Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 270 The Most Luxurious Folklore Chapter in History

Chapter 270 The most luxurious folk festival in history

When the sound of drums came from far away, Xiao Song and his assistant Xiao Fu immediately cheered up: "Coming, coming, get ready to shoot."

Now Song Yunshi has been transferred back to the oil field from the daily newspaper, and he has also been promoted and received a salary increase!
The activities of this folk culture festival will naturally be reported by people from the city stations and newspapers, but the oil field is not behind either. Xiao Song is a master of photography and video recording, so he was sent out to do the filming work.

Hearing the sound of drums, Xiao Song felt his heart beating loudly.

It was obviously just the sound of drums, not even the sound of other musical instruments came through. He could sense the feeling of thousands of troops cheering in unison.

Looking at the people next to him, they obviously felt the same way. The old man of the house owner was sighing: "Boss Yan is really capable of doing everything. He can even play the drum better than others. The team didn't even see a shadow, and the sound came. "

The old man who owns the house is the owner of the roof where Xiao Song is. This is a two-and-a-half-story building by the roadside. Take a ladder up to the top of the third floor. The shooting angle is particularly good.

In order to cooperate with the shooting, the old man asked his neighbor to help cut off a large branch from the tree on the roadside without saying a word, which made Xiao Song extremely grateful.

After asking again, it turned out that his son and daughter-in-law were both winery workers, especially his son, who was selected to participate in a program this time.

The old man also asked: "If you are good at shooting this thing, can you make it into a disc so that we can watch it at home?"

Xiao Song was okay, but Xiao Fu, the assistant next to him, was envious: "You still know about DVDs? Your family bought a VCD? That's so valuable!"

"I don't know much about it either, but my grandson does." The old man smiled very reservedly. "My son entered the factory early and knew someone from the market, so he asked someone to buy it for him."

Xiao Song glared at his assistant: "Hurry up and get ready for shooting."

The winery has good welfare, which is worthy of envy, and the oil field is not bad either!
This little assistant is newly assigned and is obviously a bit unusual.By the way, college students are getting worse every year. What’s so strange about someone having a VCD? Now you’re standing on their roof!

Xiao Song's assistant had been preparing for a long time. Seeing that no one on the road was moving, he couldn't help but asked, "Why haven't you come yet? Can the sound of drums spread so far?"

If you haven’t seen Erhura yet, go to the hospital!
Xiao Song is a little annoyed, why does this person talk so much?
He picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Hey, hey, hey, Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao, where is the team?"

"It's almost there, it's almost there. Do you hear the drums? It was Mr. Yan who took action after all. The drums are so exciting. Ten dragons. You can take better photos. That's awesome. Remember to take photos later. Don't just shout. Cowhide!”

"Okay, that's a lot of nonsense. Is there anything else? Where is Director Zhu?"

"Look, he, Mayor Yang, and the others are walking, and the car can't move."

"I saw the car wouldn't start. I mean, is there anything else I need to say?"

"Yes, get ready, put the camera up, and when the car arrives, you get on Mr. Yan's car. He is playing the drum in front, and you follow to film a section of the road..."

"Okay, understand."


When the crowd started to gather, Xiao Song stood high and looked far away, and he had already seen the big truck leading the way.

The front part of the car was decorated with red decorations, and a stand was built on the back of the car body. There was a big drum in the middle, and a figure was waving drumsticks on it, which looked very impressive.

The car was moving out of the way, and it shouldn't have done so. The dragon should have been allowed to go ahead.

But there were too many people, so the gongs and drums could only be used to clear the way, lest the dragon behind could not swing its way.

But this little detail doesn't matter, the Chinese New Year is all about happiness.

In fact, there were people in front of us, riding motorcycles and driving in front. The people in the back seat were holding small speakers and kept shouting for everyone to step aside or go directly to the wheat field, otherwise they would get in the way.

Of course, these staff members were miserable. People on the scene saw them first, but when the recorded program made it to the news, they would definitely not be there.

Then Xiao Song saw the dragon.

It looks like a real giant dragon, shining brightly in the sun, with ferocious horns and fluttering whiskers. As the dragon dancer moves below, the dragon's eyes are half-open and half-closed, with a majesty that defies everything.

