Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 268: Rat Extermination Operation Welfare is a good way to resolve disputes

Chapter 268: Rat Extermination Operation Welfare is a good way to resolve disputes
When Factory Director Wan went to Mayor Yang to help check information, Mayor Yang was very excited: "Mr. Yan has done good things for people again! This must not be in the news, helping the disabled..."

Director Wan understands his boss: "There is no need to promote it so vigorously, and the boss doesn't want to be too high-profile."

"I understand, I understand." Mayor Yang nodded repeatedly, indicating that he understood Mr. Yan very well.

Boss Yan has always disliked being high-profile, and he especially dislikes large-scale reports on him. He only needs to mention it at the end of the publicity, saying that this work was carried out under his command and guidance.

Then Mayor Yang called the people in the office to get the information, and then said to Director Wan: "I have statistical information on poor households here. The content is relatively detailed. People have seen it on the spot. The basic situation is basically the same." They all have difficulties, and even those with disabilities have records..."

"Head Yang is very interested, but this job is not easy to do!" There are only a few people in the township government, but it takes a lot of effort to produce such good information.

Director Wan admired Mayor Yang's attitude in doing things. He said that this old man was just like himself. He began to have a second spring at the end and was full of energy!

Mayor Yang nodded very reservedly: "As long as you do it, it's not that difficult. It's not easier for you to manage such a big factory than my job!"

"What the hell, you manage so many people in the whole town, how can it be compared to a winery?"

"Don't say that, yours is a world-famous winery."

"That's all Mr. Yan's credit..."

While the two old men were waiting for information in the office, they started complimenting each other...


Yan Changqing has been very interested in killing rats recently. He even caught a lot of rats, put them two by two in cages, and then played the erhu on the rats.

Of course, no one could see this. It had to be done while Erwa and the others were at school and no one else would come to Tonglin Forest.

Otherwise, others will suspect that Mr. Yan is mentally disturbed. After all, according to rumors, people who engage in art tend to go crazy.

He wanted to test whether he could control it accurately and focus the killing power on only one mouse.

This is a bit difficult. Two mice are scurrying around in the cage, and they often die together with the sound of the erhu. It is difficult to achieve precise control.

But Yan Changqing felt that this was more challenging. He used the sleep acceleration function and practiced for half a day in the tung forest every morning, so much so that he often had to fight for business with a group of cats at home, knocking out mice and sneaking them over.

After all, mice in the wild are harder to catch. There is food everywhere in the winery, and there will always be mice that are not afraid of death and enter the factory.

By the way, I also went to the chicken farm to help solve the mouse problem. There are also a few cats here now, but the mice are really invincible and they can't catch them all.

As a result, the mention of rats was seen by others, and people began to spread rumors that Boss Yan was exterminating rats recently. These little things were really bad, and even Boss Yan couldn't stand it anymore. They really should be exterminated.

In an instant, several villages began to borrow cats from everywhere, buy mouse traps, and invent and research various ways to eliminate rats. There were people selling rat poison on the streets in villages and towns, but everyone did not like that stuff because they were afraid that it would not work. It works so well.

There are all kinds of fake rat poisons on the market, and most of the genuine ones are the famous rat poison.

If you buy a fake one, it won’t work, but if you buy a real one, it will work too well – don’t worry about chickens, ducks, geese, cattle, horses, and sheep, including humans, as long as they are poisoned, it will be a big problem, and those who can be saved will have no good results, and many more will not be saved at all. .

Not only will its dangers be known to everyone in the future, most people are now aware that this thing is really poisonous, and the poisoned rats will still be poisonous. If you throw it in the wrong place, it will trap dogs...

When Yan Changqing learned about this, he immediately fell silent, and then he could only express with relief that this was a good thing. I originally wanted to mobilize everyone, but now everyone has done it on their own. It's good. Rats are too harmful and carry viruses. , those who steal food should be destroyed...


Within a few days, news spread that the factory was recruiting disabled people, and the self-recommended crooked man came to Factory Director Wan again: "Director, can that fool from our village also come? I will take him with me. He is very obedient and is not afraid of hardship or fatigue. I can ensure that he works well."

