Back to 1988, in order to lay down liver skills

Chapter 271 Friends’ New Skills

Chapter 271 Friends’ New Skills

The opening ceremony of the folk festival was a great success. After it was broadcast on the city news that night, a 10-minute video was also broadcast after the news.

By the next morning, more people were coming.

However, there is no need to worry about crowding at this time. All the performances are spread out, and people can come and watch separately on the road from the market to Dayanzhuang.

Businessmen's reaction ability is quite fast. When they noticed the flow of people on the first day, countless stalls popped up the next morning, selling cakes, water and sugar cane.

Various food stalls are spread out along the road, there are performances with gongs and drums nearby, and even the trees are covered in red and colorful colors, making the atmosphere more and more attractive.

Especially this morning, the news from the provincial station was broadcast, and the 10-minute edited performance of the dragon dance and other programs was played intact.

Nowadays, everyone is talking about economic construction, and folk culture represents "earth" to many people, which is not very popular these days.

But it also depends on who did it.

A large group of billionaires personally went to battle to hold up dragon heads and perform dragon dances in front of the villagers. Who dares to say that they are stupid?

Winner of the International Music Award, the only musician in the Chinese circle who plays the drums, do you think it’s rubbish?

This kind of luxurious lineup will never be criticized by anyone at any time.

What's more, in the blink of an eye, the folk festival also appeared on the CCTV news at seven o'clock in the evening.


In fact, before evening, at noon, Mayor Yang came to Yan Changqing to discuss: "Mr. Yan, is this festival only held for two days? How about more days? I think everyone is very happy to have more fun." Play……"

Yan Changqing thought it didn't matter: "It's just for fun! Then we'll have a few more days of fun, but don't we have to start school and go to work?"

I don’t know where the rules come from. The fifth day of the lunar month is also called the fifth day. Usually schools start and workers start working on the seventh and eighth day of the lunar month. That’s why Yan Changqing chose the fifth and sixth day of the lunar month. Some people visit relatives quickly during these two days. I’ve been through it all before, and for those of you who haven’t been there, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to come to the Folklore Festival together.

Mayor Yang suggested: "Then what do you think if we postpone it? Postpone it for two days?"

Yan Changqing was even more indifferent: "Okay, I'll tell Factory Director Wan and the news will be released. But what about other factories in the township?"

"It's no problem." Mayor Yang said with a smile. "I asked, and everyone thought it was a good idea. It doesn't matter if we have two more days off. The Chinese New Year is tiring, so I might as well have two more days to have fun."

"That's it." Yan Changqing nodded immediately.

It’s really tiring to celebrate the New Year. I buy New Year’s goods from New Year’s Eve to New Year’s Eve, then visit relatives, and start school and work on the seventh and eighth day of the Lunar New Year without much fuss.

In the past, conditions were not good, and everything had to be done according to the rules. After the New Year, I started to be busy making money for my bowl, otherwise I would have to face the days of drought.

Now we are making money all year round, and after the Chinese New Year it is still the same as in the past. Then isn’t the money earned in vain?

It would be good to play for two more days. Yan Changqing even thought that if this event can attract more shows next year, then it would be better to wait until the fifteenth day before starting work.

From the fifth day of the Lunar New Year to the end of the Lantern Festival, there are more than ten days of folk festivals. Put on more fun programs and have more stalls and business people to cheer up the atmosphere. If you have fun for more than ten days, you can also attract people from other places. , it would definitely be fun to turn it into a grand event.


Yan Changqing acted immediately when he thought of it. He had already planned to produce the piece of music he composed called "Kaiyuan", so he acted immediately.

He finally fulfilled his little dream of holding a big dragon head and leading a group of people up and down.

I asked Xiao Song to lead the filming, and then went to the city and spent half a night recording and producing. Although it was efficient, it was not shoddy because there was a lot of material. There were several cameras working on the day of the opening ceremony, and some of the material could be edited. .

After the production was completed, it was played on the station and announced that the event would continue next year.

Of course, this was something I had met with Mayor Yang from the county and city. They said it was a discussion, but he just proposed it, and everyone there approved it.

Because during the discussion, CCTV had already broadcast the news.

It is precisely for this reason that the Folklore Festival, which was originally only planned to be extended for two more days, has been postponed again. There are so many people coming, and one group comes after another, so it will continue to be lively.

Taoshu Township has long been famous at home and abroad. Yan Changqing just wanted to liven things up for himself, forgetting that now the winery, the market, and him, the combined influence was too great.

