Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 269: The Development of Folk Culture Chapter

Chapter 269 Shengfa Folk Culture Festival

Business in Qiansu is doing very well.

The market produces a lot more goods every month, which instantly drives many small processing factories to work hard to produce.

Wang Dajiang and Mr. Da Xu made money from it, Sidorov solved the material problem, and all three parties were satisfied.

Vodka master Yan Changqing received various preferential treatment at Sidorov's airport, and it was very enjoyable to fly a plane until his hands were numb.

He was just so anxious that the people from the Art Department at the oil field were waiting to cooperate with him in rehearsing. Others were flying around in the sky, but he couldn't find anyone even if he tried to look for them.

Yan Changqing felt that there was no need to rehearse much. The song he wanted to sing was mainly composed of dolphin sounds, and the soundtrack was about the same. The key was that he sang and let people from the Arts Department perform, just to bring everyone to the Spring Festival Gala to show off.

But he still made a trip and rehearsed several times with everyone.

Originally, they all received music scores and had been practicing for who knows how long, except for the lead singer Yan Changqing.

Everyone has been working together for many years, so there is no need for much practice.


After returning from rehearsal, he continued to do his own thing. Because of the greasy pilot incident, he had been busy with a big thing recently - he wanted to try to see if he could make a hair-growing medicine.

Dr. Shen endured this for a long time, and he endured it again and again, but finally he couldn't hold it back anymore: "Mr. Yan, what you are researching is a bit..."

"What's the matter?" Yan Changqing was busy making medicine. There was a bottle of wine beside him. It was the best wine he had just brewed.

The so-called medicine is not enough, and skills are needed to make up for it. If the level is not good, it will work.

The effect of this wine is so good. Try using it to prepare medicine, maybe it will have miraculous effects!

Dr. Shen thought for a long time and didn't know what to say. He shook his head: "I don't know. I always feel that the things you have done recently are a bit awkward."

"What's wrong?" Yan Changqing didn't understand.

"Look, the medicinal wine you made in the past few days was good for nourishing the kidneys and strengthening the body, but now it's causing hair loss." Dr. Shen touched the top of his head, which was slightly sparse. "It's all good news for middle-aged and elderly men!"

"Ah this?" Yan Changqing didn't know whether he should continue researching for a moment.

In the past, I often joked that so-and-so was a friend of middle-aged and elderly women, so I would be better off, but this...

After saying this, Dr. Shen laughed: "It's nothing, it's all normal. You continue to research, and I'll try it first if you can figure it out. Don't give up!"

Yan Changqing thought for a while: "You don't understand!"

Then he lowered his head and studied.

His medicine is also a skill. What medicine he makes is not the key. The key is the experience accumulated in the pharmaceutical process.

In the story, those who cultivate immortality have to make elixirs. Is that considered a type of medicine?

I am learning the skills of cultivating immortals in advance. If anyone wants to complain, just complain!

Besides, isn't this a good thing?

Although I have had black and shiny hair my whole life, benefiting others is also doing good deeds and accumulating virtue.

Dr. Shen was happy: "I don't understand, but it's not like I don't know your grandfather."

"Haha!" Yan Changqing sneered twice. When my medicine is researched in a few days, my grandfather will grow black and shiny hair.


Hair growth medicine has not been researched yet, but another thing has produced results.

The people at the company in Xiangjiang who are engaged in VCD research have registered two small patents.

When there are mature samples, it is a bit inefficient to directly upgrade the product.

It was mainly a new company, and the people it hired were mixed. At this point in the research, it was pretty much done. The main technical difficulty was high, so Yan Changqing refused to let it continue.

This was done on a whim. The new DVD is now estimated to be successful in all major research centers, and further research is a waste of time.

I have two small patents, and collecting some patent fees later can be regarded as a reward for my original enthusiasm.

Of course, this is a trivial matter and cannot affect his continued graduate studies in drug distribution.


In the meantime, he also took time to go to the capital and bring back a Biao Wang.

The winery’s advertising should continue.

Yan Changqing remembers these years' Biao Wang very clearly. In the past few years, it was all about wine.

Nowadays, those who dare to win the bids are all companies with large enough profits. If the profits are not large enough, firstly, they cannot get so much cash, and secondly, it is not cost-effective.