Factory Director Wan thought about it for a moment: "You are inexperienced. It doesn't mean that you are inexperienced in leading fools. It's just that you have only been in the factory for a few days and you have just become familiar with the patrol route with the security team. You have not done any work in the factory. How can you do it?" OK?"

"I can learn. You arrange for the master to lead us, and I direct everyone to work." Tong Dafu was very confident. "To tell you the truth, similar people are just not that smart. In fact, they are smarter than most people and are easier to lead. They are very simple. As long as they are not the kind who like to hit people everywhere, I am confident that I can lead them well."

"I didn't." Director Wan's face darkened. "How can you guarantee that?"

"I only want the basic salary, and you can give me bonuses." Tong Dafu was anxious. "If I don't get it, I won't even ask for the basic salary. If I get it, you can think about my bonus."

When Director Wan heard this, he chuckled: "Then let me give it a try?"

"Just try it."


Director Wan immediately ran to Yan Changqing to report the matter.

Yan Changqing thinks this is a trivial matter. The fool Tong Dafu leads has a certain level of intelligence. If he is really bad-hearted and treats people openly but bullies them secretly, then the fool probably won't trust him so much.

Since this person has a heart, let him do it. Anyway, he dares to gamble with the bonus, so it doesn't hurt to give him a chance.

Speaking of bonuses, Director Wan asked by the way: "It's cold now, are there any bonuses for cooling down?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing had forgotten about this matter. The bonuses in the factory were relatively large, so he arranged them as soon as he thought of them.

Mainly from the beginning, Yan Changqing said that he wanted to keep a low profile. Originally, starting from the establishment of the factory, the salary standards were not high.

But when he made money, the bonuses increased. He learned this from the oil field. If anyone asked how much the salary was in a winery, he would think that's it. It's okay, not bad...

But I can accept it, after all, it’s hard to find jobs these days.

But if you ask how much bonus you can get, it’s hard to say.

Anyway, in addition to the basic salary, it is the bonus.

There are many bonus projects, basic overtime pay is nothing, and there are various other nominal bonuses. Generally, it depends on the production situation. If the output is large and there is no mess, then it will be more. For example, the weather is cold now, so give it some cooling. Subsidies, etc. are all basic operations.

Let's put it this way, Yan Changqing got the bonuses that he had dreamed about when he was a laborer.

Factory Manager Wan actually doesn't support him very much: "If we give it again this year, we will have to give it every year in the future."

He said this last year. At that time, he felt that human nature is not that simple. If you give it now, if it is gone in the future, it will be a problem.

But at that time, Boss Yan thought it didn't matter. He just left if he liked what he did or didn't like it. He was not used to his bad habits.

Lao Wan mentioned it again this year, meaning that it’s okay just once. If it becomes a routine, it will be easier to complain if it is discontinued.

Yan Changqing still has his original attitude: "If you like to work, just do it. If you don't like to do it, leave. If the benefits are good now, we will give them. If the benefits are bad someday, we will not give them."

Director Wan didn't even bother: "The New Year's bonus, the holiday benefits, and..."

After a lot of verbosity, Yan Changqing always said: "Send it!"

Now that the winery’s profits are good, there’s nothing wrong with making more.

As for the fear that the workers will have other ideas in the future, I really don’t worry about it.

Nowadays, the impact of the layoff wave is getting bigger and bigger. Many enviable workers who had iron rice bowls in the past have now become unemployed, and a large number of people with skills and unskilled skills are looking for new job opportunities everywhere.

Director Wan took the opportunity to recruit a few people who could assist him in management. For example, last time Director Wan mentioned a person named Xiaozhu, who used to be from an old food factory in the city. He was suspended without pay the year before. Called unemployed in the factory...

In fact, he was laid off. He waited for two years. There were seniors and juniors in the family, and finally the result came - such people cherish job opportunities very much. Now they are working very solidly in the factory, and they are afraid of being suspended without pay again. .

The existence of these people will make workers cherish their job opportunities.

In fact, there is another reason why Yan Changqing is unwilling to talk about it. Ordinary people are really easily influenced by public opinion, just like those workers. As long as the propaganda is done well, they will not have any other ideas at all.

As uncomfortable as it may be to say it, it’s the truth.


After the factory recruited a group of laid-off workers, management became much easier, and Yan Changqing felt more at ease going out for a walk.