Even Daxu CEO Wang Dajiang and the others called to ask why such a lively incident was not notified in advance. Including the bosses of several branch factories in Jiangcheng, Qingzhou Province, they all felt that it was a pity not to call them about this matter, so they reported it now. Name, looking forward to coming again next year.


Yan Changqing is busy preparing new songs.

Victory Vodka plays one song after another and cannot stop. To increase its popularity, it can save advertising costs.

This time it was another Grammy, and he was nominated again, for Best Recording.

As a former music-illiterate, he could hear and remember the songs, even those weird and weird ones, which were widely circulated. If he had known it, his high school grades were not ideal, especially in English.
Therefore, for songs that can be remembered by him, no matter what the lyrics are, at least the melody must be recognized by the public, so that it can be circulated on various video websites and played repeatedly by him until he remembers the complete melody.

The album that PolyGram helped him produce last year had songs of different styles and in various languages, but without exception, the quality of every song was astonishingly good, and they were all the kind that could be on the playlist.

For an album like this to be nominated, it’s totally normal.

Not only was he nominated, but the organizing committee invited him and hoped that he could perform a song live.

Yan Changqing was ready to show off his guzheng skills. He had already demonstrated his erhu skills. He had already played the big drum when he was in the mood these past few days, and it was quite satisfying.

Now all I need is guzheng and suona.

People wanted to perform a song and hoped that he could sing it, so Suona had to wait until the next opportunity.

If you don’t show off what you’ve learned, I’ll be sorry for my little jade plate. If I get the chance to play guzheng this time, I must show off my skills.

As for the new song, Yan Changqing thought about it for a long time and finally selected the song. He practiced it several times in the room and felt good, so here it is.

English songs, Eastern instruments, highlighting a combination of East and West.



Another reason to attend the Grammys is because it’s a great excuse.

Before the Lantern Festival, in fact a long time ago, he had received invitations to Lantern Festival galas from various TV stations - everyone knew that he would definitely go to the Spring Festival Gala on New Year's Eve, and other TV stations could only invite Lantern Festival galas.

This is a perfect excuse now. I have to prepare to attend the Grammys, but I am pressed for time and cannot attend.

And he felt that he might have to use this excuse for many years.

It’s not that I don’t want to participate in the Lantern Festival Party, I understand. These days, no one just sends an invitation letter. They know that this is a big name, and no one refuses to give face. They all relied on various connections to finally find her.

It's quite appropriate to have a unified excuse not to go.

Although Yan Changqing has no intention of joining the entertainment industry, it has to be said that the money is very good.

Especially after becoming famous, if you just find a song from your memory, you will be lenient in royalties.

Just like Tong Dafu boasted for him, he himself didn't know how much money he had in his overseas account now. Basically, he received royalties every month, and then he was bought into several stocks.

Thinking of stocks, he is looking forward to Microsoft's next big move, the launch of Windows 95.

Although it is the first version, it is already acceptable to him - as a migrant worker, he came into contact with computers much later. In the early years, he worked part-time day and night, and he was reluctant to spend the money he earned. At that time, computers were still high-end. Things he can't afford to play with.

But after I became familiar with computers and mobile phones, I simply couldn’t live without them.

To be honest, he is a little anxious now. Sometimes he wants to develop his own scientific research skills and quickly build a computer and mobile phone that can play games.


In the blink of an eye, the winery was under construction.

The workers have started working hard to make money for Mr. Yan again. Of course, he can't sit still. The third level skill is not omnipotent enough, and he can't completely let go and let others brew the high-sheng series of wine - he has to give some guidance and intervention. Only one of the links can be used.

He also had to make distiller's yeast to supply to the cooperative wineries in Jiangcheng Laofeng and Qingchuan.

Now that his skills are upgrading quickly, he can just do them casually, and it doesn't stop him from taking a walk around the school.

But it's still the same as last time, just for a look, and I don't intend to disturb other people's lives.

Until he was about to go back, he left the school gate and was about to get in the car. He turned around and saw a naughty kid who was wandering around, reading a novel while walking, and came to school.

Nowadays, the hairstyles of Fu Chengtou and other Hong Kong and Taiwan celebrities are popular in the town. In short, they are all parted in the middle and side parted in various ways. This guy still has a Hijab. He should have had his hair cut by the old man at the barber shop next door to his house. It seems like It's a few cents.