As for Bubugao Winery, from the first year when it suddenly started advertising to now, although the profits of the winery are not clear, the amount of taxes paid cannot be hidden from anyone.

Therefore, Mr. Yan continued to compete, and after showing that he was determined to win, he bid several times and only raised the price to a little more than last year, and others gave up.

In the eyes of others, this bidding was really boring. The guy was so wealthy that even when the price was low in the early stage of the bidding, he didn't even bother to get together with others to bid.

Every time when there are only a few shops left, they start chasing after them and keep bidding higher prices.

It’s a shame to shout about it. Seeing how determined they are to win, and considering that both of their companies are cash cow-type companies with no shortage of money, there’s no point in continuing to shout about it.

At the end of the process, Director Tan felt quite resentful. Although she didn't say it explicitly, it was obvious that she was not very satisfied with the price.

Yan Changqing knew what she was thinking. Maybe next year the bidding model would be changed to a hidden bid or something.

This person has an idea. Even if he doesn't intervene, this bidding king will appear, and the price will get higher and higher, exceeding [-] million every year. As for those two years that are special and the price is particularly low, then I don't know. What's going on.

After all, this is the bidding king, so it is not surprising that anything happens. In a certain year in the future, there will be an online loan company becoming the bidding king!


So Yan Changqing had already made up his mind not to interfere with King Biao in the future.

In the past three years, everyone who has watched CCTV, even if they have never drank the wine of Bubugao Winery, knows the existence of this wine.

Now Bubugao Liquor Industry is a well-established brand-name enterprise, and no one can doubt it.

In this case, there is no need to spend so much money to compete for this brand king. Just let time slowly settle and let the famous brand products become old famous brand products.

The tens of millions of advertising fees saved can be divided into advertising in some major provinces.

In the past, it was to create the image of famous brands. In the future, there will be many ways. Find some celebrities who will be popular in the future to endorse them, insert advertisements in TV series that will be popular in the future, or simply compose a few songs yourself, which is the most trouble-free. ways to advertise.

As for whether you want to go to the Spring Festival Gala after that, it depends on the situation!

Before going to attend the Spring Festival Gala, Yan Changqing got busy with something else.

The winery workers, including the people in the village, are not surprised by what he wants to do, even if he is now making a big faucet.

The kind of dragon head that dances with.

He is skilled in painting and sculpture, so it is not difficult to make this thing.

The problem is that he watches a lot of short videos, where there are all kinds of faucets, and he is not satisfied with several videos he has done in a row.

If you're not satisfied, you keep doing it. Until I went to Beijing to attend the Spring Festival Gala, I still didn't make anything that I was most satisfied with.

Then he gave up on his own.

Theoretically, he will never be able to make something he is satisfied with, because every time he makes a new faucet, his craftsmanship improves a bit, and then he finds the shortcomings and makes the next one, and the next one...

He feels that he has the skills, and if he can make a dragon for hundreds of years and finally fly on his own, he will not be satisfied.

After all, he made ten faucets, but he stopped making them.

The dragon body is more troublesome. It is made of cloth and has to be made by a labor service company, which is actually a garment factory in the countryside. A total of ten 30-meter-long dragon bodies were made to prepare for the cultural festival.

This is a cultural festival that only exists in his mind for the time being, but it will soon become a reality.

He called Director Wan: "I'm going to hold a folk culture festival to make everyone lively during the Chinese New Year. Do you have any suggestions?"

Director Wan had no objection at all, and thinking about what Mr. Yan was busy with recently, he immediately understood: "Mr. Yan, what do you mean? Something like that, dragon dance?"

Yan Changqing nodded: "Yes, we just want everyone to put on traditional performances, such as those land boat lion dances and the like. During the Chinese New Year, everyone can have fun together."

Factory Director Wan didn't ask you why you didn't tell me earlier. It's almost the Chinese New Year, and you have already started making faucets yourself. You have already made ten of them before you announced this... You didn't leave so much time for others.

No smart person would ask, isn’t it normal for the organizer’s program to be outstanding in the first year of a cultural festival?
What he asked was: "So, how many people are you going to invite? What if someone doesn't come?"

"Give me a bonus!" Mr. Yan explained. "Let's hold a selection session and select the most popular programs for first, second and third place, and then give them bonuses. Won't there be more people coming?"

