so it detached itself and left.

Sure enough, a close friend is hard to find.

He could only dig a hole and bury the mouse in this tung forest where countless of its kind were sleeping together.


Next comes various experiments.

The purpose of the experiment was to test the effects of various sounds on people.

The test subjects, Erwa Tiedan and other naughty children.

Of course, this would not be a fatal experiment. Yan Changqing just wanted to try out, for example, the distance range, or his ability to mobilize people's emotions.

And I didn’t dare to do more research, so I could only give it a rough try.

If you want to put this to a concrete test, I'm afraid you have to go outside and catch a few people who wouldn't hesitate to die, and do more research.

As a law-abiding person, Yan Changqing feels that this idea is very dangerous, so let’s talk about it later!


Although there are still many experiments that I dare not do, it is a great joy to be able to reach Level [-] in Erhu.

Anyway, Yan Changqing was in a good mood recently. When he saw Lao Wan walking out in a hurry, he stopped and asked him what he was busy with.

Seeing that he was in a good mood, Lao Wan didn't hide anything and said directly: "There is a young man who wants to come to the factory. He said that he was brave enough to punish evil and promote good. But the police station refused to admit it, so he came directly to the factory. .”

Yan Changqing was curious: "What did he do?"

Factory Manager Wan couldn't laugh or cry: "It seems that he asked people to scold people. I didn't dare to call the police station directly and ask Xiaozhu to receive him. He said he had to see me before he told me. I just went to have a look."

Yan Changqing also didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You are a factory director, directly in charge of thousands of people, and indirectly in charge of tens of thousands of people. You can just let others handle such small things. You pull that guy down without saying anything, and you don't tolerate his mistakes. You are like this I’m busy, and sooner or later I’ll be exhausted and I’ll have to change the factory director.”

"It's okay, it's okay." Lao Wan said with a smile. "I'm just going to take a look..."

Yan Changqing was helpless: "Just take it easy and take care of the big things. Don't do the small things. I'm really tired and I have to find someone to take over for you. It's so troublesome."


After another busy period, Lao Wan came back.

Yan Changqing had nothing to do, so he called him over and asked, "What's going on?"

"Hi!" After asking about the situation, Lao Wan was even more confused about whether to laugh or cry. He spent a long time talking before saying. "He's a young man. I think he's a bit too lazy to eat. His situation is like this..."


This young man who seems to be very lazy is named Tong Dafu. It is right to say that he is very lazy. His family used to be poor and he dropped out of school long ago and did not like to do farm work. The situation is similar to that of Li Mingfa and others in Yan Erhe in his early years.

However, he didn't have good opportunities. The village he was in was remote and he was late to start a business. He had no education and liked to mess around. He didn't make much money, so he wanted to come here when he heard that he could be hired for being brave.

Director Wan didn't know what to say because of what he thought was a brave act of justice.

There are a lot of shit happening in poor villages, and the situation in their village is complicated. There is a family in the village who has two evil women. It is said that they are very powerful. If there are a few vegetable leaves in the vegetable garden, they will throw around and the whole village will scold them for half a month without taking a break.

Tong Dafu was fond of food and lazy to cook, but that didn't stop him from getting used to these things, so he came up with an idea.

There was a stupid boy in their village, really stupid. A high fever burned out his brain when he was a child. Now he is tall and strong, but his IQ is not even as good as that of a child in elementary school.

This fool had no one to play with and was bullied since he was a child, but it didn't matter to Dafu and he was willing to let him play.

A fool has a very simple mind. If someone takes him to play, he will trust him very much.

Then Tong Dafu came up with an idea. He asked this fool to learn how to curse like those two evil bitches.

When the two evil women came out to curse, he asked the fool to follow the evil women's example and scold them.

They also give you ideas, if they want to hit you, you should fight back.

Those two people dared to scold them because they had more men in the family, but this fool was not afraid and would do anything to anyone with a hoe.

After all, normal people think twice before fighting, but this fool doesn't care so much, he dares to kill him.

When the man of the family came out and wanted to take action, the fool came over with a hoe. Fortunately, the man hid quickly. The hoe dug a hole in the ground on the road, and the fool turned around and ran away...

I turned around and wanted to go find the fool's house, but I didn't expect that there was someone behind the fool who was giving me advice. He guarded the intersection near his house in advance. When he saw someone coming to complain, he chased the person for several miles with a hoe...

The effect was particularly obvious, and the two evil women were cured in one go.


The people in this village only knew that fools were stupid, and few people could have imagined that Tong Dafu was behind this.

After all, when this guy was in the village, he was called a second-rate guy in the past. Everyone just ignored the matter and ignored it. Who would have thought that this guy would do such a thing.

Now Tong Dafu only revealed what he had done in order to enter the winery.

That family was a bully in the village. I used my own tricks to get this family cured by a fool, at least most of them were cured, and the village became much quieter.

