Chapter 272 Visiting on the road
The makeup technology these days is relatively 'real', at least for the most part. Basically, you can recognize the actors in movies and TV shows when you see them walking around.

For example, Jackie Chan's crew put on make-up, a group of rough guys often beat him up and turned him into a disgrace. The make-up was just to ensure that he could be seen clearly in the camera. It was rare to directly change his appearance, unless the protagonist needed special make-up.

Yan Changqing is still a little dissatisfied with this: "I researched it myself, and the technology is not quite enough. I will wait for half a year and a year. I promise to practice this technology to the point where even my own brothers will not be able to recognize it."

Jackie Chan was already very satisfied: "I think I'm much more handsome! But is your passport okay? Can you pass the security check?"

"Then let's drive." Yan Changqing thought for a moment. "It's more than 400 kilometers, and it only takes a few hours to arrive. It's convenient to come back, and you don't have to worry about missing the plane."

"That's okay!" Although Cheng Shilong was worried that the passport would not pass, he saw that Yan Changqing was full of confidence - anyway, the face is not his own now. If there is any problem, just run away and find a place to go. Who can recognize me after washing my face?

Yan Changqing's skills in making passports are much better than his makeup skills.

He has many skills such as calligraphy, painting, and sculpture. It is very easy to make this thing, and it is very similar. Unless you check it online, it is impossible to tell that it is fake.

Go to places where you don’t have access to the Internet to check your identity, and no one will be able to tell.


Cheng Shilong thought he would get in the car and rush all the way to Las Vegas, but not long after leaving the city, Yan Changqing stopped.

When I turned around, I saw that it was an outdoor shooting range. This kind of place was relatively open, and naturally there were more weapons than those small shooting ranges in the city, and there were also larger guns.

Yan Changqing said enthusiastically: "I am 23 years old now. I can play this. Uncle Cheng... No, Brother Cheng, do you want to go and play? I'm treating you!"

"I... OK." Cheng Shilong thought for a moment and felt it didn't matter.He has been busy at Haolaiwu for a while, and now he is going back to Xiangjiang. It would be good to relax before going back.

The last time Yan Changqing came to Los Angeles, he was only allowed to play with small pistols at the shooting range, which was very boring. Now with a new identity, he can play with anything. As long as he pays, there is even a Barrett here.

In a country where gunfights occur every day, it would be irresponsible for you to visit and not study various firearms.

At least you need to know what weapons they are, and know how far away they are from you when you hear the sound, and then think about how far you can run!

Just like what some public figures say about "popularizing science", here is not like in China, where people gather around the place whenever there is excitement.

It is true that watching the excitement is not popular here, because eating melons and watching operas can be life-threatening. Avoiding the 'fun' is the mainstream here.

Yan Changqing slowly changed bullets, adjusting bit by bit to adapt to various weapons.

Cheng Shilong was not in the mood to play or had the time to play before, but now it feels good to play, especially watching a novice quickly become a sharpshooter. This kind of opportunity is not something that most people have the opportunity to see.

People often say that marksmanship is derived from bullets, and driving skills are derived from mileage.

Even Yan Changqing is no exception. He must at least become familiar with it, become familiar with it again, and then become proficient in it, and finally become a sharpshooter.

The process is indispensable, but with skill plug-ins, this process can be shortened infinitely, for example to half a day.

Cheng Shilong was quite calm and stopped playing after a while: "It's boring, let me watch you play!"

If I had known this was a monster, I shouldn't have played with him. It was really boring.

He had known Yan Changqing late, otherwise he would have found more things boring, just like Yan Erhe, who could quarrel with his father and be nagged by his wife just to go fishing.

But now, I have forgotten that I once liked fishing - from taking the initiative to take Yan Changqing to go fishing to finding it boring, it seems like a moment, and now I would rather wander around the market than go fishing.


After leaving the shooting range, Jackie looked at the sky: "Let's find a place to eat, go back to the hotel to rest for one night, and then go to Las Vegas tomorrow?"