This is indeed possible. With the influence of the market and wineries, there will be many people willing to show their faces. Plus the bonus, it is enough to attract people to participate.

As for the most popular one, Director Wan looked at the ten big faucets before going out and felt that this one must be the most popular.Even if someone did better than this, would the judges still dare to rate Mr. Yan’s program as second prize?


Soon, Bubugao Winery issued an announcement that it would hold a folk culture festival, scheduled to be held on the fifth to sixth day of the first lunar month after the Chinese New Year.

It is emphasized that the most popular first, second and third prizes should be selected and there will be bonuses.

Now that people around us are getting richer, we need to create some entertainment programs. Otherwise, during the Chinese New Year, everyone would just set off firecrackers, which would be meaningless.

Why does Yan Changqing want to do this? Because after people get rich, they become lazy, and they actually stopped doing the previous programs.

For example, those who perform lion dances, perform martial arts on the street, and carry poles, etc., because they usually make money, and they have a break during the Chinese New Year, they are not willing to do it anymore.

How does this work?
When you have money, you have to do a good job and make it lively, otherwise there will be no atmosphere during the New Year.

This is a district-wide announcement and all are welcome to attend.

Participants need to register in advance, and the winery will provide food, accommodation and transportation expenses.

Anyway, during the Chinese New Year, there will be a lot of cars in the market, so it’s not troublesome to make a trip to bring people over.

This matter has received support from many aspects, not to mention the township. Mayor Yang is now crazy with age. He is full of energy in everything he does. He leads people busy running back and forth, taking care of statistics and registration and other things. .

The county and city also sent a lot of staff to help - it’s better to talk about it in the news if you help!

As for Mr. Yan, he is the commander-in-chief, so he can just be busy with his own affairs, because he has to attend the Spring Festival Gala next and has no time.


This year's Spring Festival Gala was quite good, it could almost be called a concert.

There are many songs that have been popular for a long time, such as "Forgetting Love", "There are Clouds Made of Rain in the Wind", "Tell You Softly", "Chinese Folk Songs", "Seeing Flowers in the Smoke", etc.

But Yan Changqing is different now. Apart from chatting with some friends he met two years ago, he spends the rest of his time in his courtyard or strolling around the Forbidden City.

Once the Forbidden City promotional video was aired, it received unanimous praise. Now that it is the winter vacation, the number of visitors is obviously higher than during the same period in previous years.

Many people think that the Forbidden City will be visited by people every day. In fact, this is not the case. Tourism is not that popular nowadays. The key is that not many people are willing to spend money and time, so the flow of people in the Forbidden City is not large.

If you come during the off-season, you may even see an empty compound with only a few people walking around.

After all, it is strange to outsiders, but to locals, many people have visited it since they were in elementary school, so it is not surprising.

No one drove in a big Mercedes to show off.

After all, not many people can afford to drive a Daben these days, and there is no need to drive the car into the Forbidden City to prove that they are capable.

The flow of people after the promotional video was broadcast made everyone in the Forbidden City very happy. With more money, they can afford to maintain more cultural relics.

The Forbidden City is not rich these days, and the outer walls are still in tatters and retain traces of history!


When he came back from the Spring Festival Gala, Yan Changqing didn't even bother to rest. He excitedly raised the slightly oversized faucet and started practicing with a group of people.

There was no one else but Erwa and Tiedan and the gang of boys.

Although they are a bit smaller and have less strength, it is not a big problem. They are people who exercise regularly, so they can lift it easily.

There are ten dragons!

Mr. Yan is responsible for holding the most majestic dragon head, and Erwa Tiedan and the others can just run after them. The key is that the surrounding dragons must circle around them, so that even if their performance is not outstanding, they will definitely be the most eye-catching.

It also has to do with the fact that the color of this dragon is particularly red. Other dragons are mainly yellow and are a bit shorter in comparison. Only this red dragon can be called a giant dragon, the largest and most powerful.

There is no need to perform much with this thing. Just hold it up and spin it twice, and it looks exciting.

Others have no experience. After all, Mr. Yan has watched a lot of short videos and knows a lot. He also holds a faucet and conducts part-time.

However, everyone listened to the instructions very well. They did whatever Mr. Yan asked them to do, and they cooperated very well.

As for Yan Changqing's own team, let alone his own team, they must be the most cooperative. Guys who grew up naked together, doing such a trivial matter is nothing.