The clothes he wore were not fashionable. They looked like adult clothes. It was a big suit. This guy was thin and tall, and it looked like he was about to be blown away by the wind.

The pants are jeans, and a pair of sneakers that should be white are gray and a bit unrefined.

Fortunately, he is quite handsome, and although he is not well-dressed, he looks quite pleasing to the eye - Yan Changqing has always felt that this guy is at least seven points more handsome than him, and he is three points more handsome than him. There is nothing he can do about it, he is born with it.

It was the classmate whose family was in the clothing business.

But he was reborn in this life, and his family also changed.Originally, his family was a dual-income family. His mother worked in a labor service company and his father worked in a steel factory.

These two factories were the fastest to close down, so the family had no choice but to be forced to go to Liangshan and start their own business.

It was a good time, and the clothing business was doing well. Those two were not business people. The business was not big, but they could make a small profit.

So after this guy went to junior high school, his family conditions were pretty good and he had no worries about food and drink, which was quite enviable.

But now that neither of his parents have been laid off, his salary is probably not as much as what he earned in business back then.

Yan Changqing couldn't hold back when he saw him and shouted: "Jiang Biehe?"

The handsome hijab boy subconsciously stuffed the book into the creaking nest first, or inside his clothes. Once the large clothes blocked it, he couldn't see anything.

Then he turned his head and said, "Aren't you that...that...Mr. Yan? Hey, you scared me."

Yan Changqing couldn't help but be happy: "We are all classmates, just call me by my name. I know you, you are Jiang Minghe, nicknamed Jiang Biehe, right?"

Jiang Minghe's expression looked like he had eaten shit at that time: "I am so famous, even Mr. Yan knows my nickname?"

Yan Changqing laughed loudly: "Of course, who doesn't know you, Jiang Biehe! Why did you just come to school now?"

"I..." Jiang Minghe hesitated. "It's not too late. If you can catch up, um, Yan Changqing, right? Let's talk next time. I'll go to class quickly..."

The school bell rang and he was still at the school gate. Is he still not late?

Yan Changqing waved his hand: "Go ahead! Let's talk next time we meet."


Yan Changqing was not surprised when he saw Jiang Minghe hurriedly running towards the campus with his arms folded and ringing the bell.

This person is like this, he doesn't rush anything, and he will fall short of the high school entrance examination by a few points. Fortunately, his family has some money, so he spent a little more on it.

He was a few points behind in college and went to a shabby financial and economics school in another province. However, when he went to school, the shabby financial and economics school merged and was later called the University of Finance, Economics and Law, and became a well-known school in that province.

This person's life is neither good nor bad, and he is leisurely and okay.

Yan Changqing greeted him because he thought he was quite interesting.

Others are a little reluctant to let go when they see Mr. Yan, but he is not like that, and he goes to class as usual.

This will always be the case in the future. Some students are doing well and others are doing poorly, but he treats them the same.If you're a good person and don't want to play with him, you'll throw him away. No matter how bad you are, you can go to him and you'll definitely be treated to food and drinks.

In the eyes of others, such people are the kind of people who can't do anything. They can only live a small life, and there are no opportunities to make a fortune. Let's just be ordinary!
In fact, they didn't play much when they were in school.

Yan Changqing later had a good relationship with him because of several things.

First, in high school, Erwa had a fight with some students in the town.

Jiang Minghe was in the same class as them at the time. When he heard about it, he went to tell someone and the matter was over.

Second, long after graduation, he went to college, while Yan Changqing and others went to work.

We haven’t had much contact in many years, and we still have our phone numbers, which are basically never called.

Then we met again in our hometown city and occasionally ate together. This person often went to check out without saying a word. When others went to check out, he would ask who could reimburse and fill in whose name.

And later, after the house-buying craze passed and loan interest rates were lowered, he made a rare phone call and told him all about his plans to lower the interest rates—this guy doesn’t like to keep in touch with people, and he doesn’t go out often. Play, if some classmates hadn't come back for a party, I wouldn't have waited for a call from him for a whole year.

To be honest, this guy likes to brag a bit, but he doesn't bother him at ordinary times, and he doesn't make people feel uncomfortable when they play together. He can talk about everything for a while, and he doesn't judge who is bad at it or good at it.

There is a feeling that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Yan Changqing doesn't have many friends, so this is one of them, although he doesn't contact him a few times a year.

He felt that meeting him today was fate. Let’s talk about it later!