For example, he turned around and ran to town and asked Mrs. Xiong from the labor service company to help him change a piece of clothing - Mrs. Xiong was Xiong Qishan's wife Mei Lele, who now has two children.

Mei Lele was very curious: "Why do you need to sew two straps on the hem of the coat, and they are not visible from the outside?"

Some coats have a belt at the waist at the back. If you tie it in the front, it will look beautiful and protect you from wind and cold.

I have never seen a belt sewn inside the hem of a dress.

Yan Changqing did not explain: "Just do it for me, but it must be strong enough, but not too obvious or in the way, do you understand?"

"Oh!" Mei Lele was very obedient and said after thinking for a moment. "Let me make it into an elastic strap! It usually sticks to the clothes. If you use it, just pull it apart. It won't get in the way, how about it?" "Okay, hurry up. I'll wear it when it's done. Let's go." Yan Changqing thought this was good, better than he thought. Of course, he didn't think about how to do it at all, he just thought about two more straps.


Putting on a windbreaker with straps, Yan Changqing turned a corner in the market and went straight to the airport.

He ran to play with the big plane again.

The beards of Ivanov, Andrei and Mr. Yan Yan have all turned white. These people are actually employed by Peach Tree Township and are considered foreign workers.

When they first arrived, the treatment here was much more comfortable than at home. At least when they stayed here, they had everything they wanted to eat and drink, except for the vodka Mr. Yan brought.

Yan Changqing doesn't want to bring more for them. He only needs to bring enough for a few days at a time. After drinking, they look forward to going by themselves. That would be great.

The big plane just came back from another trip. Yan Changqing came here because of time constraints and caught up with the big inspection. He just happened to follow it and do more research on this big guy.

His windbreaker was intended to be used for flying airplanes in the future. He had seen many videos in the past, including those of those who tried to die by flying in wingsuits.

It's not that he despises this sport, but he was the first to know about it. It was after watching the news that a rich second-generation female college student died, that he realized that people are now starting to play this way.

He doesn't need professional equipment, just wear a windbreaker with two small straps.

If the plane is in an accident, he can even fly down directly using his windbreaker as a parachute without a parachute.

His physical fitness, which is beyond ordinary people, is enough for him to cope with the extreme weather at high altitudes. With just a little help, he can control his body and reduce his falling speed.

As for the moment he lands, it depends on his physical fitness and the reaction ability of the martial arts master.

It's not a big problem, he is very confident.

Besides, there is also a parachute, which is a backup situation if something goes wrong with the parachute.


Ivanov and his gang usually live near the airport, and the climate here is as warm as spring for them.

After arriving here, they began to gradually adapt to the life here. In the past, their lives had no progress, but now they can earn more money and go home, and they feel different in energy and energy.

When Yan Changqing saw Ivanov, he joked: "Old Ivan, do you want to regain your second youth?"

This guy is wearing a suit bought from the market, his leather shoes are shiny, and his golden hair is neatly combed, making people feel embarrassed to call him an old man.

Everyone else is similar, and they all look like successful people.

Ivanov was very satisfied with Yan Changqing's surprise: "I was very handsome back then..."

Needless to say, there is no need to say anything else. There is hope and there is no hope in people’s lives. Those are two completely different states. Their energy and spirit are really different.

Andre looked down on his old friend from the side: "Are you also called Handsome? When I first started flying, the most beautiful girl in the airport was unwilling to take a step forward when she saw me."

Yan Changqing watched him bragging with laughter. It was hard for such a fat middle-aged man with a big belly to imagine his young appearance.

But this time he didn't hear Ivanov's contempt, and he immediately became curious.

Andre was unhappy. You could tell what he was thinking by looking at Yan Changqing's expression, and he immediately took out his wallet: "Take a look, Yan, this is true, I'm not lying."

Yan Changqing was shocked at the time. Damn it, isn't this the future Vitas?
If you look closely, you can see that they are just similar, because this is a wedding photo. It is older and a little blurry, but you can still see that the handsome man and woman in the photo are as beautiful as idols.

Andre said proudly: "I am the handsome one."

Well, this appearance is about half as good as mine now.

Yan Changqing nodded in agreement: "Your wife is so beautiful."