Just like the legend.

The giant red dragon is winding and circling, and its body is 50 meters long, which looks shocking.

Amidst the sound of drums, the dragon dancers shouted and waved the dragon on the wide asphalt road, as if a real dragon was tumbling.

Then there were nine more of different colors. Although they were much smaller, only about 30 meters in diameter, but without exception, they all looked as if the giant dragon that had just arrived from the clouds or the sea had really come to people.

There was no one on the road at all, and they all consciously went down to the wheat field. On the wide asphalt road, there were only ten giant dragons dancing...


Xiao Song felt that this scene was destined to become a classic, and he couldn't bear to miss any shot. When the dragon's team passed by, he immediately carried the camera and climbed down the ladder - people on the third floor usually can't go up. The stairs, they used wooden ladders to get up.

Seeing his somewhat reckless actions, the old man of the house was so frightened that he quickly helped hold the ladder and shouted: "Slow down, slow down, be careful, you can catch up..."

Xiao Song went down to the second floor platform and shouted to the old man: "Uncle, I will come over to your place for tea next time. I have something urgent to do now, so I have to leave first!"

"Let's go! Slow down, be careful..."


Xiao Song held up the camera and rushed into the middle of the ten giant dragons.

When the dragon dancers saw him coming to take pictures, they became even more excited. Erwa Tiedan and the others at the front kept shouting to the front to start moving the dragon head.

The person holding the dragon's head at the moment is Cao Erhu. This guy now has a lot of money and has gained a lot of weight. He forgets that he is no longer the person who carried the sack for two miles without gasping for breath. He thought he could hold the dragon's head for an extra mile. Where is the road!
As a result, I was sweating profusely after just a few steps, and was being urged by the kids behind me. I was so anxious that I could only muster up the energy to wave the faucet and run - these kids are related to Mr. Yan. It's best to tell the truth. Even though his family fortune is not big now, he still can't afford to offend her.

Everyone who knows the situation knows that the group of people that Mr. Yan is playing with now, regardless of the fact that these brats spend all day picking up birds, walking dogs and fishing in rivers, will probably become Mr. Yan's team in the future.

Mr. Yan likes to mess around, but he is impatient to meddle in other people's business. Maybe these guys will be the ones in charge of the winery from now on.

Even if they don't go to the winery and take over their father's job, they are still big bosses that ordinary people can't afford to offend.

On second thought, Cao Erhu felt that he seemed to be pretty good too.

The faucet he is holding was made by Mr. Yan himself. The person in front of him was beating the big drum to open the way. He was holding the faucet, and behind him was a group of brats. It is true that they are the successors of millionaires. Some of them are estimated to be worth thousands. Ten thousand level.

In the countryside, it is important not to reveal your wealth, but if you are doing business together, who can hide it from the other?It’s not clear who makes hundreds of dollars a year!
Yan Shuixing and the others who were also holding the dragon head behind them got the qualification to hold the dragon dance by virtue of their relationship with Mr. Yan, but they didn't expect Mr. Yan to give up the big dragon head, right?
I am still clever, this dragon head is so worth dancing.

Thinking of this, Cao Erhu worked hard. Even if he was tired today, it was still worth it. Let's dance!


Xiao Song and the people at Market Winery are actually quite familiar with each other.

He has basically known these dragon dancers for several years. He has been a feature reporter since the market was first built. He comes to pick up news whenever there is something wrong, and they have become friends.

Seeing how energetic everyone was now, he didn't care about being tired and filmed a section of the way with each dragon.

After he had circled enough and came to the front, he couldn't help it any longer: "Brother Erhu, if it doesn't work anymore, just change someone. You can't even wipe it away with sweat."

Cao Erhu was indeed very tired. The outer clothes he wore were performance clothes, and there was only an autumn coat underneath. He was still a little cold at first, but now he was sweating profusely.

There were people waiting nearby. Seeing what Xiao Song said, he immediately came over to snatch his dragon head. Cao Erhu was so angry that his tooth ached: "Yan Shuixing, you have passed! You have a dragon head and you come to snatch mine..."