After returning home, Yan Changqing studied two new skills and concentrated on improving them for a while.

It wasn't until the Grammy Awards time was approaching that he took a plane to go to Hong Kong.

Now he is not afraid of flying. Anyway, he has a modified version of the windbreaker and is very confident that he will not die.

Huang Peishan and Zhou Jialing were originally going to come over, but he thought it would be troublesome, so he went to Xiangjiang by himself, and took a look at the company's situation and the account books. At least he had to know how much money he had, right?

He also wanted to visit Jackie Chan, but his movie was released in the United States and he went to Los Angeles.

Yan Changqing asked Ajian for a phone number, and then flew to Los Angeles with two female assistants.

After arriving, he settled down first and then called Cheng Shilong.

Cheng Shilong was very surprised: "You are here too? Where are you? Wait for me and go right away."

Seeing him arriving after a long journey, Yan Changqing was curious: "Didn't you say that the movie box office was okay?"

"But it's not easy for Chinese people to mix here. I wanted to try a few movies here, but there was no hope." Cheng Shilong said a little disappointed, but then he got excited again. "You are so awesome, why are you coming to the Grammys again?"

"Yes!" Yan Changqing nodded. "You have a good box office in Xiangjiang, so keep doing it there! When you become more famous, you can find someone to invest in your own production. Why should you bother with their movies?"

"I plan to go back in the next few days to prepare for filming Police Story [-]." Jackie Chan nodded. "You're here just in time. I'll be your bodyguard for a few days... No, I'll be your escort!"

"It's great if you don't have to go back in a hurry. We can just play around together!" Yan Changqing was very happy.

This guy knows how to play. With two female assistants, he can't gain experience in some places, so it's better to go with him.

Why is Yan Changqing willing to participate in the Grammy Awards? Because it allows him to let himself go!
Although there are many things you can’t do now, let’s explore Tanlu Head Office in advance!
The ancestors have said that everything will be successful if it is foreseen, and it will be ruined if it is not prepared.

It means that you have to prepare in advance for whatever you want to do. Otherwise, when you want to do something, you will find that there is no way, and that will be very depressing.


Seeing that Yan Changqing left his assistant to join him, Cheng Shilong also let a few followers go and play by themselves.

He was very curious: "Changqing, what do you want to do?"

"How about going to Las Vegas?" Yan Changqing said happily. "Let's go, let's go to the airport quickly. It's not far away. We can play for two days and go to the Grammys without delay."

"No..." Cheng Shilong was stunned. "Is it appropriate for you to go? A Grammy Award winner and a young genius, why would you want to go to a place like that?"

"What are you afraid of? I'm going on a trip." Yan Changqing said nonchalantly. "Besides, I'm still prepared."

"What preparations?" Cheng Shilong asked curiously.

"Take a look." Yan Changqing said as he took out a few small bottles and cans from his bag, wiped them on his face a few times, and then looked at Cheng Shilong, who had a dull look on his face, triumphantly. "How is it? Has it changed much?"

In order to go out and play, I learned makeup skills.

With skills, although the skill proficiency is not high now, she is still considered a senior makeup artist. It is still no problem to simply change her image.

In the videos I watched back then, those makeup skills were simply divine skills, studied by countless people and turned into an art form. I just learned some casually, and it was just trivial to change my image.

Cheng Shilong waited for him to ask before he responded: "You are really good at makeup, better than the makeup artists on our crew..."

"Skills have specializations." Yan Changqing said with a smile. "I'm just doing this to change my image. I specialize in this aspect. I'm not very good at anything else. I only know this."

"Just to come out and play?"

"That's right! Come here and let me put some makeup on you too. Sooner or later you will be a superstar. We all have to pay attention to our image."

"You have changed so much that it looks different from your passport photo. Is that okay?"

"It's a coincidence that I know other skills. It's very simple to make two new passports. I'm ready. I'll just get a photo and put it on them later."

"Are you planning to rob Las Vegas?" Cheng Shilong was shocked.

"Image image, just sit still and change it a little. As long as you don't wait until you become an international superstar in the future, others will tell you they have seen you and frequent Las Vegas..."

It's really casual, and it will definitely not be his famous Chunli makeup.

Our ancestors also taught us that if we want to do our job well, we must first sharpen our tools.

After learning two new skills, it is convenient to go out.

Sure enough, the ancestors were not easy to deceive.

(End of this chapter)

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