Yan Changqing also looked at the sky: "It's evening, no one is on the road, the car can go faster. Wouldn't it be better to go to a fast food restaurant to buy some food, and let's continue setting off? We can also see the night view of the city when we get there. I'll drive later , I’ll switch to you when you’re tired.”

Cheng Shilong thought about his skills and the coins that flew into the pillar that moment, and felt that there was nothing to worry about. It was a night road, so what else could happen.

The two bought some food at a convenience store at a roadside gas station, filled up the car with gas, and Yan Changqing got in the car and set off again.

Cheng Shilong ate the burger and muttered: "The food here is just not good. I still can't get used to it. It's dry and tasteless. It would be better if there was some braised pork in it."

Yan Changqing also felt the same way: "Yes, I feel like the food here is tasteless, just to fill my stomach. You like braised pork, but I'm actually a pretty good cook. I'll show you my skills when I get back."

"Really?" Cheng Shilong squeezed the remaining burger hard, balled it up and stuffed it into his mouth. "I will look forward to it very much, because everything you said you could do before shocked me."

"I haven't practiced much in cooking, so I'm not particularly proficient in it. It should be better than those in most restaurants, but I can't say it's the best." Yan Changqing is very modest. He has no skills above level two and never brags about it.

"Like makeup?" Cheng Shilong asked. "As if you want me to be a different person?"

"This is really not very good. In fact, the details are easy to see. I will practice again after I go back. In the future, you will become an international superstar, and many people will know you when you go out. I will help you make it up to make it easier for you to go out. ah!"

"I'll become an international superstar first! I'll lend you your blessing." Jackie Chan wishes he could become an international superstar. However, his movie is still in theaters and the box office is not yet known. His new movie will return to Hong Kong again. How important is it for him to become an international superstar? Superstars have expectations, but they are just expectations.

"It will definitely work. You are too desperate. You will definitely be shocked." Yan Changqing was sure.

"Haha..." Cheng Shilong liked hearing such words, laughed twice, looked ahead, and was a little surprised. "Let me go, foreigners are really brutal, driving so fast at night and doing stunts!"

Just as he was speaking, a car passed by their car in an instant. The speed shocked Cheng Shilong.

But just as he finished speaking, he saw the taillights of the car in front of him getting closer and closer, and then he passed by in a swish. He was stunned for a moment, reacted instantly, and looked down: "It's night, why don't you put it there?" If the car reaches [-], wouldn’t it be a bit fast?”

"Always keep this speed!" Yan Changqing smiled. "My driving skills are pretty good, don't worry, it's very safe. I usually drive a little slower at home, but there are less cars now, so I'll be fine if I drive faster."

"Are you going faster?" Cheng Shilong asked in shock. "But your driving skills are so good. I didn't realize it was so fast..."

While they were just chatting, the car was going so fast that he didn't even feel it. What kind of driving skills was this?
Yan Changqing was still modest: "It's just so-so. I've been driving it for several years and I'm considered an experienced driver. It's not worth mentioning..."

Cheng Shilong heard that his modesty this time was a bit of a joke, and laughed twice: "Okay, you drive the car so steadily, I believe your skills are very good, you can keep driving! I feel like you are so The technique is better than that of a stuntman."

"I haven't studied stunts. If I study them, I can be better than them." Yan Changqing told the truth.

In his previous life, he learned to drive earlier than he learned to play with computers. At the time when he took the driver's license test, you could still buy a driver's license with money.

Mainly for part-time work, those who can drive can drive some tool trucks in the factory. The work is much easier than working in the workshop, and the wages are higher.

After rebirth, he gained skills and ran towards Jiangcheng. He drove most of the time. His driving skills are not level [-] now. That’s because he couldn’t practice his skills on the roads in his hometown - the roads were too bad before, but now they have been repaired. But there are many cars on the road.

Besides, he is Mr. Yan, and everyone knows his car, so racing on the road will have a bad influence.

When he comes out, he lets himself go. As for driving fast at night, his vision at night is still better than that of a normal person during the day, so it is not a problem at all.