Generally speaking, only the relatives in the second and third grades of junior high school are the most important. Generally speaking, it is the girl who takes her son-in-law back to her parents' home, and the nephews and nieces who visit their uncles and uncles.

It is customary for relatives to come later. Because there are activities, they can go out together to play instead of visiting relatives at home.

Anyway, on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, carloads of people rushed to Taoshu Township early in the morning.

These are just for watching, and those who are really preparing to participate in the performance have already arrived at Dayanzhuang.

As for the venue for the performance, a wheat field is fine.

There are quite a few shows that come to participate, such as the brothers who walked on stilts in the province with Yan Changqing, and one village said that their custom is to ride an ox...

The cattle with big red flowers are carefully selected and look particularly majestic...

But it doesn’t matter what the show is, what’s important is that it’s lively and festive.

The key is that we have the conditions now. Those lion dancers in the early years were reluctant to repair the paint on the lion's head if it fell off. They took it out in tatters to fool people. Just make it fun and have that festive meaning.

Now that the conditions are good, the things produced are of course different.

The most intuitive thing is that at least the costumes can be unified now. No matter what show, at least they are equipped with festive clothes, even costumes, which look colorful and lively.


Yang Xiangchang was sweating on his head as he kept calling the village chiefs from several villages in the township office.

It is also necessary to divert crowds to prevent stampedes.

As for the wheat field, you can actually step on it. The village used to hold activities, and sometimes they were held in the wheat field. This was to prevent the wheat from growing too vigorously. Stepping on it would make the roots of the wheat grow better.

In the early years, people used stone rollers to press wheat fields. They were afraid that the wheat would grow too vigorously in the early stage and would not be able to withstand weather changes later, which would eventually affect the yield.

But don't step too hard.

Therefore, it is necessary to make arrangements. It is best to control the number of people stepping on the wheat fields, so that everyone cannot be gathered together.

Yan Changqing originally wanted to work part-time as a drummer, but ten dragons were too many and the scene was too big for him to leave.

There were more people than expected. When he stood at the building at the entrance of the village, he saw that it was so crowded with people that he couldn't even see the edges.

So we urgently called Mayor Yang to discuss: "There are too many people. If we walk too slowly, the performers will not be able to hold on and will have to make it halfway."

Mayor Yang wiped his sweat and said, "It's true. Look at the small roads. There are all cars. Most of them are blocked by the town. Many people come here on foot. There are many people walking along the way. It’s people…”

He is the commander-in-chief. On the twenty-mile journey from the town to Dayanzhuang, people kept reporting various situations to him.

The two discussed it and began to notify people to move this way.

As for the selection, the original plan also needs to be changed.

Yan Changqing was too lazy to change it. He had already read it all: "In a moment, those who are more serious about making costumes and props, as well as those who came from several counties in the west, will be given an encouragement award. Don't let people come with high hopes. Just return empty-handed."

Mayor Yang nodded: "The county has also allocated some funds. I will leave some for the staff and use the rest as rewards."

Yan Changqing thinks it's okay. After this event is held in the future, it will be more formal to be held by the government.

And he doesn’t worry about messing around, as long as the winery market is here.


Then Yan Changqing reluctantly made a decision: "I'll play the drums!"

After upgrading his erhu, his understanding of music reached a new level, and he also gained a lot of proficiency in other instruments.

The big drum can inspire people, but he also has the confidence to keep everyone calm and avoid stampedes.

Just for fun!
Erwa was very excited: "Brother Qijin, let me dance on the dragon head, I...I...I can't lift it!"

Tiedan was very excited: "I'll come, I'll come...I, I...I can't lift it either..."

Yan Changqing burst out laughing. He planned to lift this big dragon head by himself, so he made it a little bigger.

Now that he has given up the leading position, others are not good at it!
Then we can only take turns. People from several villages who originally wanted to dance the dragon did not get in the queue, but now they are all enthusiastically signing up, and a large group of strong laborers have been selected, ready to take over the leading position.

There’s nothing else needed, just the opening ceremony of the speech or something like that. It’s a bit difficult to do this now, so let’s get started!

Yan Changqing stood on the cart, then raised the drumstick: "Raise the dragon!"

The sound of drums that shook the sky and the earth suddenly sounded...

(End of this chapter)

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