And he also helped the fool, who actually had a good temper. Others called him a fool, and sometimes even scolded him in a prank to his face.

In fact, rural people also have bad things. For example, sometimes they make jokes with fools about what they think are men and women, or even talk about what the fool's parents are doing. It is not only vulgar and excessive...

Tong Dafu couldn't control him even if he wanted to, but after the fool got angry this time, no one in the village dared to bully him.

So Tong Dafu said that he was acting bravely and at the very least he was willing to help others. He was doing good deeds and wanted to join the winery.


Director Wan thought it was nothing, and had no intention of hiring him. The main reason was that he thought his idea was a bit crooked and not something a serious person could come up with.

So I shied away and told him that the winery recruits people every year, and they always recruit people from the surrounding villages. Sooner or later, they will also recruit people from their remote villages.

You can go back to the factory at that time.

In fact, I have made up my mind. This person can come up with crooked ideas. If he comes up with such crooked ideas and encounters something again after entering the factory, he will be in trouble.

The workers recruited in the factory are all honest and honest people who are willing to endure hardships and work steadfastly. The main reason is to reduce trouble - similar to the fact that many factories are unwilling to recruit people with tattoos. No matter what excuse they use, in fact They are all worried about whether these people with tattoos will be difficult to manage in the future.

You have the freedom to get a tattoo, and my factory also has the freedom not to hire you.

That's what Lao Wan thinks. You may have more ideas because of your ability, but I have the final say in my factory and I won't hire anyone.

If people push it away now, they will probably not want it in the future.

Lao Wan feels that he has little ability. Being able to be trusted by Mr. Yan as the director of the factory relies on his maturity and prudentness. No matter what happens, he has to think more and be cautious.

Anyway, the development of the winery does not require him to make big decisions. He is only responsible for managing production. He will definitely not make mistakes if he is careful.

However, after Yan Changqing thought about it for a moment, he thought there was nothing wrong with it, so he said: "Let him come in, first follow the security team, and then continue to exercise every day to see if he can persist."

Lao Wan didn't say much, turned around and asked someone to notify the young man.

He is a businessman, so he does whatever the boss says. If the boss wants people to come in, then they can come. At worst, he just needs to worry more.


Yan Changqing is quite satisfied, not because of the recruitment, but because the new standards for recruiting workers in the winery have influenced some people to take concrete actions.

But this did give him a wake-up call.

Most people in the surrounding rural areas are now considered to have been lifted out of poverty, but most means not all.

Some of it is because people are really bad. Those who are really good at eating and being lazy don’t even think about it. People like Tong Dafu may not be really good at eating and being lazy at cooking.

Young people have many ideas, and some of them may not be deviant.

There are many reasons why we don’t like farming. Some are just really lazy, and some are because we see no hope. Our ancestors have been farming for generations and have worked hard for years and months. In the end, we only have enough food and clothing, or not enough food and clothing.

It's like working as a worker in the future, working whatever you want, working hard for half your life, saving some money and eventually giving it to the hospital. You might as well just lie down and find a job that can guarantee food and clothing.

This Tongdafu must not be just a lazy person, otherwise he would not want to come to the winery. The wages in the winery are good, but there are not many office jobs.

Most of the families who have not escaped poverty are in difficulty.

Similar to that fool's family, it's not bad to have a fool in the family. At least this fool didn't cause trouble before being instigated by Tong Dafu - but to be honest, this is also a hidden danger. Some people bully others without sense. It has happened in the countryside before. A fool kills someone with his backhand.

What's even worse is that there are bedridden patients at home, and someone must take care of them, even if they want to work.

There are also people with disabilities who don’t want to go to work.


When Yan Changqing thought of this, he called Lao Wan and asked him to think of a solution.

The factory director is the one who does the work. If the boss has a new idea, he will let the factory director implement it.

Lao Wan thinks this is not difficult: "Actually, some jobs in the factory can also be done by disabled people. If it is particularly difficult, I will think of a way. Let's first take care of some disabled people who still have some ability to work."

"Like the fool I told Dafu just now, he can actually work. As long as someone can restrain him and teach him, if he works more or less, he can at least reduce the burden on his family..."

"Those whose families are particularly suffering can't be separated. I have to think about it again..."

Yan Changqing said there was no problem: "Just remember it and do one good deed that day."

It’s not that he wants to be a saint. What he does now is just something he does casually. If he doesn’t think of it, forget about it. If he thinks of it and wants to do it, he will be asked to do it. It’s not a big deal.

Just think of it as celebrating your third level of Erhu.

 Thanks to the book friend "Brother Zhang" for the reward, thank you very much!
  Thank you all for your support!

  Why do some people say that our family wants eunuchs? Our family is not eunuchs. It is updated every day, no matter what, and they are all big chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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