Cheng Shilong was a little worried at first, but he quickly continued to open a bottle of Coke and drank: "No wonder you want to find a good car. This car is really comfortable, and it is comfortable to drive fast."

Yan Changqing nodded: "Actually, I'm pretty good at flying a plane, but I've never seen that driver's license and can't get one. Otherwise, we can rent a plane and fly there."

"You still fly a plane?" Cheng Shilong dreams of being an international superstar every day. He really doesn't know about Yan Changqing's previous flying of a plane. The main reason is that Yan Changqing doesn't let anyone talk about it.

The main reason is that he is afraid that his parents will worry. Many people in the village who deliver goods to the airport know about it, but they try not to tell them when they go back. Anyway, his parents don't know now.

Yan Changqing nodded: "General helicopters are fine. Large planes are actually fine now, but I haven't taken off and landed them myself. Those who flew them in Qiansu probably...have hundreds of hours of flying experience."

"So powerful?" Cheng Shilong was envious. "What kind of planes are there?"

Most people may not know much about airplanes and have at least flown in them, but Cheng Shilong, who is making movies in Hong Kong, at least knows about helicopters.With one hundred hours of flying experience, you can basically drive a helicopter around. It’s no problem to get a helicopter driver’s license.

Considering that Yan Changqing learned most of the guns at the shooting range in a short time, and was proficient in many skills such as music and brewing, his learning speed was terrifying and astonishing. His one hundred hours of flight technical experience was at least equivalent to that of an experienced pilot.

Moreover, Cheng Shilong usually comes into contact with helicopters, but there is no chance for him to drive them around.

Yan Changqing had foresight and knew that he was interested in airplanes, so he suggested: "You go back and finish filming this police story. If you have time, let's fly to the Soviet Union together. I'm familiar with it there. Basically, the current Soviet Union Most types of helicopters are available there, so you can fly them casually.”

"We bought the big plane ourselves. We bought two IL-76s. One was delivered a year ago and another one should be delivered recently. Now we are hiring a pilot from the former Soviet Union. This guy is too big and flies at a high altitude. It was too high, so I didn’t take off and land by myself, but actually it would be fine if I did it myself.”

"I will definitely go if I have the chance!" Cheng Shilong was even more envious. He hasn't bought a plane yet!

Yan Changqing nodded: "Then it's settled. Let me know in advance when you have time. Let's fly a big plane over there and fly a helicopter there."


Jackie Chan has been able to make so many thrilling action movies, and he has an adventurous spirit in his heart, so he is very interested in playing with airplanes, but the conditions are still a bit poor now. After all, he is only on the front line of Hong Kong and has not yet become famous all over the world.

Yan Changqing also thinks it's great to be able to fly. That kind of experience cannot be compared to driving. The dream of human beings is to fly!

The two chatted enthusiastically, and Yan Changqing temporarily became a flight instructor and gave him simulated teaching without an aircraft.

Before I knew it, more than three hours had passed, and there were gradually more lights and more vehicles on the road.

Then we saw the bright lights of Las Vegas.

This city does not distinguish between day and night. Even if it is late at night, there are still bright lights everywhere, and there is a constant flow of cars and people on the road.

The two got to know each other before coming and went straight to the Luxor hotel they had booked.

The two rested for less than 10 minutes before they couldn't hold it anymore. Cheng Shilong asked: "Are you tired? Do you want to take a rest first?"

Yan Changqing chuckled: "Do you think I'm tired?"

"Haha!" Cheng Shilong smiled, and then stretched out his hand in a funny way: "Mr. Yan, please come downstairs!"

Yan Changqing also extended his hand: "Become a superstar, please!"

The two happily went straight down to play.

It's not that I'm particularly interested in the characteristics of this city. I'm mainly curious. If I don't go and see it, wouldn't it be in vain?
Yan Changqing had watched a TV series about the operation of casinos in this city. Of course, at that time, he only knew how to read subtitles and could only envy other people's lives. But it is different now, they are guests.