Andre was even more proud: "Of course, our daughter is more beautiful. Do you want to find a girlfriend? I think you are a very good person..."

Ivanov spat out the vodka and cried tears of laughter: "His wife is stronger than him now! His daughter will definitely become like them in the future..."

Andre immediately raised his fist at him: "Asshole, my daughter is the most beautiful. What you said is impossible. You are jealous that I have a daughter, but you only have a son who likes 'big brother'..."


Yan Changqing didn't expect to come to play with the big plane and see the battle between the daughter slave and the jealous daughter slave.

The two almost got into a fight over an argument about whether a daughter or a son was better, but nothing came of it, so they unanimously asked the wise Yan to serve as a referee and notary, asking Yan Changqing to speak a fair word.

Yan Changqing said with certainty: "They are all good, whether it is my daughter or my son, I think they are all good. Look at me, I am young and handsome, I still have a lot of money, and by the way, I am also very talented. . There will definitely be many beautiful girls who are willing to give me children in the future. I don’t mind whether they are sons or daughters. Anyway, I have money to raise them..."

Andrei and Ivanov stared blankly at the energetic notary. They opened their mouths and wanted to say something, but after looking at the vodka bottle in their hands, they fell silent.

The dispute ends instantly,

The calm engineer began to concentrate on his work, looking at the big plane affectionately as if looking at his lover;
After the long-distance flight, the pilots carried a bottle of vodka alone and admired the exotic scenery - this place was definitely a foreign country to them.

Although there isn’t much to see in the winter, especially near the airport, it’s all bare.

But there were a few clouds in the sky. Andre raised his head at a 45-degree angle. He felt that these exotic clouds were so beautiful that he didn't want to look back for a long time.

The black-haired and blond-haired people around who were watching the excitement all immediately fell into their work and concentrated on their work.


The atmosphere that followed was very solemn, and everyone was very focused on their work. Even Ivanov was not willing to talk nonsense and only talked about work.

As a result, the work that originally took several days was completed in two days, and the efficiency was greatly improved.

Next, Yan Changqing continued to study, while the others took a short vacation. Yan Changqing found a guide for them and drove them to the city. After walking around for a day, they felt that there was no market in the city. interesting.

Yan Changqing was speechless. There were only a few people in this small city, and the most popular thing in the city was Asia's local branch, a small three- or four-story shopping mall.

Commercial prosperity can drive urban development, but after the Taoshu Township market develops, it will mainly drive Taoshu Township and Tongshu County. After all, the city is a bit far away.

Although the construction of the city is much better than before, the people, Yan Changqing feels, may not be as good as before.

In the past, people from surrounding areas went to the city to work and do business, but now people go straight to Taoshu Township, Tongshu County.

In terms of liveliness, Taoshu Township is no worse than the city now.

So these people who expect to see a big city with a lot of people will naturally be disappointed.

However, Yan Changqing comforted them: "In the future, when we are not so busy, you can go to the provincial capital, where there are many people and lively. Or go to the capital and Shanghai to have fun. When you pass by Shanghai next time, you can go out for a walk. You’ll know in one turn.”

You already know what Shanghai is like in the construction site. Construction is going on in Shanghai right now!


This is Yan Changqing’s second time flying a large aircraft.

Still not responsible for taking off and landing, just letting him try his hand on the way.

But after arriving, there are various helicopters that can satisfy him.

It was also the last time he flew a plane before the year. Time flew by and it was time to celebrate the New Year again.

As soon as I got off the plane and returned to the winery, I received a call from Zhu Changsheng: "Are you flying?"

Yan Changqing was very calm: "Well, it's the IL-76, an ordinary large aircraft, not the biggest."

Zhu Changsheng was silent for a moment: "It's the Spring Festival Gala. You don't need to rehearse your show. How many times should you rehearse it for our people in the department?"

Yan Changqing said: "I almost forgot about it if you didn't tell me. I've been enjoying flying airplanes recently! There are all kinds of helicopters in the former Soviet Union, and this time they even let me fly one with weapons. , I originally wanted me to test fire a few artillery shells, but I didn’t..."

 Thanks to the book friend "Master Sanlang" for the reward, thank you for your support!
  Thank you all for your support!

  Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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