"What the hell, don't you have your own one? Hurry up and leave. When you get tired, I'll take over. Hurry up, there are people watching." Yan Shuixing happily pushed Cao Erhu away who was almost too tired to stand up. , he raised the dragon head and started dancing.Cao Erhu looked at him fiercely for a long time, and stepped aside in great depression - Yan Shuixing, that shameless person, gave up his leading position to others to snatch this thing that Mr. Yan originally made specially for himself...

He knew very well what he was thinking, and he didn’t just want to be happy, bah, shameless!
Thinking like this, he had no choice but to be unwilling. He could only find the dragon head that he had originally been assigned to. He pushed aside the person who took his place in lifting the dragon head, mustered up the strength, and waved it again...


In fact, Yan Shuixing didn't last long, and the other faucets also took turns to come and grab this big faucet. It felt like if you lift this faucet, your business will be prosperous this year.

Xiao Song was also very cooperative. He stopped taking pictures of the others and focused on taking pictures of these dragons.

In fact, there were stilt boats, land boats, etc. behind, but people from TV stations and newspapers were following us to take pictures, and they would share the information later.

As for his assistant Xiao Fu, there were so many people here that he was pushed to the side of the road.

Now he is in the crowd, watching Xiao Song interact with the dragons with the camera, listening to the cheers from the people around him, and some people directly shouting so-and-so's name, asking for a big spin.

Xiao Fu was a little curious. When everyone finished shouting, he grabbed a young man next to him and said, "Comrade, do you all know those dragon dancers?"

"Coming from out of town?" The young man glanced at him. "Brother, when I saw you, you just came here, right? Those are all the big bosses doing big business in the market. They don't have millions at home, so they are too embarrassed to dance like this dragon..."

Xiao Fu was shocked at that time: "Are they all millionaires?"

"How strange!" The young man looked disdainful. "One million is nothing, some are tens of millions! It's Mr. Yan who's beating the big drum over there. It's more than hundreds of millions, right? Mr. Yan probably doesn't even know how much money he has. With so much money, it must be counted Tiring…”

Seeing how envious you are, you want to count money for others, right?

Xiao Fu muttered in his heart and asked: "I know, Mr. Yan, aren't these bosses usually car bosses?"

"What kind of car boss? Only those with money can afford a car. Isn't it normal for someone to be a boss and follow the car?" The young man chuckled again. "Did you see the one driving the car? That's Mr. Chen, and that's Mr. Yan's uncle. How much money do you think his family has?"

Aren't you talking nonsense?Can I still recognize Mr. Yan and Mr. Chen?

Xiao Fu felt a little irritated. Why did this person show off so much?
Does having money have anything to do with you?Can't you say something else so that I can write the manuscript later?

He wanted to ask more questions, but the young man was not willing to do so: "You are a foreigner who comes here to ask around. I tell you not to do anything evil here! We are all watching you, so be careful."

After saying that, he pushed him away smoothly and greeted behind him: "Cannon, Laoguai, you guys, hurry up and go away. Have you recognized the one who plays the big drum? That's our boss, he is the one who asked us to Those who eat meat, you must remember..."

Xiao Fu was pushed away and was about to speak when he was pushed away by a stronger arm. Just as he was about to speak, he saw a big man with a silly smile on his face. He muttered as he walked: "Boss Yan asked me to We eat meat, Boss Yan is a good person..."

This is a fool!
Looking behind, there is a man walking with a limp, followed by a man with missing arms, and then another man walking with drool...

A large group of people are disabled!


Xiao Fu instantly remembered the news a while ago that Yan General Factory had recruited many special employees, all of whom were disabled.

After this matter was reported, there was no more report. He didn't know the specific situation. Now he happened to meet this group of people. He became interested and wanted to dig deeper. This is such good material. He will write a manuscript later, not talking about the oil field. Internal newspapers and daily TV stations can also report on it!
With this in mind, he was about to speak when he heard the young man in front of him say to the group of disabled people: "We all eat the food given by Boss Yan. If we think about Boss Yan's good, if some outsiders want to come to our place, If you do bad things, you won't be leniently treated lightly..."

Why am I not a good person?

Xiao Fu was very dissatisfied. He took two steps forward and took out his work ID: "Boss Yan and I work in the same company! I'm also from the Oilfield Propaganda Department. I'm newly assigned. I don't understand the situation, so I'm asking."