Of course, a nobody is not treated like an important customer in the TV series. That customer... or Kaizi is accompanied by a dedicated senior casino reception manager. Of course, the purpose is self-evident.

As for the characteristic of Las Vegas, as we all know, gambling and gambling that are prohibited elsewhere are legal here.

Of course, both of them are gentlemen, and they are just here to take a look. They are just visiting.


There is no need to say much about the visit. Yan Changqing also deliberately tried the slot machine. He remembered that when he was in high school, there was an electronic game room in the town and a small slot machine was built.

But he has never tried it himself. As a serious student, he will not touch those money-making things.

It doesn’t matter now, it’s just a matter of throwing in a few dollars and getting a sense of participation!

As for winning or losing, it really doesn't matter.

The same is true for Jackie Chan. He only wants one thing now, to become an international superstar. Everything else doesn't matter.

The two of them really just visited. They played slot machines together for a while, watched others bet on blackjack and also threw a few small chips. After losing and winning, they both laughed and went to the next table.

Compare Buddhism.

Yan Changqing is better at understanding people. He turned around and said, "Brother Cheng, I'm going to play the slot machine for a while. You can go and watch elsewhere! I'll go upstairs to sleep in a while. Let's go out for a walk tomorrow." Somewhere else."

Cheng Shilong hesitated for a moment and nodded: "Please pay attention to your safety. This is not our place. It is not that safe."

"Don't worry, I'm just here to hang out." Yan Changqing replied.

"Don't be addicted to this stuff. You're not short of money. If you want to make money, write songs. Even if you don't want to write, if you say you want to hold a concert, you can make money faster than here." Cheng Shilong couldn't help but warn her again. One sentence.

In his eyes, although Yan Changqing learned everything quickly, he was young and experienced enough, and he was afraid that he would end up with a gambler friend later on.

After working hard in Xiangjiang for so many years, he has seen some people become rich and poor overnight, and some of them are not at ease.

But Yan Changqing had the same idea as him, and in turn warned him: "For you, becoming an international superstar is easier than making a fortune through gambling. You should also pay attention. As an adult, playing other gambling games is more interesting..."

Cheng Shilong's expression remained unchanged: "What do you think..."


Yan Changqing is just curious about gambling, but he will never be addicted to it.

When I was working, I could play cards with people for less than [-] cents. At most, when I went home during the Chinese New Year, I would play mahjong more loudly with my old cousins, but it was only for a while, and I couldn’t say I was addicted.

The Taoshu Township used to be neither prosperous nor quiet.

Back in high school, he had seen several people who had lost their fortunes due to gambling. Those people were once talented people in the town and got rich early and became well-off. However, due to a mistake, their final fate...

Anyway, they are all in debt and go out to work, and they don’t return home even if they have a home. Each one is worse than the other.

He remembered that his uncle also said that a certain man who went out to work because of gambling once found him. He had been hungry for several days without food and came to his place to have a few meals.

There is also a high school classmate who started a small business right after graduation and did very well. At that time, he was still working in a factory and he had already bought two houses and a car.

As a result, he was addicted to gambling. Although he did not sell his house or car, the car was driven for 15 years because he had to pay off debts. Except that it still ran, everything else was in terrible condition and he could not replace it with a new one.

It's a tragedy to be honest. My originally good life, the best ten or twenty years of my life, was ruined because of this.

Therefore, Yan Changqing can see this and watch the excitement, but it is impossible for him to indulge in it.

But if you think about it carefully, he is not afraid of being addicted now. He has the skills. If he really gets addicted, I'm afraid the casino will first list him as an unwelcome customer.

But he felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart. He could watch the God of Gamblers movie and watch other people play, but he just joined in the fun.

After all, not all the people who come and go here are for gambling.

Not realizing that Cheng Sloan hadn't finished what he just said, he went to visit some crowded places.

He was also quite interested, but unlike Cheng Shilong, who actively participated, unlike him, he only watched.

Our ancestors told us that reading thousands of books means traveling thousands of miles.

It just wants us to go out more and see more different scenery.

Very knowledgeable.

(End of this chapter)

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