Tong Dafu was stunned at that time. He thought that this guy was not a good person because he was oily and smooth. It turned out to be a misunderstanding: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Yan is a nice person and usually doesn't like to meddle in other people's business, so we have to do it for him." Snacks, I’m afraid bad people will come to cause trouble..."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Fu said. "I just graduated, and I'm not very good at doing things or talking. I didn't say it well. Well, can I ask more questions? These people behind you are all newly recruited by Mr. Yan. What are they mainly responsible for? of?"

"Do anything!" Tong Dafu said. "Mr. Yan asked the factory director to take care of us and try to allocate easier jobs to us. In fact, we can do anything. Now we are mainly responsible for taking care of the sanitation of the factory, which is sweeping the floor and taking care of the flowers and plants... "

"Look at Laoguai, even though he has one missing arm, he is very good at taking care of flowers and plants. He also has a cannon. He is very strong and can do anything. We will definitely not let Mr. Yan worry too much about the work we are responsible for."

"When we are all familiar with the situation, we can enter the production process and take charge of simpler tasks. Our factory director is a good old man and takes care of us in everything he does. There is no need for this, don't you think so, Laoguai?"

Laoguai is obviously missing an arm, and I don’t know why he is called Laoguai. He is not good at words, but he just said with a cheerful smile: "They are all good people, and this fellow team leader is also a good person..."

Xiao Fu felt that he had gained a lot, so he turned around and reported the situation he asked to Team Leader Song. Wouldn't he still be waiting to see him?

Now he has already thought of the news title: The most luxurious folk culture festival in history!

One billionaire is driving, another has been to the Spring Festival Gala several times, world-famous musicians are playing drums to clear the way, and a large group of multi-millionaires are dancing dragons. There are few such luxurious lineups in the country. Bar?
If this news hadn't been popular, I would have had my balls smashed into three bricks and bled for three days, and I wouldn't even have to wear a bandage...


Yan Changqing had a great time playing the drums. He looked at the dark crowds in the wheat fields on both sides of the road and felt very happy.

This is the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year. During the Chinese New Year, it should be so lively.

He also specifically asked not to set off firecrackers, so as to avoid too much trouble to clean them up later. With the loud gongs and drums and so many people shouting slogans, there was no need to set off firecrackers to create a mess - it was definitely not something he had ever been bombed in his previous life. The reason why I don’t like firecrackers.

What impressed him most about this road was the bare poplar trees on both sides of the loess road in autumn and winter. The road was blown clean, with only some loess and broken yellow leaves in the potholes. It was deserted. Walking on it always gives people a feeling of loneliness.

It seems that nothing has changed for many years. When I went out to work, it was a bare loess road, and when I came back, it was still the same. Since I started working, winter has only been left in my hometown, and I have never seen the lush poplar branches on both sides of the road.

But now, that road is gone and has become an asphalt road.

There are still bare poplar trees on both sides of the road, but they are wrapped with red flowers and red cloth, making it festive.

The village used to remain unchanged for many years, but now it has changed. There used to be only a few people left in the village, but now there are more and more people. Those buildings are full of people...

The countryside in his memory suddenly became more concrete, and his drumming suddenly became more exciting.

It’s a lively New Year’s Eve.


The bridge was already filled with equipment, and people from the Publicity Department were waiting.

As soon as the car arrived, the dragon dance team and those stilt boats were distributed on both sides, and the middle became the performance scene.

Others have to rely on various equipment, except the bass drum.

This is Yan Changqing's new work. He composed it himself, referencing a lot of classical music, as well as some music from future national treasures, such as "The Journey of the Elephant King", "Kiuzhou Tong", "Water Dragon Song", etc.

The opening ceremony of the first Folk Culture Festival must, of course, have a stunning performance.

The sound of drums, pipa, guzheng, erhu and suona were played one after another. The sound spread throughout the fields and echoed in the river valley.

The echo coming from the river valley seems to be the echo of history.

I heard that everyone was very passionate and excited...

At the end of the song, the crowd lingered in jubilation.

This is the Chinese New Year!

(End of this chapter)

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